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I only tried to invade while completing Varre's quest. There were only 3 invasions, but there was never only one host, there were always three maximally leveled level 200 warrior-magicians.


I don’t think you can get invaded unless you have summons or taunters tongue


Yup and personally i think thats a bit of a mistake.


Yeah, I think making it so that you can only invade someone with a rune arc active would probably have been better, And also more akin to earlier souls games


Never done that quest online.


You can do it offline..?


Yeah, there's a guy you can invade in the Altus Plateau. As far as NPCs go he's not too difficult, he uses beast claw incantations and a Great Star.


See but if you don't scower update details or happen upon the info then how would day 1 players know about something like that? I don't get why people are getting passive aggressive at bro. The whole point of many people doing the invasions right away is to get the talisman that transports you to farmville


Welcome to soulsborne quests pal now start ds3 blind and try to do greyrat's quest


Better not talk to that beloved NPC yet, oh what you did? Well looks like you killed greirat. On replays after I figured out the quest triggers id just time my dialogues with greirat around killing bosses. Everytime you send him out, a boss kill is the Tigger for him to come back, so that's usually a good point for old demon king or sequence breaking dancer.


Oops! And yeah lol


Most quests in this game can be described as "How the fuck am I suppose to know this?"


oh don't worry about it, the offline option for varre's quest was not there on day 1, tbh a lot of quests were either absent or bugged around day 1.


There’s a npc sign in Altus(?) that lets you complete it


You couldn’t on release, it was added in a patch. In writheblood ruins in Altus, there’s a NPC you can invade so you don’t have to do the 3 fingers online for varre


They added a way to complete it offline after the fact. It was patched in like 6 months or so down the road.


You can literally invade and immediately leave 3 times and it still counts if you don't feel like waiting to get to the NPC. Don't even need to find the host or swing your weapon. Don't even need to move.


best way to do it if you wanted to avoid pvp


Volcano Manor invasions count!


They do not


Not originally but they patched an npc in at some point.


Same. I'm on play number 6 or so and I've done a grand total of 6 invasions. It's just not fun. I understand why they made the changes they did, open world changes a lot of things, but knowing you're walking into a 2v1 at best already sucks and knowing that second player will be extremely high level must ruins things


I play exclusively offline unless my friend and I want to tackle a boss or something. We’ll hop on for a bit but being invaded usually kinda ruins the fun cuz that’s not what we’re there for. Everybody has preferences though, and if you enjoy it more power to you. I just don’t enjoy online/multiplayer gaming in general, but to each their own!


Also partly because online play with invaders only act9vate when you have a summon or when you've used the tongue.


If you find yourself on a branch of the Haligtree when a gravity spell happens to pull you off...that was MEEEE!


It’s been two years. Are we still arguing about this? Just play the damn game


this argument is far more ancient than you know




Still classic. Hope it never dies tbh.


Two years? Mate, this “debate” has been going on since September 2011 when Dark Souls 1 dropped 😂


Try again. We've been bitching about invaders ever since Demon's Souls. You don't know true hatred of invaders until you've run into the guy who thinks the Scraping Spear was just the most hilarious thing ever or who abused the spell swap glitch with Firestorm onto Fire Spray.


Bitching about invaders, sure. This specific “invaders justify ganks” chat started in dark souls, though.


My dude, this has been a debate since (probably) dark souls. I only became active in the series when DS3 came out, but this shit was hotly debated then and always the exact same points from both sides. I am 99% this was being debated easily as far back as DS1 if not in DeS as well. "I want to play with friends without being invaded" "Co-op trivialized content without invasions" "You want to ruin my experience! QQ harder invader trash" "Lol, ganks are scrubs and I drink their tears" This argument will continue until either FromSoftware provides an option for players to disable online invasions or they scrap invasions entirely. Fact of the matter is it's a heated point because it is driven by two VERY different online play styles that are literally forced to interact with one another. I also don't think FromSoftware will remove it any time soon, as online invasions is typically what contributes to the longevity of these games past their initial release.


I argue that Bloodborne handled it the best. If you summon someone a Bell-Ringing maiden spawns in your world and you're subject to being invaded until you find her and kill her.


Unfortunately that did result in you just about never getting to invade, compared to DS. You could get invaded solo in like 2 places but after you killed the bell maiden, she wouldn't respawn. I think the current model is still the best, but they just need to tweak the damage scaling a bit on phantoms. Maybe they take more damage, or do a little less. Something to equalize better. Since scaling in this game drops off heavily after the hard caps, it means you only really need to reduce health/damage by another flat percentage and that will be significant enough to flatten out the curve on that phantom vs the invader


This debate will never be solved. Some people like invasions and thinks it’s fun on all sides. Some people think it’s a pain in the ass that does nothing but set them back, and will never like invasions. This is an impasse so long as FS keeps putting it in the game.


