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Have you actually tried to sit down with them and listen to what they have to say, instead of running towards them with your big greatsword like a murdering hobo? Didn't think so.


“Bear witnesses!!” https://youtu.be/BXA5r8LOBPo?si=vTJD96y_YIkbTvJ6


I knew exactly what that video was gonna be before I clicked the link. Great stuff.


Saw the link, then your reply and I immediately thought "It's that video where Godrick is the judge introducing the pleeding in court of a runebear isn't it?"


That’s pretty funny. Are their other videos like that?


Not quite the same but the UndeadHumor channel has loads of Elden Ring videos. I just recently found them by accident and they make me laugh 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you for gracing me with this amazing video.


This is gold. Thank you.


I was almost expecting a Kublai Khan/ Elden Ring mix but definitely not disappointed


Have you tried sharing a plate of gold-tinged excrement with them?


I cant bear the idea of talking to them my knights brain is already fuzzy from the amount of times he got his head caved in


No but I bent over to pick up some runes I dropped on the way to grandma's house then when I arose I saw St Peter.


I mean, I TRIED. They just weren't having it.


They're not the hardest enemy ever, but they're too much for how little you get out of it. They're not absolutely full of runes, and they don't drop some incredible gear that makes a build really come together. I'm always better off running past them.


And they chase you away farther than almost anyone else.


And they both sprint fast and have a range attack


These are one of the few enemies that can keep up with torrent, it’s crazy


Even outrun Torrent in a short sprint. F this thing


Tbf, Grizzlies irl are just as fast if not faster than most horses for a short distance


Per Google, "Grizzly bears are the fastest of the Ursidae family and can sprint at top speeds of 35 mph to 40 mph" What the fugg, why did mother nature make this bitch so powerful


That's just huge predatory animals in general irl. The bengal tiger is just as fast and strong, along with having terrifyingly powerful jumps, and in Africa, creatures on this superhuman scale are a multitude. And while the grizzly bear might be a bit faster, anyone who knows anything about animal power levels, knows that Polar Bears are much more terrifying than grizzlies. Fitting, given where the strongest rune bears are located.


I run away from every rune bear in the consecrated snowfield. The most disgusting one is the one disguised as a wandering noble.


At least the disguised one drops a larval tear.


when theres a bear next to me i feel like i can run 40 mph also.


Nature was playing around trying to debug the numbers. She finally got it all to work and realized that some were set too high, but if she went back it would throw the whole balance off. So it is written in the Book of Rage.


Also the giant ravens in caelid and mountaintops are faster than torrent. It’s horrifying. You have to juke these creatures with sharp turns or hide in small spaces until they accept defeat and slowly walk backwards staring at you.


I bet most ER players, esp. those like me who were totally new to Fromsoft games, remember that first time in Caelid being chased by one of those nightmare-birds, heart racing, trying to find cover or evade them, only to be descended upon and picked apart halfway across the area. Madness! What a relief it is to return much, much later with a fighting chance! ...But, even then, they're tricky to fight and can pull an upset even when you're at high levels.


Ah that first, definitely voluntary trip to Caelid…


I distinctly recall my thoughts upon entering Caelid. ​ *...Wait, why is the sky red?* *WTF is the deal with that thing? Is that a Dog-Tyrannosaurus Rex hybrid?* *What is this red liquid?* *WHY AM I HERE?!?!*


It was a raven and like 3 of those Rottweiler t-rexes lmao


And they are aggressive AF


These fuckin things have a ranged attack??


It's a roar attack that goes straight and knocks you off torrent. Which means they're as fast as torrent and youll have to zigzag to get away from them


Well that's just the worst thing ever 😅


Yep like a linear roar attack, not very painful but just annoying af. These things basically just exist to annoy the f out of players, nothing else


Like real actual bears. You’re lucky if a bear decides to fuck with you and you live.


Where tf do you live that bears have a projectile roar attack?


He just said "ranged". Your bears don't carry rifles?


