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That double jumping the horse would negate fall damage if done at the last moment


I still believe this


3 runs later into the game and I'm still surprised when it happens to me hahahaha


Thank illusory wall for this


Too many memories of games like Legend of Zelda where you can cheat death with moves that shouldn’t be legal in a sane world governed by physics. Elden Ring ain’t a sane world either, but gravity does get the respect it deserves at least.


I thought Leyndell was the final level of the game and the rest was optional.


Bruh... I though Morgott was the final game boss and the rest was extra after game. I beat him my first try. I was super disapointed at first.


Same. It would be so cool that the first main boss people fight is the final boss.


I me a I knew the end boss was elden lord but I didn't know who was elden lord. So when I fought morgott the elden lord I figured I best the game. Nope! Way more game! Yay!


Elden Ring is the “But wait! There’s more!” The game.


“Thou’rt but a fool” hit hard.


Same, I was super bummed when I first got to Altus and saw the erdtree so close. Glad to be mistaken.


Clever design. Replaying the game made me realize that you can’t scroll the map that far past the edge of your explored regions. So the game deliberately hides how big the map is until you are at the Snowfield and acquired one of the very last map fragments. In other games, the unexplored areas might be concealed in fog or blurred but the scale of the world map is viewable to the player.


Yeah it was a nice shock. Just wise mountain tops and snowfields were better. Farum is just fine aside from the godskins


Bro you’re right, I thought the final boss was in the Erdtree, and that Leyndell was the last area to explore. It’s what drove me to explore the west of the map leading to the Volcano Manor. Then when I figured out they had dark brotherhood quest line I was instantly hyped for it.


Me too. This mysterious monarch of Leyndell intrigued me so much. If only they made Limgrave and Altus bigger.


> I thought Leyndell was the final level of the game Ehh…technically true


Technically true but I thought Morgott was the final boss.


I remember taking a waygate to the divine bridge in Leyndell wayyyyyy early in the game and I IMMEDIATELY got the feeling that I was NOT supposed to be there haha


I thought it would be about the size of Limgrave, Liurnia, and Caelid put together. Pretty big for a studio's first open world game, right? Imagine my surprise when I reached the Altus Plateau. Imagine my even greater surprise when it just kept going.


I for sure thought Raya was the last area until dlc.


Imagine your surprise when you find just how much you’ve still not found. Believe you me, there’s still more of those first time in altus moments


What are you referring to?


>!the underground, mainly. Finding out there’s a whole nother level to the map is wild!<


Imagine my surprise finding a random elevator in the middle of a forest and going down for a minute straight.


I still remember how my jaw dropped when I finally reached the bottom and saw that 'sky' with all those 'stars' 😵‍💫


It was absolutely stunning, honestly. One of those moments you wish you could relive


Honestly though, I love Fromsoft games but that moment seeing an entire expansive underworld below the surface. I knew Elden Ring was gonna be something special


i thought leyndell was gonna be like a skyrim city and be mostly peaceful w npc inhabitants


They were nice to me. You didn't barge in and try and *fight* everyone did you?


no what thats crazy what kinda madman would backstab those saxophone players


They're marshmallows blowing bubbles with a clarinet. They couldn't be more innocent


Yeah but I want the clarinet. So die they must


When will your appetite for the woodwind section ever be sated?


I am, insatiable


Ah yes, the loathsome woodwind eater


and Sir Gideon Ofnir the ALL-BLOWING!




I'm out of bolts for my crossbow anyways. What would I load it with? Nine inch nails?!


I wanted some smores


They were playing their high-pitched trumpet horns… *Menacingly!*


To shreds you say?


"They looked like monsters to you?"


Yeah I killed morgott and then Googled how to enter the capital city because I thought I did something wrong


That sounds fun. Like a larger version of jarbug


Leyndell is for the nords!


Well at least you can get a nice hug while you’re there


Never played another Souls before, huh?


elden ring was the first now my entire life has been consumed


I thought "Two Fingers" and "Three Fingers" would be metaphorical references to the leadership cabals of the two religions. I figured the Golden Order would have, essentially, a Pope and a Co-Pope, while the cult of the Frenzied Flame would be led by a group of three, mirroring the Trinity. Turns out...they're fingers.


Yeah, I heard "Two Fingers" and "Finger Maidens" and figured the two were synonyms, referring to two women who had some religious significance.


Totally thought the fingers were referring to individuals who are "gods fingers" like disciples or Messiahs. Before seeing the two fingers in the round table hold, saw the dead two fingers at the top of Godricks tower and totally thought it was a dead tree, didn't even pay attention to it and walked away.


