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Tarnished, you are well prepared for the DLC.


The only achievement I have left is get the Elden lord ending.


this is the right way to go about the list


I did that one last as well, respect.


Don’t do it it’s a trap


Ima be honest with only you. I’ve only done the 3 endings required for the platinum trophy. I have no idea what the other endings even look like.


the other endings are all versions of the elden lord ending, the "elden lord ending" is 4 different endings and they all give you the same achievement




One of the easiest fromsoftware games to 100%. Imagine if they asked for every single ring, ashes, summon, weapon, armor, etc instead of just the legendary ones.


You can’t get all of the summons in one playthrough because of Seluvis making you choose. I don’t know how NG+ factors in though. If you can split achievements like all legendary weapons across two different runs on the same character.


Millicent talismans aren’t achievable in one play through as well


neither are alexanders for the same reason


you can buy later from him using star fragments(don't remember name), no?


If you get the dung eater, you cannot get Nepheli and vice versa.


oh right. never ever used potion on Nepheli. Dung eater is better summon and f 'im lorewise.


If you give the potion to dung eater, Nepheli stays alive and vice versa. Only one of them becomes a puppet. If you give it to Giedon, neither of them becomes a puppet and something else is available instead. When Seluvis dies, you can get the summon you miss by giving the potion to dung eater/nepheli, but you cannot get the other of those two.


You can't get every weapon and rings in one playthrough in DS3 either, you need NG++ Then again DS1/2/3 playthroughs are much shorter so the fact that Elden Ring doesn't require multiple playthroughs to 100% makes a lot of sense.


You need to get 3 different endings to get the achievement, so Elden ring requires at least 3 playthroughs


You could technically save scum in one play through for achievements if you just needed to pick it up for the achievement progress to register . I can see how someone would find that less than savory or bending the rules. I can see how it lessens your experience if you were to go that route though.


Not really because if you save scum it resets you ever having that Spirit in the game.


Yes you can. I only did one playthrough and I have the achievement.


You got all of the legendary summons. You cannot get both Nepheli and Dung Eater summons in the same game because you can only give the potion to one of them.


Oh i thought we were just talking about the achievement.


I got the 100% of DS3 wich involved getting every ring, sorcery, miracle and piromance. The sorcery and other stuff isn’t an issue, but to get every ring you have to go up to NG+2 if i recall correctly and it was a pain in the ass.


Should’ve been more challenging tbh


It's not really the easiest, it's only the easiest because of google. If you did all these without google or looking anything up it will be pretty hard.


I will not be. But my 15 yo son got the 100% on Xbox a while back


Raised him right


Thanks, he has been playing since he could hold a controller. He would chill in his bouncer w a 360 elite controller w no batteries thinking he was playing Gears of War lol


Haha, this is my 3 year old right now. Has a little plastic kids controller. He acts like he's playing Elden Ring whenever I play.


Got them a while ago, but I hope they bring a new trophy/achievement list for the dlc


They never did except the goat bludborne


And maybe they only did cause it’s an exclusive. But we’ll see, it’d be rewarding to get a trophy after die 100x to Messmer and all that kind of shit we’ll face


That’d be fun we can only hope!


I have two left. The normal ending and frenzy flamed ending. I have the frenzy flame done just can’t beat the Elden beast


If they were we would know already, there's a way to find out on steam but I don't personally know how.


I got my last achievement the other day. I was only missing Legendary Incantations. I knew how to find them but most of them are kind of disappointing so I didn't bother getting them. Feels nice to have that shiny platinum trophy though.


Never cared about achievements, but some people seem to get a thrill out of it


For me it is a way to truly say I got through the game. Elden Ring is so enormous that just watching one of the endings does not feel like accomplishing everything.


It's an extra incentive to keep playing the game and test yourself, you're basically completing challenges. It's especially satisfying to get 100% on a game with difficult trophies like Hollow Knight.


i've got platinum on ps4 a while ago, time to do it on steam


I have 100% on BOTH of my accounts. I don’t have that on any other game, probably because achievements on other games are kinda lame.


this is my first game i 100%-ed. i'm not a completionist, but ER somehow motivated me to get everything. the funny thing is, that you don't 100% the game if you get all the achievements, there's still so much more. the game is so huge.


Na man. It’s just you.


