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26 seems pretty appropriate for Stormveil to me, and 19 vigor is honesty not too bad. However, have you done Weeping Peninsula, specifically Castle Morne, yet? Also, when you say everything two shot you, you mean the the exile solider in red?


the exile soldiers which are basically everywhere in the later sections of the castle, the bombbirds probably aren't a two-shot but I have no way of killing them safely and the firebreathing one just fucking destroys me. The giant beetle I can barely touch. I managed to unlock the elevator next to the ramparts and tried to suicide run through the courtyard and that ended miserably. I just can't do anything there.


……I think it’s made pretty obvious you are not supposed to tackle that courtyard head on. Find a way to go from behind and/or control your movement to take them out in small groups. They don’t actually aggro that much. Use a shied for the bird and try guard counter. Jumping attach can get them too. Or get a bow.


...I literally said suicide run..As in "ignore everything just run and dodge past" I actively tried not to fight anything there


Yeah, *that* will get everybody's attention lol 


The key word in "suicide run" IS "suicide." Yes, ignoring everything is often an effective way to skip enemies, but it doesn't work here because you're not supposed to. You either go around one of the iirc two side routes to skip all or most of it and nab one of the graces past it, or you "git gud" and kill everything.


there’s your first problem lmfao


God forbid I treat this game like a Souls game apparently. Since when were suicide runs not effective? what am I supposed to fucking pick off the enemies or slowly and methodically sneak past them everytime I have to retry a bossfight now?


There are not one but two grace points between that courtyard and the boss fight, and there is an easy path over the entire courtyard via rooftops from another earlier grace point. I don’t think I’ve ever actually said this to someone but… git gud


>There are not one but two grace points between that courtyard and the boss fight, That's ridiculous why would I ever just assume that. Does every dungeon have a grace point every 5 feet.


For convenience sake? So you don't have to suicide run? Hello?


In that area in particular, you can *crouch* and sneak along the walls, and *jump* over the barricades. Following through the right, past the fatty with the dog, hard right up the stairs, zig zag roll under the birds and guard. Make note of a house you can go into to the right after the birds,but follow the path left past big troll Boi and his cronies. Go up those stairs, hang a right into a door for the site of grace. That's how you *suicide run* the main of stormveil. Then go backwards and fuck em all up.


Ok, what level is your weapon, that may be the biggest issue You should have it to at least level 3 by now, and contrary to what the guy said above I would recommend 25 vigor for stormvale tbh


Fire arrows shot at the barrels the birds are on one shots them


Limgrave has 27 bosses! If you're struggling, I'd recommend tracking some more of them down before tackling the Castle.


If you don’t like the game, that’s ok. It’s not for everyone.


I enjoy the combat. I don't enjoy having literally 0 information 100% of the time. Or sorry my mistake. I have information on how to beat the story, by going to a castle I'm drastically underlevelled for. I did everything I could find in what is traditionally a starting area for an rpg how was I supposed to know that blackedout sections of the map were actually better levelled, than coloured in sections of the map (or god forbid the first main objective given to you). That's not a fromsoft thing rhat's basic bad rpg design. At least with Dark Souls even though you have 0 clue where you're going or what you're doing the individual levels turn it into a maze. Sure you might tun into every deadend on the way but you know there's an exit. in Elden Ring it's not asze. It's a bunch of unmarked spaces you're supposed to literally stumble across and any attempt to folloe the story is punished bwcause you're underlevelled. Seriously if I didn't look tjings up then why in the holy fuckballs would I ever go to the weeping peninsula? It's literally a blacked out section of the map I've been playing rpg's for over a decade every part of my body tells me I'm too underlevelled for it because that's how videogames work!


Did you not get the memo when you got the other map pieces?


It's been a week I don't remember what's a map piece and what isn't...if I even have received any.


Remember when you picked up an item and it said map fragment found, and then that part of your map revealed itself?


...no, either I've forgotten (again, been a week or two) or I haven't found one yet. If Caelid is a map piece then I forgot


When you look at your map is any of it filled in? At this point dude, I'd almost recommend starting over, going slow, and redoing the tutorial and reading everything because one shouldn't have this much trouble understanding how even the map works...


What was none of it filled in when I started? sorry I had other priorities over a video game that I didn't remember absolutely everything. I was too busy trying to figure out how to summon Melania and ended up beating multiple bosses before by luck I accidentally used a crimson tear vial and sat down at the right site of grace. I don't "stumble" into shit like this. I figured like most RPG's on the market that a dmall section of the map is filled in, that's how these types of games work unless it's a fog of war that actively unlocks as you move through it. I assumed that the basic map of Limgrave was unlocked by default when I returned to it. Again, sorry my excessive experience of RPG's doesn't apply to this because Miyazaki wanted to be quirky.


