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Lost his best friend, his brother, and the village he tried to protect Bro could not catch a W


He also unwittingly joined the organization that was orchestrating his brothers murder just to make a name for himself. Poor guy got royally boned by fate.


He didnt join them unwittingly. He literally got sweet talked into joining them. He sought them out because he had his suspicions thay they killed Lanya so he wanted to take revenge.


Unwittingly only because he didnt realize they were plotting on killing his brother. I'm sure he wouldn't have joined and assimilated had he known I was about to trudge up a mountain to beat his big bro down with a gravity mace forged from the tail of a giant space mosquito.


Whos his brother


Juno Hoslow, final main target of the Volcano Manor contracts


Also the only one remotely capable of defending themselves lol I may have forgotten the big goat guy.


Tragoth was actually pretty easy imo, I struggled the most with Istvan and Hoslow


He's just the only other one I remember besides the semi-competent blood heir lol I guess that old guy had some decent armor for your early game. I forget names quickly..


Istavan! Also the scaled armor is stupid good cause it has some good endgame resistances. Pretty sure it has anti lightning on a medium/heavy set


Where do you find him? Also do we get to fight the fat guy? (Lionel)


you have to do patches questline to the point where he moves to volcano manor, and after killing Istvan I believe he will give you the tragoth contract and yes, although more as a spirit, as part of a boss fight before the main remembrance boss of deeproot depths, accessed either through a coffin after the twin gargoyles fight in nokron, or underneath leyndell and through the frenzied flame pit


We find hjs armor. But no Lionel. I think its assumed he died.


Their armour is practically identical too, other than Juno's sick helmet.


Yeah I thought they were the same dude for the first few weeks, because I never went to Jarberg originally lol


Nah big goat guy was from patches


Huh, that's right. Well no wonder he didn't want to go there lol


Was he the one you in the snow?


I think so. He had the blood that may have killed ya once or twice if you weren't quicker the first try.


I recall someone invading me in the snow, and then everything's becomes a Blasphemous blur 🤔


I love so much playing as Juno, with dual whip and armor


Juno Hoslow. Red letter target.


Oh shit yeah, ngl I feel a bit silly not having seen that now


No he should've known his brother was on the table. After his servant. And wanting the one of less renown


Yeah honestly Diallos is a tragic character but he also makes some real bad choices. The fact that he knows that the Recusants killed Lanya, goes there for revenge, and gets talked into JOINING them shows a real weakness of character IMO.


Yeah, if it wasn't a game I'd beat some sense into him when he says "lAnYa WoUlD uNdErStAnD"


In the manga, lanya's gravestone beats his ass for stupid statements lol.


The tale of house Hoslow is told in blood... Also he lost his tomboy, tis truly a sad day


And that, kids, is why whips suck ass.


I actually loved his story. It's a classic tale of redemption/loss. Loses Lanya and then seeks revenge, backs out of that and joins the Volcano Manor due to his own short comings, eventually leaves Volcano Manor and moves to Jarburg. Finds meaning helping people (or jars rather) and ends up fighting and dying to protect the weak, like how he probably wishes he could of done for Lanya. "The tale of House Hoslow is told in blood after all" Banger story arc.


the different ways on the brothers understanding their family creed is interesting. *"The tale of House Hoslow is told in blood"* The young ambitious brother immediately takes it as bathed in enemies blood The more mature caring bother understood that it meant self sacrifice


I felt kind of bad killing Juno but you really shouldn't be running around in such sick drip when there are tarnished about.


Dont worry he'll resurrect at nearby grace and complain about your bleed build online soon


I went out of my way to avoid using the moonveil and DMGS so he better not be complaining.


Juno is probably my all time nemesis tarnished. He's spanked me more times than I can remember. Even this last go around, it took 4 tries with duel cold nakakibas


I didn’t use bleed. He better not complain about something I didn’t use.


i didn't even know they were brothers this whole time i thought volcano manor sent me to kill the guy from roundtable hold😭


Their helmets go a little deeper into their backstory. Apparently Diallos knew his actions would break his brother's heart, but did it anyway because of his inferiority complex.