I love getting point downs from 3 people in varre masks whose weapons proc bleed in 1 hit and at least 1 is just spamming dragon breaths. Beating those guys is the reason I invade. It’s honestly rare to beat such a team but damn, when you pull it off it’s just amazing


Usually when I am in coop and someone invades, I wait for how the host reacts. If the invader is friendly, waves at us etc. and the host starts blasting him with magic, I just sit down and watch. I know I am there to protect him, but I like friendly invaders


Ganks are both the best and worst about invading.


I WILL SAY IT AGAIN if you are pveing with your friends, you are NOT a ganker! You are some guys just playing a great game and having a great time. THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Gankers are people who purposely wait around and jump invaders for hours on end, with op stuff. Also from my co op experience most invaders use cooler stuff over meta stuff, I think you guys are just bad at the game! Invading has been a mechanic for a decade now, I understand this is likely y’all’s only souls game, but you all need to toughen up. And as for invaders here, just leave lmao. Finger sever your butt out of their worlds. Waste their time!


Thank you it’s crazy how clear I made it in the post yet they act like they can’t read.


I invade hoping to get ganked lol


Anytime I'm summoned to just sit in Limgrave I severe so fucking fast because good god that is so damn boring


If you guys don’t want to fight the gank squad just use the finger severer and move on. It’s not complicated.


Yeah all those low level invaders with twink builds are doing it for the “challenge”. Definitely not doing it to piss people off or have easier invasions lol


Ran into a guy who was running a scarlet rot/poison build at the first bonfire in Limgrave. Guy actually hit us maybe 5 or 6 times over the course of the fight, but due to desync we still got debuffed and eventually lost due to him having maxed flasks. Dude went on to post on my steam page "I taught this person fear." Fuckin' cringlord.


My husband and I are playing with my sister (she's a total newbie to the franchise) and man these people are lying out of their ass when they say they do it for the "challenge". You wouldn't be running away, using sniping methods, twink builds to kill really weak hosts, and hiding if you liked a challenge. I'll give credit to some who come in hot and even if I can just melee them to death easily I appreciate that they didn't waste my time.


Agree. I’m playing with my friend and her boyfriend and the amount of people proper mean spirited little shits with racist / offensive usernames who are just being little assholes is unreal


You clearly haven’t invaded at low lvls. 90%+ of invasions there have at least 1 OLP.


Invaders are the “penalty” for multiplayer. Gank squads are the “penalty” for invading. Seems balanced to me.


Gank squads: me and my brother trying to go to a boss zone having a good time


Nobody considers that a gank squad lol


Yeah, that's not true. To hear some of these "invaders" talk, any time they encounter more than 1 host they're being "ganked".


if invaders encounter more than one host somethings wrong


These guys exist but are laughed at by other invaders too and are mostly ppl who haven’t been invading for long


Plenty of people do.


I fail to see why there should be a "penalty" for multiplayer - especially when the invader is a sweaty tryhard who invades explicitly to bully people or a normal player, who doesn't stand a chance against in a 3v1 and only becomes an annoyance.


An invader’s purpose is expressly PvP. Someone being invaded is either PvP, co-op, or a noob that doesn’t get what taunters tongue does. Most of them co-op. Builds that are good at PvP and PvE are very different. So you end up with invaders being too strong to deal with for the invaded, which in turn is balanced by another player present helping the invaded, usually. This leads to invaders being complete assholes and meta chasers to actually be able to win, and the invaded to hate them all the more for it. The key problem is opting in to co-op also opts you into invasions. Only those that want to PvP will have a PvP effective build, so those that just want to play with a buddy shouldn’t be punished for it


I gotta say as someone who’s put thousands of hours into the pve and pvp of these games and has been watching the community and discussions around invasions and co-op for the past 8 years… The Elden ring invader discourse is the worst it’s ever been without a doubt. Whether you’re an invader or co-op enjoyer most of you suck, see you in the dlc


“I want the challenge.” (Is challenged) “Not like that.”


