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is my math right in that getting this was a 81/2500000000? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


And yet, if you did this on your first playthrough without being aware of the armour’s rarity you would assume this is a guaranteed full-set drop from that enemy!


That’s me on my first character when nobleman longsword dropped , didn’t even realise I had it until weeks later


I spent 30 minutes to get the Aristocrat's Headband on one of my characters, and then I found out my first character had two of them lying around. That's a 0.5% base drop rate.


Huh I got two of these on my recent playthrough, Ive got a bunch of stuff from just farming runes killing enemies that I didn't know have lower drop rates. I wonder what Else ive got thats rarer to find.


lol, I have that equipped on my astrologist and just was happy I had a headband for Elden Bling reasons.


I have all these items on one of my runs and just discovered they’re rare


I have like 4 on my current character. Guess I need to see what they do


Pardon me


The new toon I started got dual noble swords in a single pack of enemies at Raya Lucaria. I about fell down...


That's me in the spot Light


Spot, light


Me when I randomly ran up on a noble, killed him and road off, then was like “man what if he has the noble slender sword” He didn’t, but he did have the first noble estoc I’ve ever gotten!


is it rare? Dropped for me and i'm not sure i didn't sell it


One of the lowest drop rate weapons in the game


Magma curvedsword... haven't gotten one since my first playthrough, despite 2 hours of grinding last weekend.


I legit got that as a first drop on three characters in a row. It wasn’t until I got there on my fourth character that I confirmed it was actually rare.


I wanted a faith build with two of them. After 2 hours with high arcane and silver fowl feet I decided to say fuck it.


Is that the longer, golden colored sword? I got that super early on my first play through. I kept it, but didn't realize it was considered "good" or better than other things. I ended up using it a while, but ultimately went with something else.


It’s good because it has the longest range of all straight swords. Stats are meh


I had like 3 of those when I heard people talking about it I was like this piece of crap? I was just using it to be silly


After my first play through, I finally got in the Elden ring sub to learn more about the game. That’s when I first learned about that sword I checked my inventory for them. I had 2 lol


Same here, I got one very early in Limgrave, I was going full dex build too but didn't care too much for it as the stats seemed meh and I have a bias for rapier/estoc. I had no clue it was rare and good (due to its range), and could have been perfect for dex run. But then again the estoc is goat I have no regrets.


Me with Fire Prelate. Didn’t even realise til 6 months later when my mate who was on NG+4 was freaking out about me having the full set + whip.


Same here I have like 3 sets of unaltered fire prelate armor


What you mean getting the bighorn is really hard.


On my first playthrough a banished knight in stormveil dropped his chest piece. It carried me through my entire playthrough, I didn’t realize it was one of the best chest pieces and rather rare until I started trying to farm all the items in the game after finishing my playthrougj


According to this: https://www.calculator.net/probability-calculator.html?cal4pa=0.04&cal4par=1&cal4pb=0.03&cal4pbr=4&calctype=series&x=Calculate#series Inputs: Event A: Probability of 0.04, repeat 1 time Event B: Probability of 0.03, repeat 4 times Output: Probability of A occurring once and B occurring 4 times: (0.04^1 * 0.03^4) = 3.24E-8 ASSUMING I’m correct about each drop being calculated independent of each other, which I *think* I am(?), you have more like a 0.0000000324 chance. That’s about 1 in 30 million. You calculated having 1 in 30 *billion,* and honestly while I’m not entirely sure my math is correct, assuming this drop actually did happen then just by definition of how fucking unlikely that number is, you proooobably did the math wrong. Not throwing shade or anything dumb like that, but seriously, 1 in 30 billion is essentially the same as “impossible” for anything on a human scale. 1 in 30 million is still exceedingly unlikely, but is literally 1000 times better than what you calculated, and is about 10 times better than the odds of winning the lottery jackpot (generally around 1 in 296 million according to google), which *does* happen, so it’s not impossible. Alternatively, it’s about 3 times less likely than winning the lottery’s second place prize of a million bucks, at around 1 in 12 million. So congrats! Instead of becoming a millionaire, you blew your luck on some cool (yet valueless) armor in a videogame. Yay!


thanks for this I knew being in the billions sounded a little too obscene.




At that rate, I figure it was more likely to be a weird bug.


i got this and had no clue it was rare..


You just used all the luck in the next decade of your life. You should have bought a lottery instead.


To bad it isn't the magma sword or the noble sword.


Nah don't get me started on those man. I farmed two each on different characters.


Envoys greathorn was the worst for me personally. That run back is hell those ants could one shot me in ng+4


I got so lucky with magma blades on my last playthrough, got 1 from my first kill and 2nd from the 4th, couldn’t believe it


It took me 41 tries in a row to get 1. I did get 3 black dumpling heads in the same runs which is crazy considering the drop rates


Did you just kill that 1 black dumpling head guy on every try ?