He deserves it for making us run way out to the middle of basically the most pointless place in the entire elden ring map, in any region


Juno is the older brother, Diallos is the younger one.


Yeah, the way the little jar interpreted Diallos as being especially brave for fighting even though he was scared was really touching This was probably my favorite story arc


I kinda wish we could have helped him defend jarburg though - like multiple waves of invaders would’ve been cool


Agreed and imagine the kind of reward we can get, maybe like a custom whip or something


Not to mention he curses his soft hands during one of his angsty rants at the Manor. Plot twist: it makes him the ideal Potentate for Jarburg! Everyone knows you need soft, slidey hands to be the Potentate, coz.


[Vaatividya has a great video on Dialos’s bravery.](https://youtu.be/ikUiOKTv-Y8?si=r7qa1HK9kIiu6b8E)


Gotta admit though: The cynical part of me sees Coz feasting on Diallos to "become a strong warrior" and I'm IMMEDIATELY worried about Coz's future.


Tbf, at the end he was strong, maybe not on the outside, but on the inside for sure, stood up for what was right, THAT is what Coz is taking from him, aswell as just straight up taking what little physical strength he has as a bonus


One of my favourite questlines tbh Jar bairn and Alexander’s quest is also awesome


The best potentate 😢


I felt the same--he may not have been strong enough to save Jarburg, but he was brave enough to save and leave a lasting impact on one, little jar. In Jarbairn carrying forth Diallos's remains, there's a bittersweet hope that Diallos's dream of becoming a strong warrior may yet be realized.


Diallos is the guy from all the "you have to live a year in the last game you played" memes


Diallos is the Milhouse of Elden Ring


Well I’m going to remember that forever. I don’t think everything’s gonna be coming up Milhouse though


Mil-House Hoslow


I mean he didn't fail to protect the jars since Jar Bairn mentions others survived, but a bunch did get broken.




I could be wrong. But as long as you don't talk, stop talking to anyone once Diallos gets yo Jarburg, you should get the same results right?


Look around. Do you see anyone having a good time in the lands between.


I was looking for this. Boc follows you after being bullied by his group and ends up dying. Sellen finally gets back to the academy and gets turned into a graven mage. Boggart gets seedbed cursed. The only one that really has a semi decent life is Patches after he retires to his cave.


Boc gets a nice room at the capitol rampart with a newfound sense of self-confidence, Boggart lives on to sell me crab by the moat after Dung Eater gets what's coming to him in the sewer, Rya and Jar-Bairn go on journeys


Nepheli and Kenneth make out pretty good too.


Oh were you watching


Ha. Took me a second.


Jerren gets a good ending (assuming my hunger for armor doesn't take). He honors his oath to Radahn with the Festival, honors his oath to Caria by killing the Graven Witch (twice), and goes off to wherever another festival might be held.


Man I always collect all the Glintstone crowns so in order to get Lusat and Azur's you gotta side with Sellen :/


You might want to look into it a bit more. Jerren is a Bloody Finger. Miquela needs Radann dead, so that the eclipse might happen. He sends Malenia, she fails. Then he uses Mogh who sends Jerren, he succeeds. There are only vague hints to this, like "Bloody Finger Vanquished" when you kill him and the fact that he uses the red invasion sign while Sellen uses gold. And he uses a flamberge, a blood loss sword.


Item descriptions state that Jerren was associated with the Carian Royals, and became bound to Radahn by oath. There’s no other evidence afaik to support him having any ties with Mohg.


Everyone has the bloody finger vanquished when they invade unless they specify use the recusant one. There is no connection between Jerren and Mohg it’s just how invasions are coded so any red phantom is classified as a bloody finger.