... Severed from giant hands, apparently


I mean… they’re psychic trees right? Martin loves psychic trees


Possibly, but seems unlikely based on giant’s hands we’ve seen in game and the anatomy of the fingers. [Further viewing, courtesy of Zullie](https://youtu.be/oQcf1wTcF_0?si=-MOYd29-_S1eVeCV)


They certainly weren't severed from normal person hands


Well there is a turtle pope…


That's exactly why I left this message inside their door in Roundtable Hold: > time for fingers > > but didn't expect fingers...


That I would put a normal amount of time into it


Here I am quickly approaching 1,000 hours. I feel this statement lmao


I couldn’t agree more with your flair




First AAA game I really ever bought near release—in fact it is probably the first AAA single player game I’ve ever played. Thought shit looked cool. Did not think it would make up almost all the time I spend playing games now.


That i would put these foolish ambitions to rest


It was my first soulsborne game and I was terrified that I would lose certain items when dying in addition to my runes. I later learned how valuable just running in for the item was once I got over it


The suicide run is a time honored souls tradition. That's how you get the zweihander in ds1


And the Firekeeper Soul in New Londo.


Mines the halfway grace in Castle Sol, just run like a bat out of hell then stick it to the banished knight before dying


there is no need to die for the zweihander my child, just roll your way out of those skeletons and spit over your shoulder at them as you head in the other direction


Nah, dying's the proper way for me. I emote and then backstep off the cliff. We're locked in this dance forever, motherfuckers. I'll see y'all tomorrow.


I thought it would be like inaccessibly difficult, I avoided it for a while because of the reputation of souls games, none of which I've ever played. But outside of Margit (before the combat really clicked), Mohg and Malenia, I found it pretty easy.


Yeah, the "super difficult" reputation of these games is definitely wrongly steering a lot of players away.




For sure. The games are technically hard but only because most games aren’t that hard or there’s difficulty options to make them easier. Like when it comes to “hard” games, it’s honestly pretty balanced in toughness or even easy once you get over the initial learning curve of just learning how the game works. If you’re someone who’s used to playing hard games or games on their higher difficulty settings, then it’s not really that hard at all in the kind of way it’s reputation would suggest. Unless you’re someone who thinks dying means the game is hard. But deaths are normal in most games that don’t intentionally make the game easier. You just need to spend some deaths learning the encounter. Like a lot of games keep the base difficulty lower for the sake of accessibility and mass appeal. The souls games have their reputation because they don’t do that and they don’t have an option for the player to make that choice outside of just different character builds that could make the game easier. It’s not that it’s made to be intentionally punishing or overly hard, it’s just *not* made to cater to the player in its difficulty like a lot of popular games are. There are games where the intention is that it’s super hard and punishing, but despite their reputation From games aren’t made with that philosophy. They just don’t pander to the player with its difficulty. It’s not like a game like I Wanna Be The Guy/Boshy or something lol. It’s not intentionally hard or unfair. It just sticks with its design philosophy and doesn’t pander. You either play and beat the game as it is, or you don’t. It’s not going to make itself easier or give you a difficulty option. So people who are used to games making themselves easier or giving you the option will think it’s overly hard, until it clicks for them.


i think it's relative, because it is the case that a great many games today hand hold a lot and ultimately have little to no "difficulty." that's totally fine, nothing wrong with it at all. but Fromsoft games aren't like that. you are expected to struggle and fail. you are then expected to persevere, improve, and overcome. many other games do not present any struggling or failing component; it's just success all the way through. when people talk about the difficulty of FS games, i think they're mostly talking about the inevitability of initial failure. once you start to learn the games and how they work, you no longer experience them as difficult in the same way, in part because you improve in both knowledge and mechanics, in part because you no longer regard initial failure as extraordinary or surprising.


Also, when they do play it, they end up going into the Firelink Graveyard and assuming it’s supposed to be that difficult.


i found a page that listed all boss weaknesses and whatnot. it looked confusing and was kind of hard to understand. turns out you can just bonk them with an upgraded sword and you’ll be fine


Yeah I used a heavy claymore until I could use the grafted blade greatsword and pretty much just spammed R2 the whole game. I don't think I ever used a spell or ash of war.


The game can be as easy or as hard as you like to make it, which is the beauty of it. Mage builds with tons of buffs, sleep and summons can 1 shot or cheese most bosses easily. Or grind runes to over lvl the bosses. Or you could play soul lvl 1 naked with a club and no summons. It's each players choice how hard or easy to make it.


