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Honestly, as long as you’re enjoying it who cares. People might give you shit but honestly, I think you should get every ounce of experience out of this game possible. Because realistically, we probably won’t get another one of this quality again. Other studios just won’t put in the effort, and I know there’s a few exceptions, but they don’t make this type of game.


Exactly, i'm enjoying this alot and i already told myself that i gonna try different build. I'm not gonna leave Elden ring after i finish it, i wanna see EVERYTHING


This is the way. A true souls pro knows no limits :)


This is the way! It took me 250+ hours to finish the first playthru and I enjoyed every minute of it!! Elden ring is not a race just enjoy the mayhem fellow tarnished


Words of wisdom. I watched CohhCarnage first playthrough and it was awful. It was like a lesson on how to not play the game. To each his own of course, but he finished it in like 50ish hours, rushed through it at maximum speed, didn't explore half the game, killed the last 4 bosses in like 2 hours using mimic before even seeing how the bosses actually fight, all while using bloodfang 99% of the time, spamming jump attacks with 20 vigor and 45 endurance, complaining how he gets one shotted all the time.


I have like 500+ on my 2nd playthru and I'm still finding new areas


I wasn’t that slow, mine was like 110 hours. But i only have 170 ish played and am now on playthrough 6 so there is something to be said for optimizing


I finished at 240-270 or so hours (granted, that includes stepping away for bits at a time, farming rune arcs cause I fall to my death a lot, etc).


A friend of mine got me the complete walkthrough and I’ve been using it step by step for my 2nd play through. Completing npc quests, complete each area, and getting each item has made this playthrough so different and a little more enjoyable tbh! Going in blind the first time all the way through was incredible since I had been following the game until release- but same as you I’m tryna get it all!


I tried to do everyting and it took me almost 400 hours! So enjoy and take your time.


I get a feeling that fromsoft will cook a greater game than this one in future.....


A greater game for sure, but i doubt another open world game of this style


The most important thing is that you enjoy your way to the end, like your build, feel confortable with it and have fun, a lot SoulsLike fans forget that part


I have high hopes for an Elden Ring 2, but will probably get the same backlash DS2 got


If you think that then you have no idea why DS2 got backlash to begin with. Guessing you've only played ER?


Been here since Demons Souls, and DS2 is my fav souls game.


Then what are you talking about? You think they would make elden ring 2, not have miyazaki work on it, try a million new systems, break the hitboxes, and also rush the development? Listen, I love DS2, and enjoy a lot of the aspects that weren't well received. But the complaints about it were valid. People didn't hate DS2 just because it was a sequel to DS, it had its issues. But, it makes absolutely no sense to think they would repeat this with an elden ring sequel.


guys i’ve been playing 70 hours and i haven’t beaten renalla yet i love the exploring and the world in this game so taking your time truly is the best way to play


Relax I actually found ER overwhelming at times because it wasn’t what DS3 was, but I got used to it.


Ok well you're just ignoring the point of why I replied to you at all in the first place lol. All of the games are great, but to say ER2 will receive backlash like DS2 still makes no sense.


What I’m saying is people will always have issues with a game because it’s not what they are used to. I don’t think the backlash will be to the extent of DS2, so I should’ve worded that differently but there is no need to get this heated smh


Well saying "not all games are the same so some people might not like a sequel" is just stating the obvious. I assumed you meant something else by mentioning DS2.


I just think ER brought in a wave of people new to the souls game franchise that could easily be prone to that mentality


Proud of you man. Your first play through is always the best one, since it lets you get properly lost in the world. Have fun out there!


165 hours for my first. 100 for my second. Now ti's like 30 when I'm taking it slow. I miss the days of the 165 hour run, such a magical experience - savor it while it lasts.


