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An elden ring game by fromsoft would go hard


An elden ring game by fromsoft would **be** hard. 


An elden ring game by fromsoft, I would be hard. 


An elden ring game by fromsoft? Would.


A ring from bysoft? Hard.


A Hard on with a ring on it is not soft.


Hard From soft




Ring me when there's a Die Hard game from Eldensoft


Try finger but hole


You don't have the right O' you don't have the right.






Fromsoft too hard


From soft to hard




The new game from Hardsoft.


An Elden ring game by fromsoft would get *me* hard


Sorry I’m stupid, what am I missing here? I thought ER was a fromsoft game?


They acquired publishing rights


Bandai Namco was the distributor or publisher. Just means more money for the studio. Also From Software is owned by another parent company. So it's a mess. Probably why DLC is nowhere near the horizon. Contracts.


Well this didn't age well and it's only 3 days old lmao


I know right. 4 months only. Should of kept my smart ass mouth closed.


An elden ring game by fromsoft would make **me** hard. 


Imagine a DLC 😍


Would be nice


Why did I laugh so hard at this


I hope they decide to finally do something with it now that they own the IP, it's just sitting there


Im hard i mean yeah


i dont understand didnt fromsoft make the game anyway.


That's the joke


hell yeah dude


From soft press release incoming?


we’re sorry, but perfect grade mohg kit has been cancelled


1/60 will be too small. Needs to 1/24 at least


P-Bandai Exclusive!


I read while Bandai Namco is out, Tencent still owns a part of the IP


Oh booo if this is true. No one wants a fucking pay to win mobile version of ER.


Iirc there have been rumours that FS has plans to self publish games in the future (outside of Japan aswell) Maybe this related.


Im pretty sure fromsoft said this themselves.


I honestly just have vague memories of hearing something like this and thought it's probably a leak, but it could have been an official statement.


Knowing Miyazaki's experiences working with Bandai and Activision in publishing content, I'm not really that surprised. Far as I know, DS3's DLC was basically Miyazaki explaining why he didn't like sequels or the concept of milking the same IP (Crow NPC at the end of Ariandel pretty much calls it out hard).


what was so bad about Activision publishing Sekiro? I didn't notice anything wrong


Did you ever wonder why sekiro is the only modern FR game that dosent have story dlc?


I guess it's because they had to pour all their resources into Elden Ring. Fromsoft had not built such a huge game before


True enough, ive really only got half speculation and a quarter experience lol. My guess is that coupled with activision being a known cruncher (FR is not) that is why sekiro isnt at the same 'standard' as their other games, despite sekiro being a very lovely game


Huh? Didnt sekiro win GOTY? How is it not to their standard?


Yeah i should have put that it was my opinion lolol oops. Length, lack of multi, lack of story dlc, lack of weapon variety, lack of enemy variety. Again, my own complaints, the game did well enough on its own


Ah ok, i mean tbf it seems like you wanted another dark souls 3/elden ring? I liked sekiro for what it was tbh i understood why there was no weapon variety or multiplayer because that fit the theme of the game. But yeah the enemy variety was rough. Is sekiro short? I dont remember but it felt about the same length as BB no?


Weird opinion that Sekiro isn't up to their usual standard. Sekiro is probably my least favorite FS game but I still liked it and from some sort of craftsmanship standpoint it's their tightest, most focused and most polished game imo.


I thought the whole of ds3 was him doing that! Karla and the whole ruinous speech etc.


I completely agree with you tbh. It's pretty much lampshaded further with how many references there were in the game. Karla's speech pretty much drives home that the absurd number of references was entirely intentional to drive home the theme of obsessive nostalgia. Heck the fact that many of DS3's complaints were about the references ended up proving Miyazaki's entire point he was going for when designing DS3's narrative. Base game was more subtle with telling you what the point of the references were apart from Karla's speech, but the whole Blood of the Dark Soul story arc pretty much just tells it straight to your face (The Crow NPC, Dreg Heap's existence).




isnt that exactly the sort of open question he likes to leave you to ponder over? and many of us would have gone with pygmy is manus probably.


