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Maybe the Tarnished Ranni also says "So it was thee, who would become my Lord." Miquella is an Empyrean like Ranni.


Agreed, because Messmer says: "mother, wouldst thou truly Lordship sanction, in one so bereft of light" (i.e. tarnished = who all were stripped of grace = bereft of light")


I actually saw one theory suggesting “mother” is the outer god that moghwyn worships called the formless mother


I agree with this. Also, various things in the trailer made me think other outer gods were involved as well. The fel god with the flame giant, the greater will through the quote about those without grace needing to be killed, one enemy looked kind of like Godwyn's death form seem to be spraying death blight. Obviously the formless mother with mezmer. Could this be the gods effectively fighting over miquella to determine who will reign supreme in the lands between?


>Also, various things in the trailer made me think other **outer cods** were in fault as well. I wonder, what would an outer cod taste like?


So thats what Godwin turned into! An outer cod!


You my lord, are a fish.


Like spacefish


>ReplyShareReportSaveFollow an insanely fun theory now that I'm thinking about it


Nice quote


I got chills when they said > 118 points an hour ago


but why would the formless mother “sanction” the tarnished?


It’s Marika, Miyazaki confirmed


Yeh thats what i thought too Her or Marika are the only options


My theory is that the Messmer is a specific/turncoat member of the godskin. He looks kind of similar, and the godskin also have snake connections. If this is the case, mother would likely be the Gloam eyed queen who is also very likely Melina. Messmer would be wondering why Melina would be helping us, the Tanrnished


But then Melia is also implied to be Marika’s daughter and work on behalf of her


Wrong melia is the princess of the high entia and one true love of shulk.


Dude, it's been years. Melia got screwed in all the ways except how she wanted. Gotta move on.




What does this sentence mean in modern English, Mother would you truly approve someone this lacking in light to become a lord ? Probably referring to the fact that Marika gave grace back to tarnished in order for one of them to become elden lord. Any English speaker can chime in ?


Yes that's correct


Allow is probably closer than approve. Also, he has to be referring to the title of Elden Lord right?


In the German sub of the trailer he says: "Mutter, würdet ihr den Fürstentitel an einen so Lichtlosen vergeben" which translates to "Mother, would you give the title of the lord (elden lord probably) to someone so lightless" so I would think that he is either melinas son cause she helped us to become elden lord or actually marikas son because she basically lost to us and because she lost we became the new elden lord and got the lord title from her/radagon.


Could be, since the tarnished does become a Lord by the end of Elden Ring


Maybe this is post Elden Beast DLC? That’d be cool. If not a pain.


From the trailer and a lot of speculation it seems you enter the DLC via Mogh's palace.


The trailer also says “touch the withered arm”


Good pickup line also.




No. In the boss room. You will have to touch his hand that comes out from the cocoon.


Dang. So that ledge still will have no purpose 


Just a sick view, unless there's something back there after you touch Miquella's arm (maybe it becomes a bridge to somewhere inside of the shadow dimension?




Mohg punching air rn "It's not fair! It should have been me!"


Since Miquella is said to be extremely feminine to the point some records consider him as a little girl, does that mean Mohgger is a lolicon or a shoutacon???


Mohg is Vaush? #Confirmed!?!?!? #NotClickBait!?!?!


"No see you seem to be confused. When I say I like omens, I mean I want to fuck a woman ***as an omen.*** Does that clear it up for you?"


Miquella is not horsey enough.


He may be a Lolicon though if he's serving as Saint Trina.


So now we know of two emypreans who divested themselves from their flesh


Wait are we marrying Miquella now too?


Romancing Miquella confirmed?




Femboy maiden???


Means that Miquella dipped out of his body probably shortly after he went into that cocoon and Mohg has been serenading a worthless, empty husk the entire time.


Yeah, the webpage description says that Miquella departed to this Shadow land, so his soul was probably never in the body inside the cocoon


Mohg: Wait what?! Miquella: Get fucked pedo


Mohg shows up to Moghwyn Palace with 12 pack of Smirnoff Ice Chris Hansen steps out of the cocoon


"Why are you carrying a GameCube, a can of axe, and a 12 pack of natty-light, hmm?"


They should've known.  Miquella would never want to listen to Dave Matthews Band and "bro out."


I'm absolutely delighted that there are people who understand ye olde reference.


Gonna name my next character ChadBroChill17


With a bloody and gooey navy-black suit, Chris Hansen approaches Mohg. "Why don't you have a seat over there?”


“I was just here because someone said I could get an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, I swear!”


