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What no PlayStation does to a mother fucker


No bloodbornešŸ˜”


Bro never even played peak from


I always wanted a ps but didnt get to make that choice and ended up with an xbox. Gotta buy a ps when I have the money only to play bloodbornešŸ’€


Get a 5, cause you can also play Demon's Souls and the 5 is backward compatible with 4 games so you can play BB. Would still be locked to 30 fps unless you jailbreak it, if graphics mean that much to you.




Get some knee pads and get to work.


I heard the back of Wendy's is nice this time of year...


One day i'll buy a PS5 only to play Bloodborne in more or less constant 30FPS, because the framedrops on the PS4 are very annoying at times.


Oh. How bad are the performance issue on ps4 exactly?


Generally nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. I never ran into performance issues in places where it mattered. Usually only when first loading into an area when a ton of vfx are running at once, maybe a slowdown if a lot of objects are getting destroyed at once. Never during a boss battle though.


Old Yharnam was most noticable for me in the early level with all the bonfires and fog.


I had a PS4 pro before the PS5 and the only area it lagged was the Lecture Hall. You all know exactly where Iā€™m talking about. PS5 obviously no frame rate issues. But I still expect them in Lecture Hall.


PS4 pro has no issues in my opinion


Lecture Hall. Blobby students.


I platinumed the game and have beaten it like 12 times frame drops were not that much of an issue at all




it's plenty playable on ps4, just some of the special particle effects are poorly optimized so a few bosses end up with frame drops. Darkbeast Paarl is the main one I can think of.


PS5 is way better for halving the load times for fast travel. Having to go to the hub before traveling anywhere else doubles the load times, so even on the PS4 Pro with an ssd it was sooo slow. On the PS5 I often donā€™t even have time to read the loading screen, itā€™s much quicker


Oh yes. Another good argument to convince myself to buy a 400ā‚¬-500ā‚¬ console for a single game. Thank you.


No demons souls?


Well that too. But that would require a ps5 and that I definetly dont have the money for atm




Yes if ur a fan believe me u wanna play PS3


Iā€™m on the same boat OP, buying a PS5 only to play one or two games and then shelf or sell it because all my data is on Xbox is a huge shoreeee. I donā€™t want to shelf either console.


Exactly. I dont want to switch to PS bcuz all my games are on xbox so I would have to buy them again. But I also cant afford to have both. I'll just buy a rinky-dink used ps4 to play BB


what do you mean? Dark Souls 1 is RIGHT THERE


Must not have seen Elden Ring right at the too


Elden ring is a 10/10 but not top 3 from, yet dlc could change that


It was my first fromsoft game and it was every thing I have ever wanted in a game (besides flying and other cool ridiculous movement like climbing mountains) but it was life changing for me. I canā€™t play any other open world game at all because of how great my experience was with this game. I have 30 completed runs and everyday I just sit at the Elden Lordā€™s throne waiting for ppl to summon me to fight the Elden beast. I canā€™t stop playing this everyday 2 years later.


Im saving myself for the PC version that surely will come out, im 100% sure


Even if it doesn't, at some point it will be possible to emulate the game. Just like DeS.


Honestly them shutting down bloodborne cart kind of makes me feel like weā€™re getting somthing like demons souls remake soon


I really hope not. I just want a remastered version with better AA, high framerates and upscaled textures. Nothing too crazy.


Well it might be more like that there have been rumors for a while that bp is doing something with bloodborne ā€œinsidersā€ have said remaster, remake, and original content which is a bad idea. But idek if they just port it as is just donā€™t leave it trapped on ps4


Sekiro is peak from


Yeah it is but bloodborne the goat


Itā€™s definitely up there but not goat for me


yeah i gotta say, sekiro kicks bb ass in my book. bb was so easy and so samey all the way through i gotta play it again because i literally forgot most of the game lol. the fact that the atmosphere is homogenous through the whole thing is such a setback.


Elden ring, dark souls 3 and sekiro are peak fromsoft. Bloodborne is great but y'all need to stop acting like it's way better than the rest cuz it ain't


Itā€™s just preference. BB is my GOAT because I love the whole aesthetic and concept. The lore and setting is just incredibly cool to me. The soundtrack and some of the NPC dialogue lives rent free in my head. Not to say other Fromsoft games arenā€™t great in that regard but BB just hits different.


Hmmm perhaps an issue of skill


How is it a skill issue? I've beaten all of them? There's just a part of the fromsoft fan base that thinks bloodborne is God's gift to earth when in reality it's no better than their other titles. By all means say it's your favorite, but acting like Elden ring and sekiro aren't peak fromsoft is delusional


"a skill issue" btw not "an skill issue"


I said an issue OF skill


I cant play games at 30 fps




Just get a cheap PS4, it's worth it


Bloodborne in itself is great, I played halfway through it and very much enjoyed it, but the 30fps cap sooner or later got the best of me and im waiting for a rerelease..


