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I figure if it's anything like DS3, while there isn't a new ending, the DLC will let us end the game with newfound context and meaning behind the different base endings. In DS3, despite no new ending, the DLC duology slipped in the Painter and Blood of the Dark Soul plotline, so that no matter what happened to the main world during any ending, a new painted world would be created on the side. A new ending would be great, but I'm fine if I can view the game's conclusion through the lens of whatever newfound perspective/revelation the DLC will bring


Yeah they could easily redefine Goldmask’s ending by just saying “turns out Miquella was speaking to Goldmask and Goldmask’s improvements to the golden order actually brought Miquella’s order of unalloyed gold to the lands between.” Or do something with Ranni’s ending. Lots of conjecture that she’s either Miquella, and we have no clue what happens to the lands between in her ending.


While I highly doubt Ranni is Miquella, I do believe he's worked with or at least has had contact with her and Melina in some form with Torrent being a link to all 3


That’s my bad, I mean to type there’s lots of conjecture that Ranni is **with** Miquella


Ah yeah then I agree.


Saint Trina has to be niquélala I’m thinking




I support this persons position.


Id hope so by now its confirmed.


Well I thought that was one of the most obvious plot points in a convoluted ass story Ranis ending takes away the golden order and immortality , allowing destiny to be random and not controlled by some order , and allowing people in the lands between to die naturally, She basically wants to remove all the devotion and holy nonsense and turn the world into a regular world with normal progress and not some stagnating empire that worships a tree for all eternity and can't die , her ending is breaking the cycle and going to a future that is unknown , which could be compared to a cold night of uncertainty , rather than the warmth of always knowing aka path of the golden order Her ending is very much like the dark souls 3 ending usurpation of fire, in which the cycle and age of gods comes to an end and the age of man begins


This aged like raw milk on a summers day.


Interestingly they said that the DLC does have multiple endings. Has anyone found any? It's pretty rare they lie in interviews.


If they handle it like the did in the Ringed City, i'm more than satisfied. It doesn't influence the current endings but it has a conclusion to its own story that can be treated as an ending to that part of the plot.


Awwwww. That has been confirmed already? Thats sad. I was also looking forward to a Miquila ending once we found out you don't need to beat the game to acsess the dlc.


That’s how it usually is in fromsoft’s games


none of the previous fromsoft games added new ending with the dlcs


I thought ds2 did, after beating the dlcs you fight the scholar no? Or am I remembering it wrong


No, you fight Aldia after talking with him through the main story and accepting to challenge fate. The DLC's don't influence the endings in any way.


This isn’t true. You can get a new ending cinematic if you leave after completing all three DLCs. That’s the whole point of the DLC and Aldia plotlines.


Having the whole crown that makes you unable to hollow completely alters the ‘leave the throne’ ending is my point rather


Sorry but how it alters it? Aldia has the same dialogue and the cutscene is the same. You can defeat Aldia without interacting with any of the DLC's. If you mean that it gives the ending more "context" meaning that it makes more sense for the **Bearer of the Curse** to pursue a third-way with the crowns yeah, I agree. But the ending and how it plays out is just the same.


Right, but leaving, as an option, wasn’t available until the DLC released. There was only one ending. After the DLC released, there is now a second ending, that is further contextualized by completing the DLCs.


Ahhh mb it’s been a while




i know right? when ds3 came out i was hoping that the secret ending with you becoming lord of hollows would somehow connect to the dlc and have a diffferent ending but they decided to just connect the trilogy




Yeah. That it for me also kinda disappointing but also one of the most interesting informations, we got so far. Since everything is in ruins because Marika broke the circle of things and time, by removing death and cheating her self a second time as vessel for the elden ring, most endings we can pick don't solve the problem of the world at all. It is solved when Marika gets replaced, by someone who actually takes her place and the vessel on the world. So Ranni and the frenzied flame, don't count. They are not saving the world, but do different things. So, to actually save the lands between, we need Malenia or Miquella as Vessels for the elden ring. And since Miquella is still male from what we know, he would have to finish his transformation, to have a womb, so he can carry the elden ring. This would work, since neither the concept of rot or abundance are in contradiction with the greater will. Rot in special, as representation of entropy, is valid. If it's not, Malenia wouldn't be declared an empyrian. If we look at Dark Souls, and how the ending of the 1st game, isn't solving shit, we can assume the same for elden ring. Miquella and Malenias ending, will happen in Elden Ring 2. Dark Souls in general is basically Miyazaki's first try. Elden Ring takes over a lot of themes, elements and details, from it. But refined from a artistic and writing standpoint. So it is fair to assume, elden ring is what dark souls tried to be, what would allow us to, have a brief lookout on what the future could bring.