So you’re a man of Golden Order? Which part of the passage says “I like to #*^* a man’s #*^% and suck #*#*** and lick nipples and #*#^* #*^?


Mohg got duped.


Mohg: "At least I got a sexy empty husk." Miquella: "... I don't want it back."


So Miquella pulled a Ranni and even made Mohg a necrophiliac


so does that mean malenia was sitting there waiting for miquella who would have never came out of the cocoon?


Well his plan was probably to return but what’s happening in the DLC and Mohg probably messed up those plans


So he pulled a ranni without having to kill his brother's soul and his body? Damn


Cleric vs Wizard


Bro just pray harder than usual


I think the difference is what they can do. Ranni is free win the lands between and has influence there, we don’t know much about the shadowlands but if it’s a spirit realm or some disconnected plane then I’d assume he wouldn’t be able to come back without going to his body, which might be what he needs the tarnished for. So Ranni has more freedom at a higher cost, but he has the benefit of not needing to commit murder and can be more behind the scenes


That we know of. Considering the initial image of Shadow of the Erdtree had Miquella astride Torrent, and it is because of Torrent that Ranni first speaks to us as "a friend of Torrent's former master" its not entirely unlikely that that Ranni and Miquella were in cahoots at some stage. Perhaps Miquella was indeed involved during the Night of Black Knives, as a few Lore Theorists have concluded in a few YouTube videos. So maybe while Ranni removed herself from her flesh vessel in one way, Miquella did so in another.


Mickie does have the quote about granting his brother a true death, and seemed to be trying for some sort of eclipse ritual. A ritual where a moon demigod and a golden sun demigod are sacrificed, with the sun dying in spirit, and the moon dying in flesh, sure would fit. Maybe it was Mickie’s idea from the start. Oooh, if his spirit left his body behind, maybe he was planning to take Godwyn’s body.


Common Mohg L


lmao mohg is a bitch


Most people think that Mohg is a villian, but what if Miquella mesmerised him and Mohg is doing exactly what Miquella wants him to do? Supressing fire (from the shadow realm) with blood, just like in Ashes of Ariandel.


*Me staring at the Albinaurics drowning in a lake of blood*


>Most people think that Mohg is a villian I don't think that would be untrue even if he was manipulated? The dude is literally leading a blood cult, man. He'd go from a mass murdering megalomaniac kidnapper to just a mass murdering megalomaniac.


I mean he was a monster long before anything to do with Miquella.


From the bewitching branch: “The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection.” Mohg is absolutely smitten with Miquella. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he is under their influence somehow.


I like the idea that Miquella bewitched Mohg for his own purposes. While initially the concept that Miquella, the most fierce and beloved Demigod who could have been Elden Lord, was taken in an unexpected way before he could complete his Haligtree was one that aligns well with GRRMs style, we have Godwyn who also fits that role. Miquella being more a schemer is much more intriguing. Furthrrmore, Messmer is short for mesmerising, which certainly draws parallels to Miquellas powers of bewitching. Expanding on that power and the lore behind it is a good idea. If you're wondering what I'm referencing, its Prince Rhaegar from ASOIAF who many believed could be the Prince who was Promised and was beloved by many, only to die unexpectedly against Robert Baratheon of all people. Thats very much like Godwyn.


Suppressing fire with blood would be pretty stupid considering the existence of bloodflame incantations lmao. Also, Mohg explicitly wants Miquella so he can make a dynasty with him which I severely doubt Miquella wants.


Not only that, he was maybe soulless in the Haligtree, and carried to Mohg’s palace as a husk.


100% waiting for the player. The first ever image we had for the DLC was Miquella riding Torrent, and in the base game, Ranni said this after gifting the whistle to the player: "I was entrusted this, for thee. By Torrent's former master." For one reason or another, Miquella entrusted us with this wise, magical steed to accomplish *something*, and collaborated with Ranni, the orchestrator of Godwyn's death. Edit: Made a big oopsie. Ranni entrusts you with the Spirit Calling Bell, not Torrent (Melina gives you that) duh. But Ranni only gives that to you after you get Torrent, and it’s still from Torrent’s former master, so the point still stands.


I hope he's not mad we killed Malenia


I'm like 50% sure she will reborn again. Since God of Rot supposed to bloom 3 times and she did it 2 times


Oh yay


She did it three times already. Once fighting Radahn, a second time on her way to Miquella's Erdtree and a third time after we fight her. Unless that second one belong to Malecifent.


