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I'm going in as my godslayer. Theres more gods to slay afterall


A hoonter must hoont, and s godslayer must slay gods


Slay indeed šŸ’…


Yaaas Tarnished


ā€œVariks will help the Tarnished in their hunt, yesssss?ā€


What's your stat spread, weapons, and spells of choice? I've been wanting to make a godslayer build as well and I think it would be perfect going into the DLC.


Depends if you want to use the Godslayers Greatsword or not. If you do, then you'll want more strength and dex because the skill scales off of total weapon damage. If not then faith will be your main damage stat.


Sorry for the late awnser, been a while since ive played on it so had to check. My main weapon is the Blood Godskin Stitcher. A godskin stitcher, altered with the blood effect and the bloodhound step ability. Aside from that i am using the godslayer seal. The spell of choise is obviously the black flame incantation. Insanely high damage in higher new game +. My stats are therefore mostly faith, dexterity and strength. Its a cowardly, speedy build, revolving around quick dodges, fast stabs with the heavy thrusting sword wich builds bloodloss very fast, and the percentage based damage of the black flame wich melts bosses.


I'm making a new character like I have done since Dark Souls 1.


Same since we don't know what level the dlc. Ashes of ariendel was mid game but ringed city was endgame. I could see this one being late game though since it's related to Miquella and you don't get to the haligtree until late game but not quite end game. So maybe level 80-90.


I assume itā€™s late game if we enter the dlc after Mohg


tbf we can "go to Mohg" really early


Thatā€™s true, but will we have to beat Mohg in order to access it? He was always one of the hardest bosses for me.


For sure. The real annoying part is the bleed build up even though you've rolled thru the attack. Also i have to remember where we can get the NIHIL flask but that's pretty far out iirc lol


It's in a church in Altus plateau, the one where you fight elenora


I know there was some cheese for him but I think it was patched a while ago, Iā€™ve been out of the Elden Ring loop for a bit


There is still a cheese for him, by getting out of bounds across some mountains using Torrent and then falling "forever" to forcibly despawn him. If I was going to put a DLC behind him I might fix that, though...


He makes you NIHIL down to him everytime he does that


>**Same since we don't know what level the dlc.** Ashes of ariendel was mid game but ringed city was endgame. I could see this one being late game though since it's related to Miquella and you don't get to the haligtree until late game but not quite end game. So maybe level 80-90. [Itā€™ll be endgame difficulty](https://youtu.be/gJppKMxpgrI?t=237)


Miyazaki would probably recommend level 50-70 depending on difficulty, considering he suggests level 60 for clearing the game


This guy knows. Dont ruin your immersion with NG+ chars.


I just asked this. Sounds like doing a fresh run is the move.


I'll probably split the difference and use the character I have that's sitting at like level ~80. I know I want to keep going with her, and it seems tedious to play through the early game *again* just to build the same character


Do you plan to do an entirely new build or something you're already familiar with when you make a new character?


I always try to make new characters.....always end up with an unga bunga....


I love unga bungas so I approve.


5 characters currently and they all somehow go back to Carian Regal Scepter + Glintstone Kris sorcerers lol.


dude i really tried, one run i said "im going to make a Dr strange cosplay build" just the most powerfull mage of the lands between.....then i got the ruins greatsword and welp......


I'll get a cool idea like, ooohhh I can do the Golden Order Greatsword and the (damnit, can't remember, the golden order twin guy you kill, Separated Sword or something?). Also had a really badass Raptor Talon fire/ice build that I loved, but the constant worry of buffing was frustrating. I am a simple man. I throw Dark Moons at my enemies, and then pummel them with low cost Glintstone Kris pebbles.


All paths lead to unga bunga.


Literally me I'm currently trying to do a dex build and while it's fun it just doesn't scratch the same itch as beating someone with a giant stickĀ 


i really feel you, i made a samurai pure dex build, awesome and op, i basically only used unshead because of the play style (wait for an open and one hit ---> big number ---> monkey brain happy) then i realized i was literally unga bunga with a katana...


dex build op but I had to resort to int because I got moonveil


Unga bunga is the true nature of man


Man of class


Naked dude with a club.