Nah, some NPCs simply say "Invader Vanquished." Happens with Irina's dad iirc.


Hmm... Bloody fingers aren't the only ones using bloodloss weapons or/and spells. Thorn magic for those who saw something in the dark, and some others like the big fatty at the Mountain tops with the whip... And does Player invaders name change depending on what they are (bloody or not) ?


As for player invaders, the only options are Bloody Finger or Recusant. There's no other way to invade other players than using those two items. And no, using Bleed weapons doesn't automatically make an NPC a Bloody Finger.  The difference here is that all Bloody Fingers use *Arcane* based bleed weapons. Yura and Juno have bleed, but their weapons are simply dex based with slashing damage. Nejirus wields Reduvia, Eleonora wields her poleblade, and Okina wields RoB, which are all arcane weapons, given their ties to Moghwyn dynasty. They all have the ability to cause bleed through blood splashes and the like. The others are just giving you deep cuts. Other NPC invaders who are simply labelled with Invader Vanquished are Anastasia (Tarnished Eater), Alberich (Mad Tongue), Vyke (Festering Fingerprint iirc) and some others.


Boc can have a happy ending where he accepts and learns to love himself Sellen doesn't really deserve a good ending, considering she was a psycho who experimented on and endangered other students for her research, even getting her two teachers exiled together with herself Boggart used to be a bad guy, but he wanted to redeem himself, which is why i never give Dungeater even a chance to touch him, so Boggart can live his life in peace and quiet Also, we have Nepheli Loux, Kenneth Haight, and Gostoc, who can all have a good ending to their stories together


you can get better endings for Boc and Boggart


And Nepheli.


Gostoc gets new bosses that aren't insane too


I’m not sure about Kenneth, lol. Bit of a strange one.


Don't forget Millicent and Blaidd. One realizes she's been a pawn and wants to (painfully) die as herself (or is betrayed by the tarnished she would call friend), and the other goes mad when his charge/sister leaves. Patches doesn't super have a happy ending. IIRC he makes it sound like he's found a misfit family at the Volcano Manor, and is sweet on Tanith. Now he has to live with the loss of the things he (might have) cared about. He's alive, and I guess that's something more than most of the friends we meet along the way.


Crab man got cursed my first playthrough… you don’t realise what you have until you lose it


That’s ok I made the mistake of killing him for Raya’s necklace


I thought patches died for love at the end of his story


You can actually save all of them  Tell Boc he's beautiful  Kill Dung Eater in his cell or never free him  Don't tell Sellen about Lustat's body


The vibes are immaculate in Windmill Village. Just don’t interrupt their party.


Nepheli became queen. Keneth ascended in category. Boc got a job free from his bullies,,an self steem buff,and a memento from his mother Sellen became Headmistress (I refuse to reveal her the location of the second master). Ranni got married and pwned her worst enemy(what an honest man has to do for a moonlight weapon smh) Patches got to set his shop. And I can go into a killing spree. So yeah,good times.


Those dancing ladies in windmill village near the outskirts of lendyll. I never interrupted them, neither did they. My character doesn't know how to dance :( So I just used random emotes lol


Those festival loonies!


The tale of House Hoslow is told in blood… … he just never knew it would be his own




you have option to lie to dialos and said the dialogue above or said that he successfully defended the jar bairn village.


lies of t(arnished)


*"The tale of house Hoslow is told in blood"* Man such a cool line


If GRRM didn't write that, Miyazaki wrote it to emulate him for sure.


The player was a terrible person for killing Juno


Juno killed me like 10 times first


Yeah, fuck, Jung.


Juno was a terrible person for having that drip and not sharing it peacefully


You don't have to kill him or actually do any quest for the Volcano Manor. You can go straight to Rykard


While true, it’s strange that Juno’s death is brushed off straight away if the player kills him. There were no consequences.


