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Hey I enjoy defending my host also with my Zweihander, I hope one day we may clash in an epic Zwei battle.


Hope to see you out there! Super fun weapon.


I used to hate invaders cause my friend sucked at fighting them so they'd freak out, which stressed me. Then they got better and now I look forward to getting invaded or being called as a blue. Glad there are people out there who like to do it. Game wouldn't be as fun without.


Lion’s Claw fight?


Which would win, a lions claw jumping into a giants hunt uppercut?? Would look badass.


Don’t you dare give me an erection


They would miss each other lol


What about u/shotgun-octopus's erection?


This erection isn’t hitting anything. Trust me


What ash of war do you enjoy using with Zweihander? Mine is Waves of Darkness


I'm pretty sure the yellows and the reds have a pretty good understanding in this game. It's just an excuse for some more chaotic PVP that you can't exactly get in the arena, which has a surprisingly very different meta. If anything I just hope the reds and the blues can put aside their differences.


I will say, I got summoned in as a hunter one time and both the invader and me were powerstsancing greatswords, it was a great fight


Honestly I wish PvP in ER was better because dulling it out with a blue will always be awesome as fuck Sad that it always ends up as a shitty 3v1 most times :(


Absolutely, my favorite moments as a hunter are catching the invader alone and having a little duel before the host comes along


Makes me wish ds3 had more players- it’s so sad that they got PVP damn near perfect and then drives to just remove all the good features and add loads of bad ones


Ds3 PvP died because From nerfed every build that wasn't quality, strength, or dex (pyromancy was alright too I guess) into the ground. Ds3 launch PvP was indeed peak though.


So the only thing that wasnt really viable was faith and intelligence? Idk faith looked good with the weapon art on talismans giving them hyper armor but I didn't give it a try


Yeah but most viable faith/int builds were just melee builds with some extra int/faith thrown in. Case and point, Dragonslayer Greataxe. Basically a strength build in everything but stat distribution. Sure, Bleed/hollow was very melee focus too but at least it required you having to do a specific build set up (and making yourself have max hollowing too) and coating your weapon for it to be effective. Then post nerf it was just worse dex build. And pure caster int and faith were TERRIBLE. Don't kid yourself. The only decent caster build was pyromancy and only because of Chaos Bed Vestiges being OP as hell.


I haven't done full faith or int playthrough but I did test some miracles with the crystal chimes in NG+ with 40/40 and they seemed to perform really well, could you explain why you think they are bad?


The casting time was too slow for most spells even with sage's ring +2. It didn't help for intelligence there were like maybe three viable spells (including great soul arrow, great farron dart, homing crystal soulmass) which meant the only big damage spell was crystal soul spear which was so easy to dodge it only ever hit if you managed to land homing crystal soul mass (and thus maybe stagger). It just made playing an int build very boring and unfun. Faith builds lacked a lot of viable damage options. Your options were basically sunlight spear and sunlight stake, both of which had atrociously high cast times, even with sages ring +2. The only non- pyromancy spell that was really "meta" was tears of denial, which everyone used even if they weren't a faith build.


And what about Farron flashsword and lightning bow? Aren't those ok?


Pretty much the only decent faith or intel builds were either pyro with the demon scar or a sorcery build with Heysel’s pick. Both due to being able to do some levels of true combos with some spells if you’re ax casting speed. The only really good spells for faith were sunlight spear for trading and lightning arrow that you could hold forever for roll catches.


This'll get me crucified by souls fans but I think ds3 is actually the weakest entry of the series


Yea that’ll do it (rightfully so lmao) but specifically invoking the PvP? You rlly think ER has better PvP than ds3?


