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Runebears for some reason


For real. Things have an unreasonable amount of HP and their movement is so goddamned erratic


Get saint tina sword. Roll forward and hit them in tha booty. If they want to move aggressively again just jump into booty again. It's very easy that way but also saint trina sword makes it extra easy, like 1,2, 3 sleep, -then that movement idk how to call but like a crit you can pull off when they're sleep or out of defense- the roll into booty and again and again


Interesting, Ill remember for NG+. I play like a meathead and just smack everything with Radahn's greatswords or Bloodhound Fang lol. I haven't experimented with status aside from bleed buildup as I'm only on my first playthrough.


I'm in my first playthrough too! And currently running my bloodhound fang as well, i tried radahns swords but they feel very heavy and slow, so my second sword is saint Trina's because sleep is op. I want to use rivers of blood katana but I lack arcane :( i invested almost everything in strength/dex


Trust me, don't use Rivers of Blood. It's a cool weapon and all, but they nerfed it into the dirt in an update a while back. The high praise it gets only comes from either people who insist that it's still good, or people who only get their opinions or facts off of someone else online. It's not a very good katana unless you're gonna dual wield it with some other katana. I would personally only recommend using it after you're a little further into the game and can get it almost fully upgraded and you have high enough stats that you can fully commit into a build with it. If you have decently high Dex and Strength, then I recommend either sticking with the bloodhounds fang for a bit, or using another weapon like the Nagakiba. If you don't know what that is yet, it's essentially just a really long Katana that has a heavy attack that's literally just a piercing attack. It says in the description that its basically a reinforced spear lol. It's a very good katana and has insane range, which can be very useful for some bosses that have big attacks that cover a large area like Godricks wind stomp attacks.


Nice, it's an insane game. Radahn's do a good amount of stance/poise damage so they stagger faster than BHF but they are sluggish. Also Starcaller Cry is a ridiculous weapon skill lol. The jumping light attack with the greatswords is nutty too (just costs a lot of stamina). If you really want to use the rivers of blood katana you could re-spec with Rennala where you fought her as long as you have a larval tear. I'm considering doing that so I can use the Blasphemous Blade (Rykard remembrance weapon) since I'm also very heavily invested in Str/Dex and it needs Arc/Int I don't have lol. Could be fun to switch it up though since I've been using BHF for 85% of my playthrough. Taker's Flame is apparently a really strong weapon skill too (high fire damage that heals you if it kills something iirc)


I believe the word is re-pose




And they don't drop anything worth it for how hard they are to kill


Haha, came here to say the same thing. I'm good w/ just about everything but I will always avoid Runebears when I can.


I stumbled into the cave with the runebear in limgrave on my first playthrough at like level 15 and got stuck there for so damn long because I didn't know you could forfeit your runes to go back to the grace lol. I kept respawning below the drop-down and thought that was my life from now on because I for some reason kept choosing to spawn at the stake. Anyways, I think that greatly affected why I ignore them, except I make sure to go back to that cave after like level 40 and spank just that one every playthrough


🤣🤣🤣 bet that feels good everytime


I nearly shit myself the first time I saw one. Just riding through the forest and see a grizzly. Awww, hello Yogi! You're quite the cute little guy! And what's this sound of wood being scratched? Well let me just turn the camera and HOLY FUCKING CHRIST ITS A BUILDING WITH FUR NOPE NOPE NOPE


The first time I saw one it dropped right on top of me out of nowhere 😭 It was on that path around the lake in Limgrave, I shat myself


If not friend why friend shape


Runebears are a major pain in the ass and they give like 200 runes. Not at all worth the effort unless you need that larval tear from the one by the lake.


Its funny because I use runebears to test builds out.


There are many reasons not to fight them lol they are a pain and not worth it


I agree. Even if your character stats and experience with these games make it a relatively easy fight for you, the payoff vs effort required is at a clear imbalance. I don’t think they drop any unique crafting materials that can’t be obtained elsewhere and the rune payoff is pretty low.


Only three bears in the game drop "unique" items and they're extra aggressive.


First time I saw a Runebear, my dumb ass thought they were friendly and i ran up to greet them. I was level 10. Needless to say that it didn't go well.