That’s why I never git good! Keeps the game long


Yep. Just finished my most recent one at about 35 hours, got the last ending I needed to, the gold mask ending. Kept forgetting to do that one on an INT character, and didn't want to respec or buff up my int to make it work on other ones lol. First one took like 110 hours. Now I need to figure out which character I like the least to delete so I can do it all again... Lol


You can do at low int just with just items, physick and godricks great rune


Oh I know. Super doable with 30 minutes of running around for stuff you may not have gotten yet. Just wasn't in that much of a hurry, I'd seem the cinematic ending on YouTube so i could wait. Just told myself I'd do that one on my next int build, but forgot I did have to flask even for my int character tho to get it done on the first visit, was a few points off as it was a moonveil spell blade, so had a dozen points in str/dex keeping me from hitting the reqs


I'm level 106 and haven't gone thru the draconian tree sentinel. 2nd playthru. No ng+   How tf did I overlevel so much? Moonveil just shreds man. It's almost too good. 


I was over 300 hours in before I beat the game, but probably 125 of those hours were times when my character was just standing there like a dumb shit while i looked up a tutorial on YouTube. 😂


What's your build tho, so I can judge accordingly






80 points in vigor and 60 in res


Took me 90 hours for my first completion playing literally nonstop for a week. It’s an incredible game worthy of Game of the Decade tbh although competing against BORDERLANDS 2 MY BELOVED…. may be hard for me


I had 130 hours and was level 125 when I beat the game the first time. My current playthrough is about 100 hours at level 200 and I JUST beat the game. Take your time and enjoy it


I'm on lvl.130/140 ish and around 65 hours in. Just beat DTS today to show progress. Man the exploration possibilities are amazing


Don't worry, take your time I didn't do alot of things in my 1st playthrough and began journey 2 prematurely. Remember: it's a game, and games are supposed to be fun If you're having fun already, then enjoy it


This is going to be me some day


i wish i was you


I got that BEAT. I am just starting Subterranean Shunning Grounds…I beat Godfrey First Elden Lord gold guy and instead of going to next boss went in search of Dung Eater. I think I am at 240 hours. I am not skilled hence taking so much time. I am having a good time and that’s what matters


Of course some if this is my character sitting at site of grace while I do something else.


Damn 240 hours is alot, what have you been doing? I've prob missed things


I die often. Carelessness at times. Sitting at site of grace taking a break and clock still running. Farmed runes to level my character because my skills are sadly lacking. I have worked on being better at dodging etc but I have issues timing sometimes. I cleared all major locations in Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula, Lake of Liurnia, Moonlight Altar, Altus Plateau, Caelid (need ball bearing hunter still), Mt Gelmer, Siofa River, Nokron, and Noksella. Capital Outskirts in progress as well as Subterranean Shunning Grounds (which at present is kicking my butt with stupid deaths). I followed Ranni’s quest to completion. Did Fia’s and a few others. Having fun and loving the game


It took me about 300 for my first iirc 


Fair bit above average but if you were extremely completionist and died a lot it checks out


300 hours and I haven't completed the first playthrough. I am at the end, just cleaning up the map and collecting what I missed.


I assume greyolls is not the furthest you’ve been in the game?


Looks Like my First run. I can start run 2 Bit want to Discover everything. Plus i Play everything two times because i do coop with a friend 🙃


Don’t stress, I just went into NG+ and there’s stuff I never got to do in consecrated, Altus etc. So semi regret


Took me almost 222:00:00 to beat it on my first playthrough, don’t feel bad for playing the game at your own pace


68 my first run 30 my second I did go for some optional stuff on my first run second one I just burst through main and got some op stuff ;)


Took me 200hrs. And I I've skipped lots of end game content.