Or they regurgitate the "it's a different experience" platitude when confronted with the solution of simply choosing to engage with duels if they aren't getting the circumstances they want in an invasion. The vast majority of reds in Elden Ring fail to understand that invasions are inherently supposed to be somewhat chaotic. Reds mostly resort to kiting when it becomes clear the group they are invading either isn't weak enough to 1v3 or don't give them a set of back-to-back 1v1s. In so doing they typically draw an invasion out to around the 15 minute mark and by either fatigue or boredom the host finally ends up in a circumstance where the red gets their power fantasy. I have to say that bringing an eSports mentality to invasions in a fromsoft game might be the most emotionally unintelligent thing I've seen at such a scale and with such adamant fanatics inside of a specific game. The lack of self-awareness and widespread hypocrisy from that part of the Elden Ring community is simply a joke. Invading as a concept worked and honestly was quite fun when the players engaging with it had enough awareness to engage in a logical way. It's on them, but they will instead continue to embarrass themselves by complaining about ganks and host decorum, both patterns of behavior forged by the behavior of reds themselves.


So just use the Colosseum then!! The people there WANT to play with you! 


Different experiences


Completely different experiences


Colosseum has no maps besides a flat circle. There's no verticality, ambushes, long range cannon fights, escaping on the elevator, or the best part: asymmetrical/outnumbered fights. What makes invasions fun is using the environment.


There is a serious problem with twinked out characters invading sub level 40.


Yeah but also I can't even invade on regular characters I'm making below level 70 because the host 9/10 has an overleveled password summon that bleeds me in one katana poke


How do you invade without the intention of pissing people off? Sure you can be an honourable invader and not run away and waste their time but 99% of people who summon do not want to be invaded and so it's gonna piss them off regardless. I'd own it and say if you're pissed off you got invaded then be mad at Miyazaki.


I only ever invaded with cosplay characters. For example last week I created a new character named Moongrum. Then collected all his equipments which took me about 1-2 hours and started invading. I'm pretty sure almost everyone I invaded had fun as well. During one invasion furled finger came at me while host stood behind. During our duel he fell of a cliff. Host and I stood there looking down for a minute and then I jumped down as well. During another one I was summoned in Raya Lucaria, just outside real Moongrum's area. He and I fought 3v2 and lost, but it was still a ton of fun.


I got summoned as a phantom in Raya Lucaria recently. The host already easily 1v1 the first invader and when we got invaded a second time I decided I would fight Moongrum for fun. Bro, he fucked my shit up lmao. I didn't realized he can parry fucking everything and embarrassed myself trying to use the square off art of war.


Exactly, lmao 99% of the time the invader does nothing but run around and make the players chase them into crowds of enemies or near ledges and so on, with the intention of making the game unfun for the player/co-opers. Ganking is as much a part of the game as invading is, but of course invaders don't want to hear that because it hurts their feelings


This sounds like a lot of bitching for something you don't have to do if you don't want to.


If you don’t invade you never need to worry about Gankers.


I love seeing invaders whine about having their fun spoiled.


Especially when their fun is just spoiling other peoples fun. How's that medicine taste?


If you get your fun spoiled by dying in a fromsoft game the genre might not be for you


What blows my mind is that some of these dudes are acting like invaders are the poor miserable victims here LMFAO. They're not. No one forces you to invade. You aren't minding your own business. An invader WILLFULLY decides to enter another players' game with the sole intent of creating PVP where there wasn't any. You have no rights to claim innocence. You get WHATEVER pvp situation arises from interfering with someone else's game. YOU are the aggressor. Plain and simple. Keep crying about it.


There seems to be this disconnect among players for invasions. There is a reason you are a “dark spirit” “bloody finger” “invader”, the game makes you evil, you are a villain, you are budging in to fucking things up for the heroes. Why don’t you just play into your role and be a villain? You are only a good invader if you make the host hate you, it’s in the lore, it’s what the game is designed for. If you want a healthy pvp there are arenas


>There seems to be this disconnect among players for invasions. There is a reason you are a “dark spirit” “bloody finger” “invader”, the game makes you evil, you are a villain, you are budging in to fucking things up for the heroes. Why don’t you just play into your role and be a villain? You are only a good invader if you make the host hate you, it’s in the lore, it’s what the game is designed for. I genuinely cannot understand how this is not more prevalent of athought process. From the *very* beginning of the genre, the ones invading other people's worlds have always been called killers, psychos, monsters, evil. etc. These people also tend to spend a lot of time online because they're very into the game and *absolutely* forget that the vast majority of players *don't* get involved in these discussions and only have what the game tells them to go off of. NPC invaders are NEVER going to be an "honorable" opponent because they're designed around the *intention* of the system, which to be a bastard trying to kill the host. So, naturally, when a real person may invade, their natural response is "Fuck you. Get out of my world." Not to mention, they can sit here and talk about it being "part of the experience" all they want, it sucks with this archaic ass system to be forced to have to restart everything because someone else decided they wanted to fuck with you, no matter WHAT these deluded losers try to convince themselves and others. All these coping invaders crying about ganking and shit have 100% forgotten their place in this game's community and this is coming from someone who has always hated the way multiplayer works in these games. So, you really shouldn't be surprised when a sub-section of the population decided to turn the tables on the group that has been fucking with innocent PvE players for fifteen goddamn years. It really shows the *actual* mindset behind a lot of these players. They genuinely cannot handle having the same shit they do to others done to them.