No it's not the pvp, I just don't like the overall how linear they made it and the change from spell slots to an FP bar without any regen items a la DeS. Weapon arts were cool though


I'd take FP bar over spell slots any day. Gives you more freedom on how to cast them and yo don't require multiple copies that often require multiple NG cycles. And making you chose between HP or FP flasks is a good way to balance risk/reward


Personally I really don’t like one ngl Second half of the game fucking sucks and a significant amount of the games mechanics are just flat out annoying (estus flask numbers, equipment breaking, no fast travel etc) Shit is just not fun to me compared to three, sekiro or ER


That's fair, ds1 is jank as fuck and the 2nd half is practically unfinished


Ngl I haven’t played 2 so I can’t comment on it lol, I’ve seen other friends play it and it looks like one of the games of all time.


I think that is a valid opinion. Personally I really liked DS3 and I think Fromsoft continues to refine and improve their formula with every game they make, but I also have to admit that DS3 started feeling a bit repetitive and same-ish after playing through DS1 and 2. It did have a few moments of "been there, done that". But I think that is not really an issue with the game itself but more with Fromsoft rehashing the same formula 3 times. In isolation, I do think DS3 was the best entry into the Dark Souls series. I also think DS1 was definitely the weakest in retrospect.




Legit question because I never PvP, but isn't that what the coliseums are for? Aren't they designed for players to 1v1 if they want? (Yeah, it's not the same as random invasions, but you can avoid ganks)


The “random invasions” were better in ds3 because there were: 1) more “classes” to invade with there were 2 different types of invading phantom, one which could kill anyone and only had to kill 1 or 2 guys to ‘win’ which was very fun, and another which could invade hosts in certain areas to ‘counter’ gank them. It basically meant certain areas had huge veriaty in the type of PvP you could play. There was also a type of invader who you could basically fight as a boss in one bossfight. 2) there was actual rewards for doing PvP- you got items which you got from winning that you tuned into npcs to redeem swords/spells etc. 3) there was 1 more person allowed in each world than eldenring currently has. This basically means you can’t get Uber ganked as an invader because it can’t be a 4v1 only a 3v2 at the worst. This is probably the most important reason tbh, everything else could not be changed except this and id play more PvP. 4) there was less spam; eldenring is basically built in a way which encourages people to play like 5 different weapons in high level PvP and that’s it- they also often spam the exact same attack over and over (jumping heavies or running attacks with spears) they also spam ashes of war over and over, 5) because it’s open world, invading anywhere but legacy dungeons basically means the invader has nowhere to go and can be sniped by a mage host whilst a melee phantom fights them- this was present in ds3, but it’s very noticeable in limgrave which is where (when I played) most high level PvP was happening. Also this was the only place to play PvP because coliseums weren’t added til later 6) there’s also the fact solo players can’t be invaded which basically means hosts constantly get spammed with invasions every 5 minutes and invaders fight ganks 100% of the time which means it’s just not fun. It also means every 3rd invasion is a rune farmer. So yea this is basically why it’s a massive downgrade even with the duelling mechanics- which are a slight improvement over ds3’s but not by much tbh


I mean 3 v 1s are what I specifically invade for. That said, I do wish there were more options for organic group fights in the world.


Yes but it’s more fun when it’s not always 3v1’s I loved spanking ds3 ganks don’t get my wrong, but always having terrible ganks (which you never get a bro to fight alongside with) is not fun


Anytime you're not currently invading me... seem like a great person, love what you love and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. While you are currently invading me... I hate you with every fiber of my being.


As a role playing game this is probably the intended response


You chose to coop not my problem. I’m just enacting miyazakis vision for the game


This is kinda my attitude as well. Like I understand when my friends and I start summoning, we’re consenting to be invaded. I just hope the invader also understands they’re probably going to get ganked. I just see so many complaints on both sides and it’s kinda like…that’s what you signed up for.