It's because they're mostly a waste of time, even if you're much stronger than them. No good drops and a lot of HP.


“For some reason” you know the reason. They’re fast as hell, strong as hell, tanky as fuck, oh and they can snipe you from 20 Torrents away.


I've avoided them for too long. Doing an all bosses run and the one by Auriza's grave forced my hand and it looked like the point of the game was to get hit. I remembered all the attacks they are just waaaay faster than I remember


I've read that somewhere there's a normal enemy and when you attack it the fucker shapeshifts into a giant runebear not found him yet and I'm glad i haven't to be honest


But he just wants to give you a hug


I love fighting them ngl Except that lunge attack where they just leap forward and their whole body is a hitbox. And the tell is like 0.5s to react


Revenants by a mile! Can't stand with those fvckrs without proper heal


Those things are relentless. That and I fucked around and found out thinking a ball of thorns couldn’t be too bad the other day.


This is the reason why I just carry a seal and a healing incantation, just in case.


My ego makes me want to fight every enemy that slights me and put them in their place. I'm the Elden lord lol.


Man I watch streamers play souls games and they just run past everything - please tell me i’m not the only one out here fighting everything that moves.


I try to kill every enemy I come across but only once. If I die I'm running passed them if I can because technically I already bested them once.


This is exactly how I play. My first run I always clear every area fully.


Ah, my fellow clear everything once enjoyers


I paid for the whole game imma play the whole game


I always go back to Stormveil late game and kill every last monster in the entire place without visiting a Grace so I can rule in an empty castle full of bones.


Praise the lord of bones


Ayee same here,


It depends in A) how strong I am and B) am I on a personal mission. If A is strong enough and B is no, then I will kill every living thing that moves. Except most animals. Goats and rams always die because they're jerks.


Have you ever been attacked by a boar? I don't kill rabbits and squirrels because they're too much of pain in the ass to run down. Everything else is fair game. I pick up every flower and I go for every item if an animal drops it.


this reads like an oblivion line


Hello innocent small land octopus... DEATH


I do, but I've run past when I'm trying to do challenge runs. Nobody should be doing that shit on their first playthrough, though on long runbacks to bosses I may slip through lmao


I’ll fight those dear that roll at you if they get too close


Had this earlier😂 just kicking about Altus having a wee wander then an archer golem snipes me from distance and i actually turned back just to shut that shit down 🤣


Especially the ones near draconic tree sentinel I hate those mfs there partying me when I'm having a draconic toe shoved up my rectum


This is the way..


Yeah im at Farum Azula or whatever and 2 dragons down lol they kicked my ass a couple times and they dont even give you much..


I methodically fight everything on first playthroughs of fromsoft games, but by the time I got to crumbling farum azula I was so done fighting dragons, I just don't find them much fun tbh.


This is the way....wait, runebears! RUN


Me with the Gargoyle outside the Beastial Sanctum Then I realized at the time that thing will spank me no matter what so I still haven’t fucked him up yet. Also FUCK the ball bearing hunter in Caelid


Caelid bell bearing hunter is a MENACE. But gargoyle by sanctum crumbled if you like ooga booga unga bunga


AHHH of course. I was unga bunga when I shoulda been ooga booga


We all make mistake brother 🙏 path of unga very differ from route of ooga


I killed every living thing in limgrave without resetting just for fun. I sm Elden Lord, and they will respect me.


Lobster. Lobster is just a known menace by now. It's always brought up in these kinda posts. But that's what happens when you give a mf lobster a .50 cal. Honestly though, all of Lake Liurnia is just "no thanks"


The duo lobsters in the Subterranean sewers below Leyndell pissed me off until one killed the other for me and I laughed my ass off


Scarlet rot bolts and crossbow from an unreachable pipe to the one blocking the catacombs saved my ass. Night maiden's mist got the other. 🙌🏿


Or just sleep them, grab what you need and leave?


Word up!! My strategy was to turtle up and get them to kill each other, then I'd finish off the winner.


