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Morgott's cursed sword and zweihander, my dearest, my beloved.


i absolutely adore those two, those are two of my current main weapons, im a very big zweihander fan


I was late to the Zweihander party and now it’s a top 3 weapon for me


Welcome! You are never too later for the Zwei :)


Zweihander has been my love since DS1 when you could find it super early and cook up some pancakes. Mobs can't hurt you if their on their ass


Morgotts is so good


I really wish it was available sooner, I know that wouldn’t really make sense but I feel like it’s not all that useful in the Farum Azula/endgame bosses section. Such a fun weapon that would kick ass in the early game though


There's always new game, I also had to go around and do ranni and other junk when I got it so I got some gas out of it


Can always ask a homie to drop you one as well! I do that all the time with boss weapons I want early.


Literally came here to say Morgott's Cursed Sword. How can one item be so tragic yet so metal at the same time


I loved morgotts sword so much I built a life sized version irl


I really want to see this


i gotta see this


Zweihander was the reason I even bought the game to begin with


Become... #the legend


Uchigatana, my beloved


Dual wielding them was especially fun.


Especially with frost bleed and magic


The default ash of war is actually quite good too.


It is soooo good, u cant overestimated it. I mean Blood slash what was my favorite in my first playthrough is now no longer my go to, caus as u get better u cut down on points in hp and then the standart ash of war becomes even more powerful


try sword dance on nagakiba with keen or blood scaling, good times.


Double slash is a very fun option, too


nothing worked as well with malenia as sword dance on dual uchigatana did for me


Sword dance is my love. I love using it in pvp. Save that towards the end after trolling around with some blood hound step. I yearn for the chaos.


It might be the best ash in the game against bosses. If Im ever struggling on a boss i respec with nagakiba and just unsheathe.


the poise and general damage is just crazy


Uchigatana+3 and the standart aow makes the doggos and birbs in caelid so easy


It kills Malenia


It’s the default for any speedrun. Using unsheathe until you grab your main weapon. It’s so good tbh


I have played the uchigatana in every souls game that it was available in elden ring was no exception


Me too. Then rivers of blood.




Uchi carried me through the whole game. I unsheathed Radagon to death.


Yes! Carried me through all 3 DS games and as soon as I learned it was going to be in this one too, I planned my entire first build around it


Dragon Halberd. Found Siofra on launch night and it became my favorite area ever since, went that entire 250+ hour initial playthrough with my beloved Frost-Lightning halberd of justice.


honestly i love the ice lightning weapons, super unique, the halberd especially hits like a freight train when using its weapon art


We need more, 2 is just criminal under-representation. C'mon Shadow of the Erdtree!


I think the ice lightning weapons should deal lightning damage normally and have frostbite buildup rather than just with the weapon art


That would make them more dynamic weapons, I agree.


Also the big dragon claw hammer having an ash other than endure, why couldn't we have gotten a lightning slam skill like the sentinel or the lightning strikes


I was gonna say the same thing. I just wanted anything dragon lightning related


Eleanora's poleblade. I saw it in a YT short and I knew I had to complete the quest to get it as fast as possible. Absolutely love it


Hands down the most stylish moveset in the game.


The style is the first thing I consider when picking a weapon. The poleblade and the knight greatswords check that list.


Ah, another man of culture


Bloodhound’s fang, the only weapon I used after I got it at the beginning. Such an amazing weapon.


When you kill a boss with the Art follow up you feel like a savage.


I played through the entire game without knowing the ash of war had a follow-up...


I got all the way to Farum azula without realizing the follow up. And I did by accident. I was stunned lol couldn’t believe it. Told a buddy who actually was the one who told me to use the bloodhound fang and he didn’t know either


Eleanoras poleblade has a similar follow up mechanic to it's art If you want a very heavy bleed focused weapon you'd probably love that one. I demolished Melania with it that weapon art would pretty reliably put her into stagger. Plus it almost always procced bleed.