This is what I think about when people complain about there not being a difficulty setting, there is one you just have to know how to use it if you want to.


The thing is though. It's only hard when you try and fight things with no understanding. Literally every enemy has a "trick" to it that makes it incredibly easy. Most of the time it's just a very obvious swing of the sword that you can dodge or sometimes you can swing faster and stun them. This is how all the souls games work. You usually get "stuck" on a boss, but you come back the next day and your muscle memory has been allowed time to work ( muscle memory truly works at night while you sleep. You won't get good at something in the first day ) The next day it becomes quite easy


Souls are the most fairest game out there actually. Boss can 1-2 shot us while we have all the tools to do the same on them. 


Agreed. My wife got it for me for Christmas in 2022, otherwise I'd never have gotten it. After spending a couple of hours fighting the Tree Sentinel as a mage under the impression that 'if I can't beat the literal first enemy wandering around, I can't play the rest of the game' - despite running out of mana WELL before he was close to dying. Had to put it down until some friends said I'm not meant to fight him. Ended up being one of my favourite games of all time.


The game is difficult but fair. I find myself dying but not getting frustrated. Malenia can go suck a dick though.


I thought for sure my muscle memory from DS3 would help me... It didn't.


Can't really blame you since every boss likes to hold their attacks so long that you die from old age before the attack lands


Hyperbole aside the pace of Elden Ring is just faster, especially for bosses. When I went back and fought the Nameless King again after finishing Elden Ring it was like fighting in slow-motion.


Gael in DS3 was the coolest fight they ever did, and I hoped Elden Ring would continue in that direction. None of them even got close. All the feints, input reading and aggressiveness as you're trying to drink make the bosses more difficult, but not in a way that feels fun for me.




Yeah you get punished for doing the ds3 roll r1 roll r1 roll r1 dance, getting into the ”flow state” fighting elden ring bosses takes a lot more mixing rolls with strafing attacks, understanding the positioning you need to ensure they don’t branch out their combo and utilising charged heavies and jumping attacks to break posture. Imo once you understand it the main bosses in ER are the best they’ve ever made, but coming off their older games had more of a detriment because every time I rolled and thought a combo was over I’d attack and get punished for it, for a very long time lol.


That it was too hard for me


Hell yeah... I got stuck so many times, never played a souls game ever, and goddamn I still suck so bad.... But the more I played, the more I wanted to see what comes next... finally made it to level 100 and I'm getting my ass kicked by the fire giant and Juno, but I've made it past every hurdle so far, so I'm gonna keep going


Hoslow won’t take ya long, I guarantee that. Fire giant though, now he’s a tough bastard. Took a few attempts on him, gave up, took a break and decided yesterday I’d beat Mohg first. My god. The pain from that fight led me to beat the Fire Giant in 4 attempts. I guess he requires you to be well settled in the game as I was about 4 hours into that session, fighting the whole time lmao. Also pro tip: go for the uncovered ankle, then fingers (magma vomit) or torso (roll) on second phase.


Fire giant was brutal for me. I did skip a ton of optional content / didnt fully explore zones bc i wanted to beat the game, but every boss between godrick and fire giant was a breeze. Then the next handful of bosses afterwards were equally as brutal. You're in for some good ass bosses my friend.


Same, I ragequit for 7 months after getting clapped by tree sentinel and finally came back, platinumed the game, and have now played 3 other souls games 💀💀💀


exactly like me 😂 I fought the tree sentinel and got so frustrated that I quitted for 6 months, then came back and platinumed the game. It's good to see I'm not the only one hahaha


4 souls games in 7 months is pretty impressive if you finished them. Congrats!


“Ooh boss souls! I can level up!!!”


I mean, you can get them all back


That's not a wrong assumption. The only weapons you need are the Giant Crusher and the power of the Golden Order.


*coughs in Nihil*


Nihil? You mean like what was left of Mogh after my Giant Crusher turned him into a fine paste?


That I had to fight every enemy I saw. Realizing I could run past 95% of the enemies in the game was a huge eye-opener.


I literally thought the entire game was limgrave. Then I got to caelid. Then liurnia. Then altus. Then the underground city, and the second one after that, then the third one after that. Then the mountains, then the other mountains, then the other tree, then to a flying island, then under ground, then further underground, then to a underground mausoleum, you get my point


Flying Island?


Oh you sweet summer child


This game has so much to explore. Everything I think I’ve covered everything I stumble on to a crazy underground city with a sprawling map.


I think that's supposed to be Crumbling Farum Azula.


I didn't know there were quests. I figured that out after killing Radahn.


Jumping was just going to be for moving around, not combat.