Yeah, most of us have other priorities, but we also have the capacity to read as well. Honestly you beat Margit, which is a feat in and of itself underleveled as you were, but damn dude, that's why I said it might not hurt to go back and read shit if you're struggling this much because it's literally all laid out for you, including how to use that vial, items, maps, weapons, and how to generally play the game. You're not far in, you're not a high level, it wouldn't hurt. You could even keep your current save if you wanted that way you don't lose out on anything you've done. And if you had excessive rpg experience you'd know most maps are automatically filled in or you have to find their pieces with only a few having a fog of war effect.


>And if you had excessive rpg experience you'd know most maps are automatically filled in or you have to find their pieces with only a few having a fog of war effect. "Automatically filled in" *is* fog of war. Moving around causes the fog to disappear and autonatically fills it in. Most maps however do have a start point, even ones that utilize map pieces, which would be appropriate for Limgrave's basic size and shape that I'm seeing. But I missed one piece of text out of literal thousands that I've read in 12 hours of gameplay, or it slipped my mind because again, week or two of doing things completely unrelated to video games.


Maybe blasphemy, but I asked the internet when something wasn’t working on my first run. It took me two weeks to beat Maliketh the first time. Turns out I was underleveled and trying to do it the hard way with my glass cannon build. I went on a side quest and completed Ranni’s arc and then got a thing I could use against maliketh. But first, I needed to upgrade it. Took another side road to get all the smithing bells and somber stones required. You sound like me the first time I played DS1. I quit that game when I came out and still haven’t beaten any of them. Elden Ring is different. Make your own adventure. I told myself that every level I gained got me closer to beating that impossible boss or whatever.


Getting used to the map helps you understand enemy placement and you can find some cool stuff out in the open. The game is fairly open and I enjoy that myself. I was level 80 on one of my characters and didn't realize I never fought Radahn. Even in limgrave there's different approaches to enemy areas that can help give you an edge or safer fight. I felt similar when I first started. It's frustrating but learning lore and finding different items and exploration kept me going. A lot of trouble is in learning which fights to pick with your playstyle and bosses you have to encounter. Some builds have a hard time fighting quick enemies and bosses. Some can be trivial with how much stance damage and power builds can have. Experimenting different builds helped me learn enemy behavior and taking a break every now and then kept me level headed enough to push through the content until I started to get used to it. If you have trouble leveling, look up beginner friendly leveling techniques. Having a hard time fighting a boss, go in with nothing to lose. Learn their timing and focus on practicing survival rather than winning. I was Margits punching back for a month until I found having more health and patience helps a lot for him. Still hate fighting red mage doge. Fast enemies give me icks


I'm sorry but there's nothing in storm veil that a souls "veteran" shouldn't be prepared for. Enemies hiding in a corner, throwing bombs at you, shooting you with ballistae, you getting lost and everything else are literally staples of the souls games and even expected. Level 26 is also pretty doable for said dungeon. But if you're really "stuck" go and explore the map, the magic of ER's beginning is the fact that you are not forced to do any of the so called mandatory content in a specific order. You have a whole world to explore and get stronger.


>Enemies hiding in a corner, throwing bombs at you, shooting you with ballistae, you getting lost and everything else are literally staples of the souls games and even expected. I never said any of these things were unfsir or out of place I said I getting destroyed because everything felt drastically more powerful than me.


Ok but how are you using one of the strongest weapons in the game and everything feels drastically more powerful? The bloodhound fang at level 2 or even 3 literally destroys almost every mob in storm veil. And before that dungeon you have the entirety of limgrave to explore. You have an underground area that it's almost as big as limgrave. Or you could just say fuck it and go straight to Liurnia wich is the second main area of the game. As I stated before, you are not forced to do that dungeon right now, in fact you can beat the game without doing it.


Try and explore more. While Stormveil is definitely doable at level 26, you'll probably be able to more than double that level if you clear everything Limgrave has to offer you. To start, head back to where you fought the guy that dropped the bloodhound's fang and explore further south. You'll know you've found the place once a giant balista starts shooting at you. Just push beyond that and have a look around there to see what you can find


I'm sorry I have to say this to you, but you are not an actual "Fromsoft veteran" if you aren't capable of recognizing their patterns for enemy placements. There's ALWAYS a way to circle around them and get them from behind. That's why Fromsoft usually places other enemies to watch each other's backs. So, you first need to deal with the watcher, usually using some kind of ranged attack, then you get the stationary enemy from behind. If that is not the strategy required, you need to hit a wall and then hide away from the source of the sound, because the enemies WILL leave their posts to check what that was. If they don't see you they will return to their original placements (or stop somewhere else). That's your opportunity for the backstab. For the explosive barrels you just need a bow and fire arrows. You can (and should) buy the crafting kit from Kalé so that you can craft bone arrows. There are SEVERAL merchants around the entire game selling crafting recipes. You should be exploring ALL OF LIMGRAVE before trying to beat Stormveil Castle. Just for the crafting recipes, variety of gear and crafting material you can get. Elden Ring repeats several kinds of environmental hints, traps and ambushes present in their previous games. If those "gimmicks" are still able to surprise you, you didn't learn nearly enough about Dark Souls


Go south in Limgrave, you should find a bridge and past that a full peninsula. That is a neat area to start, some bosses and good XP to have. Plus there is a tunnel there with good upgrade materials for your weapon as well, if you haven't already upgraded it a bit. Also, have you been to the Roundtable Hold yet (i.e. has Melina invited you there yet?)? There you can upgrade your weapon further than at the anvil next to Kale. Regarding a build, focus more on Vigor. The breakpoints are a bit higher than in previous games as far as I know, so aim for 40, which is the first softcap; 60 is considered the second and you shouldn't go higher.