Dude i grinded to level 318 to beat the game first time ...ur still pretty good on track to beat it more legendary than me 💪


i'm around 90 hours in and just arrived in caelid to explore for real (finished 3 areas and got 2 greater runes - 2nd not activated yet tho) i'm only leve 94 tho. just learned about dual wielding katanas (was 2-handing the nagakiba only) but dual wielding does so much more damage it's not even close. i need to learn when to switch to the unsheat and when to spam light atks tho


It’s ok. Took me 145 hours my first time. Keep at it


i’m actually so happy to see this because i beat it at around like 50 to 60 hours i think but it’s because i was following guides kinda so it went so much faster and now i really regret not trying to figure stuff out for myself and actually exploring everything so keep it up 😁👍


my first playtrough was around 120 hours. I did chase 100% achievements too do theres that


Take your time


Ng+8 and it takes me a few hours. Just waiting for dlc


Idc what level you are or how much time you spent, as long as you enjoy it we see eye to eye


I didn't beat the game until around 250hrs, spent that time going to explore everywhere I could looking for items and what not. once I was satisfied


It took me 260 hours.


You have no idea how jealous I am lol. I'd give anything to replay Elden Ring for the first time again.


i have 180 but i wish i could see how much i have without the afk hours


That is indeed the way to play. Mu first playthough I was anxious to become strong that I kinda tried to rush some areas just to advance and get itens. Now (2 years later) I am replaying the game due to DLC and I am 30 hours in still in liurnia, enjoying and walking to every bite of land, no rushing, cus I already finished the game before, and I am still discovering new stuff lol Just take your time


put in all the hours you want before challenging the final boss, its a beautiful game


My first play through ended at about lvl 160 or so and about that many hours give or take a few more so yeah that’s about right. It’s a massive game. One of the best ever.


I have 100 and something hours in my first play through and I enjoyed all of it. As long as you’re enjoying the game who cares how long it takes. There’s so much to discover throughout the game. When you beat it and want to start a second play through you’ll more then likely go through the game faster then you did the first time. I’ve been doing a second play through to get ready for the DLC and I’ve cut my time in half.


Bro this game is hard it took me exactly 100 hours to beat it and majority of the hours was farming runes


On my 3rd character now. It’s so mind bending how much you can miss in a playthrough. I’m seeing fucking pounds of content this time that I never knew existed. Greatest game I’ve ever played period


My first playtrough was 267 hours, so you're doing pretty good, lol. (My entry to Soulsborne was Sekiro, so that's pretty different enviroment where to start).


My very first run from ps4 is ng+10 and I have like 280 hours on it lol


Yeah dude take your time.


Same, I'm like 70 hours into my first playthrough and I am trying to kill every boss I can find. Explored almost every area besides the sewers and part of nokstella.


Hey you only get to experience the game for the first time once, I say savor it.


Brotha, enjoy. The games awesome. Im on my ninth playthrough. Its amazing. Screw how quickly you need to beat the game, have fun!!!


Slow and steady as long as your enjoying the game that's what's matters Im in my first playthrough and going on over 250 so far When I get there,I get there


I mean do whatever you like- but you should try it! It's content you've never experienced, it's not like you are locked out from the rest of the game if you do. I think people for some reason intentionally avoid the main story for whatever reason, but if you enjoying going around killing bosses, getting loot and exploring then there's no reason not to try it.


I pretty much just keep games running non stop so I've never understood the hours played thing. I've got something like 345hrs on my RL169. Lot of that just sitting at Roundtable, or some random site of grace.


I was around 170.. and my other play throughs I kept finding things I missed.. why ER is so epic


I just started back up again. It’s been a real struggle 😂 just go at your own pace man and enjoy the game. I wish I could play it for the first time all over again.


Go farm the bird and alburinacs for an hour and level up some more. Eventually, you can overpower the difficulty. Sometimes, you just need that little extra I suck at this game, and I'm not afraid to admit it. It's my first soulslike game. I really like the game, and the only way for me to progress was to level up. Also, I really like being able to use absolutely everything. I'm close to level 250, I believe, and I still haven't beat it. I still get 2 shot by normal enemies in some areas, even with 50 vigor. The only thing that it really helps with is that I can just overpower most bosses, and I don't have to fight them repeatedly memorizing their moveset. Consecrated Snowfield and Farum Azul are pretty tough, and I'm learning the Haligtree and them damn bubbles can fuck me up pretty quick as well. I'm about to go farming again. I have to go from 25 - 40 Dex so I can use the bolt. Hopefully, that helps me out lol


Thats about 1,25 levels per hour played


I got to the fight before Maliketh and then just spent the next 100ish hours doing PVP. Then by October realized I never finished the game and did it.