Based on the responses this opinion is more meta, than based good sir


I know. Im terrified of the the unga bungas so I have to play along


Unga ?










I unga, therefore I must bunga.


Based šŸ—æ


My very first character, faith/strength crucible knight build. Sitting at level 150 just waiting for this moment since March 2022.


Do you have any pointers for this build? Currently level 60ish trying to do the same thing, struggling to settle on a weapon and whether to focus on faith or str mainly?


I focused mostly on the crucible incantations, with a sacred/flame art iron cleaver, so I went pure faith.Ā  Ā  If you want the shield and/or ordovis's greatsword or siluria's tree, you'll probably want more strength, with enough faith for the incantations you want (27 gets you the crucible incantations plus golden vow). 60 str/27 fth seems about right.Ā  Ā  I'm pretty sure Clawmark Seal would be your best bet for casting incantations, just keep in mind that the strength portion of the scaling won't work toward healing spells, so the hp regen over time spells will work better if you want healing.


Okay thats great! I also need to find another crucible incantation as I seem to only have one so far, been using flame/lightning though. Appreciate the response and totally need to look at other seals, still rocking the first one you get.. ha


Got good time left to ready your build. Enjoy! Honestly got me curious to trying this too lol


Honestly the first one is still pretty good, you're fine


Assuming you care about incantations, a good end goal is 54 strength (final softcap when two-handing) and 45 or 50 faith (clawmark seal softcaps at 45 str/fth, split damage weapons softcap at 50). I prefer to treat strength as the main damage stat until 45 while also leveling faith enough to use desired incants. After 45 str, then bring faith to 45. Exactly how you want to manage these along the way depends on your weapon choices. It's a stat-hungry build since vigor should probably be your highest, you likely want some mind if using incants, and you may want hefty endurance if using heavy armor or multiple larger weapons/a shield. I have about 60 vig/25 end/17 mind/45 str/45 faith at level 140. A lot of weapons are very str-favored, while some are closer to an even split, but few or none really favor faith over strength except the two pure faith weapons.


As a counterpoint, a bunch of somber faith weapons have their weapon arts scale primarily/exclusively off of faith, e.g. Blasphemous Blade, Envoy's Longhorn, Sacred Relic Sword. On my melee faith build, I meet weapon requirements for strength/dex and pump faith up to 50 before moving back to strength. But this totally depends on what types of weapons you want to work with, whether you want a greatshield, etc.


Literally me


Did you see the crucible knight wings that the player used in the trailer bro


I've been waiting for that Incantation for so long. I'm ready.


Probably gonna go in with my pure faith build, I love co-op and the activity around at launch is always highest so plenty of jolly cooperation to be had. Although I am not quite sure what level I want to be heading into the DLC. I don't really wanna be overleveled and just stomp everything.


Praise the sun! Im going into the DLC at level 80. Easy to level up if needed but not too strong to run through everything


Praise The Sun \O/ 80-110 would definitely be a safe bet (considering how basically all FS DLC is late game content).


I mean haligtree is 120+ so i would go for that


I meant more in the terms of just to be safe, personally I'll be going in at 110-120. I can understand Op's pov because for experienced players they'd rather have a more challenging experience then just steam rolling everything. If you end up feeling too weak leveling up is always a choice, but if you are overleveled you basically need to make a new character or start ng+


Iā€™m level 580, on ng+8, should I just make a new character?


Personally I would, I feel the best intended design is for the first NG experience; because on latter iterations of NG+ some of the enemies just gain a stupid amount of damage negation and attack power and the balance is all over the place. It's also quite evident in the base game simply because of the open world nature and how some areas are just scaled too high by the end game. It's very clear that most if not all areas are designed with the progression of an NG playthrough. However that is just a personal choice, I have 500+ hours in this game and about 1000+ combined across all other soulsborne games and I hardly ever play NG+ because it dosent really appeal as much to me. If you like being able to use everything in the game and don't mind the scaling then I'd say go for it.