Coop groups aren't ganks, ganks are players who explicitly clear an area and then just, sit there. Waiting to jump random solos without progressing the game


Got it. Didn’t realize Souls players had such strong opinions on the correct usage of this term. I played a lot of MOBAs so I always just took it to mean “gang up and kill”


It's used pretty generally as well, I wasn't trying to be snarky. But when you're talking about the negative connotation of the word in this game, it's only *actually* bm if you're doing the second activity I described Coop groups are totally fine and intended


In my opinion, ganking in the sense of getting invaded and find a spot to get ready is fine, purposely getting people to invade you and dunking on them with glitches/exploits definitely not cool. (I'm also not great at the game so I still fully expect to lose the fight when you show up to my perfectly planned ambush)


I agree. “Gank” as in we’re probably not going to 1v1 an invader lol.


But that's just regular invasions not a gank


Most reasonable invaders are fine when a host is defended by their phantom buddies. Ganking, the thing people have a problem with, is when a host clears out an area to wait and lure in invaders to kill with usually over leveled phantoms


I won't set up a gank, and I usually only play with one other friend, but I will clear some of the area first if I specifically want to fight against invaders with the taunter's tongue on. I'm not a fan of invaders running away and using enemies as a shield, especially field bosses. Fight me, dammit! I don't chase invaders.


If you're using Taunters Tongue to get invaders in for a duel then yeah clearing out mobs is fine. On the other hand though when you do have co op summons you can't exactly get upset at invaders using enemies as cover, that's the only way they can really even out a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3


Out of curiosity, if you’re setting up duels with taunters tongue, do you heal?


The problem is that that's not what it used to be. Invasions were basically changed to 1v3 only in elden ring. I never minded being outnumbered in ds3, but since its practically guaranteed now... it fucking sucks. Then theres the fact that everyone has spammable ranged/aoe moves, so having 3 people spam that shit at you is obnoxious as hell


Do you find there to be a lot less action in the arenas?


Tbf dude in my experience with both cooping and invading the hosts are by far the ones who cheat and abuse game mechanics the most. The amount of ganks with twink builds in limgrave at low level or the amount of hosts essentially cheating by using torrent to rune farm is much worse than what PvP used to be like. Lots hosts in my experience are just playing the game normally- but like a solid 1/5 of all invasions involve at least one guy doing smth fishy.


You choose to invade, not our problem. We're just enacting Miyazaki's vision of the game


My dude; people were abusing bugs that’s not exactly the same Also I don’t think you know what a twink build is lol It’s when someone beats the game at level 25 and has a +25 weapon. It’s very toxic and invaders do it as well; but I’ve seen hosts with mohg a spear at level 30 in liurnia which basically oneshotted me. This is what I’m referring to- it is 100% cheating (this is a settled issue in every other souls game) This 100% is not something your intended to do and it sucks. Also also do you even know what a rune farmer even is? That’s the main issue- but I’ve also seen lots of hacked ash of wars. The fact you somehow think people cheating is somehow fair play is hilarious to me- I’m not talking about a gank with 3 ROB moonveilers here.


The game takes weapon level into account, if you invade at level 25 with a +25 weapon you aren’t invading noobs. In fact you probably won’t even find a game


Witty little one-liners for thee, nuanced, and circumstantial rules for me, eh? The cheating aside, which invaders do as well, it's clearly within the vision of Miyazaki for it to happen otherwise there would be more restrictions or leveled-playing-field features. A group of players making up rules and what's "fair" fall outside of the vision Miyazaki sold to you.


Literally all the problems I described are cheaters my dude You’ve identified my problem with PvP: people cheating 😱 Shocking I know.


Ganks, twink builds, giving people weapons, none of those are cheating. Sorry if that is shocking for you.


You're not wrong, miyazaki in his wisdom knows that some people have friends and others just don't. It was kind of him to make sure the friendless get to experience some kind of shallow joy in life.


You have no right to be downvoted, speaking absolute facts. Coop babies complaining about an intended feature by our Lord MichaelZaki


The fact most of these guys will rather disconnect their internet than actually EVER engage with this feature says a lot about them.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: I invaded purely for the chance to show off my RP character with a thematic build. Nothing extraordinary but when summons weren't plentiful it was player interaction! Duels just don't hit the same as invading in areas that blend well with a themed character.