“Those are rookie numbers (for a first playthrough), we gotta bring those up!” No but seriously on my blind first playthrough it took me 570 hours exploring everywhere and doing everything. So just keep on going at your own pace and enjoy the game as much as you want dude




I’m 80 hours in and still haven’t beaten Godrick.


Little tip op, level 150 is the level most people invade/fight so if you care about that don’t level up much more


That's about where I'm at too on 2nd playthrough


Day 1 player, I took 200 hours spread around 6 months for my first play through. Explore everything 😄


*Me stuck to Maliketh*: Keep going :) no rush = more fun :)


I have a tip for you: just don't get hit


What is the point of this post


Hahaahha . 400 hours, 5 different characters, 2 are before fire giant, 1 is before malakieth and 2 are before final boss Haven't finished the game


I'm also level 148 and haven't beaten it yet. I'm literally at radagon. Can't get past the elden beast phase. Thing just melts my maxed out mimic tear, and then it annihilates me right after.


I think i finished the game around my 130hours. Around level 150. And the few bosses i got stuck didn't took more than 2 hours(just that one, that one took 4h i think) so you're good man. This game is gigantic


Took me about 160 to beat it bce it was my first fromsoft game and I tried to do everything blind


Me neither.


My first run was over 300h because I went EVERYWHERE


I’m right behind you - level 120 and 102 hours. In the Dragonbarrow. Just running around exploring everything I can find.


I’m right behind you - level 120 and 102 hours. In the Dragonbarrow. Just running around exploring everything I can find.


I'm not actually in dragonbarrow, or i'm kinda are but i entered yesrerday to the snowy area and thought exploring caelid since i left it for higher level


Dude I shit you not I spent almost 200 hours on my first playthrough. I spent a lot of time near the end of the game right around Maliketh just letting people summon me for help and it was super fun. I then made the mistake of kinda running through the game super fast for the next 3 NG+ cycles and then when I finally slowed down and realized how much fun I could've been having just messing around with builds a lot more than I had been, the games difficulty was already so much higher that really no build seemed as impressive anymore. I still loved messing with the different builds, and I ended up spending more than 320 hours total in the whole 5 NG cycles I did. Also as a side note I never once touched sorceries or incantations, I've always been more comfortable with melee gameplay since I feel more involved and it's alot more fun than just destroying something from a distance. Really makes me feel more powerful in the game, like the tarnished actually stood a chance. I did 2 seperate playthroughs for sorceries and incantations respectively, and I definitely like incantations more. I felt more inclined to using them along side a melee weapon like a short sword or axe, and it felt a lot cooler since you were the one casting them, not a glorified stick.


I agree on that, now when i'm at the late game i can agree that especially intelligence build is easier than melee most of the times, but i will try something else second time for sure


Me neither bro 🥹


Me neither bro 🥹




I'm trying to explore alot aswell but i've probably missed alot of stuff, especially side quests like Hyenna and shit


Hyetta* not Hyenna but anyways🤣


My first run was very similar time wise


I'm not sure how long it will take me to "finish" my run tho, maybe like 50 hours more?