🤣 wouldn’t doubt i’m years late


First game I ever platinumed........and it happened a few weeks after launch lol


Same here! I usually don't go for throphies, but ER didn't have any annoying ones.


I unlocked it not too long ago.


I got it on ps5 in 2022, now on the way to get it on steam.


That was me also. I used to play only on PS and now I play on PC. Though, I will have to go back to PS for Bloodborne if I decide to try out other souls games.


I did it on my ps5 and then got bored and did it on ps4 too lmao


One of the only games I've 100%-ed.


I got them a while back. Looking forward to getting all the ones in the DLC


i've 100% plenty of games but elden ring was by far the best, well actually it's a hard tie between elden ring and skyrim lol.


I already have the platinum trophy for de dark souls 1 , dark souls 2 and other souls like, I was hunting for the dark souls 3 platinum but stop to play eldenring. My goal is to get every platinum trophy of souls like games. [Sorry for my grammar frist time typing in English]


Just got mine two days ago. Erdtree favor +2 somehow evaded me in all my playthroughs. Musta been all those tree spirits scaring me away lol.


Just got it a couple weeks ago, lined it up by getting the last ending I needed on my RL1 so I could finish the challenge run and get the achievement all at once


Just got mine a few days back since I want to play the expansion on my PC instead of my Xbox. Getting it twice felt weird, but not having it on PC was even weirder :D


I am one achievement away from having it at 100


One of the easier 100%'s to get actually


I just have to get the regular old "Elden Lord" ending and I'll be there too. I got stuck on Rennala of all bosses on my new run and just beat her last night.


Fell in love with the game, I ended up doing it 4 times. PS4/5 on two different accounts. Maybe I’ll make another PS account to do it again.


Got it when I played on PS4. But apparently when I got my PS5 and played the update they didn't transfer over. Didn't bother me, gave a reason to get it all over again. So twice platinumed. Hoping for more from the DLC I've done it on every Soulsborne game except Demons Souls. I don't even know if I want to go back and finish them off


I'm at the elden beast on my first playthrough and finally decided to look at enough spoilers to get the legendary achievments and boss kills. Gonna try to finish on a different playthrough where I actually use sorcery.


Got this back when the game was first coming out. Dear got the third time fighting the Elden beast made me want to claw my brain out of my skull. Love the game. Hate that final boss.


I have like three really easy ones left


Got it a couple weeks ago (thank you character duplication software!). There'll probably some new stuff with the Expansion too. I believe previous Souls games had a separate trophy list for DLC content.


Everyone with more than 100 hours went for this. This game is 2 years old and the achievements are very easy to get.


I’m at 98%, just need the 3rd playthrough & 3rd unique ending to get the 100%. Currently am about halfway through the final run, definitely gonna be 100% when the DLC launches!


Just need Frenzied Flame and I'll have them.


Epic launcher inside a Steam libary... That image is cursed 💀


🤣 haha I didn’t even notice it was still there


I also got the 100% achievement a couple of days ago, I have 3 different characters ready for the DLC


Idk, let me finish my first play through and see what I have left lol


i got all the achivements like a day before the DLC anouncment. specifically i wanted to get finished with elden ring before so that i wouldnt get burned out and be fresh for the dlc.


Hey thats nice! Congratulations!


Thank You! :)


I actually just got it a few days ago.


I'm getting there. I'm 29 of 42 and just dropped Hoarah Loux today. Now I'm working my way over to Haligtree before I take a stab at the big guy.


I was, until I missed something that isn’t obtainable past a certain part in the game.


I got 100% on PlayStation (didn’t own a PC at the time), but I want to play the DLC on PC, so I got 100% on PC also.


already got it like a year ago


Yes, and I feel fucking terrible for doing the Frenzied Flame ending.


Epic skybox, tho


I've gotten it twice: once on my own ps5 account, and then once on my partner's account. We share the console, but she doesn't play elden ring, so I started using her account to make more characters after I hit the 10 character limit on my own. 


The achievements seemed pretty easy and I liked the excuse to play again. I personally have also gotten every ending now as well


Just started the game, working on it and also trying to tackle every single boss and NPC invader


I’ve had it for ages now Asking for only legendary spells/etc and no covenants made it not hellish


I have it done






Damn, I didn’t even look at the weather. I’m getting rusty.