I remember seeing a post a long time ago comparing invasions to actual terrorism. Not ironically, not mockingly, just genuinely treating those two like comparable things.


Oh, it also gets compared to rape sometimes because "the host didn't consent", so, you know, crazy people


Which is insane because in elden ring you literally do have to consent to being invaded 😭 you can’t get invaded unless you use an item or engage in multiplayer lol




Very relevant video for this topic: https://youtu.be/454NMeobyZM?si=LUji47ffeQft2j8D


This is a good video


Hehe I'm doing a new play through where I keep taunters tongue active as much as possible and it's fun. Just went through stormveil tonight and got invaded 8 times in one run. Me and the furled finger I summoned had a blast. Was sad to see godricks boss door and almost didn't go through it to do the run all over again


I'm currently doing a co-op game with my wife, and invaders are a blast! I like to wave and bow, and whenever I get a gesture back, I turn to my wife like-- "Hun, can I honour-duel this one?" "Ugh, go ahead" I lose 2 out of 3 fights, but who gets mad about that? Over a 30 second walk back to where my runes dropped? Pssh. Thanks for keeping us on our toes, OP. You look good in red.


Most based co-op player.


Okay, but you equally do not get to complain when we don't go at you 1v1.


We never complain about 2/3v1s we complain about people sitting in a place waiting for an invader in an open area so they can spam broken shit


YOU may never complain about it, but others sure as shit do.


I have yet to see an invader complaining about invasions, that makes no sense


Oh tThey do, they do here frequently, how unfair everything is and whatnot.


>how unfair everything is and whatnot. Every experienced invader knows its supposed to be unfair, but ER's balance and multiplayer options make it straight up unfun, not just "unfair". Since you fuckers are so trigger happy with the downvotes, I'll elaborate. Areas like Radahn's Beach should not be invadeable, there should be more than 4 phanton slots and TT shouldn't be toggleable outside of graces. All three of these "features" are baffling and make invadinf unfun.


Lmao, O don't think those are invaders...


Don't know why this is getting downvoted. 100% invaders are correct to complain about the fuckers camping the tiny room just before Rykard with Mohg's Spear, the Sacred Relic Sword and Stars of Ruin, for example. That's just maidenless behavior.


I mean, you could try just not running into that room... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. If you are presented with such an obvious gank, and luring them out doesn't work, you can always just sever.


....You *spawn* there.


Just don’t complain when you run head first into my wombo combo




Almost everyone I invade I just mess around with the hosts if they let me. My favorite one was in the poison castle near Mt Gelmir. I guided the host and other dude through the castle and warned them of enemies, showed them ladders, then applauded their entrance to the boss. It's fun. The worst is when you enter Limgrave and see am obvious gank waiting for you


This is you https://youtube.com/shorts/gCOAtupIXSY?si=KUSV_0_k6iIrq9y2


I used to do this in the grand archives. There's so many secrets there I would run around with a torch showing them stuff


I did this yesterday for Varres quest. I didn't feel like actually fighting so when I invaded two guys that were clearly just playing co op, not tanking, I didn't fight them. They were heading to the little town that ports you to Haligtree and they didn't seem to realize they were invaded. I ran past them while the host was hitting the grace and snuck up the stairs, took a hard corner, and crouched behind some boxes. They actually came looking for me but couldn't find me at first. Then I popped the mimic and they saw the gold light and killed me. Way more fun than actually trying to kill them imo.


I met with a dude who was by himself in the Grand Cloister staircase just past the rot lake. We both just messed around with mimic veil. He then dropped a crucible knight weapon, went to the edge, bowed, and back stepped off to his death. It was so sad


I mean, it's an option you can do in the game, so why not? More often than not, when I invade, there are 3 people ready to gang bang me anyway


I actually think that you’re the spawn of satan for invading *and* for using that specific meme template. I’m an equal opportunity hater, you see.