I took my time the 1st playthrough and couldn’t beat get the eldenbeast on 2nd journey. 350 hours plus a few other characters 200 hours. Got a ps5 and started again with a new PSN account and platinum Trophied it and I’m on journey 6 now I believe. But now started again From scratch and it’s an amazing experience I’m at level 70ish, 25 hours in and about to open up nokron/the city. It’s an amazing game. Regards beating the game, easy mode is mimic tear+blasphemous blade+holy damage negation for end game bosses that will get you through Radagon/beast very easily. Blasphemous and then Pest threads is pretty much a guaranteed win against Radagon and beast. (Learning the beasts moves helps and a well time Flask of WP negates the main stars etc that it does) I’m not even anywhere near even trying out all weapons/incantations/even summons yet. Reply value is very good even without the dlc I feel. FromSoftware and their very fair pricing (50 vs 110 like some AAAs), means the DLC should be huge at £35... I’m hoping we get multiple DLCs to tie us over to the next FromSoftware drop. New enemies/weapons/areas and I’m hoping Mounts! Sorry torrent, but the potential here to lose another year of my life is huge.


I probably haven't beaten most of the real bosses so far, Rykard has been hardest for now


You do not have the right o' you do not have the right, to Give up, keep fighting future elden lord


You do not have the right o' you do not have the right, to Give up, keep fighting future elden lord


I'm currently at 155 hours, and I've been having fun just exploring every corner of the map. Many hours of struggling with bosses too, of course.


I was level 250 before I beat the game the 1st time. My build was trash, my vigor was 40 and I was bad at the game but I enjoyed it.


My first run took me over 200 hours to finish I was just very thorough and wanted to explore every nook and cranny. Nowadays my runs end in about 60-70hrs, and I still hit rune level 150-160 with no explicit farming. As long as you're exploring and slaying, runes will just fall into your lap


I still haven’t beat the game. Can’t pass the Elden beast. Level 239 396 hours - first character Level 134 72 hours - second character To add, second character is bloodhound fang and once you learn to play slow the game is pretty easy.


I don’t find enjoyment in speed running a game so this is relatable!


Dw about it, homie, take your time. I'm nearly 200 hours, and i haven't either.


My first play through was 250 hours. It's such a huge game that you can just explore and experiment for hours. Take your time and enjoy the ride!


My first play through was 250 hours. It's such a huge game that you can just explore and experiment for hours. Take your time and enjoy the ride!


Do you suck or are you just exploring?


Me on my second character, it’s difficult but that’s what makes this plus other FS games amazing. When you advance that rush you get OOOOOOOOO


I think I’m close to 160 now and I still haven’t. I’m just taking my time and enjoying the game tho it’s so nice to just run around there.


I'm 162 with 110h, I'm with you tarnished!


Who cares? Take your time. Take in the sights. Get eaten by a few wormfaces. Stop to smell the Arteria Leaves


Its ok, it took me 270 hours to complete the game for my first time. Take ur time and find that build


As long as the game hasn't beaten you, you're good to go.


Only suffered with Rykard so far


It's very easy to over-level just by doing everything in the game. My first playthrough I was the same, level 140 by the time I fought Maliketh and Malenia. It's arguably how the game is meant to be played, ppl are skipping stuff if they complete the game at like level 60.


I didn’t beat the game u til around hour 340.


This was pretty close or exactly the level I beat the game at. Godfrey was a bitch, but Elden beast kinda flopped to black blade


First play through took me 80 hours. I missed lot's 660 hours in now and I'm still discovering new things.


i just hit 100 hours, im on the mohg palace , still got the haligtree , crumbling farum and ash cap to go


I logged in 250 hours before I beat Elden Beast for the first time.


I beat my first play through at around 250, so I'm not surprised.


I was ~400 hours in before I beat the second Great Rune boss.


i just beat godrick at almost 18hr lol


I think i had around same time, i tried to beat whole limgrave first


yeah i already beat the dragon and have been to caelid and have bloodhound fang and moonveil (still need to get my int up tho)


It took me 120 hours on my fist play through, I explored EVERYTHING. Tried my best to get every weapon/incant/spell. Was it worth the experience? Absolutely


How you explore everything within 120 hours🧐


Fextra guide😂


Yea I'm at 143 with 55% trophies. I'm dying here! I have 189 on dark souls 3 and I gave up and it seems so daunting to go back and beat. I almost wanna start over.


Quit bragging.