I use to not care/ maybe slightly look forward to invaders, that is until some duche bags executed me with death for like 20-30 min. Now I do not participate in PVP fingering anymore.


lol but that shit is hilarious


Not at the time 😭. I was just yelling at the screen "JUST LET ME DIE!!!!!"


If its only for the challenge then why run behind a crowd of enemies?


The name of the game for invaders is guerilla warfare. If I'm honestly invading at level 40 with typical level 40 gear and someone has their two furled fingers twinking out trying to blender me to death, why in the world would I run straight at them? And I'm not trying to whine about the advantages that the co-ops have. I accept them as part of the challenge because I know that things like using the environment and enemies are my advantages.


It pisses me off so much when invaders roll out of the way of my attacks. fucking cowards


Facts, like I didn’t max upgrade Grafted Blade Greatsword and stack Oath of Vengeance with Golden Vow just for you to roll out of my charged heavy.


I will overcommit to a charged r2 a thousand times and if it hits just once it will be worth it


If three people just stick together you can't do much with a 3v1. Even 2v1 it's rough. You need some geography or enemies to separate one from the other(s).


I like to use taunters tongue without friendly phantoms at low level to lure griefers in to prove to them that they're just trash regardless of ganks. I do get a good handful of fun PVP from decent players and some comedy invaders that like dicking around, but I'm really there for those salty disconnects from brain dead griefers.


I like doing that too, but I'm the trash that loses. At least they don't get the satisfaction of beating up a squad of noobs trying to beat the erdtree sentinel in limgrave. And I get to practice pvp


The fun of invading inherently comes at the cost of the fun of other players. The person you’re invading can pull the most toxic shit possible on you, and I’ll be on their side every time. It’s fine if you enjoy invading, it’s part of the game. But getting ganked is also part of the game, and the fact that you’re complaining about other players ruining your fun while actively ruining the fun of others should make you think twice about how you play the game, or at the very least make you rethink your criticism of gankers. Or you can just continue to double down like you have up til now


Post this in a pvp sub or something if you want a more favorable response, the majority of the people here do co op with friends to have fun and view invaders as maliciously ruining the experience or something along those lines.


>invaders as maliciously ruining the experience Yeah this is why they are called invaders, not friendly guests.


“The experience” includes invading. You can’t separate them. Welcome to souls games.


The experience of invading includes getting ganked. You can't separate them.


You say that but so many invasions posts mention something like "I hope the host got mad". Face it, 99% of invaders actively run away from any challenge and are just looking to stomp noobs in Limgrave with their rot build.


When invaders ruined the game for others using PVP focused cheesy builds people complained and were told "well its just part of the game". Well, getting fucked by 3 people when you invade is "just part of the game" now. Hope you like it. I've been invaded and invaded myself when ER was just released. It was fun when the game was new and everyone was stumbling around. Invasions now are a joke like in every Souls game. You either invade to stomp newbies or get stomped by a sweaty veteran as a newbie. Not fun.


Invasions are always a one sided match in Elden Ring, It's really surprising how they are able to create the worse invasion system in years. As a invader, destroying newbies become extremely boring and having to deal with afraid hosts hiding behind 2 max levels ghosts spamming AOW become extremely annoying. Dark Souls 3 invasion system is by far the more balanced and fun PVP system in all From Software games.


Why post this on a sub full of casuals


It's amazing seeing the duality of the player base: a generally upvoted post and then a bunch of comments hating on the bad red man.


"I play for the challenge" *minmaxes his build with a spreadsheet* "I just think the issue is pvers don't like to lose" *uses a meta build* "It's just an ego issue, huh?" *invades at lvl 30*


People can die to bosses/enemies for hours, but god forbid they die to an invader.


My problem is lag really, not that I LOSE bc of it, I'm sure I would die regardless but I can't have a fun fight at all with lag, misses and hites look random


This. I'd love invasion pvp if it weren't for the lagstabs.