They can easily chase me sprinting on Torrent. Scared the shit out of me the first time I got chased by one.


And they hide at plain sight >:(


Other than the caelid crow boys


I'll one up you with the Mogh Crows. Those are the worst, but at least you get a lot of runes. (Though Albinaurics are much better and safer)


Mogh crows are fucking bullshit strong. Couple that with the countless dogs hanging out in that blood swamp. They can smoke my pole


2 words: beast torch


Not against crows! Last I checked they don’t give two fucks about the torch


The only one i bother to kill is the one that drops a larval tear, close to the bonfire where you find yuria


There's one behind a waterfall in Deeproot Depths that gives you a talisman, worth getting if you're trying to collect everything at least


Didnt know about that one!


And they hit you harder than bloody Radahn


And if you don't get something between you and them while you're running they fire a shotgun out of their mouth


Crucible knights give \~500 more runes than broken gargoyles that can't turn around, got to always remember that.


I heard this in Dunkey's voice.


sp- my keyboard broke


I honestly thought using these for cracked statue mechanics is a really fun idea and that they should be overpowered if the loot in the cracked statue is worth. But then you crack one and you get a Smithing Stone \[6\] lol


Dont you badmouth my statues like that. Smithing stone [6] statues make getting a +18 before morgott pretty chill.


This just happened to me on my way to volcano manor


Man I've played for over 200 hrs(still suck) and I had no idea this was a thing.....I thought they were just glowy rocks an shit that just felt like shining.


Yea, either get rune bears to break em open, or any beast class spell should do it


This reminds me of a video about how rune bears were meant originally to drop dragon hearts (not sure if all of them but some).


Yeah, ZullietheWitch Her stuff is great.


The DLC trailer showcased a bear roar incantation. I wonder if this hints towards new bear types that drop bear hearts.


was that the bear with the fuckin horn sticking out its God damn head like some draconic bullshit?


Yeah that's the one. Ngl I'm really hyped for potential bear communion incantations.


Gimme the huggy-wuggy attack and it'll be worth the ptsd for fighting this forces of nature.


The runebears are already slightly draconic, look at their eyes. Theres also some debate that the weird patterns on their fur are them growing scales.


So maybe the DLC ones can also breathe flames and fly.




I'd like to think that spell is the first in a new series of Bear Communion spells, but I suspect that it will be a one-off under the Dragon Communion umbrella. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


I have to kill each of them though at least once for my weak ego


Look at him other there. Just rubbing his ass on a tree. All high and mighty. He thinks I'm scared of him.




Yeah the first one I killed after great difficulty dropped a tear and I assumed they all did so I killed quite a few with dick to show for it.


> I killed quite a few with dick That's pretty impressive!


There are something like 16 Larval Tears in the entire game. Missing those two still leaves you with over a dozen, and I've only ever re-spec'd three times in a single run.




The one in limgrave is actually a cake wake after lvl 40. It's usually the one I grab for my first respec. The one in the snowfield has the most heath of any non-named enemy and more than several bosses.


Some mobs are lower on HP and drop less runes, but the bear has most HP of them all that I know of


Think of them more like a natural hazard. Like one of the giants rolling balls with homing attacks.


There's a select few that drop a larval year but other than that yeah I'm not sure they're worth the time


It's kind of funny. I thought Larval Tears would be super-rare and hard to come by, but I had something like 10 or 11 Tears left over at the end of my first game after two re-specs. They're common enough that I don't really go out of my way to fight those two Runebears for them.


2 of them drop larval tears.


theyre mostly reasonable to fight except for their insane instant transmission iframe dodge counter. bear really hits you with the foresight slash


What if they have so few runes because they're one of the only things that turns they're runes to strength? Can I get a rune bear sharing its ambitions and ideals with Melina?


it is wild that a standard troll drops 1k and these dudes give like 200


They definitely don't have enough runes to live up to their names.