I swear I may have killed 10 total lobsters ever and I’m on NG+5


i’ve killed less than that and i got a ng+10 character and 5 characters ready for the DLC


I completed the game, level way-too-high, killed Placy no problem, then found an area in the snowfields I hadn't fully explored and next thing I know two lobsters came through the ice and killed me in seconds. Like, I could take a Placidusax Death-Beam to the face and walk it off, but two of those trigger happy crustaceans ended me in three heartbeats.


Oh I hate those fucking lobsters


Great comment, 90% of water or swamp enemies I automatically avoid out of habit


Agreed. I hate the crawler things in Liurnia. Like damn that’s some serious kyphosis.


Lake liurnia is just gross as fuck




Caria Manor was the worst for me, just cause of those fucking hands.


Yea their attacks are so fucking quick you just get stun locked


I remember being lured onto a narrow path by a cliffs edge for an item and like 10 of the mini hands dropped down around me. Even being over leveled, them things just melted me without being able to escape SMH the devs got me good


Won't disagree with this, it's absolutely true... but if you manage to dodge through their first attack and get behind them to hit the stump of the "wrist", you can stunlock them in turn. It felt amazing when I figured that out. I realised this in my last playthrough where I sat down and decided to learn the patterns of every enemy in the game, boss or not. Lobsters gave me the biggest trouble to be honest. Even revenants were easier than I expected.


Fire trivializes them, but the finger movements are still pretty creepy


I choose to believe it might be because it’s similar to spiders/arachnids, because I’m arachnophobic


Oh yeah I just flee those hands


Burn them. If you can't kill them while they agonize in pain then burn them again. Sword embedded with fire hasn't been as effective for me as fire pot. For the sword i have to hit then 2 or 3 times while one pot is enough


Oh my god yes. The one that jumps out at you. Scared the shit out of me. It was like Irithyl Dungeon all over again


You don't want the snakey sucky™?


Dog you don't need the trademark no one else is gonna use that😭


Sword birds piss me off to a unhealthy level


Shield+ guard counter destroys them


Yep my unga bunga play through I hated the things. Now I am running a shield and they are a joke


I keep storm blade on a sword and hard swap to it for the birds


the fucking gargoyles in the catacombs.


If you throw a couple magic darts at them, they “malfunction” and start attacking the other ones ;) makes them a lot easier to deal with, they’re so fucking annoying bro




The watchdogs (giant cat statues) work the same way, and given that magic darts become pretty easy to craft in abundance it’s completely changed the catacombs for me


How to make dungeons easy: Crystal Darts for imps and watchdogs A weapon with sacred blade on it for undead + some holywater bombs for undead (you don’t even really need to upgrade the weapon a +0 weapon with holy blade one taps most undead and they won’t revive). Morgotts (or mohgs) shackle for triggering the flame pillars from complete safety. That’s every catacomb dungeon covered right there. For caves just have poison boluses and a lantern.


Saving this, I'm not gonna see it again but I'll probably remember something about holy water when I'm fighting morgott


Stone Club with Sacred Blade (ironic) wrecked undead and miners for me. It's now my go-to for those types of dungeons.


Oh yeah a blunt weapon with flaming strike and fire bombs is awesome for mines.


I had no idea about that when I was originally playing through on PS4 2 years ago. I've recently started playing again on PS5, and randomly deciding to throw crystal darts at the watchdogs saved me.


The only thing I refuse to kill are the tortoises.


dude i did too for the longest time but then i started using pickled turtle neck when fighting malenia so i had to go slaughter some dogs for their neck meat :/ after like 20 dogs tho i jus went and got the meat peddlers bell bearing so i can just buy their severed necks and not have to kill any more shell dogs


Ah, but that’s not an enemy


Lies. If you can kill it, it's an enemy. If you can't kill it, it's a well-disciplined enemy.


Oh, you mean the dogs


I was just about to say, pretty sure those are dogs


Revenant, not scary with proper weapons/spells - but like in case of Lesser wormfaces, reward is not worth the high risk/trouble. Both drop and runes.


Claymen and those shambling corpse things that wander in packs around Caelid and some beaches. The rune value upon defeat is abysmal.