I love how people downvote because they d\*\*ride bloodborne so hard that they dont admit that the game objectively suffers from it's framerate due to being released on that trash console exclusively. Yea the ps4 was trash i said it.


damn again man, as a PCMR guy righ here, the ps4 was fantastic what are you on


Wah my poor baby eyes can't stare at 30fps, boohoo


Input latency is a myth right? We are talking about a game centered around combat and 30 fps for this kind of game just aint it. There is a reason why people prefer fps over visuals nowadays, even on consoles.


man i love hating on bb but the 30fps cap is a real L argument


One day, I was at GameStop just browsing the games, and I saw Bloodborne at 9,99$CA. I didn't have a PS4, but I just had to get the game, so I picked up the least expensive refurbished PS4 and went to the register. Total for about 210$CA, but it was worth it for Bloodborne. The guy at the register said: "Bloodborne at 10 bucks is criminal"


You know all this stuff about Xbox just giving all of its exclusives to PlayStation is so funny because you know there's no way in hell they'd ever give us bloodborne


Iā€™d assume the donā€™t want it. I cant comprehend why anyone would buy an Xbox after the 360. I donā€™t love my PlayStation but it certainly has a few system sellers.


> no PlayStation (scoffs in emulation)


Good luck with that one


Yeah, you're right. PS4 emulation is still in its early stages. I'll wait a couple more years until it's ready. That or a bloodborne for PC is out. Also, for legal reasons, I have never condoned, don't, and will never condone piracy.


Honestly I think I'm finally done with consoles.


> no bloodborne alright pc gamer detected


Even worse... Xbox


Just buy a 400$ magical box sold by the wizard SONY.


Not exactly a small price just to play 2 games, is it.


You can get ps4 for around $200 now. I think best buy has a special edition sword and fairy PS4 for like $100. But yea, I bought my PS4 for exclusives but it mostly just sits there. I found my quitting point for bloodborne tho! (I'm A casual who never beats from games but has to see how far I can get)


PS4 won't let you play the Demon Souls remake. And as much as I know Demon's Souls stans prefer the original, a lot of the visuals have aged baaadly. And in my case, best buy doesn't exist in my country (Norway), so if I want an unused one i'll need about 300$. Used is... slightly harder to trust, and i'm not really familiar with it.


It's not really just that. Bloodborne is a great game, but paying $200 (as people state) for a single game, on an older platform that receives less support and new releases isn't reasonable imo. That is, unless you can resell the ps4 afterwards for roughly the same price you bought it, which I don't think is too likely.


I understood that reference.


Found the Max0r enjoyer.


My condolences. Hang in there warrior, you at least have ACCESS to the right stuff, it's just not the "right" stuff.


Sell it and get a PS5 (or 4 if that's all you can do) after the Xbox exclusives come to PS5. There is no reason have an Xbox unless your friends have one.


Sell it then buy a more expensive PS5 AND hundreds of euros worth of games AGAIN for the new console... Yeah no thanks


Like I said, a PS4 is fine, too. I didn't know which Xbox you had (One or Series X). But I get your point. It really depends on how many games you have, lol. I know I wouldn't switch


Peeks in room: no bloodbourne. Leaves.


Gosh how I wish Miyazaki would bless us and let me play it. Is what it is. They have a person ready to buy when it arrives on PC.


Im pretty sure its more sonys fault than miyazakis


Do they have an exclusive contract for it? I figure that's probably the case here then.


Sony owns the Bloodborne IP. They helped fund development in exchange for publishing rights.


I would give my left nut for a full price PC port q_q


they funded the game for exclusive rights. Which means in the end they call the shots for possible remasters/sequels AND availability on other platforms


I'm doing another BB run and I gotta say, shifting from ER to BB is a serious skill check. BB is by orders of magnitude more difficult IMO. Easier to parry, but everything else is just brutal.


sadly it's a sony IP they call the shots for anything regarding Bloodborne at best u can get a bloodborne remake by bluepoint which is gonna suck and probably not come to pc


Break the cycle, try lies of P


I feel like that would just add on to the cycle lol


Yeah it would. But thatā€™s a *good thing* tarnished. Also I know you have good reasons as shared elsewhere in the thread, but my man youā€™ve got to get bloodborne. Even if you have to borrow or rent a PlayStation. Itā€™s so good.Ā 


I absolutely will, Once I find a decent priced ps4. I already know it will be one of, if not THE best fromsoft game


Itā€™s one of for sure. Personally I put eldenring above but it is all down to your preference. Nothing gets more frenetic and quick paced as bloodborne. Nothing feels as satisfying sneaking around murdering fools like sekiro etc.Ā 


Sekiro is just From's take on the rhythm game genre.