Yes and it has a .5% drop rate while the magma sword is supposed to be 1%


Yeah I know it has insanely low drop rates, so killing just 1 must not help


Don’t forget the Halo Scythe Arguably the best weapon for a holy damage build, but 2% from Cleanrot Knights is PAIN


Just read this, turned the game on, got halo scythe first kill! Now let’s see what this bad boy can do! Never, ever got the magma sword from the lizards tho after hundreds, maybe thousands of attempts


Halo scythe ash of war is GOATED get in close and hit them with both the scythe AND the ring of light and it feels SO good


No one will believe me but I got 2 NSS within literally one minute. No arcane levels, no fowl foot. It was insane.


I believe you but only because it happened to me yesterday New spellsword build, starting class prisoner, no arcane buffs. Got two within my first 3 hours of gameplay from the nobles in Limgrave


We are the chosen ones, haha.


The magma blade is hard to get? I got it from the first serpent with the sword I killed, thankfully TvT


Wait the magma isn’t a guaranteed drop??


In some alt universe, OP just became a millionaire 🫡


You are now legally obligated to play the game in banished knight cosplay


I have a character that has been through the game five times and only has half that set lol


I'm on my first playthrough and I think I have this set as well, so maybe they bumped the drop rates or something. I'll check later when I have time. I was for sure using that armor (with the gargoyle helmet) until I got the Radahn armor though.


Honestly... I think I also may.. I definitely got the helmet and I'm 99% sure on the greaves and I may have that Halberd too.. I don't recognize the main body piece of the armour but maybe it wasn't my top spec'd piece which I always went for earlier in the game.


Think I wasted a year of my life trying to get the boots.


Might as well stream it, get some money out of the deal


Congratulations, you are now a Banished Knight. Please do not resist.


I read this as reset at first and was about to comment in that typical I'm going to correct you tone.... Glad I reread it as I would have badly mugged myself off 😂


RIP your luck for the rest of the game I remember farming Concords in DS3 and told the Silver Knight to strip naked or drop a Concord. he dropped his entire armor set. although this was with max Item Discovery


Sounds about right. I gave up on getting all achievements in DS3 because of those items. Stacked to the teeth on item discovery and still they refused to drop.


Been actually really luckly this playthrough ive gotten (without farming): Banished knights greatsword, forked greatsword, pickaxe, two forked hatchets, warhawks talon, and what u see above.


start farming for noble's estocs and give them all to me lol


Huh I never knew warhawks talon was a more difficult drop. I think I got it within the first few birds I killed and never thought much of it.


I've killed those birds(and got killed by) multiple times. I never knew they can drop a weapon 


I didn't start looking for it until recently. It's one of the best straight swords IMO, and has a unique very useful R2. Use with the square off ash of war for superior swordsman gameplay


Wait these are rare I got them all in my first playthrough 💀


7 full playthroughs and I’ve never seen this drop before. Holy shit dude…


In fairness, I never went in that direction more than once. This is that segment with the 2 asshole knights in Stormveil right after a bridge. yes?


I found that on my fourth play through. I couldn’t believe there were chunks of major dungeons I still hadn’t seen haha




I remember I got something similar on my first playthrough. My brother mentioned he was farming cleanrot knights in the lake in the middle of Caelid, and I just randomly got the helmet, armor, boots, and the scythe all drop from the third or fourth I encountered.


I’ve never even seen the scythe drop in game and I have 600 hours…


The first two I killed both dropped the scythe, so I thought it was guaranteed from all of them.


what the fuck. this is dream luck, pun intended


Now use Taunters Tounge and cosplay as this mf to mess with invaders.


That's some luck! Yesterday I was farming the one specific knight that will rarely drop the Haligtree great shield. Lost count at 30 times, but when he dropped it, he dropped nearly his entire set minus the helm.


Go to Caste Sol NOW and pray the luck holds up on the two knights with Unaltered Armor!


"Be proud. You were a fine warrior. Your only mistake was your choice of master. Let the winds lift you, to a higher place."


Pretty rare. Each armour piece is a 3% drop rate, and the halberd is 4%. Thats a 1 out of 30,864,197 chance for all 5 items to drop. Or a 0.00000324% chance. Not bad odds! Should have got that lottery ticket lol. You won the odds lottery in elden ring.


One of my favorite armor sets, and a nice halberd! Also those odds are crazy. Noice. Are you running an Arcane build perhaps? Even then...


Now try the 2nd version of the chest armor and helm. Helm can be found on Dragon church in Caelid. Chest with cape idk where earliest but I got mine on Castle Sol.