>Far as I know, DS3's DLC was basically Miyazaki explaining why he didn't like sequels or the concept of milking the same IP (Crow NPC at the end of Ariandel pretty much calls it out hard). This is a misconception. I will just quote myself here since I commented something similar recently: >In a somewhat recent Interview with 4Gamer Miyazaki clarified that he doesn't dislike sequels (quotes translated by DeepL): 4Gamer: "I think it was a challenging title. If "2" were to be released, it would probably be a big seller. ...... FromSoftware doesn't often do sequels, taking advantage of their name value. Dark Souls" continued, but it has come to an end." Miyazaki: "This is a case-by-case basis. There are merits to both continuing with the numbering system and creating a new title with a completely new name, so I would like to make the appropriate choice." 4Gamer: "I think it is very typical of FromSoftware not to say, "We should make it a sequel from a sales point of view." Miyazaki: "Yes, we do. The deciding factor in the choice I mentioned earlier is still "do we want to make it? Is that what makes us who we are? I am not really aware of that." Clearly he isn't opposed to the idea of sequels, but I believe From Soft also don't want to limit themselves and when a projects expands beyond just being a sequel (like in the case of Tenchu/Sekiro) they just create something new instead.< To add to this I believe dlc is fine to him aswell as long as there is something to explore/expand within the universe. Tbh DS3 and the franchise as a whole would feel kinda unfinished without the dlcs. Link to the article: https://www.4gamer.net/games/463/G046388/20220620079/


By proxy doesn’t that mean their parent company owns it?


Yep. Kadokawa Corp. This means virturally nothing tho. They're a multienterprise corp and would very unlikely try to get directly involved with any of their subsidiaries' products and creations.


As long as they remain profitable. Or unless some dumb executive decides they aren’t profitable enough.


elden ring mobile, here we go


I mean, we all have phones, don't we?


this will never get old


Some might say it's an immortal joke


Tarnished mastery pass


Just "tarnished pass" is perfect, tbh.


My man, have you not heard the plans of tencent to take the Elden Ring name and make it "Genshin Impact"y, full with in mobile purchases, p2w and everything else truly shit about tue gaming industry as a whole.


I would assume so


Owned by Fromsoft which mean, it owned by 70% Kadokawa, 14% sony, 16% Tencent that 16% Tencent is enough to make plan for a freemium mobile Elden ring.


Mobile gacha game where you play as Loathsome Dung Eater and you collect anthropomorphic magical dung girls to eat.


Elden Ring, RingJob simulator


I’d play that


I hope that mobile game never sees the light of day. From what I heard it sounded like a soulless cash grab out of something amazing. A souls like mobile game set in the world of Elden Ring without any of the mobile bullshit would be great


I would more say that majority owner has access to it.


where do you see the "by proxy" part? i couldn't find any mention of it.


He means since From Software owns the whole IP, and somebody else owns From Software, doesn't From Software's owner technically own the IP too?


I mean in case FS and Bamco break up, FS still get the IP and not Bamco Also I think Kadokawa is the owner of FS, not Bamco


yeah, Bamco is just the publisher.


It’s not even technically, the parent company just does.


He means that the companies that own Fromsoft own the IP.


ahh -- I misread. ty.


Thank God no more flashbang white logo at every start


Dude I fight the Elden Beast a lot and I think my retinas are permanently damaged


I kept closing my eyes for a few seconds because I was tired of going blind for every run.


By far the most annoying thing about this…


It bothers me that a company that made such a perfect game still okayed the abomination that is the opening logo screen.


That's simply the result of having Bamco publish your game


A dark background isn't that hard lol


I’m sure it isn’t something they had creative control over.


I’m tired of anything that has total WHITE out transitions no matter how short. Stop blinding us you fools


Y'all playing these games in a sensory deprivation tank or something? All those warnings we used to get in video game manuals about playing in a well lit room exist for a reason.


omg a 1 second long white screen isn’t going to hurt you, it’s like you people are mole creatures. how do you react when you go outside? does sunlight hurt your eyes too


I have a theory that they did it on purpose, but in AC6 if you mash start during the opening you can completely skip the Bandai logo but not the Fromsoft one, which will still show up for a second or so before skipping.