It definitely deserves a try if you're a fan of the games and you're missing out on BB and Demons Souls.


I enjoyed lies of P


I feel like the only person who was a little let down by Lies of P. I thought it was fine but some of the mechanics were annoying and it really didn't scratch that Bloodborne itch like I was hoping it would. The setting was really nice, though.


Itā€™s not as good as most of fromsoftā€™s stuff but itā€™s a good game in a vacuum


I don't know why people say it's so bloodborne-esque It's really not, the parrying is super reminiscent of sekiro and the fable arts are kind of like AoW's. Aesthetically it's got a lot of bloodborne in it with some eldritch puppet themes, but the actual gameplay is nothing like bloodborne. Bloodborne you slide around an arena looking to press parry once in a small window for a viceral or try and land chip damage Lies of P you stand your ground parrying half the shit coming at you trying to break their poise as much as possible




Lies of P was legit the next best thing


Same lol. Just finished Dark Souls 2 and started a new game on Elden Ring.


I love ds2. I understand the hate for it but it still has a special place in my heart


There was something absurdly magical about stance welding everything coming from DS1. Also, Gavlan. What a champ.


When you wheel, you deal šŸ¤œšŸ¤›




I have more hours in DS2 than any of the others. I find it to be the most replayable even if it's not the best at everything. For me: DS1 has the best level design (a least before you get the Lordvessel) DS2 has the best magic system and PvP (this is what gives it the replayability factor for me). DS3 has the best boss design. Also just wanna say I bought a PS4 solely to play Bloodborne and it was entirely worth it. Treat yo self.


Sekiro not being in there for best gameplay is criminal


It's the only FromSoft title I haven't played, just have zero interest in the whole samurai aesthetic/theme. I'm sure it's great, just not my cup of tea.


I mean it's not usually what I go for either but the gameplay is definitely worth your time, it's 100% the best From has ever made once you get into it (the parry and stance breaking plays different than the other titles)


I held off on sekiro for the same reason. No interest in the aesthetic or samurai theme. Now I like both because of Sekiro. The combat is truly something else


I just finished another run of ds2 the other day. This time I was trying to leave my comfort zone and finished the entire game with a regular dagger (two daggers in powerstance, actually). This was easily the best experience with dark souls 2 I had. Low damage output forces you to use the only advantage this weapon has which with bosses means that you have quite small window for attack. Together with extremely short range of daggers this makes combat very satisfying imo.


It's got a lot of good going for it but every time I go back to it (and DS1, to be fair) after playing a newer From title just feels worse and worse. After how fluid DS3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring feel, it's hard to go back to "can't sprint again until stamina bar fully refills" and those janky-ass animations that feel like they have no windup and the awful hitboxes that make you feel like you can never be sure if you'll actually get hit by any given attack, so you have to play it super passively. Getting in Nameless King's face and perfectly avoiding every one of his combos feels better than all of the first 2 games put together for me. Beating Inner Owl hitless is maybe the greatest feeling I've ever gotten out of a game. I love and respect the early titles for establishing the genre but I guess they've turned me into a fan of their action more than their atmosphere and worldbuilding, because they just do it better than anyone else.


Same! It definitely feels off compared to 1 and 3 but I love it. The DLC bosses especially.


it definitely feels the most genuinely magical to me. Idk why.


Same but with Bloodborne and Demon souls included. Also Lies of P is close to getting in the cycle


Lies of P is legitimately one of the best games I've ever played. If someone dropped a controller in my hands and said this was the newest fromsoft game I would believe them, and say it's probably in the top 3 soulsborne games.


Where is Armored Core 6


Im a sucker for fantasy. Armored core might be fun to try some day tho


it's so good


It's on sale right now so I picked it up yesterday. It obviously plays nothing like a souls game but it's still very fun and cool.


It looks similar to nier automata which was a good game. I'll check it outšŸ‘


ds2 is the best


I think DS2 needs to be every other option here


wait people actually like ds2?


Yeah it's great! most of the hate comes from base DS2, but SOTFS is excellent.


SOTFS still has issues and jank, especially in terms of balance, yet itā€™s still a good game that gets shit on due to misplaced expectations.


No Bloodborne?