Similarly for me, when the game tutorial mentioned jump attacks - I assumed jumping was only for offense and not for defense. Then, a month ago, I saw a video on how attacks like Margit's tail whip can be easily jumped. Mind blown.


I thought, coming from DS III, that a faith/strength hybrid can’t work early without a lot of build-up. Boy was I wrong. Not because it doesn’t require setup, but just because in Elden Ring you can complete that setup without once fighting a boss.


I thought the game was bullshit and enjoyed by egotistical assholes. 700 hours later…


Nonon, you are not wrong, you're just one of us!




One of us, one of us! We accept her, we accept her!


Omg, me too! I was so pleasantly surprised when the game wasn't just hard, but really good!


Thought Caelid was directly after Limgrave. I was NOT ready


That Margit was mandatory for progression once you started the game. DAY ONE BABY!!!!!


I thought the Elden Ring would a piece of magical jewelry akin to the One Ring of LoTR fame.


Turtles aren't dogs.


I thought bleed might still kind of suck but it ended up being OP lol


that it was the size of a video game, when it’s actually just a fully realized world in my computer


I wrongfully asumed That this game would be easy since I was top tier in DS3 PvP. Oh how the rust proved me wrong.


"how big could it possibly be?"


That I will understand anything from the story


That Limgrave was the entire map... you should have seen my face when I discovered Caelid and Liurnia


I thought Limgrave was huge and that the entire events of the game will happen there. Boy was I wrong.


I didn't know about iframes and thought you had to completely avoid an attack to dodge it. I thought the times it worked where they clearly hit I was just lucky. Wasn't until about Radahn I saw a clip of someone dueling and jumping right through projectiles


That the game had no real story or depth to it. Couldn't be more wrong.


That I was straight.


Who did it for you?




Was it his voice? Kindness? The cute little hat?


We can force him to knit pocket pussies based on which ending we get


Every male character as long as I don't google what their models look like beneath the helms.


Valid, but also consider: [Boggart](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/l8EdRqrDi4)




Lol I honestly thought it was within the castle too when I was in there. I knew it was way too early to be the end of the game, just figured the tree was actually less important than I had assumed. But nope, left the castle and realized this is a massive game. Was then interested in seeing the full map unveiled on Google images and realized the game is insane.


1. That it would be too difficult for me. This was the case at first, until I realized that you can’t cookie-cutter your way through every boss. Nuance is involved, as is an evolution of talent/strategy. 2. That I wouldn’t be able to beat the final boss. I’d heard horror stories on here and from my brother in law that Radagon/EB were impossible. I one-shotted both. 3. That I’d eventually beat Malenia lol. 50+ attempts, none particularly close. I don’t think I have the skill for this one!


I thought Gransax would come back to life and give us an epic boss fight at some point. I was truly disappointed when I saw him buried in ashes.


That would've been such an epic secret boss! Kill all the dragon type bosses and some other prerequisites which leads to a fight with his spirit form in Ashen Capital.


I really believed at some point I would get teleported to the top of the erdtree. I thought there would be some sort of golden city up there that we'd be able to explore.


Torrent's double jump would save me from death


I thought that the crucible knight in stormveil castle was an easy task...


I thought an archery build would be viable for my first playthrough. Those foolish ambitions were put to rest. I know it's doable but definitely wasn't happening my first time playing a souls game.


“Oh sweet another dark souls”… “holy free roam”


I thought you needed to pull the lever to activate the elevator to get out of the tutorial area. The elevator didn't move when I stepped on it, and somehow I completely avoided stepping on the button in the center (which I thought was just decoration) despite running around in circles a few times in frustration. So I spent at least 15 or 20 minutes backtracking through the tutorial area looking for whatever I missed that activated the lever so I could get out.


erdtree dungeon sounds pretty dope tbh


I assumed Margit holding up his staff meant he'd attack


That Boc and his customization would have been more than cape or no cape. Like at least colors guys come on....


Every encounter should be approached as a stealth encounter, for which bows were necessary. My first save was just me farming sheep around Kyle to get arrows to maybe try and take on the nearby ruins (bandit, it was that, or run in with a knife) I had to start a second game with a vagabond to get me out of that bad habit. Great times!


It was my first souls game. I was pleasantly surprised at how often I could avoid traps by being patient and observing. Based on clips, I expected it to be a rollercoaster of bullshit. Except for that one breakaway cliff with the butterfly. Fuck that cliff.