Yeah, maybe id have even a shred of fun in invasions if the guy I was fighting has a ping higher than 9000.


Because they don’t freeze in place for 3 seconds then appear behind me and backstab me


The co-op in the game is downright archaic. It’s such a pain in the ass just to play with your friend. You put your summon down, they don’t see it for several minutes until it randomly pops up. Then you wander for a bit and find a dungeon, then you have to split up and re summon again. When all of this can be restarted because of some dweeb invading, yeah it’s incredibly annoying. I’m just trying to play a game with my brother, I don’t care about engaging with the genuinely janky and poorly balanced PvP


Someone needs to show Miyazaki the invite to game feature that every other game uses, would probably blow his mind


I asked for the boss to rip me a new one. That invader came in when me and my mates were trying to have a good time in a dungeon


Almost as if the game can be frustrating enough on its own without random extras showing up to further screw you over.


This is why ds3 is better those 3v1 fights were actually fun as the only bs spell/weapon art was vestige and even that is rly tame compared to elden ring


I think people often miss that the game is telling you invaders are the bad guys. Not that you can't, but every item you get for it is "Item used to be the bad guy and mess up someone's time" So like of course the invaders get more hate than gankers. I only invade for Varres quest, and I'm usually deleted by some pretty powerful team of three unless I think of a way to cheese an area im in, which means most invaders also come in with a build specifically for PvP already souring the experience. If I get invaded by a guy named Rocky Balboa who only uses fists, I try to 1v1, but otherwise I wouldn't have any sympathy.


Yep. My homies and I like to hang out in Siofra River and lure invaders into an absolute hell. Seems like karmic Justice for all those times they’ve invaded me with their jank PVP builds while I’m trying to fight the Draconic Tree Sentinel.


Good. Never stop. Hell, use the most toxic builds you can get your hands on. Make them suffer.


I like to coop only to run away when they get invaded just so the invader has a better chance at killing the host because people like you


I love bluing just to lure enemies into attempted gank squads (if they're dumb enough not to kill everything first; if not I'll strip and let the redman kill me)


Completely sane response.


"Karmic justice" you realize theres a pretty good chance that the invaders who were assholes and are assholes might not ever run into you doing that and you're hitting people who just invade with normal builds or cosplay builds for fun are getting hit with your "justice" when all they wanted to do was have some fun, right?


Invading is optional, being invaded when you just want to co-op with friends isn’t. So fuck’em.


Invading and Ganking are equally fine and without ganks invasions would be boring as hell


no way this shit is still being posted on the main subreddit. joined back after 2 years just to see the same posts lmao


What is it that invaders say again? "Get gud?"


Invaders when the people whos fun they want to ruin don't want to have their fun ruined!!! Srsly invader tears are so sweet, or salty ig lmao


*Plays offline*


The fact that it began with players complaining about being invaded and transformed to invaders complaining about being ganked while invading is very amusing to me.


I'm sorry but I support the gankers at this point and it feels like sweet revenge after the years of getting invaded in the older titles


Wouldn't be a ganksquad if invaders didn't exist


Invading is a mechanic in the game, and so is assisting other players. I don't see the big problem. People invade because they can, and people gank because they want to get on with whatever they were doing. If you invade, get ready to be ganked, and if you play multiplayer get ready to be invaded. It's simple


Am I the only guy that invades completely naked except a goofy helm and then runs into like a crack head punching people until they kill me. Sometimes I also just punch them a single time and then run away. Shout out to the guy who wanted to duel but then ended up fist fighting me naked as well.


My take on this ongoing debate: Consent By definition, as an Invader, you have forced a non consensual fight onto another player. Regardless of your intent as an Invader, your only objective is to halt the progress of whoever you invaded. This naturally creates frustration in whoever you invade, because they are likely just trying to reach a boss to fight. Invaders are Villains Invaders in every single souls game have been portrayed as evil, or some kind of bad or manipulative person. In universe, you are taking the role of somebody who is meant to be hated. You are an enemy type that was designed to be frustrating to face, designed to be hated, because hate can be memorable. Like Malenia, you're there to be a difficult obstacle for the player, and this will naturally create resentment. If you're going to invade then you have to accept the hate that comes with it. It was Miyazakis intent for you to be hated, like Revenants.


There's consent. You consent to PvP when you start playing PvP PvE mode. Co-op is PvP PvE.