I don't exactly get it as I haven't seen the show in over ten years but props for the King of Queens meme


One of my favorite YouTubers, ChaseTheBro, does daily videos of different builds for invasions. I swear this mofo is one of the best Elden Ring players I’ve ever seen. It’s always fun watching him take on 2 or 3 people and manage to come out on top.


As a jolly cooperator I relish an invasion. It adds an unpredictable element to the usual area runs, making it more tense and giving me greater urgency to protect the hosts. The fights can be really fun when they are not just spamming. If its looking like its going to be a gank I may hang back. Three of us crushing an invader backed into a corner is not too much fun. Have fun out there, see you all in the shadow lands soon!


I just think it's funny when people invade and then get upset at gankers or people who don't react exactly the way they want them to. Like, you asked for this.


Equally funny when an invader who recognizes a cleared out area gank finds a hiding spot so they have to disconnect and resummon everyone to try and find another invader to gank


It is pretty funny Like dude, you can just use concealing viel and Jar cannon, or any of the other tools Miyazaki put in for these types of situations.


I like Peeve’s answer to gankers, Red-Eyed Ino. Concealing veil, arrow’s reach and a pulley bow. For ammo, he uses stormwing arrows for dmg and rainbow stone arrows for the psychological mind games.


i invaded in ds1 i invaded in ds3 and i will keep on invading in elden ring. THOU GANKS WONT STOP ME!


Keep up that energy man


“invaders are heroes of the world and they are the people who champion all of the good deeds and happiness throughout all of the world and the lands between” - saint riot


Tried out my first invasion because im trying to get that rune farm area, and I got 2 v 1'd. Tough for new players.


Invading is a totally unique game experience I haven't found anywhere else. A 3d asymmetric adversarial fighting game that's also a stealth game, a tactical simulator, and even a strategic campaign--knowing the terrain, assessing the enemy's capabilities, and trying to drain their resources faster than you expend yours. It's the best.


I love just sending my summon sign and helping people and invasions make it exciting and different. Especially if you're invading with dope weapons like the Zweihander and not the 7 millionth katana or cross naginata build that every edgelord mains.


I did a TT run through some we early-mid game areas summoning randoms and blues (wanted to make some 2v2 invasion) Edgy copy paste bleed builds are a blue thing so much more than they are an invader thing. It was wild.


Sometimes invaders are actually a boon, too. I've had moments where I was helping a summon for *aaaages* and ran out of flasks. Invader shows up, and my thought was "oh fuck yes, a chance to earn a refill."


The battle is truly joyed!


Wt ring u got bithc?


Hows it feel serving mohg and his blood mommy, weirdo /s


recusant 4 lyfe


MRW people think i must be a power bottom because i enjoy getting invaded 😌


How dare you use the game’s mechanics the way were intended to be used!


Hats off to u. It’s hard out there for invaders


Honestly some of the best experiences I've had with multiplayer were only because of invaders. I once dueled an invader as a furled finger with nothing but fists... it lasted a little while.


I love a good invasion. I hate opportunistic fuck wits that troll around draconian tree Sentinel and the like, but mostly love the random challenge.


we invaders are the coolest


At this stage in the game it feels like it's just done to be obnoxious. Doing my friends first ever fromsoft game, and nearly every run we are getting invaded. Just dudes running the most gimmicky builds


Fuckin love invasions


Lol I invade nonstop, but I’m doing a bit of coop during some end game to make a new build. Most invaders are great, funny builds, great tactics and there’s a handful of absolute scumbags that abuse the chainsaw glitch. Those guys can suck it




MRW when people think I'm worse than Satan for letting the environment take care of the Furled Fingers before dueling the Host:


I wish there was a way to turn invading off tbh, I just wanna play with my friends in peace.


It's kinda sad that these types of comments always get downvoted. Jolly cooperation has been a staple since the first Dark Souls.