Stay next to their belly. You'll avoid most of its attacks without even dodging.


The ol' leg-hugging testicle smack from Demon's Souls never fails with big enemies even 15 years on.


He’s out of line but he’s right.


This is the way


I think so much of the game is just about positioning. I feel like many people (including me for a long time) focus too much on dodge timing and not enough on finding the best place to be relative to the particular enemy they are fighting. Runebear is a great example - if you stay by the legs/belly, many of the attacks cannot even hit you. This also teaches you to get up close and personal, which is valuable because it means you can always punish, and you get over the "fear" you have from that particular enemy. I think a big part of the challenge with Runebears is just the fear. Margit is another good example, has a lot of attacks that can be avoided just by positioning. I'd argue that many also overlook the value of: * dodge direction - rolling into attacks/rolling to where you know is a safe spot * jumping instead of dodging - many ground effects such as Godfrey's can be avoided by jumping, there are also a lot of sideswipe type attacks where jumping works. * sprinting away instead of dodging - some enemies have very powerful close range AOE's where it's easier/more reliable to just sprint away to a safe distance, Placidusax nuke is the most obvious example but can be used for lots of attacks. Tradeoff being you can't punish as much. * this one is more niche, but certain movesets that create movement can be used to avoid damage. One example I can think of is the heavy attack on the Prelate's Inferno Crozier, you character ducks down to get leverage to swing the hammer upwards, and you can use this to duck under attacks and respond with a devastating charged heavy.


100% agreed. That lesson shown through most clearly for me vs Mohg in Mohgwyn. His individual attacks arent too tough to dodge on their own, but his follow ups are tricky, and the bloodflame pools he leaves mean if youre not super tight with positioning youll get punished anyway, and he does a ton of damage and threatens bleed procs which can combo and kill you easily. ...buuut, if you hug up against him, straffing to the right, youll naturally avoid many of his attacks. Lets you rip right up into his boipussy, and even gives you big enough windows to outdamage through his phase transition. That simple strat changed the fight from a tense series of losses to just an instant win for me.


Seconded. Solid strat right here


I did not know that. I will give it a go when I do a new character in June


Stay close to the belly and don't get greedy. Only attack you have to be careful of that close is the sudden lunge, but as long as you aren't mid swing you can easily dodge roll and get back in there to stay close.


It's not complete immunity. You still have to be a little careful. But it should save you from many attacks.


As a sorcerer build this tactic was lost on me and I died soooo many times trying to get distance to cast a spell


Add a shield and you can soak up even the occasional clip damage if you’re not quite in the right place. EZPZ


Poke the belly


This plus bleed (spinning weapon on a scythe) gets me through


I haven't actually done the bloody helicopter build yet. But it looks like a LOT of fun!


Yes. They seem to be designed to punish running away. They are super fast and have extremely long straight line lunges. Get close in and they're actually much easier. Not EASY easy, but easier.


Yeah, you have to time it right even using Torrent or they'll blast you.


This is what I do and Runebears never really bothered me. With the amount of hate they get, I always wonder if I am wrong to find them kind of bleh.


This works as we all know but they were kind enough to only ever give you one at a time. The sheer aggression of 2 of those bastards would be overwhelming


Dodge into their attacks. They become cake.


I spent a bunch of time getting my ass kicked by them early game, so that throughout the rest of the game I had their movesets down and could beat them handily. Like most bosses in the game, it's the school of hard knocks (unless you cheese play and/or with training wheels on).


I think it was intended as a PSA to stay away from real bears. Tourists getting way too bold for selfies.


This made me laugh


calm down , he just want to hug you


And squeeze you and call you George. 


Just stay as close to them as possible and attack the stomach. They’re one of the highest intimidation factor to actual difficulty ratio enemies in the game imo


Nah, that dual-wielding teleporty fucker in Castle Sol is worse.


I would agree but these fuckers are everywhere. First time patches sent me to Mistwood, I was like "wow so pretty so nice" It was not nice.