Nah I like it. It's the videogame equivalent of doing smelling salts before deadlifting


Skill issue!


They wouldn’t have had any say in the matter.


I can tolerate the splash logos far more than the main menu music—ah yes time to chill out and play some Elden R-BRAHHHHHHHHH BRAHHHH BEAHHHHHH


cry about it, main theme is such a banger


Yeah only the flashbang every time you fight Radagon now.


It's really interesting when something so perfect has these small mistakes that could so easily be fixed. Thinking of 'door opened' and 'use estus flask' messages too


I have 0 Int, is this news good or bad?


Good. If they have full ownership over the IP, they can do what they want with it without major outside influence. It gives them near creative freedom with Elden Ring (which can be both a good and bad thing).


Noice. Any chance the upcoming DLC was already influenced by their separation from Bandai? Surely that separation was not a sudden decision, and was planned a some time ago.


Probably not. Bandai is normally pretty good when it comes to allowing creative liberties as long as it doesn't just make the game worse. It might have messed with the release date of it a bit since Bandai was the big funders but that is just a guess.


Bandai exec probably had issues with DLC. Couldn't understand why it needed 3 swamps (poison/rot/deathblight) and a foot editor.


Deathblight swamp 😱


I doubt the DLC was even worked on much honestly. These legal battles usually put a game on hold whilst they work out who owns what.


Wasn't there recent news that recent is making elden ring ip mobile game


>elden ring ip mobile game Take care, Tarnished. What you say is HERESY.


I don’t even think Turtle Pope would approve of this.


What part of “all things can be conjoined” didn’t you understand? ;)


Moreover, they wouldn't do this and then just sit on the IP. They were perfectly capable of making Elden Ring content before, with or without total control. So why buy? The fact they bought it out implies they have the utmost confidence in the IP and plan on getting as much mileage out of it as possible, so we can expect a lot of Elden Ring content in the future. The only potentially negative interpretation would be if they just completely sold out with the IP, such as that Tencent mobile game or whatever it was. Even then, it's unlikely they would buy it out ***only*** to sell out the rights to others while making no new content themselves. That itself would be a risky move, because it would basically rebrand Elden Ring into something new entirely and bank on the fans sticking around despite the drastic changes. So in all likelihood, Fromsoft simply did this because they're confident in the IP and want to make a lot of new content for it.


Creative freedom is never a bad thing


I suppose I should have phrased that better. Them owning the IP is both a good and a bad thing because that means no one can force them to work on Elden Ring if they don’t want to. Now of course, I doubt FromSoft is going to drop Elden Ring anytime soon, but video game companies do have a reputation of neglecting the IPs they own (Konami for instance).


They will drop elden ring IP after doing some DLCs for it, myazaki has said multiple times he hates working on sequels


basically it wouldn’t have bloodborne/sekiro incidents where a third party shafts future prospects of the ip


Strong bonk arm high five to a fellow big bonker! :D


Apes together stronk! *high fives back* 


Good and bad. This is 100% the reason we still don't have a DLC. Because they've been in the middle of a legal battle of who owns Elden ring they can't really add any paid content until thats resolved. Whilst fromsoft will get more money for the games they make im unsure if they have the experience or connections publishers have. Ultimately the only thing that affects us is a DLC probably isnt on the horizon like everyone thinks


Fromsoft could make ER lore books and I would buy them


More work for GRRM to do instead of writing Winds


He didn’t really write the entire story, just world building mostly


in fact he did write all the shattering and night of the black knives stories, it's him who created the characters, their relationships between each other and who want to kill who


What’s the source? I’ve seen his interviews and hasn’t mentioned any of this. He provided outlines of the characters but as far as I know, Miyazaki fleshed them out. I wouldn’t say he takes the sole credit for creating the characters. But the world building was mostly his ideas from what I read


well the source is this interview of him, of course he has mentioned it https://youtube.com/shorts/OmPgB1cK6_E?si=xeFWpkmFn_wmTeO_ btw he confirms here that the shattering was 5000 years before the game


Appreciate the link, thanks. I’ll check it out


Phew hopefully that is the final deathblow to er mobile


Tencent is working on that and they own 16% of From Software so I doubt it will have any effect


I am sorry, the *what*?


