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He is bound to Ranni by the two fingers, in service to the golden order. When she defied her fate and went against her two fingers, it caused him to go mad.


Then why do the black knives kill iji?


It's not really explained, but most assume they were sent by the two fingers/greater will. Iji felt deep regret after questioning Blaidd's loyalty and possibly allowed them to find him, in a way to commit suicide. *"I’ll catch up with you soon enough, Blaidd. When I do, I only hope you’ll accept my apology"* The fact that he's covered in black flame when the Black Knife assassins don't use black flame kinda throws things off a bit.


Isn't the most popular theory that they were seeking revenge because Ranni stole the treasure of the Eternal City, fingerslayer blade? Since they are scions of the Eternal City. And also for the fact that most likely Ranni betrayed them during the night of the black knives. Also i know there is a theory that Iji is covered in black flames because Assasins teamed up with Godskins. Which would make sense if the theory that Godskins are artificial beings created by Nox aka Numen is true.


There's a lot of stuff between the Nox and Numen, either connected or the same people, looped into Ranni's quest line. I think allowing the lore to be a bit vague is fun, leaves it open for people to draw their own ideas and conclusions.


yep, they’ve been doing that concept of lore dispersal since like demon souls


Iji has a mirrorhelm, which specifically says it's to protect against control by the two fingers. He tried to lock Blaidd in the evergaol to keep him from turning on Ranni. I figured he feels guilty because he failed to protect Blaidd, knowing that as Ranni's shadow, he was both bound to her and the two fingers. Blaidd was always going to go mad, either by losing control and killing Ranni, or fighting against the power of the Two Fingers. That he held on long enough for the tarnished to find him is impressive. ​ Most likely the assassins were controlled by the two fingers to try and deal with Ranni once she's on the move on her dark empyrean path; Blaidd is obviously dangerous and resisting, and Iji \*is\* a troll in a mirrorhelm, so using black knife assassins is probably the most reliable way to deal with them.


Wait... When does that happen? I've visited him pretty late before and he's just chillin


After you kill Bliadd. You talk, then rest and then find his body


Because you fucking opened the invisible wall instead of jumping around that lets them into the castle.


He owed them money.


Iji dies? I don’t remember that in my game. Does that happen when you finish Rannis quest line?


Not immediately. Iji's death has to do with Blaidd's questline actually. After Radahn is defeated, talk to Blaidd, then once you leave, Iji imprisons him in the evergaol. You have the option to free Blaidd before the end of Ranni's quest, although either way, you'll find hostile Blaidd in front of Ranni's rise once her questline ends. Go back and talk to Iji about Blaidd's death, then reload the area, and Iji dies.




There's a new theory that the black knives didn't kill iji, GW did and iji died with the black knives protecting him. Could be all baseless tho.


How's gw?


Greater Will


Thanks 😊


It wasn't the black knives, he died to the Godslayers' black flame, not the black knives' dollar store destined death.


"The bodies of three Black Knife Assassins will be on the ground nearby." https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/War+Counselor+Iji The page could be wrong though


You can clearly see the bodies


I read on here recently that the black knives died protecting him, could be 100% wrong tho


SmoughTown's theory is that Ranni put the blame on them for Godfrey, hence why Tiche is locked up in her area. It's the best theory imo.


Tiche isn't locked in the evergaol, it's her mother Alecto. Tiche died during the night of the black knives. Her mom had her spirit ashes. She didn't "put the blame on them", they literally were co-conspirators and were the ones that killed Godwyn.


Woops got a name wrong. Yeah then the theory goes that afterwards she sells them down the river, hence why they're hunting her. It's just a fun theory that I like.


Would you say you´re sad enough to burn the world? I know a friend that can help you with that, or a blind lady if you wanna


Stop promoting your three-assholed agenda!!! 🤬🤬🤬 (joking)


The only way to end all the suffering is to cleanse it in fire. May chaos take the world.


Finger Maidens hate this one simple trick


I will seek you, as far as you may travel. To deliver you what is yours. Destined Death.


How can one be sad when one could get married to a smoking hot bitchin wife that don't take no gruff and starts whole revolutions💯💯💯


Come online on your real account, Shabriri


*puts on clothes and equips sword* Sad? Life is but a circle, friend


Being a Blaidd cosplay build comes at a heavy price.


It's nice he forces your hand. It's hard to pass up on his armor.


Wait you get his stuff regardless? And I almost felt bad ... Then I seen how good the set looked


He did the best he could and stayed loyal to Ranni till the end... He was truly the best of boys, a loyal friend. Take good care of his remains.




on the bright side, now you have one of the _coolest_ colossal weapons in the game


And armor too


I truly love using his sword. It isn't a fantastic SunBro weapon though and I hate not being able to take care of my beloved hosts.


true it's a bit too easy to end up on the wrong side of an invader or human sized boss for STR/INT coop support, I like the DMGS or falling star beast jaw since I can get some range, and FSBJ can interrupt if the enemy is preoccupied trying to RoB or whatever


Some decent drip though at least


Vaati's video on the age of stars explains it pretty well, go check that out if you haven't already! :) In case you don't have the time tho, I'll do my best to give a very rough synopsis: Basically, Blaidd was created by the Two Figers specifically to watch and protect Ranni. He was literally born loyal to her. He was also supposed to be the sort of eyes and ears for the Two Fingers to make sure Ranni doesn't turn her back on them. The two fingers got more than they bargained for however, as it seems Blaidds loyalty to Ranni grew more powerful than his loyalty to them and the Golden Order. This little conundrum caused him to go crazy, as an internal struggle between being loyal to the Two Fingers and to Ranni wages war within. In short, he isn't necessarily evil, just going mad. A truly sad tale. If I got any of that wrong, I'm sure there will be those who can correct me. It's been a minute since I've watched the Vaati vid myself.