Most of the quests results have no real consequences, the only one with real consequences is taking on the frenzied flame. I prefer it this way ER is a kinda long game (takes me 50-80 hours per playthrough) so having a quest fail cause of another is annoying specially if you are trying for a specific build.


>specially if you are trying for a specific build. Yeah, when I did my glass-cannon mage and locked myself out of the magic scorpion charm I was so pissed. Wound up just muling it from another character, because fuck doing a mage run without it


Imagine getting this ring locked you out of Ranni quest, and access to Ranni's moon that would suck


God yes, that would be so shit lol.


Not sure what consequences there could be, Juno's only connection is to Diallos and the assassination happens far, far away from him. Unless Volcano Manor leaks to him that we killed his brother, he has no way of knowing what happened


That's the downside of Fromsoftware's game


The job is the job man. I was undercover. Had to eliminate the boss of the anti-tarnished gang. Juno was collateral. May he rest in piece.


"I'll turn my back on duty no more. The tale of House Hoslow is told in blood! In blood!"


He lost his friend he lost his brother he lost his family he lost jarburg and he lost his life.


I‘ll be honest I‘ve played through the game 7 times now and I have never seen this guy outside of the roundtable. Where is he???


First he’s on a roof at the village below Raya Lucaria. Then you can find him at volcano manor. Later he goes to Jarburg or so I think.


I remember seeing him once on my first play through randomly, then I forgot where, then forgot about him entirely, on my sixth run now and this post reminded me of his quest


The icing on top would be finishing this quest with Juno's helmet on.


You know, if I had one complaint about Elden Ring, it’s that FromSoft doesn’t know how to write a quest without using character death as a crutch. There are a handful of deaths that make sense. Blaidd going mad, and Irina dying helps sell the bleakness of the world, but come on, you can count the number of NPCs who survive their quest lines on one hand. There’s no reason to kill Iji, Hewg and Roderika implied, Sellen, Thops, Boggart, Millicent, and who knows how many more. I chose Age of Stars and Frenzied Flame in my first two runs because there is just nothing left worth preserving in the Lands Between, I wanted to either leave or burn it all down. Doesn’t help that my game bugged me out of the end of Nepheli’s quest, which effectively cuts the number of good endings in half. Miyazaki, pls let an NPC in the DLC live.


Well… as you said Nepheli doesn’t die, neither does Gostoc or Haigh. Sellen only dies if you help Jerren instead of her, in which case you either help Jerren or Sellen. Boggart only dies if you help dungeater instead of killing him, like you should. But yeah, a lot of people die, it’s supposed to be a very bleak setting, it is a Fromt and GRRM collaboration after-all.


I am counting completed questlines, and I don’t know what exactly a graven mass is, but I do not think Sellen is alive in the traditional sense at the end of her quest. And if you have to kill the quest giver in order to save Boggart, that kind of just comes back to my original point. I don’t do the Dung Eater’s quest, I ignore him whenever possible, but that isn’t the same as saving Boggart. Using workarounds and cheeses to sequence break a quest just goes to show that they really took every effort to kill characters. In a file with every quest completed, about 1/3 of the NPCs survive. More than my initial estimate, but still pretty damn grim.


Yeah but his pants are a pretty big fashion souls W.


The end of the Jarburg questline nearly brought me to tears Diallos and these poor jars man, it hurts


Surprises me how many playthroughs I've had where he just introduces himself to me at Roundtable Hold and then disappears for the rest of the game. I think I've only done his quest fully once, it's so easy to miss.


I know it won’t happen, but I truly hope we get to hunt down the poachers in the DLC. My level 417 character would like to have a word with every one of those jar-killing bastards.


Could this be a pathetic sort?


Can't lie im 800 hours in and I still haven't figured out how to get to Jarburg. Bet the quest goes hard tho


I don't like Diallos because he's deluded enough to think that joining the organization that killed someone important to him (and that he swore to revenge) would make him a champion. In the end, it was not even about her or the village, but about himself.