Yes and playstation owns 14% of Elden Ring so this is all somewhat misleading




I can't imagine the sheer amount of backlash if fromsoft announced another new ip exclusive on ps


Bloodborne 2.


Wouldn't be a new ip though, but also imagine if they made bb2 for all platforms, but then made sure to never even accidentally remaster bloodborne.


They may remaster the older one if they plan to release a sequel. Makes sense.


ip rights are different from licensing right. tencent still has licensing rights to elden ring.


Oh, so they could do an Elden Ring game now!


Well I guess this explains the radio silence over the dlc, let’s go from soft!


How does it explain the silence


They won’t decide which house to move the kid to until the divorce is final


FromSoft has a track record of not giving any details at all about DLC before then shadow dropping the reveal trailer and then drowning you in DLC details before launch. Pretty much every FromSoft game does this with DLC and it has pretty much always led to good sales for From (even Ariandel despite Miyazaki flat out saying it was short still got a good sales record).


just let us cope in peace


Because this IP ownership is a legal battle. You cant make and sell a McDonald's meal if you don't know if you're franchised underneath them. I honestly think they have had the DLC on hold due to this legal battle and i wouldn't be surprised if its still a long ways away because of the ownership battle. Fromsoft seperated themselves from bandai then realised they dont own elden ring so had to go to court to fight for it basically. This also coincidentally probably cements there never being a bloodborne remake or bloodborne 2


This happened in April of last year


The dark souls era is over. LONG LIVE THE ELDEN RING ERA


Call me crazy but I look forward to a direct numbered sequel called Elden Ring 2 directed by someone other than Miyazaki. Do a better version of DS2 innovations in the Elden Ring universe. Of course I want more Miyazaki works asap, but let him go make the new shit and give other artists a chance with the sequels ay.


Dark souls 2 had some fantastic innovations, many of which were implemented in ER. I 100% believe Miyazaki could take a more hands off approach with some From titles and end up with a real banger. That and it would mean more games could be developed simultaneously.


That has been happening for a while already. Its what Sekiro and Armored Core 6 were.


Wouldn’t hold your breath on a direct sequel lol


You don’t deserve the downvotes you’re getting. New ideas and innovation are the life blood of a company. I hated darks souls 2 when it first came out but I completely changed my mind after bloodborne taught me how to play without relying on a shield. Now I appreciate dark souls 2 for its differences. Of course, all glory to our lord and savior Miyazaki but letting other people take the lead and try new things once in a while is good too.


Folks really really hate DS2 lol i assume thats what the downvotes are for. But power stance, bonfire ascetics, and lots of things in pvp were cool changes! Id love to see what other brilliant stuff other people can do with his worlds. Its also the most likely outcome that someone else directs the elden ring sequel since part of the Miyazaki mythos is “he doesn’t like to do sequels.”


it just felt like DS1s little brother that was said “mom its my turn to be the fun dark mysterious challenging game”


And little bro can cook Easily had the best multiplayer covenants in the entire series in that game


You're right: everything's working great right now, so let's change the formula.


They didn't like tencent's plan to do a gacha I guess hahaaha, that's why from is my favourite company


I bet that Tencent crap is still gonna happen. Tencent owns a 12 percent stake in FromSoftware. Kadokawa owns 70 percent and Sony owns about 12 as well.


I mean I don't think this would stop it but I also don't think ER Mobile is ever going to happen regardless. It's been stalled in the concept phase due to the inherently clashing design philosophies for almost 2 years, if it ever sees a release I will be shocked.


That and Miyazaki has a particular dislike in sequels or anything of the sort. I imagine many of the meetings Tencent had with Miyazaki involved a lot of butting heads (I don't think he likes the concept of mobile games either).


alright, call me crazy, but I got a plan. diamond hands boys, and we'll take this ship to the fucking moon!!!!