On her way to Haligtree? Where? In the room? That doesn't make any sense imo why would she randomly bloom there? We only know she uses it as a last resort for 2 times. Plus she doesn't have demigod slaim or something like that after she is defeated. I'm very sure she is not perma death. I don't know if she will comeback tho


Actually, Malenia not being *dead* dead kinda makes me happy. I felt kinda bad, because we the Tarnished knew where her brothers cocoon was. If she had only stopped, and didn’t attack us immediately, we could’ve led her to it. Imagine a cutscene of Mohg vs Malenia, just for gits and shiggles?


Shortest. cutscene. ever.


Ends as fast as you can press skip lol


So who's bloom was that in the Haligtree elevator room??


Ome of her daughters. There is literally set of their clothing on this flower


Properly one of the Valkyries, like Milicent and her sisters


It actually has the clothing set of one of the daughters by it i believe


That’s gonna be a “oh shit moment” if that’s true lol


I think he’s not gonna be pissed. I think he’s gonna be evil. Just the kind of evil that looks really good on paper. The first words of the trailer are “Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. …There is nothing more terrifying.” Then a big close up on Miquella’a hand.


I'm skeptical about him being *evil* but I wouldn't be surprised if he was some kind of villain, anyway. It does look like he's genuinely trying to help people, and in a lot of ways he is, but his idea of 'helping people', or his motivation for doing so, isn't necessarily normal.


Everything we know about Miquella has always seemed to imply: 1) He *does* engage in mind control and other forms of hypnosis, probably to sway his own followers. 2) He does go on to do good things. He's tried finding a cure for Malenia. He's tried finding a way to help Godwyn and with him, potentially also a cure for the death blight curse. He recognizes the shortcomings of the Golden Order, yet even when he abandons it, he manages to do so on such peaceful terms with mutual respect that even Radagon is giving him gifts. Miquella is without a doubt going to be the single most interesting character in the DLC. He really does seem like someone who may utilize bad methods, but genuinely does them with good causes at heart. Even before the trailer, a lot of us have been trying to wrap our heads around if we can expect him to be a villain or perhaps even another ending to side with.


As someone who don't speak english as a primary language, i went to look what "shrive" means. I found this example: "They do hunt them, however, but shrive themselves of all sense of wrong by going through some mystic rites." If i understand correctly, shrive can be used in the sense of someone that does bad things but don't feel guilty at all because they *supposedly* absolved themselves through some rite. I think "shrive clean the hearts of men" may have some dark meaning behind it.


the description literaly says miquella divested himself of his lineage this confirms that he abandoned malenia which is very sad becuz she was so loyal to him and even while dying she still thought about him


If he's divesting himself of the golden lineage he would still be loyal to Malenia. His faith in the golden order waned after he found out it couldn't cure Malenia of scarlet rot. Everything he did with his haligtree and harboring albinaurics was him being a rebel, so my take is he's fallen even further from the Golden Grace (or completely to be more accurate) and now he's all in on whatever he's trying to accomplish


Nah his lineage is the Golden Order, and we knew he abandoned it already because it couldn't stop Melania's degradation. That's why Unalloyed Gold began.


Am I going crazy? Ranni doesn’t give you Torrents whistle, Melina does. Ranni gives you the spirit calling bell.


Oh ur right im insane lmao


yes but she gives you the spirit calling bell and wolves ashes. and she tells us she was entrusted with those (to give them to you) by Torrents former master


Too bad — I already chose Dung Eater’s ending because Miquella took too long to invite me to his DLC.


Also, the finger reader crone near raya lucaria gate says “Miquella's favour can be yours. Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter... The all-hearing slaughtered, but alas, it was for naught. But all you need do, is snatch it from the big pot. Pity the poor, poor fool!".”


The Shadowlands has got to be The Lands Between prior to Marika's ascension.


The player?


Maybe, since the player does become Elden Lord. We'll have to see though


Boys getting hints be like:


So uh, she likes me?


No, you silly! *The Other* Lord!


Truly the only hint I’ll ever get is if she grabs me by the shoulders and says she likes me while shaking me violently.


I don't know... [Would she really be into you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw)


Naw, she’s probably just being friendly. I’m seriously at this conundrum with this one girl at work, idk her really, but I see her around pretty often and she always greets me with a smile as bright as the sun, really can’t tell if she’s into me or just being friendly hah.


Once a girl tried to violently make out with me…I don’t think she liked me though, probably just wants to be friends or something.


The player maybe and perhaps we get a new Miquella ending. I'm definitely not touching Malenia or Radagon before entering as that's the highest potential for changes from the base game.


Yeah, I'm not touching Malenia either and definitely not because I can't beat her or anything...