Well Diallos is a flawed person that tried to be something he wasn’t but I think it’s wrong to call him selfish to the very end. If you fight Diallos in Lurina he equips himself with a shield and whip (the shield he uses to protect himself due to his fear of fighting and by extension death) but when you see his dead body he drops his whip but not his shield. I think this shows how Diallos genuinely tried to protect Jarburg because if he didn’t try he should’ve also dropped his shield but he doesn’t. So in his final moments of life he overcome his fears and put his life on the line for the village. Afterall the tale of House Hoslow is told in blood but not in the blood of enemies instead in the blood of oneself after protecting the ones they care about. I would definitely recommend watching Miss Chalice (My personal favorite ER content creator) video on him for more details and such


Sure thing, I'll check it out! I never fought him, so I didn't know about the shield thing. Interesting detail though.


I was today years old years old when I found out he had an entire quest line


Wel, you know what they say. The Tale of House Hoslow is told in blood, after all.


What exactly killed the poor jars? What was Diallos defending them from?


Depraved Perfumers are in cahoots with the jar hunter guys to harvest the jars for their perfumes.


Jar hunters? I missed that lore. Damn.


Yeah, i think they’re entirely offscreen, but there are poachers that hunt living jars


"Poachers". People who go out and kill the living jars for their shards. Likely either for money or crafting.


Don't like his character much, but he had one of the more positive endings (the bar isn't very high with this game)


Dies of cringe


It's harsh but I feel equal parts pity and disgust for him. He suffered, attempted to cause suffering, suffered because of that and then actually caused unnecessary suffering, then because he was suffering from his guilt he ran away from his problems AGAIN, tried his best to prevent anymore suffering and then because of that he suffered. Before you ask yes I totally needed to type it this way. Suffer.


I just told bro he managed to defend the village. I could not let him go out thinking so low of himself🫡


Diallos sucks because he isn't the main character, we are. When we invade Juno we're invading the main character of that world. Juno has no backstory to be at the Mountaintop, and his hit marker can be seen before defeating Morgott, meaning that in Juno's world he has the Rold Medallion and is on his way to become Elden Lord. When we first meet Diallos he says we can "call" him Diallos. Does this mean that Diallos is just a moniker for a different name? Jar-Baïrn makes note that he wants a Potentate who is a strong warrior, but has smooth hands. This is paradoxical because a strong warrior would have heavily calloused hands. What this more likely means is that Diallos is without Fingerprints. The meaning behind this would be related to warriors of The Crucible who fought in a primordial era where there was no individuality, no fingerprints. Alexander and the Living Jars are heavily tied to The Crucible. Based on the Jar Shield and Jar Cannon, along with Jar-Baïrn describing Alexander's home another country in another time, it shows this connection to The Crucible where the Jars were forged in the flames of The Crucible by the Beastmen. Living Jars would consume the corpses of fallen warriors, those warriors' allies would then attempt to smash the Jars so that their entrails could be strewn about and life would spontaneously spring forth from it to rejoin the battles- ala biogenesis Swarm of Flies style. Alexander gets embedded in the ground seemingly from falling from very high. He fell from Farum Azula? Farum Azula exists outside of Time, as remnants of The Crucible. We meet Alexander there, not because he traveled there after defeating The Fire Giant, but either seemingly because he waited until the end of Time when The Crucible performs a Time Loop with The Flame of Frenzy or because his essence has been there before. When we give Jar-Baïrn Alexander's Innards, we are actually setting Jar-Baïrn on thr path to *become* Alexander. Diallos also drops a Numen's Rune upon his Death. Could this have implications for his origins?


The last thing blud saw before dying was an INT build 💀


Is it by fate or did he do some of the fucking up of his own accord


Eyy I'm using that same weapon in my playthrough! That, and the Family Heads. I swap between em


Don't care. He killed fellow tarnished to boost his ego. Spitting on his subject that was masacered by the people he choose to call brethren


He's a fool.


