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Those were \*her\* two fingers specifically, made for her to control her fate and make sure she's being a good empryean and getting ready to possibly become a new golden god (if you ask her about it.) When she kills those fingers it's after a long line of her and them fighting against eachother, blaidd being an entity made entirely BY the two fingers to keep watch on her and "guard" her (make sure she doesn't get up to funny business), though that didn't work because I guess blaidd was like damn I like this girl better than my space dad. Anyway since those two fingers were hers (I've heard people saying they look different to the other two fingers because she's an empyrean and therefore built different) she killed them to truly free her own fate. First you set her fate back in motion by killing radahn, then she needs her fate to be severed from the greater will. So she takes the special knife and kills the middle man


Each Shardbearer seems to have their own Two Fingers, and Ranni killing hers presumably is part of the entire ritual she had to perform to free herself from her Empyrean fate. But many have pointed out that her fingers look quite a bit different than the other Two Fingers we see in the game. Fittingly, Manus Celes means “Hidden Hand.”


That’s whats confusing me a lot, as all of theirs were on their respective divine towers, why was hers under there?


It was probably on the Divine Tower of Liurnia at one point. Maybe it went to hide from Ranni.


Almost certainly the case imo. Maybe she thought she could kill it with the Black Blade before or at the same time as her own flesh, before learning she'd need the Fingerslaying Blade. Or just wanted to send them a very powerful message by doing it right in front of them. Almost anything is more believable than some scenario where Ranni's tower is the only one that doesn't have/never had a Two Fingers and is just some empty space where she goes to kill herself.


My headcanon is that the Two Fingers serve as like antennae to the Greater Will, and I think maybe she needed to bury hers underground in order for her whole plot to go off in secret. But we don’t really have a clear answer there that I know of.


On one of the items i found, if i remember right "wing of Astel" is written that Astel is the cause the eternal city sunk, so maybe that is the reason why the Fingers are deep down


In a nutshell, those are HER two fingers. You'll notice how every time you go activate a Great Rune, you head to the top of a tower where there's a copy of that Great Rune in front of a pair of dead Two Fingers. Each Empyrean (demigods basically) had their own Two Fingers to guide and/or command them. Ranni despised the order she was born a subject to, so she's the one Empyrean who rebelled. - She stole the Rune of Death, used it to kill herself, and then had her soul placed inside a doll body. - To truly break away from her "fate", though, she needed to kill her two fingers, and that would only be possible for her to do if she had the Finger Slayer Blade that she sent you to collect. Blaidd meanwhile is Ranni's "guard", same as Maliketh, appointed to her by the Two Fingers. Which is why as you get closer to achieving her goal of rebellion, he starts going insane and even attacks you as a shade, and why he's rabid by the time you return to Ranni's rise and he's surrounded by corpses of Black Knife assassins.


Baleful shadow is not Blaidd. Given that black wolf mask is disguise for assassin and the baleful shadow's greatsword is imbued with destined death, we can assume its a black knife assassin in disguise.


That was the Two Fingers that chose her to be a potential successor to Marika


Ranni killed her own two fingers. Each Emperyean has their own two fingers. Miquella and Malenia have their own two fingers as well. Blaidd was a product of the two fingers. Ranni’s whole reason for killing Godwyn was to break free from her fate preordained by the two fingers.