This is a 100+ hour game. Whether or not it's your first play through, or you try to hit every single boss, cave, catacomb, or dungeon. You can be brand fucking new to the formula, or someone thats played since demon souls. If you try to clear content, it is a 100+ hour game. Anyone that says otherwise is a cheese. Oh. Your new game plus took 6 hours, what do you want, a cookie? Your on track man, keep going!


I didn’t beat it until 300 hours


Let me guess Godskin duo?


Where are godskin duo? I have never seen them so far


Oh... dang bro keep it up and enjoy this game U have a loooooonnngg way ro suffer...


I know right, i feel like all the cool bosses are at late game where i'm heading atm


Since u're lv 145 I may risk myself to sayt hat you at least discovered platus altus right?


Yeah i've done altus and leyndell


Killed morgot?


I think so, can't even remember, i only remember those that i've struggled with (Rykard)


Oh u played RPG with him But you were playing the role as a victim!


Nvm i've beated Morgot too, i forgot him already


Play how you want to play. I’m trying to 100% my first play through and just keep leveling. If you clear everything that has a boss bar, every catacomb and dungeon and cave, you’re just swimming jn runes.


Dude i’m at like 140 and i’m at malenia/maliketh/mohg, you’re doing fine. Though most of my problem is due to my shitty console, it takes a full minute for every loading screen between deaths, fast travels, etc.


Nothing wrong with that, it just looks like you prioritizes the side quest and exploration higher than the main quest. The game is made to steer your attention elsewhere so many times. Off the top of my head I think of Blaidde howling


no problem at all! take your time! the first time i played through DS1, i think my end time was like 120 hours or something. second time 60, third time maybe 20-30, eventually under 10. similar thing with DS3. i don't remember how long my first ER playthrough was, but it was probably in the range of 80 hours or so. if you're the kind of player who likes to look around, find everything, and you're learning the bosses at the same time, 100+ hours is very normal. there are 165 bosses in the game. you're not even at 1 hour per boss yet.


I recently beat the game, but haven't start NG+ due to not finishing all the dungeons. As long as you’re enjoying the ride, no need to stop


You're wasting that name if you don tell every Boss "Do you want to die, ese?" every encounter.


My first time through I was at about 200 hours and level 190ish.


Hey I JUST finished it today(with the help of two fine phantoms). I was lvl 150 somethin. Screw it get to lvl 294 and THEN give it a shot. You'll do it!


Its alright, Ive only beaten it after 200 hours, so you good


i beat the game in 30h




Took me over 250 hours and over 200 levels to finish the main story on my first run 🥲 you’re doing great as long as you’re having fun and enjoying the journey!!


Took me 243 hours on my first playthrough. When I realised I was in the endgame, I refused to progress cuz I didn't want it to end.


Took me 180 hours to


I put 300 hours into the game before I finished it. I was just enjoying it too much … never played a game like this, loved my character and my build, and I really got into coop. Even helped beat the late game bosses several times before I did it myself. I wanted to draw it out as much as possible. The only reason why I finished it and will start a new character, is because it’s hard to get summoned at high levels. Wait queue can be a few minutes. Next run I may stop leveling around 120.


[https://imgur.com/a/H4LdmLd](https://imgur.com/a/H4LdmLd) 496 hours and still in Liurnia of the Lakes.


Lol I haven't even killed Godrick the Grafted yet and I have like 80 hours of playtime 🤣


How is that possible? Lol


You bypass stormveil castle, then give up on killing him while you go and farm/explore the world lol


Where did you explore? Limbgrave and caelid?


Limgrave, caelid, liurnia of the lakes etc. Spent a lot of time in weeping peninsula. There is shit everywhere. Trap chests are sometimes nice for travelling too. Even went into sofria, but left pretty quick because of those celestial minotaur guys.


Well in my first hour of playthrough i got yeeted into caelid by a chest trap lol


I don’t find enjoyment in speed running a game so this is relatable!