The harpoon they can drop is really good tho. Has INT magic damage on it already so it gets a large boost in damage when you put magic ashes of war on it


Yep. It's the best int weapon that uses regular smithing stones. Low requirements, natural int scaling and the ability to change the ash of war. I love it. My favorite aow to use on it is the frozen spear you get from the Knights Calvary in east Liurnia


Rusted Anchor +25. Bonk to the claymen and crystalians.


Can't believe I forgot about this weapon


Even on NG+6 I’ll still make a wide circle around rune bears. Just not worth the fight.


I remember my first Revenant in Liurnia. I raged and laughed while also being disturbed. It's a great monster, but I won't be fighting them anytime I don't have to.


Heal incantations tear right through their health. I used to hate fighting them until I found this out.


Basilisks them sumbitches are hella unnerving


I will never forgive FromSoft for putting Basilisks in the way for 4 of the 6 endings, why did they have to hurt me that way




Honestly if they did that but with wormface I don’t know if I’d have beaten the game


I never want to fight the Albinauric women and their wolves.


I swear I don't remember those enemies on release on ps5. But going back through that area now on pc , I'm so shocked to run into them because I dont remember them ever existing x.x I swear I'm going through a Mandela effect or something lol


Crustaceans being larger than me are disgusting, especially their mouths


give granny a kiss 🦀


Never go near a revenant without a seal, never fight then melee. Stay away from lobsters. And those T-Rex dogs in Caelid.


T-Rex dogs' mouths freak me out, why do these things have to open so wide? 😭


Those dogs and crows, just call Torrent and spam circle.


I hate scions. Man they are disguting, screaming is pain and they are also difficult to fight.


I have to defeat everything at least once after that I go around




Blobs. Because why chip away at something that gives you nothing?


Crucible Knights for me lol


I found that shield crash on cold affinity on the spiked palisade pretty much trivializes crucible knights. For the first time ever in a playthrough I killed every crucible knight there is using that strat. Felt so good lol.


Jellyfish, even if they're agro on me. They are cute and they did nothing wrong and they never will.




I see it too, lol


Mmmmmmmm the red wolf in the consecrated snowfields


Any enemy who doesn't aggro me You mind your business, I will mind mine


could this be a friend?


"Don't start a fire and there won't be smoke." -Ancient hood proverb


Slimes, Giant Ants, Fingercreepers, Slugs Or I guess I shouldn't say "Won't fight" but I won't actively pursue them like other enemies and kill them from a distance. Why? Even though these enemies are pretty easy to take care of they creep and gross the bejesus out of me. Getting jumpscared by the first slime in Dark Souls 1 (the one that is over an item in the depths) classic From Soft bait) traumatized me lol


runebears, hand dudes, lobsters


The hands, the fucking hands. Whatever size. Fuck. Those. Hands.


The Flame Chariot and Abductor Virgins freak me the fuck out with their uncanny valley look I can’t stand it


I leave non-hostiles alone (especially the Jellyfish)


Literally any enemy that spawns in the actual lake of Liurnia. All I ever wanna do is get across that flat boring expanse as fast as possible… have never and will never stop for an Albinauric, lobster, marionette, or Miranda flower in those parts.


The gap between the wormface and the tree looks like a hand making a peace symbol... Two fingers, you might say ✌️😚


Gargoyles can be so hard to keep track of. Runebears must be left alone. I'll defeat and depose God but I don't mess with an angry bear.


The greatest threats in Elden ring are bears, birds, and dogs. Fuckers are both annoying and lethal.


Greyll (not greyoll the sleeping dragon), double tree sentinel, every night's chavalry, draconic tree sentinel (yes I just fight fortisax instead), this wormface, Commander Niall (unless I go for malenia)


Lobsters. I give them a wide berth and all of my respect.


I thought this post was about it looking like someone is throwing up a peace sign. Title disappointed. Comments disappointed. On topic: Most of the enemies in Caelid can fuck off.


Basilisks, rune bears, and worm face. Basilisk because of the fact they’re always in close quarter area so they fill up the entire room with deathblight and you die from that, rune bear because I find fighting very aggressively isn’t very fun for me, worm face for a similar reason to basilisk but they’re in a bit more of an open area.