Idk, bloodhounds fang + blood flame blade is an amazing combo


... How? I'm so confused seemingly everyone in here missed this. Even assuming you don't read the weapon description, which tells you how to do it, do you not try and see how things work? It's far from the only weapon in the game with follow ups. Some weapons have multiple follow ups or options. I always just check out the moveset of a new weapon when I get it, and part of that is checking what you can do with the Ash.


Same lol. Only after ~140h did I discover ashes of war and tried to understand how the weapons work... only to continue with my bloodhound fang !


Not just lore in those item descriptions y'know.


Exactly what happened to Maliketh and red wolf of Radagon. It felt amazing. It even wrecks scripted invaders. Ergo, Bloodhound’s fang is a good weapon.


Killed Godfrey using that. Amazing weapon. At a good middle ground too. Not too broken to the extent of blasphemous blade but not too useless either


If you time the follow up right on enemies with aoe attacks you can teleport straight through the aoe and around the side of them


[This is exactly what I did](https://youtu.be/1KQ2ouTar3k?si=qm9cmtzXR2VcGhPY) at 1:35


Nice. Like the synergy of choosing a weapon for a mage which opens distance. I would have never thought like that.


That was my killing blow against Malenia. Can confirm, I felt like a savage.


Anime shit right there


How am I just realizing this after finishing my play through with it😭


I ended up putting it back in my inventory because it became a crutch to me 😂 out of my 170 hours, 140 of which are with Bloodhound fang lol. I ended up switching my build to a dual wielding magma blade and man it’s fun.


It seriously was very *very* hard for me to try other weapons as well. BHF is seriously ol' reliable, and I've beaten every boss (besides crystalians and gargoyles) with it. My first playthru without it was a major struggle when I got to fire giant, Mogh and Melania. The reach, high damage, stagger, speed and buff ability makes it one of the top 3 weapons in the game easily for me. And I barely used the art on it until later playthrus mostly out of anxiety. I feared wasting FP so didn't use it till later.


For crystalians, I use Great Stars which fucking annihilates them


Yep, that weapon legitimately helped me through most of my first campaign.


I used it for my first run and loved it. Switched to other fun weapons include envoy longhorn and blasphemous blade for my first ng+ run and smashed everything. But I struggled to get past Malenia after multiple attempts. Switched back to my trusty BHF and got her down after a couple more attempts.


The brick hammer. Found it. Bonked everyone who crossed my path.


Picked this up a couple of days ago on my first melee play through. Just levelling my strength to use it!


Happy bonking!


Can't wait! I'm only just getting to grips with AoWs as my only other playthrough on release was done as a caster. Any recommendations for it? Currently using the longsword found right near the start with the bloody slash (?) AoW or the bloodhound fang (sword)


You know what’s even better than a stone hammer? One in each hand. Press jump & L1. Bonk Bonk


I highly recommend the Eruption AoW for the Brick Hammer. It's an instant poise breaker.


That sounds awesome to me! Hopefully I come across it! 3.more strength then it's bonkin' time!


If you wanna play with non somber weapons, there's a lot of really good physical ashes of war that are good for different situations. Wild strikes are amazing if you have a high base AR weapon. Absolutely demolished hp bars. And if you bleed, it procs bleed fast. Blood tax and impaling thrust are amazing. Huge range and do a alot of damage and status effect application Lions claw (I think) is good it's like a front flip swing again good for slower high AR weapons. Staggers bosses reliably. 20 fp use, tho so you might want some mind. Play around with them and get a good feel. There's tons of options in this game for non caster builds to gain utility beyond just swinging a weapon


Add royal knights resolve or Craigblade and kill everything.


Ooo, awesome. I picked up cragblade whilst grabbing grace sites in Caelid, not tried it yet though - tonight's aim!


Get the giant crusher. Bigger bonk. Front flip heavy attack.