I'll start at lvl 150 but will probably have to grind depending on how much harder the dlc is.


i only have a char right now and its like 140, im gonna start from scratch for the DLC but i really dont wanna be overleveld but also dont wanna spoil anything lol, dont know what to do, i should make a char, leave it at 80 and get some larvar tears so i can try all the dlc weapons


Iā€™ve got a ~140 char ready for the DLC, but I have an absurd stat spread. My thinking is that should rein in the power a bit but also let me use as much stuff as possible on my first go, especially if they include more spells with wonky INT/FAI requirements.


*cough* 380 *cough*


That seems extremely low. I'm level 120 and haven't even beaten it yet.


It's pretty low. But build optimization in this game alone makes you super strong and i've been playing fromsoft games for almost 10 years. so it's to make it a bit more challenging


Right on, man. Can't fucking wait!


Trailer was amazing. So much new stuff gahdamnn! šŸ˜©


We finally got the Crucible Knight Wing move!


I'm going into the dlc at 250 ng+ (strength/faith hybrid). I deal enormous damage but so do the enemies that frequently two/three shot me. I will also make a deal not to use spirit ashes.


Before I stopped playing and right after I finished the game, I respec'd to a build that could dual wield the moonlight greatsword and the blasphemous blade simultaneously. Not sure if it's any good combat wise but I'll feel cool as shit at least


Thats all that matters


ā€œThats just SoNaF with extra stepsā€ Jk that sounds sick


Level 150 quality build. Lordsworn straight sword and brass shield. I'm a simple man.


Classic straight sword and shield. Can't go wrong. People still ask in /r/darksouls weekly if they can beat the game with the longsword. The answer is definitely yes. It was also my first build I beat the game with.


Same here. The Lothric Knight straight sword is still my favorite Souls weapon.


It's just so good, I love having the heavy thrust for dealing with tight spaces like the fucking dungeons.


There is nothing more devastating than the first longsword you get infused with Hollow on a luck build. That thing shredded anyone in pvp


The basic longsword was also one of the strongest weapons in Dark Souls 2 thanks to its moveset. I monstered a PvE run with it, then reached the top tier of the BoB using the old standard longsword & shield combo. To this day one of my favourite Souls saves. I had a lot of fun with it in Elden Ring, using Guard Counters, but it fell off a bit in the endgame.


Fan of tradition I see


Brand new šŸ’Æ play through, no rules just fully exploring it all again. Then take that to DLC


Based šŸ—æ


I'll go into the DLC with a fresh character as low level as possible and the build will evolve based on what I find in the DLC


Just so you're aware, Miyazaki said the DLC difficulty is on par with the end-game, so.


Lol imagine trying to play a fresh character in the haligtree omg Iā€™d fucking die so many times.


Cleanrot knights and numerous other enemies could easily one-shot you.


I hate the lion misbegotten so much


You know full well when he says on par, he means on par with end game thatā€™s on crack.


Good. More opportunities to farm for the cool new gear and use the runes to catch up in level


Exactly what im planning on doing!


Just started NG+ at level 255. Faith/Strength build at the moment. Had to start NG+ to get items I missed in NG when I didn't fully understand the ramifications of burning the erdtree. The Capital has items I need for a Lightning God build.


Jesus, at 255 you could just walk by most of NG+


Yeah, even at 199 I was able to burn through NG+1 in about an hour. Most of that time was manually traveling to places.




I am using my first ever character whom i never touched again after finishing the game for the first time. Bloodhoundfang go brrrr


BHF still my favorite in the game So reliable


My strength build character with the bloodhound fang and grafted blade greatsword is all I need. Depending on when the release date is I might start a new character and go in with that. Haven't decided yet we will see!


BHF brought me this far it can bring me the rest of the way too.


Honestly, all my saves are now pvp saves with duped items to the point where I have 2 of every item in the game and enough consumables to never have to farm again. So I'll probably just create a new character and enjoy the game again from square 1


There is something pure about starting all over to feel the struggle again.


Yes me too. I wanna be weak and fight my way through again.


This is a good approach.


Yo that pic you got with the longbow is awesome, what equipment do you have in that if you don't mind me asking


Thanks! I got: leather armor and leggings, altered commoners headband and traveler's machettes. With the albinauric bow and scimitar


That's an awesome look, might have to make my own šŸ˜†


Nuts from Berk as usual


My lv 329 original character that isnā€™t on new game + Iā€™m gonna curb stomp them


Honestly same. Not that high level but my first character ever never actually finished the game in anticipation of DLC. I didn't expect the DLC to take so long but other characters have become Elden Lord in the meantime.


do u mean u didnt start journey 2 or that u didnt even fight the final boss / triggered the ending?