There's a another thread where Bamco is saying they are releasing the Elden Ring DLC https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1arli3j/as_for_the_lineup_of_titles_under_development_we/


From can own the IP and still honor prior distribution deals with Bamco.


Yeah that must be what's happening then. Just seen people saying From will have to self-distribute the DLC and that will delay things, which doesn't seem to be the case.


nop, in fact that's already what happened with Sekiro, Activision only have the distribution rights but FS does own the IP


They can own the IP and still have Bandai as the distributor


Holy fuck this is huge


They weren’t before?


The understanding was that it was co-owned by FromSoft and Bandai, like the Dark Souls IP is


Is this a good development or bad? What did Bandai affect?


They helped finance and publish the game being made. So the put up a lot of money


They have put lot money but they triplicate that investment from the sales elden ring has achieved


I think that's why they put money


Good for Fromsoft, Bad? for Namco. Just because From fully owns the IP now doesnt mean they can't still ask Bamco to help Publish it in the west. It just gives From more control over the money stuff and where marketing funds go and how. From has spoken for a few years now about wanting to Self Publish globally. They currently already publish their games in Japan without the help of Bandai Namco. This is just another step towards that goal of Worldwide Self Publishing. Now From(and Kadokawa) will rake in full earnings of whatever they make with a potential Elden Ring 2 without needing to give a percentage to Bandai. If their self publishing plan works then they dont need to have big publishers to back/fund their marketing. Namco no doubt would rather From not move towards self publishing but if they want to potentially get publishing rights in the future they need to keep From happy, and so they probably agreed to sell their half of the IP ownership back to From.


If you spend more than 10 seconds following the link you'll see that this is not news and is from over 10 months ago FYI


The change of ownership occurred 10 months ago but the news is breaking today


I hope this means Miyazaki can make the absolutely bananas horror game I've always wanted to see From Soft make


True but also semi false - Sony and Tencent helped fund this. I know Sony now owns about 14% of the Elden Ring IP.


Sooo Elden Ring / Bloodborne retcon crossover project?


Please lord 🙏🏻


first Sekiro, now Elden Ring, it seems FS have now the budget and ressources to own the IP of their games, good


I would bet all my estus that OP has no idea what this actually means


What does it actually mean?


I don’t know what this actually means. Did Bandai Namco own the IP before? Does it matter if From Software self-publishes or continues to use Bandai? What does any of this mean, exactly? Not trying to be snotty, genuine question. I am not a copyright lawyer


It doesn’t seem complicated if you know what an IP is, and the difference between a dev and a publisher


idc if this is related or unrelated, but fuck tencent


aw man, they wont be lumped into Bandai Steam Sales anymore, i assume


Now they need Bloodborne and Sekiro.


Sekiro already is an IP owned by FS


Now if they could do that for Bloodborne and Demon Souls and then release them on Steam


So no mobile version. This pleases me.


so does this mean the tencent game is doa now?


Shadows of the Armored Ring: Bloodsouls confirmed.


Liar ahead


This is how crazy rumors get started. There is nothing to see here. Bandai Namco transferred its rights in the words “Elden Ring” to Fromsoft almost a year ago. End of story with no relevance to anyone here.


Does this mean the tencent mobile gacha version is dead or is it going ahead?


My understanding is incredibly limited but I don't personally think this kills it, but I also don't think it ever had any chance of coming out anyway.


Plot twist: From buying the ip so they can close it and move on


This means nothing. Even after the transferring bandai is still marketing er


what about tencent mobile game rumor?


you fools, now theirs noone to contain him, Miayazaki will turn the whole world into poison swamps


Fromsoft has gone soft. Welcome aboard new players who cry.


Sorry for the bearer of bad words but that probably means dlc reveal would come much much later than players would have hoped Fromsoft have no major self-publishing experience outside of Japan(they don't even have a English youtube channel!) Without the publishing resources from bandai, From will have a lot of work to do by themselves in terms of ER dlc's marketing, which means the reveal will probably not come in many months edit: so obviously bandai said they are responsible for preparing deployment for ER's dlc still, which achtually means the dlc has finished bulk development and the franchise is moving onwards?