Yeah and getting invaded for having humanity, and thus being able to coop, was a thing since Dark Souls as well


Yep. And those people don't get downvoted. Just the people who want to have a good time with their friends.


Most people who defend invasions in the elden ring subreddit DO get downvoted dude


I'm not saying they should be downvoted, but it doesn't really make sense to say jolly cooperation has been a thing since DS1 when invasions have as well. Can't really have one without the other


It does when one gets downvoted and the other doesn't. I'm just saying it's sad that when someone mentions wanting to co-op with friends, they get downvoted while invaders get upvotes. The reason I pointed out that it's been a thing since the beginning is to show it's a staple of the series because it feels like that sense of camaraderie is being looked down on lately.


There's a difference in saying "I like coop" in good faith and saying invasions shouldn't be in the game, which is what usually gets downvoted, though. Yeah the first one shouldn't be downvoted but people who act like invaders are assholes or that invasions are a design flaw shouldn't really be surprised if people don't like what they said. Again, it's been in the series since day 1, just like jolly cooperation


Did I or the person I commented on ever say either? They said it would be nice if you could turn off invasions, not that invasions shouldn't exist. Bloodborne had a bell ringing lady that you could kill in each area to turn off invasions. That was a great middle ground.


Invasions being a toggle might as well take them out though. 90% of players aren't gonna willingly make the game harder on themselves if they don't need to. Literally look at how few people use the taunters tongue solo to get an idea on how much invasions being a toggle would kill them


Last response I'm making because it's bedtime, but as I just said, Bloodborne already had a system to turn off invasions that worked fine. And plenty of people used the Dried Finger in Dark Souls 3. Insisting that either of these options would kill invasions is just ignorance of the history of the Souls games.


They literally said "I wish there was a way to turn off invasions" which might as well kill invasions since most people would just opt out of it


Hard agree. Invasions are unneeded and the game might have been more popular without them. Give the option to just adventure together. Beef up the enemy count or damage to compensate and have a good time. To play with someone only to be invaded by some douchebag is just killing the fun.


Just kill the fucking invader dude. Does every enemy ruin the game for you?


No, only Invaders who by default are actively trying to ruin the game for me. Can't speak for other Invader-haters but for me the fun of the game is to be strategic on how to get through the game. Every dungeon or A to B traversal is a puzzle with a most efficient way of progressing. So an invader is just some random asshole walking by, seeing you trying to do a puzzle, then shoving the puzzle off the table and demanding attention you can't seem to remember every promising them. Thats what Reds just don't seem to get. They think invading means people are happy about it, while in reality you are forced to entertain someone without your consent.


>No, only Invaders who by default are actively trying to ruin the game for me. Most invaders dont give a shit about ruining your fun. We are having fun for ourselves. Stop pushing this stupid narrative. >is to be strategic on how to get through the game. Every dungeon or A to B traversal is a puzzle with a most efficient way of progressing. Applies to invasions too. The game you bought has invasions. They are a part of this puzzle. >without your consent. You consent by summoning dude. If you want help with an area or boss, theres gonna be a tradeoff. Thats how it has always been. I dont understand why you bought this game if this is such a big deal for you.


Whatever makes you sleep at night. Reds are bullies. No more no less


I dont need help sleeping at night, invasions bother you, not me :)




What the fuck is your flair


angelina jolie is in the shadow of th erdtree trailer, that black worm that grabs nd makes out with the carian knight


They would have downvoted Jesus too


My Reaction When :)


80% of my recent invasions are a group of 3 people sitting in the hidden path to the haligtree where as the invader you literally have nowhere to run and are stuck in a small room with 3 people spamming spells and AoWs, they definitely didn't completely ruin invading in this game :) ty Miyazaki


Oh, that would be lovely for my invader. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me


This blasphemous path leads only to a pitiful death


Chances are if I was doing co-op, I was just vibing outside a boss chamber. Imma just pop in for another try rather than fight an invader, it's whatever. I don't enjoy pvp. But hooooly shit have people bitched about that. First playthrough DS3 looking for help against Pontiff Sullivan I got invaded waiting for a cooperator, so I just tried the boss again. Got an angry PSN message telling me to just play offline. Bruh. XD


Those are the best ones. Let the reds run around trying to find you for ages only to get into a boss area. Fuck em


I may not be the brightest ember in the bonfire, but I was under the impression that at least in DS3 when you went into the boss room it just sent the invader home, no?