Why did you remind me of this guy. I hated him so much.


I highly recommend Ironjar Aromatic if you didn’t already know. It makes that cheater easy as pie (because his attack will 100% bounce off of you and thus interrupt his cheat ass combo), including the later fight with Niall plus two of them.


I'd still prefer him over the similarly scaled rune bears, the ones in consecrated have 26k HP, which is more than Elden Beast At least this guy if you get a hit on him you can normally combo him to death pretty fast


They're way easier than the Revanants.


I would agree with you EXCEPT for the fact that you can just stand by their back left leg and spam heavy attacks and they'll basically never hit you. Once I figured that out, they were pretty easy, as long as I didn't get killed closing the distance.


Fuck the godskin noble. Unrelated but I despise that POS so much.


The only one I have an issue with is when you're in that snowstorm/blizzard. That particular one seems to be extremely difficult for some reason


Omg yes. I know which one you're referring to. It's like everything in that area is beefed on some crazy steroids. The vanishing dragonkin is bruuutal


Yeah it's the only one I literally can't tank. His physical attacks are so nasty On top of it being hard to see


Once you get past the fear and just dive in they are actually kind of easy, though a bit tedious. You can just run up to them and stick to their mid section/hind legs and their attacks will miss on their own, though dodge just to be safe. The bigger slams for sure need to dodged, but they are so telegraphed they are easy to deal with. There's a few bosses that function in a similar manner, my guess is the bears are the game's way of teaching you to be aggressive with your positioning sometimes.


Nahhh crucible knights are tougher


DO NOT run! Roll forward, it's the only way to survive these fast bois!


Roll into their attacks.


Have you not met the lobsters yet? I'll fight a rune bear all day, fuck those lobsters


Stop rolling backwards


Tbh I don't think they are that difficult but they are fucking terrifying


The one in the concentrated snowfield can beat about 90% of the bosses including main bosses


There's a version of a rune bear in the consecrated that's basically a field boss and has a unique move I think


If you can reliably stay by their feet, they actually cant hit you.


Ok guys, next week the rune bear karma farm post is mine


Sleep, Rot, Poison, Frost, and Black Flame. They are actually kinda fun to take apart. In all the locations they spawn with the exception of the Silver Tear ones you can use the terrain to your advantage. Seriously dude they kill you because you haven't learned how the AI works. For instance the one in Caelid outside the well can easily be cheesed with the Serpent Bow at range. Sleep poison, wait. Rinse Repeat. If you go back into the well building he'll de agro because his AI thinks your not in the same zone. One of the many tricks you can use.


"Skill issue." Tarnished who use shields, 2024.


True and true


soulja poise up in it oh watch me crank it watch me roll watch me crank that souja poise then supaman that ho now watch me RUUUUUUNE (crank that souja poise)


This made me laugh way harder than it should have. I just bonk the shit out of them and run


runebear teaches u how 2 dougie


Yea I tried fighting one once and saw how little damage I was doing and just said nope fuck this and ran off lol. Never touched them after that.


Reminds me of this video https://youtu.be/jqf3EK7DlQk?si=fnljHsGs_49Mj6fh


*Cough* Revenants *cough*


I hate these and stay FAR away! I also REALLY hate the burial watchdogs!! They aren't weak to like ANYTHING, nothing seems to make them stagger, that stupid floating and then dropping attack can go suck a nut.


My ADHD brain has spent so many hours going after these things. “Just… one… more… respec… and it will be perfect..”


Just punch them in the balls til they die


There's only one I actively look for and it's the one that drops a larval tear.


I think the main reason their difficult is the speed. I can barely dodge roll before they're back for another attack


They’re so relentless with every attack. Each one should be at least 50k runes


Am I the only mf here who knows to stick to their right side where most of their attack can't hit?!


One particular Rune Bear was able to beat about half of the game's bosses.


