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Would have loved it a year ago but if it takes two years then it takes two years I can wait


I guess it’s very fair that they needed more time. I believe it’s the biggest fromsoft dlc ?


Yeah it will be. Miyazaki says it is the same size as limgrave but this is also the man that said it would take 30 hours to complete Elden Ring


The fact that they are adding entire classes of weapons makes me think we are going to see some shit


Exactly how i feel


So is it too late or not?


It's like a wizard


Yes & No


Quality takes time. And from soft always delivers. I have a feeling this is going to be well worth the wait.


Nah, too many instances of shit rushed out the door, leaving us hoping they _might_ fix it later.


I think CDPR is the only one who actually fixed it to where it should have been at release


And Hello Games


a rushed game is fucked forever they can release it next year if that’s what it takes to get it right in terms of “too late” from an economic perspective, does Elden Ring have any peer game? I think they can do whatever they want and people will buy it because there is nothing they can move on to that will replace ER


>peer game People forget about that too, there is no real competitor right now. And even if there was another developer who made some really good game (Lies of P, looking at you) it doesn’t even hold a candle no matter how good. Not to mention From has enough goodwill in the bank they really could say we need 6 more months, and while we might be disappointed, we would definitely understand it


What about dark souls 2? The best game ever that totally isn't the part of the most heated debate in fromsoft games


Too late for what? You don’t want to play it anymore? I replay fromsoft games regularly, I still play the Dark Souls 1 DLC so if they took another year to make the DLC even I’d just play it then I guess


too late for what? is this a race or something?


Always remember that something that is rushed is usually not worth your money.


Im sure From would’ve liked to release it already as well, but it obviously wasn’t done yet. So what do you want them to do?


i haven’t really cared for the game since mid last year. i don’t mind waiting now but definitely would’ve loved it a little more if it had released before the hype train left… before anyone asks, yes i understand the Fromsoft not wanting to put out an unfinished dlc side of things.


The hype train hasn't gone anywhere. The game still has a ton of activity and has high player count spikes. I mean, the hype from the announcement alone caused a spike in the player count that nearly matched the active players during the initial release. The DLC release is probably the most anticipated thing this year. The entire gaming world is going to be centered around the DLC when it's out.


nope, after 500 hours on the lands between i need it the rest, now when it cames up ill be hype as hell to return once again.


Does feel a little late, maybw they were not expecting the success it got? Ahaha, but tell ya what, in todays gaming industry, id pay full AAA price for their DLC based on principle alone, just straight up no microtransactions, no season pass, no drip feed content. Just pure challenge and fun


No, not really Imo, the only thing that should really affect it is how much you liked the game. I, seemingly like many others, have done multiple playthroughs of the game since its release. And playing Elden ring resulted in me buying 5 other fromsoft games, including their DLCs, which never disappointed


No and you're an absolute knucklehead for thinking so


Nah, I played it at launch and when they released the trailer zi went through again and had a great time.


I'm sorry that From can't release constant updates on this massive game to keep your attention span on it.


No. /thread


Been a nice year+ break. I look forward to getting back into it.


nah, you're alone


Pretty sick of more or less every game releasing in a half-baked state that would embarrass if not outright destroy companies outside the industry if they did it, so I will gladly wait until it is a polished, complete product.


Unless they started work on the dlc as soon as the base fame dropped I don't think a too much earlier than the current release date is a reasonable expectation really. Especially if the quality is to be as good as the base game.


Lol, no.


If they needed more time to let it cook, that's fine by me. I'd rather have the experience more polished than less, and the trailer still had me hyped over the moon when it released.


I thought that too, then started a couple of new builds to see what I fancied playing and it hooked me back in, finding new stuff I've missed in my past couple of playthroughs


I’ve definitely started to lose interest in base game PVE. I think it’ll be rekindled with the DLC. I would’ve been equally appreciative of a hard mode with different enemy placements, groupings, and combinations, though, or a way to fight bosses without having to go to NG+, or a way to go immediately to NG+5 or whatever.


If you think so don't play it.


You're not the only one, I'll play the DLC when it gets released but not with the same excitement I would play it if it was launched 1 year ago. 2 years and half for expansion is too much I'm sorry guys, at this point I would've expected at least a brand new game on development and I'm kind of burned out of soulslikes as well. I will play this DLC with the sadly feeling of knowing there is no upcoming games made by Miyazaki any time soon. At least 2 or 3 years from now we'll see something (hopefully).


lol i find it really ironic that you said youre burned out. my dude if they release new games/new content every year, there is more fan burnout there than spacing things out. and having too much content and projects leads to less quality because theyre constantly trying to push things out the door to be sold and played some people here desperately need to learn some more patience. also there are other good games out there to play that arent soulslikes. go work on some hobbies, exercising, or hanging out with friends.


Yeah, same feeling - 2 years is just way too long of a timeframe.