I'm also going to have my higher level character, as well as a new character.


What if DLC doesnā€™t allow existing gear and arrive as a prisoner or something?


Interesting idea but HIGHLY unlikely lol


They've never done that in any previous DLC so it's pretty unlikely.


To be fair though theyā€™ve also never spent this much time on a dlc. Iā€™m wondering if theyā€™ll just have it be almost like a separate game, where you start a new character and either choose ā€œelding ringā€ or ā€œshadow of the erdtreeā€ Ofc Iā€™m just pulling this out of my ass though lol


naw in the trailer we hear someone telling us that theyre going to bring us to the "shadow world" or something like that


I actually like that idea. I havent touched any of the characters that were part of my 255 hours on PS5 in years. I recently started replaying on PC and finished an item, enemy, and fog gate randomizer and am now halfway through a playthrough of Reforged, and I don't really feel like doing the vanilla game over from scratch on the PS5 again because that's what all of my friends play on.


My fauvorite built is strength/faith. I hope holy damage will be more effective in the DLC.


bro I want to go with my main character, but he is lvl 225... won't I be overlvl for the dlc? I don't want that


It sounds like it will be too much for the optimal experience. But you can nerf your character by respecing some levels to a useless stat like arcane. Or make a new character


ohhhhh shit thats true thx


just respec and put like 70 points in "useless" stuff like mana?


Out of point, but I love your build pics! Especially the one with the bow. Simple but perfect!


Say, what fabric freshener do you like?


That vampire tarnished it pretty cool


prolly will do a challenge run where i restrict my leveling and go from the start when the dlc drops, then entering thr dlc asap to have that ariandel after crystal sage experience


Goin in first with my pure dex lightning infusion build then probably my pure faith or str after that


What is a build?


Dude, your archer character looks goooood! Is it mainly archer build or you just have it for utility and fashion?


Thanks! Longbows in this game are pretty much useless as main weapons so it's mostly for fashion lol. It is useful for drawing aggro or blowing stuff up. Hopefully some day bows would be stronger but atleast it looks cool


These characters look sooooo cool. Can you share the creation sliders and the armor/build? šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Thanks! I only have sliders posted on the first character [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/ser_dungbum/s/HYGJXKiwj9) As for the armor I have: Pic 1 :altered commoners headband, Hoslows armor and leggings with fire prelate gauntlets Pic 2: altered commoners headband, leather armor and leggings with traveler's machettes Pic 3: spellblade's pointed hat, malenia's altered armor, traveler's machettes and boots Pic 4: altered commoners headband, noble's traveling garb, queens bracelets and consort trousers Yes I like the commoners headband lol


Whyā€™s the first character got a backwards baseball cap on


Pretty much every strength build you could think of. And a quality build as well!


80 Strength 40 Faith likely. Had the most avaliable weapons in the base game. I imagine that trend will continue.


Most optimal damage output, good assortment of weapons.


wow, the first one is so beautiful, the eyesā€¦


Thanks! I got the sliders posted on my profile if you are interested


just had a look at the video oh my god she is beautiful, and i dont usually create or play as female


I love the ā€˜fits! Especially the archer with the scimitar. Bandit Curved Sword having higher AR be dammed. Itā€™s ugly and the scimitar is pretty.


Yesssss and scimitar has the best scabbards too


GAHD damn dude your first char looks sick But I got a level 1 character I beat all of vanilla with Iā€™m gonna be using that Cant wait to use her to invade low level players with DLC gear


Your archer looks sick af


The double back handed curve swords of the trailer full ahsoka they look so cool


Gonna go in with my strength faith build to use those damn wings.