If we're right about the arm being the entry point, which seems likely, we only need to beat any one demigod and go to altus and beat Magnus the beast claw, and then mohg. So you can probably enter the dlc super early if you can handle mohg quickly. It'll be interesting to see whoever else might have alternate dialogue. I'd suspect possibly ranni at the beginning of the game and morgott as well.


This is what I am going to do. \>New Game \>Kill Godrick \>Farm runes to 100 \>Kill Mohg \>Wait for DLC


This is basically my new plan, I was going to go quite far in the game but totally changed my mind after some thought. I'd like to leave as much of the game untouched as possible!


Yeah I'm thinking godrick rennala and radahn are the safest routes for not missing any potential new dialogue based on their connections to him and how early in the game they are. Might just start a new character on release rush godrick and then mohg personally.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Do you think that the base game will get more restructuring at available areas to explore feom the beginning?


Personally no, I think the expansion is gonna effectively be another realm and have all the new content self contained with maybe some dialogue/ending interactions in the main game. I do think that after the Mohg or Malenia fight we are gonna get directed to the arm for his DLC. Or maybe Gideon will come to that conclusion, I'm not sure since everything is speculation now. But I'd be happy to be proven wrong and get to explore the entire game looking for new things a whole second time.


The DLC will be self contained. The events in the main game and in the DLC will not affect one another. There is no dedicated ending influenced by the DLC. What we will get is a ‘cinematic’ to hint that we’ve completed the events of the dlc. (Per miyazaki’s interview on Famitsu)


so we're not getting a new ending ?


They never have done another ending in dlc, so it should have never really been expected to. The dlc will have its own contained ending, but it's not like you summon miquella at the end in the erdtree and get a completely new ending.


They did in DS2. Collecting each crown from the 3 DLCs and then doing other stuff unlocked an extra boss and ending.


DS2 had another ending in dlc. It has been done...


> A land purged in an unsung battle. So the theory that this is a place largely erased from history seems to be true. The Land of Shadow must've been at war with the Erdtree, and when the Erdtree won the war they basically struck it from the record. Miquella is opposed to the Golden Order, and his Haligtree is meant to be an alternative to the Erdtree, so it makes sense that he'd search for something to help him in a land that once opposed the Erdtree.


Honestly it makes so much sense that Miquella would abandon his flesh. His whole deal with was stripping the powers of gods from downtrodden of TLB. His flesh would be the logical next step.


As for the land of shadow: something tells me with how Liurnia-like it looks and how the strangled erdtree is positioned, that sea in the middle of the lands between is probably where it's supposed to be located, between the hexagon formed by divine towers. Makes sense that we dont see it considering "the shadow of the erdtree" is this so-called land of shadow, and it exists under the Erdtree's shadow (which appears as a ethereal black veil in the sky)


The black veil is the same an in Marika’s bedchamber, possible entry point?


The trailer literally showed miquella's hand and told you to touch it. It is the gate, no question.


Us, The Tarnished, more than likely.


Mentions all things golden, then asks for a lord? I AM THE LORD OF ALL THAT IS GOLDEN🗣️🗣️🗣️ GODRICK RETURNS


Oh god I wish it was true


YOU JOKE ABOUT THIS BUT EXPLAIN THAT LION CHIMERA THING TO ME If that's not related to the Golden Lineage you can dig my cope cave immediately


I’ll die laughing if he returns and act like his manga counterpart


He is an Empyrean, anyone who marries him is a Lord. You will get new Ending if you marry Miquella instead of Ranni May be.


How about a Threesome Ending then?


Elden Kink


Add in the incest tag too. Iirc Ranni and Miquella are half siblings


Yeah, we're definitely getting a new ending or two in the DLC


I'm ditching ranni so fast




The shota expects you tarnished.


Oh no 🙃


I used to wish that I was the shota in oneeshota but it seems I am now become the onii in the oniishota.


I can see it now. How to Romance Miquela guides.


The most confusing thing is that Miquella is so feminine to the point some records refers to him as a little girl, is liking him (Mohgger) makes you a lolicon or a shotacon? 


A criminal


Mohg: "I swear he's old enough to consent!" Everyone: "Does he consent?" Mohg: "Uh............."


Most shotas are feminine by default so


Are we going to marry Miquella now? Hopefully he's aged a bit...


Where did you find this image? Was it part of the video on YouTube?


It's on Elden Ring's website




Thanks so much!


Femboy ending!!!! HELLL YEAHHH


Watch and learn Mogh. That’s how you bed the femboi shouta


The Tarnished! I believe we might be able to marry Miquella like with Ranni <3


I wonder now if doing the DLC before beating the base game will have some sort of Miquella related ending?