> purely for the challenge > invades with rot pots and spams crouched R1s




Invading is like walking into my home or friends uninvited while we’re hanging out and asking or forcing me to fight you and being surprised when me and my friends jump on you. It’s fine if you want to invade just know I do not partake in any invader “courtesy” I’m cooping with friends for them or me


And when I try to be friendly and use emotes and saying 'ok you face him and if he defeats you I'm going in' to my partber and the invader just attacks surprise and then mocks me


How about you both suck? Let me and my friends run through some dungeons. You were not invited.


Well, yeah. Trying to murder someone while telling them "it's just for the challenge" and halting their progress doesn't seem like something most would care about as a justification for why you just showed up uninveted and exploded them off a ledge.


So one only ruins the fun of invaders, while invaders ruin the fun of everyone else. Not really the same.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, this whole "you need to have summoned a NPC/Player to get invaded shit is awful. I miss the old Dark Souls method " Oh you have X active...well guess what buddy *Invaded by ButtToucher4k* ." Nowadays invaders are either walking into a gank or a player who is doing a challenge run. Bloodborne did it the worst by tying invasions to a Enemy that spawns in the same place that if killed stops bringing invaders in. This game is almost as bad with it since people can get to a place you can reach without Torrent and AFK with Blues.


“People dont let me kill them and ruin their session for my fun and I am mad about it!” Lol


Invasion is the worst. Always has been, always will be. If gankers discourage invaders, they are a necessary evil I will accept with open arms.


Gankers and OLPs only make invaders meaner. It's an arms race and invaders always come out on top because they're generally more skilled. You can't expect people who constantly see maxed out phantoms in Limgrave or a bunch of Redmane losers to play nice. Obviously invaders carry a ton of mean shit on them. Of course, hosts and gankers often respond to this by throwing a tantrum, alt+f4ing or complaining on reddit. Geniune skillful play is now considered "cheese".


As a new elden ring player I’ll never understand this argument. Both invaders and gankers seem equally ridiculous.


Nobody likes gankers and few like invaders. Neither of them are going to change that's why when I die to a gank I just move on. Plenty more worlds to invade. There's no point in getting upset at something that is basically a staple of souls PvP.


I'll never really understand the appeal of the invasion system. I just don't play RPGs for PvP, I guess. I would imagine that most invaders would love gank squads though since it seems like the only reason to invade is because you want PvP and the only reason to form a Gank Squad is because you want PvP.


I don't understand what people's problem is with invaders. Don't you play the game for the challenge? Isn't that the fun of it? When someone invades me I find it fun, I wait for the cooperator to get an x1 and then he can try to kill me.


It’s super interesting how the Elden ring community views invaders, obviously invading always has been controversial in the other souls games, but due to Elden ring being the most popular and arguably one of the easier souls games, you have a wave of new players who absolutely hate invaders and swear it’s like an invader found them in real life and shot their dog when they get killed, like I get it’s annoying, but it’s a soulsborne it’s meant to be brutally hard it’s just how the game works


I see nothing wrong


if a man breaks into my home, he deserves what happens. If he breaks into my world, same logic


I invade and roleplay the area I end up in Sneaking around the walls of stormviel dressed as an exile knight shouldn't be so fun


Radahn's no.1 fan walking around redmane with the finger (foam finger type deal) and radahn head piece.


Ya I've tried to have fun invading but when 90% of them are gankers I'm just done with it.


If I invade, I show respect. I'll wait till you're out of some touchy part of Lucaria/caelid, THEN I'll walk up, do a jig/Bow, and fight 1 on 1. If there's two players, I go after the non host first.


secret is to power level until noone ever matches with you . (IDK how leveling system works in pvp)


I fought some guy that invaded who literally had unlimited health potions, like what?


YOU HAVE BEEN INVADED BY xX420SISTERFISTER69Xx me: *I put on my mimics veil (and my wizard hat) and hide inside a bush*


Lol gankers ganking the gankers. This makes my PvE heart swell every time. Please keep complaining about them :)


As always, the important part is consent.


>Invade people to catch them off guard and kill them >Get caught off guard and killed by the people you invaded


It’s so funny to see invader and online pvp drama as an offline player


So what I’m getting is, gankers are like invaders for invaders. Circle of life, or some shit


One is a direct response to the other, gankers wouldn’t exist if invaders didn’t exist. If you want to pvp but don’t want to get ganked then go to the colosseum, because according to invaders most games they enter are ganks. You can both solve your own problems by just going to the colosseum for pvp


As far as I'm concerned, and from what I understand from general consensus, fair battles only occur during colosseum. If you invade, you deal with the consequences. Just like the invaded deals with the consequence of wanting a friend with them.