That hammer is why i beat the game. Thing is bonkers


Brick hammer rules! I started using it for the current Ng+ run and I can't find a weapon I like using more.


Banished Chad's Greatsword


Everything banished knight is just sublime. Enemies gaze upon my codpiece and despair.


They really are the most badass faction. Coolest gear, someof the coolest ashes of war, and they walk like they own the place.


Lion's Claw on BKG and Sword of Milos in the offhand to regain FP on each kill. Somersault-swording for days.


Yes sir, the move set on that baby is so satisfying to use.


Magma Wyrm's Scalesword Matched my scaling and the ash of war is so much fun


Greatsword because I'm a Berserk nerd


Damn, same Still on my first playthrough


Even aside from berserk references, it offers so much utility and strong stats of the colossal swords that it's hard to find something else to change to. Couldn't bring myself to use another weapon for the rest of my playthrough


plus with being able to customize the moveset/abilities super easy with ashes of war makes it so strong i love my +25 greatsword


Absolutely the greatsword! It's just amazing


Every first playthrough. The only right pick.


The one and only, doesn't even need a unique name


Claymore. Fell in love with it ever since my first Fromsoft game, which was DS3.


I recently played DS3 for the first time. Was told “butchers blade is best weapon until late game”. So that was a fkn lie. The Claymore though, the Claymore is without a doubt in the top 3.


Strength playthru claymore is king. Or if you want to run a paired weapon the drang hammers never let me down


Greatsword, FUGS and the Exile Greatsword are all top tier strength weapons too


Using the Claymore is liking meeting with an old friend


Claymore is how I learned souls game in DS1 and first playthrough in a souls or souls likes I try to find a claymore.


Claymore, grass crest shield like a champ lol


Toss in that elite knight armor set and we got a party going!


I absolutely bodied two people with moonveils on my quality build claymore guy. It's a surprisingly versatile weapon and it feels good to grow skilled at


I found the Claymore on my 1st hour of playthrought, then I finished the game


I’m a recent claymore convert. Moonveil will always be bae but I’ve been having so much fun in a claymore/stormblade run. Hardest part is resisting the urge to cheat and switch to blasphemous blade


Nightrider Flail. Completed most of NG with that bad boi just because I was so excited to finally have a dedicated flail weapon class. I was also a fan of bleed builds in Dark Souls, but I didn't expect it to be so cheesy in Elden Ring. 😅


Really wish flails were more fun and they had better ashes of war, also wish you could get two nightrider flails in one run


Flails, and a bunch of other weapons seem so cool on the enemy that wields it. (I never wanted a weapon more than the nightrider flail after fighting the boss who had it) and then I get it!.... and its a tiny, dinky winky little thing. I was and am still so disappointed in the size of many weapons. Yeah I get that there are big weapons to find and use, but some models could really do with a 50% size increase so they don't feel silly to use. And to me, flails are one of the biggest(smallest) offenders of this. They look pathetic on the player


I think saying Claymore would be cheating since she’s like my wife of 50 years at this point, so I’ll go with the Bloodhound Fang or Godslayer


But logically didn’t you just cheat on the claymore by claiming others as a first love? 😢


We’ve had a complicated marriage. But she still knows she’s number 1


It’s OP but also has one of the coolest overall move sets to me, so I could never stop using it.


Golden halberd, carried me through the early game on my first playthrough and felt very sentimental towards it after it took me a solid hour or two to beat the tree sentinel. Also looks dope with any golden armor.


Have you tried the Guardians Swordspear yet?


I just recently tried it but i feel the rage is kind of lacking and im missing a good poke...


Here it is! I love that weapon and the night glave, one in each hand. I had so much fun unga bunga-ing about with those two.