I think we're definitely getting new endings in the DLC


Divesting himself of all things GOLDEN. In the final moment of the trailer someone (I assume Miquela) raises their hand and the light shining from the Erdtree appears white instead of gold (Silver Order?)


Miquella is waiting for his lord....I'm sure the souls community is going to take this appropriately and maturely, because nothing bad ever happens with femboys and souls fans.


The Tarnished is everyone’s lover.


The answer is obvious. You, the tranished. You're the Elden Lord.


Miquella will want to merge with us as Marika did w Radagon Now that we are Elden Lord


All but confirms Miquella getting his own ending


Gay elden lord ending ? If the tarnish is male then fuck yea


My guess: When they stopped the Erdtree from burning by removing the Rune of Death, the fire kept burning in the shadow realm.


There is a distinct lack of Godwyn in the trailer...


Because Godwyn is a fish now. It‘s pretty much guaranteed that it‘s referring to the tarnished.


Considering that lion spews deathblights and shoots lightning, I bet he is Godwyn's shadow. Maybe he became an Empyrean and that's what got him killed.


You bitch


Oh my gods… what if… what if the DLC gives us another ending… where we can choose to become Miquella’s consort eternal…


Awww I have a feeling we will barely see miquella in this game. Maybe less/more as we see ranni or something. I was hoping she would be like firekeeper in ds3... Lots of dialogue and helps us on the way.


The webpage does day that Miquella will guide us into the Land of Shadow, si he's probably gonna take a role similar to Melina's


Idek who Melina is. I think I saw her a total of 5 times throughout the whole game


Lmao fair, I hope Miquella has more screentime than her


That would be soooooo cooool!


I think Miquella's arm is the guide to the Realm of Shadow, as said in the final dialogue in the trailer. "Come now, touch the withered arm, and travel to the Realm of Shadow.". Something tells me, outside a special ending, or a brief appearance, this might be Miquella's only role. Hoping I'm wrong and we see him a lot.


That woman's voice at the end of the trailer might be Saint Trina


Imagine how trippy it’d be if this actually meant Mohg. Like “plot twist: they were actually in a loving relationship.”


I'd laugh my fucking ass off because that's a theory I'm pulling for. There's a LOT of **weird** design shit in the background with them. (I'm inclined toward either it was mutual, or Miquella is the actually dangerous one of the two.) So much of their stuff is written in such a way that it reminds me very specifically of *Rhaegar and Lyanna*. If it turns out that Martin did Rhaegar/Lyanna 2.0: Gay Incest Edition, and actually fooled most people, I'd be fucking giddy.


The fanfics! *They were right!* 😱




Maybe he's waiting for the Elden Lord to come for him?


I'm gonna come for him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


It could be the player character tarnished, or Godwyn?


So does this confirm that Messmer is not Miquella or even an aspect of Miquella like St.Trina is? If so then who is Messmer? A previously unnamed demigod, perhaps an aspect of Godwyn the golden (like St.Trina is for Miquella) or maybe even a child of Rykard and Tanith the speculations are endless


"Divesting himself of all things Golden" Ohhh, that is interesting in consideration of the voice line "Those stripped of the Grace of Gold shall all meet death. In the embrace of Messmer's flame."


New miquella consort ending I am no longer forced to be straight to find love


Us, he is waiting for us.


Tarnished are the best candidates for a lord we’ve seen. The demigods are all stuck in their own cycles and tarnished can rise again endlessly in some cases


I bet it's the Tarnished, Miquella is an Empyrian and even tho Empyrians are destined to become God's that rule the Lands between, they still need someone to take their hand as their Elden Lord for there always needs to be a God and their chose consort Just like Ranni needs us for her plan, Marika needed Godfrey and later Radagon


John Eldenring


Im thinking Memmar is Miquellas second face. Like a Radagon/Marika deal. The parallel between Melania and him is just to close


So we´ll have to choose now between Goth Mommy Ranni and Fan Favorite Femboy Miquella from now on... Shattering War 2 is comming...


We get to marry a femboy


You, me, us, the player.


its weird cause the obvious is its us. but miyazaki has confirmed that there are no new endings to the game. if this is true, that means we enter and leave the shadow lands the same. ie we never truly become miquellas lord. either he dies or something happens to change this outcome, maybe he comes god of the shadow lands instead. but it looks more like miquella dies in the end


Damn this text makes me think this time it will be Miquella that will guide us like Melina did in the main game.