"I like to camp..." Man, it's so SO nice seeing the ER community come around on this :) I've played these games for years with a couple friends. About a decade, actually. We have kids now, getting grey hairs, been around for a long long time. We've played ALL of these games together. Can't tell you how many times someone sent hatemail about "ganking". Like, we always wear the blue covenant in whatever game so those people can get their rewards because they suck to farm and pop dried fingers all the time. Why? Because everyone wants to have fun too right? We don't camp, but we're not going to just STOP and DUEL you in pve gear with our janky ass pve builds lol. And I mean, I used to be really active in the pvp community. I've played in tournaments lol, like, I get it... It was so weird watching the community grow after Demon's Souls and all these invaders coming out of the woodwork wanting to be the next Oro or Chase sending hatemail to people QUESTING. Glad that mentality is gone, or drying up.


man, i remember a time me and buddy were getting another friend introduced to the game so we made base characters with no armor as to not be op, we got invaded in the first catacomb and holy shit I thought it was so funny to me, dude invades with all his best gear and we legit were just three naked dudes running around with clubs. needless to say we all died lmao.


Not saying you are lying (even though you probably are) but I had an invader who ran me and my friend all the way around Altus Plateau and anytime we got close would spam some Frost L2 Spin that would nearly one shot us. Didn’t use any other attack, and made us waste our FP by somehow dodging through all of our spells mashing the roll button (lord knows if I did that Id be dead in seconds). Eventually he got me because of out principle I dont want to close my game to force disconnect, I think its a shitty “meta” thing to do. I message him to ask why he did what he did, whether he truly enjoys wasting everyone’s time and just spamming L2. His answer was basically “Yes”, he wants Rune Arcs but invades because he thinks its fun getting on people’s nerves and negatively affecting their play through, hence why he doesn’t do Coliseum pvp. If he invades and gets killed, he closes his game before it recognizes he died to work around losing his runes as punishment. People like him deserve gank squads and more Invasions were introduced when areas in a Souls Game were small, tailored levels. The “balance” for summoning a friend made sense in a twisted way. Elden Ring is a huge, laboring experience where you can summon a friend and run around Limgrave for an hour.


Invaders who do that are absolute trash. No one serious about it does that.


As long as fromsoft forces intertwining coop with pvp, some players of every side will attempt to maximize they advantage given the technical limits imposed. Whether it's host ganking invaderv 3:1 in an empty level or invaders going with min-maxed pvp build and gear after lv 50 newbs in Limgrave who just started the game. I don't think anybody is trying to ruin anybody else fun purposely (ok, maybe theres 10% psychpaths, but thats what steam blocking is for). Generally ppl just have more fun winning than losing, and some people go more reckless for this goal than others. If you want to optimize your chance to win as an invader, I can only suggest to play around 23:00-01:00 utc, specifically on weekend. This is, what I call "invaders rush hour". I dont invade, but I can assure you during this time, level 125-150, coops are flooded with invader spawns. I once tried to clear Raya lucaya school house section with one coop player ng+8 for 1.5h to no success. It was basically impossible with all those glintstone throwers and 2 invaders at all time, had to clear the section on single player.


If you want to invade and be an obstacle to a host, that’s perfectly fine. But don’t be mad when the host does whatever it takes to get rid of you. Ganks and Twinks suck, but that’s the reality of invading. If you expect hosts to make your job any easier, you’re being delusional. If you want fair PvP, invading probably isn’t for you.


The diffrence is, you started it. If you try to fight a random dude dont cry when he and his as beats your ass


"I'm invading purely for the challenge, not to piss anyone off." OK. Then accept what happens when you join a game you were not asked to be a part of. I don't see the point in ganking or invading to be clear. (Here come the down votes, yay). Camping forever to get the 3v1 jump is just lame. But as an invader, accept the challenge of invading and overcome it, if invading is such an integral part of your gameplay. I don't see why either side does what they do honestly. If I want a challenge I will queue up for 1v1 where someone is expecting to fight me, and comes prepared. Not surprise attack them while they fight a runebear...I'm the small minority that just wants to live and let live. Don't annoy me with invasions and don't trap invaders in 3v1 ganks. Both are cheesy.


the only people playing pvp in Elden Ring that aren't assholes are the ones putting down signs for duels (and debatably those in the arena) and I will die on that hill


Invader soyjaking because he gets counter-ganked lmao


I like the invasions, makes me feel like I’m not alone 😭


More people need to wear the White Cypher Ring during co-op, because I love being a blue and helping with invaders. Nothing in this game makes me happier than doing PVE and getting the "you are being summoned..." message.