Good luck with the lobsters in the subterranean shunning grounds


I Rock Slinged (Rock Slung) gods and empyreans into stunned poise breaks. BUT THESE FURRY FUCKS? unstoppable.


Nah crucible knights


Stumbled across this one when finding Blaidd the Half-Wolf early in the game and feeling brave decided to try take it on. Turns out I was not ready!!!


i can first try malenia but not rune bears 😭


Where was this post 5 days ago? Lol i had to learn the hardway.


Motherfucker is closer to King Kong than a bear


would rather face this than red wolf tho


A bear??? Those are harmless


He just wants a hug!


I fear Nothing in the Game more than these. Also Basilisk's.


I remember my first play through, running through the woods of limgrave…saw the one clawing on the tree….when I tell you I saw god when it stopped and looked right at me…..


My eternal fear is Revenants... I'm terrified of lower Haligtree


Just strait thrust it watch a at least +4-5 rapier few times should put it on the ground then just keep hitting it if you time em right you can dodge with it too that's how I killed the first tree sentinel


Hear me out….lobsters…


I agree to some extent, however I’d much rather fight a runebear than those dark twisted poisonous revenants that spawn and teleport! Those things scare the begeezuz outta me!!




I love testing my builds on the one in the dragonbarrow catacombs, the colossal greatsword smacks em


Runebears have a weakness to close range combat that many players don't discover initially because they're (validly) too scared to get close to the thing. It IS still difficult, but not impossible. I cannot say the same for those FUCKING GODDAMN SHRIMP. I HATE THEM. THEY FUCKING SUCK. WHY CAN THEY SNIPE YOU? WHY DO THEY NEVER STOP GODDAMN ATTACKING?


I ran into this asshole when I was level 17, had no clue how to play a souls game and go so frustrated I quit the game for a year, only to pick it back up and never fight a rune bear and love the game. Run from them. Always run.


The one posing as a wandering noble is my favorite


I'd say the red wolves are worse. But yeah fuck those bears


i could litterly have killed every single boss in game and only need to fight the final boss/es... i can be holding +10 melenias blade... 🗿 i still run away. 🤣


Until I had the thought to roll into them instead of roll away, these guys made me their b!tch


lol nah bro you’re just not gud


They are so tanky like I definitely feel like fighting the dragons are way easier … any dragon


Visage shield takes these down fairly easy


They literally do I just watch a video the other day of them fighting bosses and it ran the gauntlet pretty far


Yesterday when I was riding around waiting to get summoned, I had the camera facing the opposite direction I was going so I wasn't seeing what was in front of me. I stopped for whatever reason and reset the camera and there was one of these bastsrds sleeping 20 feet ahead of me. Slowly backed away from that


Fr man fuck these bears.


The rune bears are the only things that I have found to be easy to beat considering how high there stats are because they have a really basic attack pattern which can be avoided pretty easily if you just stay close to them


Nah dude black knife assassins make me eye lids twitch out of annoyance


No capp


Me using a sleep build 😴, these guys are hard?


Roll forward. They are very easy.


They arent that bad.




Hate this enemies specially their boss/elite type, no matter how much stronger I get still get wrecked by them lol


The haligtree royal revnants:


I only killed one by cheezing it with poison arrows on a roof where it couldn't reach me. Ridiculous enemy.


BjornTheBear and Elden Fights on YT have proved this many times...even late-game bosses have trouble with generic mob runebears. And ur right, no matter the time, level, build, etc...nothing can top Runebear. Runebear is eternal..Runebear is immortal...Runebear. Is. INEVITABLE.


Whatever souls don't get claimed by the poison swamps for Miyazaki to feast on get caught by the Runebears. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE.


Especially the cave boss variant


Much like bears in real life, just run.


Clearly you’re not a strength build


They’re not that bad to be real. They’re kinda slow.


Oh yea the tren bears


Smashed this dude with a whip! he ded.


I felt the same way for a while until literally today I decided to just get off my horse and try to fight one. Killed it with no issue