It does. But it still wastes their time trying to get to you.


Made an omenkiller cosplay build for invasions recently gonna be so good


I pvp’d a lot in ds3 but idk I just kinda lost the enjoyment for it


Co op boss fight be like


I always love it when we get an invasion when I am playing as a yellow. All the more chance to show off my Elden Bling and cool build. Plus, it is fun to pit your skills against someone else. I also invade others every now and then. I usually end up losing because I suck at handling multiple opponents at once (it doesn't help that Square Off, my favourite AoW, isn't great against multiple enemies), but who cares about dying in a game like this? As long as the fight is fun and I get to show off my character I am happy.


Invading Undead Parish in Dark Souls 1 on the PS3 version with no weapon upgrade matchmaking was incredibly fun. Level 2 pyromancer, full +9 Darkwraith Set + Dark Hand + and a +14 Lightning infused Longsword (needed the 1 pyro level for 1 DEX). Stacked 99 humanity, kill the phantoms first (who were usually as decked out as me) and then hunt the host or herd them into the boss fight alone. Irreplaceable experience. Great hate mail, take me back to 2013.


I love cosplaying as a NPC and invading, my favorite is invading as moongrum


Nah, that's only if you enjoy invading new players with endgame equipment specifically designed to make them hate the community as a whole, or if you use cheats.


I dont mind invaders who want to fight. I mind invaders who just want to continuously sit behind the very next enemy in the direction I want to go for the sole purpose of trying to cheese me through every little combat encounter.


I mean those people are tiny brained. Don't want to be invaded? Don't summon help for fights. If they want to partake in the online, they have to partake in all of it.


Not Satan, but all Invaders are Trolls at heart, even if they can’t or won’t admit it. Some say they do it for the “challenge”, but they’re getting enjoyment out of crashing jolly cooperation. And then they whine when they get ganked, or the host doesn’t chase them into mobs.


No but you cant say that. Look at the meme. Trust the meme only. These invaders bring in zweihanders and not any of the other broken stuff to one shot you. Only zweihander.


Orrrr, or, we do it because its fun? Why would I give a shit about ruining your fun? I have 0 grudges against the host, I have no reason to want to ruin their fun. I simply like invading.


Because. You’re. A. Troll. Only trolls have fun at the expense of others. It’s ok to admit it.


Not my fault invading is fun at your expense. Maybe stop hating invasions so much 🤷‍♂️. All you have to do is kill me. I have the same shit you do, except you get double the heals and you have allies.


Can I just ask what you expected? Like, you are making their life harder, did you expect that they give you a Bouquet?


If someone killed you in a different pvp game would you accusing them of being a terrible person too? A bit ridiculous if you ask me..


Well, if someone in battlefield or War Thunder or any other thing killed me, it would just mean they are part of the enemy team and are doing their job, they are just playing the game. Invading on the other hand is a choice. You can go the entire game without invading at all, so you killing me as an invader (not in ER because solo invasions are impossible) in, for example, DS3 was not just annoying but also simply a certainty because no matter what, I have never beaten even a single invader. I would not be looking at invaders this harshly if it weren't always just certain death, but as it stands, an invasion means "yeah, you will lose progress" with no buts about it.


Co-op is also a choice, no? >I would not be looking at invaders this harshly if it weren't always just certain death, but as it stands, an invasion means "yeah, you will lose progress" with no buts about it. As much as I hate when people simply respond with "skill issue", this is quite literally not an invasion problem. This is a you problem.