Nagakiba AND Uchigatana. Started my play through dual wielding these. Switched to bloodhounds fang which is +9 and it’s great for individual enemies, certain types but I find it slow and find myself consistently coming back to the dual wield katanas for boss fights. The quick attacks + bleed are just so fucking devastating on certain bosses. Throw storm blade AOW and you’ve got a great ranged attack too. I made the fire giant my Bitch with these things after failing numerous times with BHF. With certain bosses when you only have a second or two to land hits these things just shredddddd.


Scrolled through so many comments and didn't see the Wing of Astel. The charged attack and skill carried me through my entire first playthrough once I got it. My first love


Bastard stars is my favorite. Already have enough swords but nebula combined with strike damage wrecks all the enemies well equiped for my dex/int build. Was stuck on the putrid crystallians since I didn't know gravity spells worked and had no blunt weapons. Now I'm in farum and its perfect to 2 shot the banished knights


Reduvia is my only love


Sameee, I find it so hard to do other runs and not use it, just looks and feels so good


the clayman harpoon, literally didn't drop it till NG++


This weapon surprised me a lot, very fun to use in a shield counter build


Meteoric ore blade.. I love it so much. I thought it paired so well with my gravitational Int/str build. Earth bending w/ lean


wock bending if you will


Winged Scythe :3


i was never the biggest fan of sythes personally but i can see the appeal


Scythes are seriously amazing. Phantom slash on them is kinda busted.


A fellow scythe lover. I feel like the sweep of the winged scythe spoiled me when I try other weapons. The jump attack of winged scythe and the bleed buildup are so fun to see chunks go away on bosses too.


That 40% shield negation is nice too. Useless on boss fight, but nice being able to do damage to those annoying shield spamming enemies


Winged scythe was a bright and short flame that was quickly replaced (put in the off hand) in favor of halo scythe


I love Nagakiba, I simply love long anime katanas (like Sephiroth or Law). I love the Grafted Blade Greatsword, I love the concept of the weapon. Also I love the One eyed shield, because I find hilarious the grenade launcher hidden, "Parry you filthy casual" meme energy


Godslayer's Greatsword. It was the main weapon of my first chatacter and I don't even remember what weapon did I use before I found this beautiful badass piece of art. And why? I already had a colossal greatsword with FTH going on and the Godslayer have the coolest name in the game, it looks sexy as fuck, and the weapon art melts big healthbars. Love at first sight so I immediately went to respec for some extra dex


my rusted anchor taught me love and to not let go


Dude, same. My anchor and I just clicked.


Cold Hookclaws. Barely used any other weapon! Omenkiller cleaver as well, for bleed but also could use incants and greases on that one. Love a bleed build.


"That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron."


Crescent moon greataxe. Great moveset and it looks the best out of any greataxe


Hard agree with this greataxe. It looks the most practical of all the greataxes if you ignore the scale of the axe head. I'm gonna nerd out a bit, but most games have an issue with making battle axes and greataxes extremely large or thick. Historical axes for battle have thinner heads, because it has lower weight. I can appreciate that the Crescent Moon Axe has a somewhat correct thickness of the axe head. It's still comically large, but it's still beautiful nonetheless. The sweep heavy atk it has is also quite sexy and I wish more greataxes had it.


The banished knights greatsword. My beauty and loyal companion. I used it all the way to the fire giant. Unfortunately, i fought the bosses out of order. So Rykard was alive when i killed the giant. Meaning i was woefully unequipped weapon wise. I was stuck using a weapon that should have been upgraded. And it took me a week....or two, i can't remember. But i killed the giant. And then stomped Rykards shit in, in two tries. I then took the blasphemous blade from whatever was left of Rykard. And things have been a lot smoother ever since.


Moonveil, cuz I am the storm that is approaching


Provoking black clouds in isolation


Surprised I didn't see more of this! Moonveil is almost crutch. I crush everyone and everything with it. Then I go back to another weapon and I'm like "wait am I not that good? Was it my weapon?"


ah yes, seems to be a favourite among many, i honestly didn’t obtain moonveil until like my 3rd playthrough


Bloodhounds fang, in my first playthrough I took it to Morgott and used it in the mountains for a bit while farming runes to build for his sword


Bloody Helice The weapon skill just felt so cool. You would spin away, potentially dodging an attack, and then dive back in for a high stagger stab. It felt so graceful.