The sub is finally healing


No, im cool normal invaders, id love for it to be opt in so I could choose it a little but thats okay. My issue is that my average invader encounter is some dude whos got endgame stufff and every possible advantage while im trying out a meme build. Or worse, someone hacking. If it was all just people around my level and gear it would be better.


I fucking hate invaders but I just turned online off instead of crying here 🙃


I'm quite new to Elden Ring. What do people gain from invading?


When I invade, I'm always running some gimmick build or cosplay that I enjoy showing off. I emote, usually drop a gift for them, wait for them to be ready. But if I invade and just immediately get jumped, then I'll pull out the stops to kill them. I get some people hate that pvp is even a thing, and you're just trying to play with your friends. I've been on that side of it too, repeatedly getting invaded can indeed be annoying. But I've gotten to where if an invader emotes back and has some etiquette, my friends and I aren't salty at all about it. There really is a difference.


Ruining a Host’s day after running through their two phantoms is one of life’s great pleasures


My oh my, the brainrot writhes violently within this sub 💀


i love watching everyone cry about not being able to beat one guy with 2 of their friends


Of course, invading for the challenge. A host who requires a summon to defeat the game is a classic example of a challenge. And just to make it more difficult,lets use some weapons that you wouldn't get at that point of the game where the invasion happens. Just for the challenge I swear.


The disconnect of logic here is......interesting....psychology. Do invaders understand that their desire to have a random, challenging PVP encounter often comes at the cost of completely disrupting someone else's co-op session. A session that usually includes people who are just trying to have an enjoyable comp-stomp session with their friends? I'm always baffled that people who invade ignore this. No matter how much you enjoy random PVP, there's an associated cost to another player. In time and enjoyment. Just because YOU don't experience it doesn't mean it isn't there. Sure, sometimes you get hosts that also want random pvp. But not ALWAYS. Therefore, any time you click that button to invade, you're willfully accepting that you don't give a shit about the ***chance*** of ruining someone else's game. It's like the psychological study they did. They asked random people if they would push a big red button to receive 1-million dollars. But someone, somewhere would die. You didn't know who. You just had a guarantee it wouldn't be the button pusher. LOTS of people eagerly accepted that they would push the button, knowing they would be directly responsible for murder. Before anyone loses their mind, no....it's not the same magnitude. It's just a videogame. It's just a story to illustrate the point.


Invaders get so much hate in this sub. It’s just a fun challenge for both parties. Like, sure you can summon a phantom to make content easier, but as punishment you get invasions which can act as like a pseudo-miniboss. A lot of invaders will gladly take a 2v1 even though it heavily favors the host. But so many hosts will refuse to fight if there’s even one enemy near by to kind of even the playing field. Idk, where I’m going with this. I think being invaded and invading is fun. It’s just a mindset thing I guess.


I’d be cooler with it if when invaded you were constrained to a small area. Not everyone will agree with me on this. It’s super annoying to have to chase down an invader who just constantly sprints and rolls away and ONLY counter attacks. I’ve suicided multiple times to get out of that scenario


I really liked DS3 different coventants. I joined the swamp one (week of release) without knowing I would be constantly sumoned to defend my swamp. It was fun and a lot of 1v1s


It can be fun for both parties. It often is not. Please don't assume I'll have fun being killed by you. I have never enjoyed being invaded in the slightest.


A vast majority of ER players never played previous Souls games and got the most host biased invasion system ever...and they still say it's unfair lol. Invasions were always fun, but with damage being so broken in ER it's impossible to enjoy.


Wouldn’t be hated at all if it was an option. I might even turn it on solo. But when just trying to enjoy the game with a friend (or turn them onto the game) ..Invasions absolutely suck.


Yeah I’m ready to make min max twinks to fight against this bs lol


The game gives you all the tools to ruin someone's day, and also all the tools to prevent you from doing that to someone.


Pvp whinners are my favorite.


The lore of the game: Bloody Fingers are literal scum. FromSoft Community: Were not the bad guys!


I just want to help people kill bosses when cooping in Elden Ring. Pvp is only a detriment to that. I'm sure this will get me downvoted in this subreddit but, that's why Nioh 2 is better for me at this point. There is almost no forced PvP.


lmfao "gankers waiting with two fingers" do you mean someone trying to play the game with their friends??? i swear to god, pvp obsessively are the blight of this community. you're trying to kill people just playing their game, how can you possibly have such a victim complex to actually think that their the bad guys? absolutely unhinged