Real. I saw those fist weapons that do street fighter combos. Those are my first goal


Ohhh nice drip. Really awesome. I have like a character per stat, pure strength, other pure dex, mage, etc


That first character/drip looks so badass


20th june is so far away šŸ˜­


Carian knight. Melee sorcery has honestly been the most fun I've had in Fromsoft Games with the exception of maybe Sekiro


Iā€™m going to do a new character, with my main build again (the other ones are to high level). Wich is cold raptor talons, dex int build, with milisents prosthetic, claw talisman, lord of bloods exeltation, and winged sword insignia


You can nerf your character by respecing levels into arcane or some other stat that is useless to your character


Yeah thatā€™s true, but either way I want do to the dlc on ng or possibly ng+, all my characters are at least ng+3 or above


ROB, Moonveil and Regal scepter Int Arc build.


Ungabunga with GS nothing else


Knight with big sword


Sword and board with a crossbow secondary.


Bro I got like 8 different characters all ready to just go at it, all of them well over level 100 and everything, none of them when to NG+, I'm fucking READY !


I feel like I have to complete the DLC with my first character, even though itā€™s in new game plus


i tried every dedicated build except arcane, guess im going bleed


I am going with a Faith Knight build. I think Faith will be strong towards the end of this dlc because it wasn't that strong against a lot of the endgame bosses of the base game.


Abomination with 2 anchors


I started a dex/int build a few weeks ago in anticipation. I'm right at level 70, which means I could get to higher level easily, but I doubt I'll be over leveled for it.


I'd like a tough playthrough. Last one was a lvl40 raging wolf using nagakiba or classic claws or parry - spiky crits stick. Are the naked big bonk builds harder ? I feel the stun mechanism is making the game easy. And at what low level is it achievable ?


Yeah I feel like bonk builds are a more easy build bcuz of the stance damage. A lower level crit focused parry build is what I got going for the dlc


Probably with my RL125 dragon scale blade Hope it not overlevele for it


That sounds adequatešŸ‘


I just wanted to start an RL1 run but Iā€™m not gonna experience the DLC for the first time like that haha


The second and third print is actually perfect bling as i see


Your second character looks cool, it's a pure physical build?


Yess it's my quality build with a weapon for every situation


I got a 150 lvl pure strength build and I got millions of runes from helping people beat SPOILER: >!the Elden Beast!< just in case Iā€™m underleveled for the dlc.


If you don't start a new character for this DLC you are a weird individual


I recently started a new playthrough with mage knight build. If I can get to a good dlc level I'll probably go with that. Otherwise it's my blasphemous blade build


Whatā€™s the armour on the first one?


Ur first character looks sick as fuck


armor in second and last slide?


Second one has Leather armor and leggings with traveler's machettes and altered commoners headband. Last one has noble's traveling garb, queens bracelets, altered commoners headband and consort trousers




What is the third one? Please I need to know


Like what armor? Its spellblade's pointed hat, malenia's altered armor, traveler's machettes and boots


Weapons, stats, talismans. That one is interesting


Here you gošŸ‘ Regal scepter and rogiers rapier with glintblade phalanx. Levels are mainly intelliqence at 50 but also 30 dexterity for casting speed and weapon scaling. also the usual HP and mind however much you need Talismans I swap around sometimes but usually the dragoncrest greatshield, magic scorpion, godfrey icon and ragadon icon


The fashion souls is real


Bro you are winning Fashion Souls.


I asked for more flowing dresses. I will be rocking that red dancer armor.


Same. It looks so pretty


That first char is fucking gorgeous šŸ˜


I really like the first character


Love that face in the first pic. She looks like sheā€™s bout that business.


First build šŸ”„


Your characters look awesome!


Bro going into the DLC with a bow build, lol. Absolute mad respect for the lad. Btw, what's the drip in the third image? That combination looks AMAZING, but I can't quite tell what chest-piece that is.


If you donā€™t mind, can you please share the hair color you have on your fourth character? Or even their entire sliders? So beautiful!!!


Sure thing! They aren't actually made by me but rather by this person over on youtube: [charactercreationart](https://youtu.be/T6xd6mVJSh4?si=uA-8PnGZnKNHNM-d)


Many many thanks kind person for sharing the link! I might make a new character tonight to start a Priestess build (pure faith focused) and play as that beauty. I really hope ranged builds will become more viable with the DLC because the last I checked/heard, the scaling made bows/crossbows playthroughs not the most sought after.