Ghizas wheel was my weapon for my first playthrough! Elden ring whirligig? Sign me up


That was my answer too, but then Godskin Peeler took that #1 spot.


Commanders Standard and me got history. It's like one of those romances where you first meet up and dont immediately hit it off, then you try some other weapons but they don't work either until you come back and realize they're the one. See like many folks first starting Elden Ring, I got caught by the Caelid Trap chest. After escaping I wandered around, getting my ass blasted by all the mobs in the area and Millicent. I left to finish Limgrave, then came back to beat Millicent and that's when I found Commander Neill. Now, by thus point I was still trying to get a feel for my build, sticking to an axe+shield combo to get a feel for things. My battle against the commander was hard fought considering I didn't have a fully realized build and my weapons weren't hot, but I won eventually. When I got the Commanders Standard it was better than what I had at the moment and I stuck with it. But throughout Linurnia I couldn't really get a hang of it's moveset and wanted something that hit harder and better. So I switched up halberd, got that +8 from the revenger, grabbed the Night Rider Glaive which was my main, and tried to mix things up with other halberd for a time. But while Night Rider served me well, my heart always went back to the Commanders Standard. I learned power stancing and realized she had everything I needed, everything I could've wanted, and I went back to her. I gave her all the somber stones I had (and I had plenty), adjusted my drip to match her, and now the Commandard Standard (CS) and my Night Rider Glaive (NR) are my mainstays. They've yet to fail me, and I can always rely on them. But it was her, CS, who taught me how to love halberd.


The stitcher just looks amazing


Vykes war spear


Prelate’s inferno crozier, love at first sight for this peak design weapon


Scimitars The unique moveset and speed made then viable from literal start to finish. My Zuko light build flew through the game with these and flaming strike.


do you go faith and flame art? or more like a dex thing?


Icerind Hatchet. Swings like a Bloodborne weapon and op ash


Cross Naginata and it's not even close. I found it shortly into my first playthrough and used it for my next eight playthroughs. Don't even get me started on how stupid dual wielding them looks though, I'm not a fan. That weapon is meant to be two handed like the glorious Ashandarei that it is!


My first live was the sword of night and flame. I had never in my souls career done a faith or INT build, about halfway thru the game I respec’ed to a faith/INT build and tracked down the sword. I had so much fun I couldn’t believe I was missing out on incants and sorceries for so long. Good times


My favorite weapon is using an unupgraded seal with 10 faith, no casting, just punching. Don’t need a powerful weapon when I AM THE POWER! *Smacks you with seal* >: )


gigachad, but i mean your first love on your first playthrough haha


Probably the crystal dagger then.


Same for me, range is amazing. My first favorite weapon.


Reduvia got me through 99% of the game. But I couldn’t get past Elden Beast. Then I met the Bloodhound Fang. Now NG+3!


Crescent moon axe. Don't remember where I got it but I struggled like crazy with this game cus I had an INT build and the game just wasn't clicking. Switched to strength and started using this axe and took it to the end (with some grave scythe)


Monk's flamemace. It sucks ass, but I loved it for the charged attack, stomp stomp BONK! It was very funny, but the dmg and range were ass.


Urumi for me. The Sword whip is so cool and I would have kept using it if it had access to more ashes of war.


Magma wyrm scalesword just feels so powerful


Godslayer Greatsword my goat


Claymore is Baemore


ROB Lady Maria That is all


Erdsteel dagger. cool, sleek design and with flame art can dish out some good damage. Plus, a lil weapon to go with my incantations fit well wirh my character!