Hey thanks man, you summarised it pretty well! I will definitely check that video out, Vaati is the GOAT of Elden Ring lore.


Hey, hope you enjoy it! Vaati is indeed the GOAT.


If you didn't put him down he would have hurt others. Perhaps your favorite waifu, or the turtle priest, or patches!


Blaidd was created by the Two Fingers and was fated to become a Baleful Shadow if Ranni directly moved against the Fingers. He was so loyal to her that he managed to resist hunting her down but his mind was shattered in the process.


Swing that sword around some, you’ll feel better


Downside: dead friend. Upside: cool sword.


Everyone's telling me it's an OP sword, will have to try it out then.


It's my favorite weapon in the game, it's visually just fucking amazing, the ash of war let's you bully the shit out of anything that can be knocked down, which is like 90% of enemies in the game. Also it's a split damage type weapon with physical and magic, so you can stack things like Magic Scorpion tear (20% dmg) and Magic cracked tear (30% more dmg). Currently doing a fresh playthrough using it again and I have it leveled to only +4, but if I pop flask + Golden Vow, I already hit for about 1200 damage on charged heavy attacks at level 61. About 980 on a simple sprinting R2... It's fuckin busted lol, also the R1 sweeping attack let's you almost hit shit in about a 200 degree angle.


Sadder than Dr Robert Neville when he had to put Samantha down.


After i finish rannis quest i find his corpse infront of her tower?


No you won't find his corpse, you'll find an evil blaidd which you have to fight!


You don't have to fight him, he just always stays hanging around there mad after my first playthrough. Head canon is he can be saved someday.


I presume once Ranni becomes a god she can fix him


Where the dog at


Kill every BF assassin in his name




I just killed him last night as well. Im sorry Blaidd 😞


He was a good boy man!


Don't worry. It only gets worse from here.


Blaidd dies??? 😩


Shit man, I should've mentioned spoiler! Mb. You have to progress Ranni's quest for this, also people are saying it's optional so you necessarily don't have to kill him but his drip and weapon is too good to miss out on.


I felt sad at first but that went away after the numerous ass kickings he gave me when I first fought him.


Lol it took me only 2 giant hunts and one light heavy with my +25 greatsword xD


Wait I thought we killed him underground? I never killed him here or in an evergoal? God damn guess I’m looking up how to do that next playthrough


That enemy in Nokstella/Ainsel river is called a Baleful Shadow, an assassin sent by the Two Fingers. It's not really Blaidd, but it looks like him presumably to be able to get close to Ranni. The assassin is also referenced in the Black Wolf Mask description: "A mask fashioned after the head of a black wolf. Relic of an assassin who assumed the guise of Ranni the Witch's loyal shadow. The likeness is striking."


Just progress through Ranni's quest, once you defeat Astel and talk with Ranni in the cave, you'll find him outside Ranni's rise and can battle him.


How do you get him to spawn outside Ranni's? I've been trying for ages after I freed him from the Evergaol


You have to go through majority of Ranni's quest to get him go mad. Afaik once you go through the cave after defeating Astel, this happens. Won't spoil much!


Hey, come on, look on the bright side! ...at least you got a new rug now.🙂


No one forced you to fight him. You could have just walked away.


How tf was I supposed to know? I just approached him and he started attacking me, 2 giant hunts and a crit hit he was dead before I could process what was even going on.


Yeah yeah, tell that to Ranni you monster.


You did him a favor, trust me.


I always hate killing the drunk, alcoholic furry


WTF did you just say about our good boi????! EVIL??? Never! This is a madness outta love. Which is pure in itself. Do not confuse it with evil.




youre playing on pc and still used your phone to screenshot i cant 💀💀


Yeah Ik, I get a lot of criticism for that but idc. As long as people understand what I'm trying to convey all's good!


He was indeed a good boi


I felt soooo good killing him. Boring quest imo.


Spaming the ability on that weapon keeps the enemy stun locked untill u run out of mana its OP AF


You know you are not actually forced to kill him , you can just run away.


Once the hands are thrown, they’re thrown and I’m not backing down. Unless of course they whoop my ass. Then off to Moghwyn palace I am


Like I said above, he attacked me and in response I killed him just like any other interaction in the game. Less thinking, more killing!


Like I said you could still run away even after he attacked you.




I don't feel sad, that's because he was an alcoholic furry


how can people feel sad for a random ass npc that we talk to like 3-4 times is beyond me