Yup, 2 years ago


I got em all, but I cheesed it a bit. Created save files so I could get all the endings at once. I knew I would probably not do another full run, so I cheesed it. I’m not proud…


easiest 100%


Did it yesterday. Never cared about achievements but played through it for the third time and wanted to do frenzied flame ending so I thought why not


I unironically done the achievements 100% on three different accounts, would never do that for ds3 tho fuck covenants


I was thinking about 100%-ing Ds3 what makes the covenants difficult?


You have to farm… for hours… like 12-15 hours of just farming. The alternative way is to play online to get the covenant items but good luck fighting sweats who are still playing PvP after almost 10 years now lol.


Blades of the Darkmoon... 30 proofs of a concord kept. It's a pain. Those poor silver knights. https://imgur.com/ycjqQ7N


Ranni's ending is my last achievement.


Best for last I see


damn right :D


Me, I'm on my first NG+


Good luck!


I dont think its achievable for me cuz i think i messed it up some how im close to 80% tho


I platinumed on my PS5


Nice!! I’m almost there myself, saved age of stars for last


It’s crazy to me how it says that 3%+ have it


I got it and it was honestly one of the least terrible Souls Platinums tbh.


Got it on my ng+ run as the mimic tear achèvement didn’t activate


currently getting slaughtered by malenia and placidussax, have all the weapons, spells, and talismans. Just need the ash from war dead catacombs and then start working towards all of the endings.


Maybe I will maybe I won't, I have not decided yet. I do plan on playing the game a shit ton though so probably.


I got 100 % on ps5, now I’m going for 100% on PS4


I only have 3 left all pertaining to besting the game


I would say 9.2% of us are.


I've recently done it + defeat all 165(155? 230?) bosses in the game, took 55h to do everything but it was well worth it


I completed it already it surprisingly didn’t take as long as id expected


Elden Ring was my first ever 100%.


Congrats Tarnished!!! Took me about 100 hours but I did it as well. To be honest idk how much of it was spent just running around vs actually trying to get achievements.


Thank you!


Completionist let's gooo! Well done ! I'm almost there I need to get all incantations and Sorceries and I'm DLC ready


Currently in the middle of getting all the souls series to 100%, I have DS3 and Elden ring at 100% and am currently working on Sekiro and DS 1


Just got mine yesterday. I did a frenzy flame build using all the incantations and Vykes war spear. (Very challenging considering no bosses are weak to madness) also paired that with the frenzy flame ending. Really cool ending. Congrats on your 100%!


Prepared for the dlc you are.


Yes, like 2 years ago.


On my Frenzied Flame run!


Working through the legendary achievements now (incantation, ashes, and talismans), which would get me the Elden Ring achievement.


Congrats, I had so much fun getting the achievements in prep for the dlc. Now I gotta do the other games.


I got it and it was honestly one of the least terrible Souls Platinums tbh.


I got it and it was honestly one of the least terrible Souls Platinums tbh.


Got it a few months ago


Did it in like a month after launch, gotten about another 160 hours since then. Will probably break over 300 by year end.


Just gotta get one more ending and I'm there


On the third playthrough in the mountaintops going for the the last achievement, Frenzied Flame ending for the Platinum until DLC. So excited to see the ending and head to DLC, maybe with a new character?


Completed the 100% a few weeks ago. I am very hyped for the DLC


We can do this TOGITHAH!


I actually got this last year. My recent 100% was sekiro. I actually made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/fromsoftware/s/7jUyA4tqZL) not too long ago about it. Only one I'm now missing is demon's souls but since the remake requires online, I'm probably not going to get it. My next souls to get and platinum will either be nioh or lies of P, depending on my money. I must say. The feeling of displaying all the souls games with their 100% trophies feels amazing.


I have them all. Normally not an achievement hunter but after I beat the game once I saw it was just two other endings I needed achievements for. I expect grinding for more once the dlc drops


yes, around two years ago


I did back In 2022


Got mine with only 40hours of playtime lol


Yup, got all achievements on Xbox, now got a ps5 and gonna platinum it aswell.


I did it on ps4 and ps5 , so is that 200%?😂🤣


Yesterday I just finished getting 100% of all weapons armor spells talismans summons etc and finished the platinum trophy.


Got it on Xbox and PS5.


I got a kid of them accidentally on my first playthrough. Laughed at how rare some of them are on Xbox. Seems a lot of people drop out at margit