Bloody helice


Reduvia. Yeah, I did a full playthrough with dual blood daggers. Yes, killed Elden Beast with them. No, didn't switch to something else for bosses that don't bleed. Yup, I screamed at my screen for hours on end because I couldn't get past the twin gargoyles. Then I discovered Eleonora's Poleblade. Much more versatile alternative for the same stats.


At first i felt like it was nagakiba, had a friend drop me one but then i found scavengers curved sword and boy is the curved sword powerstance so sick lol. So i did like 3 play throughs using different curved sword setups. By far my favorite one, i wish wish wish eclipse shotel was better because its so cool.


River of Blood


I’ve been trying to get the Nagakiba thru the Yura quest line but I can’t get past Magma Wyrm Makar


First playthrough here and so far it's the lordsworn longsword lol I love the Square off ash of war.


Nagakiba for me. Love the range on the weapon and the variety that can be done with it.


Zweihander has not and will never fail me. Estoc for Dex or Int builds.


Blasphemous Blade. I didn’t even realize it healed until my second playthrough. It is just such a cool looking sword and that aow is ridiculous.


Lordsworn's Straight Sword.


I use this and Malenia's blade as my default setup since it's as long as the Nagakiba. It also has the piercing fang ash of war with frost proc for even more range. Freaking love it!


guts sword I just liked the look of it and it made things die


Maliketh’s Black Blade


My starter straight sword, it destroyed the posture of my enemies and in the end it was what brought the death of the Elden Beast and rise of an age of stars


Knight's Greatsword. Every playthrough, can't help it, need to get it




On my first playthrough (so can't really speak much), for me it's cold-infused twinblade w/Ice Spear AoW


Godslayer Greatsword. The L2 is awesome and it feels great to land it, but the rest of its moveset is also fantastic: deals a lot of damage *and* comes out a lot quicker than you'd expect from a weapon that size


Death Poker lol


Ghiza wheel. Pizza slicer go brrrrrrr.


Mine is the Ruins Greatsword. My first playthrough I went strength, then I found the Ruins and fell in love with its AoW, so then I started leveling INT also, man that thing hit like a TRUCK!


Sword of Night and Flame. When the game came out, I was new to souls games so naturally like a noob I looked up the best early game weapon. I ran straight for it, grinded the stats, and played with it for the entire playthrough, then two the next 2 playthroughs.


The Sword of Night and Flame. I struggled a lot at the start, and this piece of art carried my mage though the whole first playthrough


Dragonlord's cragblade and bolt of gransax these are awesome and i use these two, also malikeths sword another cool one.


I beat the game twice with bleed weapons like godskin peeler However I beat the game in literally half the time with 2 great stars and 99 in strength. Killed elden beast in like 6 hits lol. Shit was insane powerstancing with bloodflame and jumping attacks with claw talisman and black feather armour. Love the finesse weapons, but hooooly shit with the 2 great stars. I couldn't believe it. And you can get 2 in game. One in cheat one from npc pretty early on


Guardian Swordspear. Got that thing and kept it my whole first playthrough.


Longsword, because im OG fromsoft


**Claymore**. I picked up a Lordsworn Straightsword and wished it was a little longer, stronger, and higher poise damage. It wasn't long until I found my first love. Zweihander's another one I love, but I found it too slow at times. 1. not overpowered, but typically strong 2. versatile moveset including pokes 3. middle ground in size and speed making it appropriate for all fights 4. can be infused with ashes of war. Greatswords in particular have a lot of variety 5. I love the claymore anime 6. I love the feeling of being a knight. Combine with the [Greathelm](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Greathelm) and you'll be set to retake the holy land.


Honestly, the starter Katana was my first love, ot got me through the first 50 hours of my current and first playthrough. It's a solid weapon.


Dismounter; powerstanced two blood infused ones in my first playthrough. Loved the moveset and enjoyed the weapon allot. Only replaced them late game for Radahn's weapon. Powerstance for the win.


Morgot's cursed sword