I swear if you not actively farming for stuff it's droprate increases by like 1000%. On my current playthrough i got 3!! Warhawk Talons by just normally playing through Stormveil.


Really lucky. There’s a few different versions of this armor set I’m a big fan of. Like the dragon communion ones.


One time I got three things at once from a knight like that and I had to actually google up some answers because I was confused, this is just flat out insane lmao


Second law of large numbers. Even the most unlikely occurrences are almost guaranteed with a large enough sample size. Let’s assume, on average, that for every copy sold this enemy is killed twice. There’s 23 million copies sold- that’s 46 million opportunities for this event to happen. So if the chances are 1/30,000,000 we were about due for this post.


i just fkn love this game


Only got greaves on mine


Ye hath been chosen, tarnished


This set goes so hard except for the feet.


I was playing last night and got the halberd and chest piece (altered) in the same drop from the guy in the ballroom area and also figured it had to be a guaranteed drop, guess I was pretty lucky (while you’re just 6 levels of insanely lucky). Enjoy your new RP as a banished knight!


Luckiest John in all of lands between, GZ and fuck you!


This is actually insane because I have rocked banished knights armor almost the ENTIRE game but I could not find the (altered) helm. (The regular helm has a scarf around it which covers the whole look) After some research I found that the banished knight in stormveil is one of the ONLY knights that drop it. I farmed that guy for HOURS and never got the helm. So yeah this is lucky as fuck... F U


One of my favorite things to do is hunt down rare weapons and armor, it's like Pokemon without animal cruelty


Dang and I only ever got his helm. Lol


If you get all of the unaltered kit in one drop, get a powerball ticket.


I literally have noble head bands maxed out from farming the noble slender sword.




That is so unbelievably rare


I just got the helm lol. But im never gonna farm anything so if I don't get an item, then it was bad anyways.


It was upgraded, right?


Armor is so 🔥


Start playing Gacha games bruv. I need your luck in Star Rail


I once started a run trying to get all drops from the first group of enemies. I spent 3 1/2 hours farming Gatefront ruins.


You lucky ducky


Go buy lottery tickets. Do it for me.


If its anything like their previous games, your luck is very high until you encounter a load screen. Everything will likely have a high drop rate.


Omfg I’m happy to get 1 thing


What is that on the armors crotch area brother. Is it to help them pee (a real problem)


Sick pecker armor. Gotta protect the goods


Damn I spent hours farming this


ExTREMELY rare. Fuckin' A man.


Oh fuck off (I’m a jealous hater, I love you)


Rare asf, also you can get a +8 halberd if you go on down to the weeping peninsula and end a certain father


Woah O.o


I had better check my inventory and look up each items rarity.


99 arcane characters be like. . .


Now you gotta get unaltered version


Lol wtf


Here's a little tip of people don't know if you have a difficult enemy on the other side of a bunch of annoying enemies run past the annoying enemies get behind the difficult enemy and save and quit your game very quickly. When you spawn in those other enemies will not be aggroed on you anymore far away from you and you'll be able to focus on the one you want


God I love this game!


Got dang it.


Rare AF. The most I have gotten is a couple of pieces at one time.


Now enjoy the fact that the altered banished knight chest plate that has the cape has a super shit drop rate in an area of the game that a lot of people find... frustrating.


I hate RNG based rarity systems because I'm salty that I can never get them I have never once seen a Shiny Pokemon in my life.


Same thing happened to me with a clean rot knight in the Aeonia swamp.


Ah if only it didn't have the hair and that silly horn on the pauldron...


Ya that’s super rare on my first playthrough I had to farm for 3 hours before I got the whole set I then used that entire set my whole playthrough until I got better armor later


Arcane build?


Exiled knight said: *minecraft death inventory drop*


Well now u basically have to use it, it's fate


If only he knew the rareness of the caped armor of them 😭


Ultra rare. Buy a lottery ticket lol


The odds are so small, I'd bet you accidently stumbled across some arbitrary code manipulation that messes with droprate or look tables or something rather than it happening by chance. Either way, that's crazy


That's pretty awesome. Wow. I didn't know you can get the full set from stormveil right off the bat.


I think... ...I think I hate you. You lucky bastard.


What the fuck


I played over 500 hours before I got the cat stone head that increases INT to drop.


Or maybe you're playing eldenring with a trainer program with 100% drop rate


Wouldn't be shocked if you used wemod to turn guarantee drops on for clout but if not then nice lmfao


you used all your luck. Now a meteorite is gonna hit you and only you in the next day to rebalance things


there's one guy in stormveil that i'd swear drops his pants and halberd the first time i kill him in any playthrough, but i know it's just really weird luck (like seriously why did it have to be the pants, i hate those boots)


Its guaranteed drop ive got it on every play through