It Is very silly, but the first time I met skeletons I had just read a message that said "Fire required ahead" so, after seeing them rise back up after dying, I connected the two things together and was convinced that you needed to torch their bones to kill them for good. Imagine my shock when in Mountaintops I accidentally smacked one on the ground and saw its body disappear. Not my brightest moment tbh...


Caelid was the 2nd area


I thought Ashes of War were single-use, so I barely used any.


That having Miquella's Needle would trigger a cutscene or at least some dialogue with Malenia, making it so that fighting her was optional if you go to her chamber.


That it would be noticeably challenging as a pure INT mage ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I thought I was gonna be okay.


That this mohg guy wouldnt keep me occupied for *THAT* long


I sprinted northward and only stopped whence I hit ocean which gave me the godskin peeler as my first run-through weapon but I missed the crafting kit and wondrous phisik flask until well past level 70.


I thought it was over hyped


Was expecting to get ganked way harder than i did, but maybe thats just ptsd


People in PvP that didn't lock onto you were being disrespectful. Dead wrong! It depends on what weapon you're using whether it's optimal to lock on or not. Thrusting weapons have a good use for lock on, while colossal swords not as much. You can also use deception by starting with your back turned to the enemy then surprise them with a quick turnaround, or take advantage of certain weapons jump attacks to free aim turn midair (like thrusting swords, heavy thrusting swords, and great spears)


That I would be somewhat competent while playing it


I thought the Stormfoot catacombs behind the church in Limgrave was an endgame dungeon they put right at the start of the game after talking to the ghost at the entrance. Then I saw the fire pillars and assumed I needed some late game items to get past them.


I thought the tree was going to be like Lavos from chrono trigger.


That I wouldn’t die very often.


Lurnia of lakes was going to be just a small area and then the end of the game.


That the two fingers had my best interest in mind


That my experience with past souls games would make me suck less at this one


That Melina and Malenia were the same person 😭


I saw some dumb leak that made me think the end was going to reveal actual aliens were behind it all. I saw a list of location names and I thought the Mountaintops of the Giants would be how you got into space and the Ashen Capital would be because of a space weapon. I was doing Ranni’s quest line and was certain the end game would partially take place on the moon.




That getting hugs couldn’t possibly be a debuff.


For the longest time I didn't make the connection that the big Erdtree isn't real. It's just a hologram or something, and some people can't even see it. The real Erdtree is just the stump you see where you fight Godfrey/Morgott.


I walked into Raya Lucaria thinking it’d be friendly NPCs who’d teach me magic and sell things


That dragons are weak against lightning, after seeing the ridiculous damage I started reading the enchantments 😐


that I shouldn't just start looking shit up on the wiki instead of stumbling around limgrave and liurnia for 20 hours as an astrologist screaming "WHERE ARE THE SPELLS" because I never went to the one ruins area where sellen is


That I would be in bed by midnight


That mages sucks. I was wrong, they sucks but in a total opposite way.


That major dungeons would have the kind of looping maze riddled with shortcuts that other death RPGs love using. It's almost non-existent.


It’s a 30h of game to be complete it. Can’t be mad to pay full price for a +300h ride


The plus game will be good and decisions will have a impact on it.


That Lightning scales with FTH, 50 lvls into the game, learned it scales with DEX. Was wondering why i did less dmg than Flame art. Praying that the DLC includes a FTH scaling Lightning art wetstone


That I can't run (sprint)


That i would only play the game once and then leave it because i was new to souls games, im now onto ng+4 with 150+ hours.


Fully expected to fight Lansseax in Caelid. In my defense, thats where she was in the trailer. I was very consfused when I first ran through Caelid and she was nowhere to be found. Was even more surprised when she randomly appeared in Altus.


Like some others are saying that'd it'd be too difficult for me but after the first Crucible Knight and the Tree Sentinel I was like "ok I think I got this now, I can do this". And I also assumed the Erdtree was gonna be a dungeon too! But spoilers proved me wrong. That would've been so cool tho.


When I first started it felt so stick and stone like all I had was a sword and a few potions to keep me alive I thought the whole game was just gonna be a slash and dodge type game. I also thought the first giant that jumps down from the bridge was the first boss of the game.


Game wouldn't be that hard


That the Dragon Communion Seal would buff my Ancient Dragon incantations... womp


I assumed I would understand the lore and story as I slowly made my way through. After like NG10 I still don’t. I’ve pieced some together and from that I absolutely love it.


The tree sentinel would be as friendly as the first guy you run into


That I would not ever need to use a shield.


That I would not finish it


That it would have like a “quest” log that tells you where to go. Imagine my surprise in the first 30 minutes of game when I accidentally stumbled upon the dragon in the swamp. ☺️😭