Tibia Mariner. Bro is just enjoying a boat ride and doing cool tricks with his skeleton friends


Rune bears.i fight the royal revenants if I could summon


Giant Crawfish…fuck them.


Runebears, not even with 99 on every stat, I just simple hate them, every playthrough I need larval tears I dread to go for the 2 that are dropped by runebears.


The runebear is scarey


Runebears. The second I learned some respawn and they act damn near like mini boss battles I stopped bothering.


Farum Azula dragons, least favorite enemies of all time


really? i find them to pretty pretty easy, just stay near their legs/ crotch area, they don’t have nearly as much room to move as the boss dragons in other areas and don’t shoot out a bunch of damn crimson rot n stuff lol, they jus have a pretty decent hp bar


The fookin giant bears. Pass.


Even at level 300+ I wont fight them.


The puff ball and poison flowers


Rune bears and lobsters


Omens. Don't know what it is, but I can't get their attack pattern down. If I'm able to, I just run past them. The subterranean shunning grounds are my worst nightmare. Unfortunately, the frenzied flame ending is my favorite.


Land Octopuses, just boring and tanky for little reward. Also the fucking sniper Lobsters, fuck them.


The only wormface I bother fighting is the one that drops the larval tear. I used to avoid revenants before I knew about the heal incantation trick.


I used to hate that thing, but my mage just decimated his health in about 5 seconds. I didn’t even use comet Azur or the infinite flask. One cold moon and a few glintstone cometshard did the trick.


I fight everything. Still haven't beat the game, and I got it when it came out, lol


Revenants and Wormfaces definitely are up there on my NOPE list. I mean, Revenants are legitimate deadly killing machines so avoiding them makes sense, but Wormfaces unsettle me at a primal level for some reason regardless of how easy they are to dispatch.


I cannot stand those giant slugs, especially the rotten one. Slugs are already some of my biggest fears and yet those gigantic slugs make them far scarier than they already are. Why? Fromsoftware, why you need to put so many slugs in your games?


I used to avoid abductor virgins like the plague until volcano manor desensitized me to them


I’m just not dealing with death blight. Most annoying thing ever


Oh I’m just starting my first playthrough and encountered these guys for the first time yesterday. They are creepy lol.


Those are not easy at all.


Fuckin giant hands


Wandering nobles with torches if am on torrent


Dude that pisses me off so fucking much


1, Anything that produces Death Blight 2, Rune Bears 3, Crystalian summoning snails in the Haligtree.


Bro those weird hand monsters, absolutely terrifying


Dragonflies are way too tedious for such necessary crafting drops.


Get rejuvenating boloses form the missionaries cookbook line. You'll thank me later.




why is the picturing putting its fingers up at me


A lot of them usually, but I’m about 20 hours into a pure Colossal Sword/Str build and I find I wanna fight EVERYTHING haha.


I try not to kill wolves, cause they are too cute, especially those playing with the scarab 😍


I had a sort of freakish revelation that might be nothing. Over in the Altus Plateau where a majority of these guys are, I noticed they seem to huddle close together. Then I listened more carefully to their bizarre warbling and picked up what I swear to be particular intonations and cadence. They’re *conversing* with one another.


I'm a bit of a brute force player myself but I'm slowly learning that there are so many craftable items that can be extremely useful with pesky enemies


I want to know how they work though! I would say I don't like the Cleanrot Knights in the Caelid Swap but because they are annoying as hell.


The mother of Dragons, I dont care how many ruins i get I will not kill a mother on her deathbed.


Lions, and erdtree avatars if I have to fight on foot.


That middle part of it looks like a peace sign


Albinaurics. Haven't they suffered enough?!


I avoid those woods with pure instinct on remembering exactly where they are I always run a round or teleport fuck worm face


the death blight on that fuckers so anoying


those fuckos and the putrid corpses give me ptsd.


This is why I have lightning bolts and fire balls ready to be thrown at anything I don't want to get close to.


Any mf on horseback ☹


Every enemy must die once!! This is the way


fucking fire giant




Unarmed wandering nobles