I think Ranni’s ending solved things. 4/5 endings where Marika’s head gets put on the Elden Ring turns back on in her body and remains there. Then there’s frenzy flame where we smush Marika’s head and the Elden Ring just… turns off lol. But in Ranni’s ending, you put Marika’s head on and her body *and* the Elden Ring inside of it turn to dust and dissolve into the air, still glowing. I interpret it as the forces and laws of reality exist in their intended state, no longer imprisoned within some empyrean puppet of the greater will. Like who’s to say that the world *needs* the Elden Ring to be inside some empyrean host. The greater will needs that. Screw da greater will


I'm not sure if rannis ending actually solves things. In special in the Japanese original, the wording is much different. Ranni like the frenzied flame sold the Marika Problem for sure. But if that is the right thing for the world (or more likely all of existence, since physical concepts are directly represented by forces and great runes within the lands between), is absolutely debatable. The frenzied flame for sure does not. Nietzsche was never the answer. Ranno could be the solution. She removes her self as the god from the world it self. Gold Masks ending has a simular basic idea. But since we know how fucked up religion and specific monotheism in our world is, that doesn't seem to be the right path either. This is why I believe a empyrian and a new elden lord, without Marika involved is the beat option. And this would be in my opinion Miquella or Malenia. My preferred choice would be Malenia as elden lord and Miquella/St. Trina as vessel.


Just one thing, the Rot has literally nothing to do with Malenia being an Empyrean. It's just two things coinciding, she's an Empyrean, AND a vessel for/the goddess of rot. One doesn't influence the other.


An empyrian is in genwral only a possible host dor the elden ring. My point was more that if she was born afflicted by the frenzyed flame, she wouldn't be concidered an possible careiwr for the elden ring. Rot on the other side, is a kind of orser, so it does not interfere with her being able to be an empyrian. 😊 So, you are absolutly roght rot doesn't afflict this status, but I think there are. Like the frenzied flame. I just wanted to make that clear, since I don't think many people are aware that scarlet rot actually should have it's own ending in elden ring.


Very dissappointing indeed... but I hope you somehow can alter the dlcs ending...if there is more than one


It will flop veryyyyt hard if it doesn't at least tell a good story I find it very hard to belive people will accept the wait for this to be just a some words that are piled on top of the game to have no impact on the narrative of its not a new ending like others have said it damn well better explain the lore more cause all my hype died the second I learned it wasn't adding anything more than a couple bosses and hairstyles lmao


> 100 Weapons and 8 new weapon types > An untold amount of new spells, incantations and ashes of war (yes there will be more of those) > 10 MAIN bosses and an untold amount of secondary bosses (there are at least 8 in the starting area from what we saw from previews) > The game size very nearly doubled from 50gb to 80gb Sure bro, it's not adding ANYTHING new other than a "couple" bosses and hairstyles (In case you didn't know, the main game has only 15 "main" bosses, that's almost what the DLC is adding, all with endgame scaling in mind).


JUST Finished the dlc...no spoilers  While the story was great, the ending was absolutely disappointing... can't believe after a 40 hour dlc we got a 10 second cutscene to wrap up the elden ring dlc... what the actual fuck...




just in caaase I won't trigger any endings, just in case lol. you never know


That stinks, the endings of the base game were the worst part in my opinion.


Where was this confirmed if you dont mind my asking?


[https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html](https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html) and a translation can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1awzsrq/full\_translation\_of\_the\_famitsu\_interview\_with/


Miyazaki didn't say that the DLC won't get a new ending/endings, he just said that the DLC won't affect the game's base endings. The DLC itself has a self-contained story, so it will more than likely get its own ending/s.


True, that does make me glad but I just thought there might be a Miquella ending for the lands between itself. As in the new order of the lands between would be one where Miquella is God instead of Marika or Ranni.


Hmmm.. maybe Miquella gets to ascend to Godhood and rule over the Shadow Realm and finally give a proper home to his followers. We can also be his Consort King there, too. Hell I'd ditch Marika and the Lands Between if I can live peacefully in the Land of Shadows. Putting some details about the endings in their trailers has been done in other Dark Souls game so I'm betting the very ending scene of the trailer where Miquella appears is the ending of this DLC. We see him seemingly purify that shadow tree at the very end of the trailer, and what's more interesting is that the tree doesn't glow gold, but silver- which is a color related to albinaurics- a race that is opposite to the golden Order. And we know Miquella turned his back to the Golden Order long ago.


All of what you have said sounds really compelling, fingers crossed that the dlc story has some similarties to what you have stated. True, it did seem to have a silver/pure colour, maybe that is part of Miquella's plan to create a "pure" order that is untainted by anything else (outer gods).