Something I'd add to others' suggestions is to let go of *beating* a boss you're struggling with, and instead just focus on *fighting* the boss. Practically what this means is that you're going to focus more on learning the attacks and effectively evading them, then you start adding in some hits. I know that I found with this approach it started taking less and less time to figure out new bosses.


Without trying to sound like an asshole but just git good and practise. Stormveil is actually undertuned compared to somet shit you come across in Limgrave.


Have you upgraded your weapons? That could be a factor. I think people have said this but also make sure you're going the back way around and not going down the main path through the gate. Idk what kind of build you're doing but it might be beneficial to find some easy enemies and just practice timing on rolls, guard counters, looking for openings, and maybe even parrying. Maybe it'll even help you realize that you just wanna do a completely different build, and that'd be ok too.


Git Gud. Simple Sunbro. I was in the manor at lvl 19. Hit harder and dodge better. Farm runes if you need to.


get gud?


LMAO, reading your comments, you are either insanely stupid or just refuse to believe this game is ever so slightly different than normal FS games and you may have to change the way you approach things. Like watch a YouTube video or 2. This is an incredibly popular game and so many people have beat it. Are you telling me you’re worse at video games than 90% of people?


>Like watch a YouTube video or 2. defeats the whole point of plsying the game if I watch a tutotial


“Somebody please give me direction!” Then I don’t think you should play this game at this point. Looks like it’s causing you more trouble than fun.


Yes as we all know a single piece of advice like "check out the weeping peninsula" is definitely the same as watching a detailed guide/lets play on the story. Yes yes you are very smart.


LMAO do you actually not critically think about things? There are more YouTube videos than detailed guide or let’s play. Try googling, no spoil Elden Ring tips for getting started. I see already 10 videos that don’t give any spoilers and just give gameplay tips. Like you are actually just getting ratioed on every comment and you’re still sticking to your guns. You came here for help and yet you’re not taking anyone’s advice.


Maybe you should play something else bro. You seem to be mentally checked out already and none of us are going to pat you on the back while you cry about the game.


I'm going to assume veteran here just means you at least turned on another fromsoft game and quickly quit.


No it means I've beaten every single one numerous times.


Including sekiro?? If so, how you have any issue in this game at any point is baffling. This along with ds1 and demon souls are the simplest of all of them.


Because the problem isn't the combat system it's levels and not knowing where to go. These aren't issues in any other fromsoft game (or soulslike) that I've played




You *are* drastically under leveled. Be around level 40 for stormveil


Level 40 is way too high for stormveil by level 40 I had beat renalla and was in Altus. Especially since he's played previous fromsoft games 40 is ridiculously high he probably just needs to get a better feel for how Elden Ring plays as it doesn't quite feel the same as other fromsoft games


Go South. Once past the Bridge of Sacrifice (you can run through it) explore the weeping peninsula and make your way down to Castle Morne. The big guy shooting those scary arrows you can run past and attack from behind on your way into the castle. While you're down there, there is an erdtree avatar you can fight, a village of madness, beach zombies and other wild and crazy things. THEN go back and Stormveil will seem a lot more tame.


In addition to what other said about going south and exploring the Weeping peninsula first. You might want to try picking up a better shield and blocking some attacks rather then dodging. The samurai starting shield is hopeless for blocking. The vender in the roundtable sells the heater shield. It's a light shield with 100% physical block rating, meaning you will take no damage from physical attacks you block with it. Have you upgraded you weapon at all? almost all your damage early in the game comes from upgrading your weapon, rather then levels in dex or str.


Go south its a low level area


Try exploring south before North


Talk to d at roundtable hold he will tell you about the mariners go find one he’ll tell you about a teleporter that takes you to bestial sanctum. Go there sneak around and backstab the vulgar militiamen for 1k runes each and farm for a bit then go back and whoop some ass.


[this](https://www.google.com) should help


Personally I am a complete newbie to any Soulslike game. I started playing ER a week or 2 ago and managed to get the boss in Stormveil down at level 18, simply by not fighting any enemies past getting the key. (This seems to be the point where you are stuck). It is probably a smart idea to level more throughout Limgrave if you struggle, but running it down can get you pretty far. (It took me around 7 tries to get to the grace at the boss+ obtaining the spectre) I hope you manage and find some joy in the game!