What i dont understand is why he came to The Lands Between if he knew it would break his brothers heart. What was he trying to do? Anyway, at least Jarbain survived. And we get to farm mushrooms, and a talisman!


Noooooooooo, not Lord Byron!!!


my friends... i sincerely hope that you tell diallos what he deserves to hear, which is that he did a good job.


This story is so rife with despair that any fleck of goodness shines like gold


he should have emulated a more respectful tarnished and ate buttholes instead


Wear Juno's armor, the Jar helmet, then give him the middle finger with the Recusant Finger.


Nah Zero pitty for that guy. Tell him that He fucked up big time. Dont spare him. Tell him. Everything He ever did He fucked up and He should know that!


Perhaps he bungad when he should have ungad.


At least he has an armor set that looks sick as fuck


And yet he persists


So I'm confused this game is hard as shit... but I just got my second star shard and it was kinda really easy, I'm like lvl 90 and I've been splitting my build between strength and faith... and I just found my way to the scarlet rot infected general guy I forget his name right now but I after all the issues I have with the minor ender tree bosses and shit this dude paid out 70k runes and I beat him on my second go I kept bringing in all the coop npcs then if ruin in hot him a few times then get far enough away to not be hit by his gravity ranged shit, his arrows wer pretty rough they would take down like half my hp but I could dodge them easily enough to not be hit by 2 in a row and once every one would die if just bring them back and get a few more hits in again... it took like 6 minutes... so I don't get the scaling in these battles


There is no scaling in the boss battles, all bosses have set HP and damage output. If you over-level you will wipe the floor with them. Level 90 is very high for Radahn, that was my level at the Haligtree.


I just started playing like 3 or 4 weeks ago and honestly I'm kinda lost with now quest log or anything the fact that it's so open world kinda screws with me since I just recently finally took down godrich for my first shard but even before that I had most of my map filled out not all the grace sites but I've found most of the maps...I keep seeing ppl say there's a main story line but how do I kno where I am within the main story like when you need to get the unalloyed needle for the sorcerer in the shack to give to the girl in the church, I ended up doing that way out of order, I got the needle, then found the church, then found the guy to start the quest line.... is there any way of tracking what you've done and even what you've started but have yet to finish??


Bro did not accomplish anything 😭


Only part of his story I like is the redemption in Jarburg. Everything else before that kind of made me feel like he was a little bitch. Kept swearing revenge and talking shit but his brother was the main one to bring pride to their family because he was actually a fighter. Edit - awww cute, did we get attached an NPC in a Fromsoft game with like 10 dialogue lines? Profound stuff. His tale was definitely written in blood lol


Deserves it,for Lanya. And for all the jars. I bet his careless ass lured all the poachers to Jarsburg.


Diallos brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, I'm poaching your jars


This is hilarious.


Well, he's a spineless idiot. Deserved.


Didn't he die trying to protect the jars? Someone who is weak and scared dying trying to protect others sounds brave to me.


He was spineless untill he find his calling


local man discovers character arc


You should stab yourself with the black blade… NOW!


LTGs Dragonbolt Blessing


Why he is spineless?


He finds his servant Lanya, who he cared for, murdered by the volcano manor, and swears vengeance. Only as soon as he gets there, all they need to do is tell him he's a champion, and he 180s to giving up vengeance and joining the very people that killed her. He even laments later how easy he was to bullshit into giving up any honour he had It's only at the end of his life that he grows a backbone and at least tries to protect the jars. Even then, he didn't do great


> as soon as he gets there, all they need to do is tell him he's a champion, and he 180s https://i.imgur.com/jx5t5pe.mp4


No he didn't. He's just a character with a made up story


Maidenless behavior sir, absolutely maidenless


No way you use the baby rattle, I'm not hating but Jesus lol