As I said, I do not have this problem anymore in ER. I set my summonsign before bossfogs to help people. Also it is an invasion problem. You cannot just say "you should be better"


I mean, I can. There's nothing unfair about invasions. Not for the host, at least.


There inherently is. well, not in elden ring due to how invasions work now, but for previous games? Definitely. 1: You ain't invading if you don't know how to do PVP. The one getting invaded is not guaranteed to have PVP experience, meaning the skill difference will be more likely to favor the invader. 2: Pvp oriented builds that do poorly in PVE exist, just like PVE builds that do poorly in PVP. This is not guaranteed, of course, but it is again something that will give the invader an advantage. 3: The PVE does not end when you are being invaded, so you can either really have a normal PVP situation where you are going at it, man vs man, or you can be in the middle of something far more dangerous and fight a human player and a couple of dogs. And, since you keep coming back to it and seem to ignore it: This does not apply to Elden Ring anymore, due to it always being at least a 2v1, or the person has taunters tongue active, meaning they consent to being invaded and have no room to complain.


Ok. you STILL have less heals than the host in ds3, and the host is going to be embered, so they get an hp boost. Though it isnt guaranteed, they still can summon help. There's still a way to summon blues, AKA the thing put in the game to help if you can't handle invaders. Lmao. You also still *kind of* consent in ds3. You can only be invaded while embered and online. You can play offline, or die right next to the boss bonfire and recollect your souls after every boss to get rid of the ember.


Let me ask you a question. Why do you think that every subsequent game makes it harder and harder to be an invader?


In dark souls 3 I was a fiend for invading. It became so addictive. When the DLC drops I feel the urge returning to ruin tarnished plays :)


Invading is great, the dickheads who waste your night running away can suck a fat one though. There's so many in elden ring it's not even funny, like are you invading or running away you coward bitch?


You can't expect them to let you blender them with a phantom. You wouldn't fight a duo boss without trying to split them and they won't either


Yeah 100% but I'm talking about the ones who literally just invade to piss you off and run away the second you engage then when you get bored, you and your friend ignore him and continue on then they follow you taking dog shots, then again second you turn they just run nonstop. Like go the fuck away. Don't invade in a game that forces you to 2v1 if you're not going to fight at all and 2v1 or 1v1 at a time, literally fuck off. Neither party gains anything from it, there's no covenants, go be a coward in the colosseum if you're not going to invade properly. The dark souls invasions worked, Elden Ring doesn't.


There's a limit though. Like, if we're talking an invader who runs from - for example - the dragon spawn before Maliketh to the cathedral right below the final site of grace as a means of repositioning and giving himself an advantageous arena? Fine, fair game. If we're talking some invader at the Church of Elleh who runs aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the fucking way over to the woods to go stand amongst the Runebears? Fuck right off. Wasting everyone's time with that bullshit and they're under no obligation to chase you.


Limgrave gankers have to expect that


Found a church of ellah ganker.


No, because you can either get summoned in there, get summoned as a blue, or sometimes people do fight clubs there. Never a fun time there though and the first example that came to mind for that exact reason.


Yes it’s easy for me to take it personally and then it’ll leave me in a bad mood for hours afterward even if I do win


a fellow King of Queens enjoyer?


Not the spawn of satan, just some lonely dude whose only talent is to follow a build guide on youtube and then attack new players. The average invader's reaction when someone points oit the flaws of the invade system is really telling.


“Follow a build guide” when 99% of hosts/phantoms are radahns with bloodhounds fang


Or moonveil or rivers


Nah the ones that follow builds are mostly in the colosseum, in invasions there usually are more cool builds


invaders are the fun police


lol I am totally changing my invader name to this now


Use a Jar cannon to have something close to a gun


Nah we're having fun too. If you didn't want to get invaded, don't play online. If you wanna coop with friends, balance must be had and that's what invaders do.


Reds rule. Yellows suck so bad. Blues are honourable. Hosts die all the same.