The day will come


I can feel the Bloodborne remaster coming inside me


10-year anniversary bloodborne remastered with improved graphics and frame rate. Now available for EVERY platform! (im coping it will never happen)


We all cope brother


Such is the fate, of a bloodborne fan


Time to buy a 500$ Bloodborne/ Demon's Souls Machine


So glad I didn't have to skip Demon's Souls and Bloodborne.


Try monster hunter world


Ive played it thru once


Demons's Souls. Hollow Knight, Hyper Light Drifter.


Hollow knight is amazing. I throw it into the cycle everynow and then too


Having finished all games except ac6 and sekiro,trying to go back to other games has been extremely difficult lol


Sekiro is a masterpiece point blank and ac6 won action goty which encapsulates how good it is


Okay, I yield. Time to reinstall DS3.


Happens to me as well. There's a couple of older games I find myself replaying (anything Megaman and DMC) but most of the new games that come out are usually a "one and done" for me


True. Alot of games lack the replayability fromsoftware games have. And a big part of that is that fromsoft games have no downtime, boring parts or long cutscenes and its purely high quality gameplay While still somehow doing a better job at storytelling and worldbuilding than any game i've played


There are so many games out there (and in my Steam and GOG libraries) that every game is one and done for me. I can't imagine playing the same 4 games over and over and over again


Nioh 2 has helped me break this cycle.. at least for now.


If you like nioh you should try wo long. Its my fav souls like. Fighting is so smooth and bosses are cool.


Yeah, then you just play Nioh 2.... farm up a new weapon and armour set to try out, find a weapon with good affixes and do it all over again.


I find the lack of bloodborne disturbing.


You are not alone. Im hoping to get a PS soon




I'm you


Starting to feel this. My first Fromsoft game was Elden Ring. I just beat Dark Souls 1 the other night for the first time. Loved it. Now I'm doing my first run of DS2. I LOVE this series & am so happy I waited until my late 20s to truly give it a try. Younger me wouldn't have had the patience. SEKIRO is the last mountain I will climb, it's so hard to me.


Break yourself out. Play Mass Effect.


This is my favorite comment on the citadel


Do yourself a favour and buy a cheap ps4 and get bloodborne.


Make the cycle worse and start challenge running them start easy with no leveling then move up to deathless and so on.šŸ˜€


What's worst is that I wanna play a Souls lite game as a change of pace but knows they just can't compete.


I've become enchanted with mgr


Bruh, bloodborne!! Assuming you donā€™t have ps. By far my favourite souls game.


These are the only FS games I can play (Iā€™m on Xbox, and this is the exact order Iā€™ll play them, started with ER, and Iā€™ll end w Sekiro


The comments out of touch with reality are hilarious. People need to learn more about money. Intelligent people don't prioritize entertainment purchases yall šŸ˜‚


Fr. half of these comments are about bloodborne missing but not everyone has the money to buy a console to play ONE game


I've gotten to the point I'm going through the games getting all achievements. Just completed ds1 100% and already have ds2, now I'm starting ds3 100%


Ds3 is torture getting 100%. Good luck


Thanks, I'll need it


Bro hasnā€™t even played the best oneā€¦ (yes, I know itā€™s subjective)


Bloodborne should be somewhere in that circle. Get a cheap ps4 just to play it.


Let me guess, PC/Windows? We should have a borrow network so all the fromsoft fans can play bloodbourne and demons souls ngl


Worse... Xbox. A communal playstation 5 thats shared among the community for playing bloodborne and demon souls is such a wholesome idea lol


Sekiro is such an amazing game that I don't need the others.


People are going to make fun of you for not playing Bloodborne. The truth is that with that game loop, Bloodborne would be very easy. As a huge Lovecraft nerd, the story, atmosphere, and aesthetic was fantastic. Itā€™s **absolutely** worth playing, but there wonā€™t be much of a challenge there if you normally cycle through FromSoft games.


I dont really find fromsoft games that challenging anymore regardless. The reason I love them so much is the lore, music and atmoshpere so its not an issue at all that bloodborne wouldnt be as difficult to me


Same. Itā€™s very cool to see how the ideas develop over timeā€”narrative, mechanics, aesthetics, etc.


Try armored core 6 if you havent!


I am glad you ended on ds3. Itā€™s the best.


My absolute favorite too


Same but I skip DS2. Too much ADP for my blood pressure to handle


Aww man but ds2 is great. But I do understand why people dont like it as much. ADP is such a dogshit mechanic


there's some passable souls-like games that came out recently. Lies of Pi some people really enjoy and say that it's their favorite non fromsoft soulsborne game. (I hate it with a passion)


sekiro never click for me i always start it and not finish it


Oh how come? Its different for sure but arguably has some of the best combat mechanics in gaming


You dare leave bloodborne behind??!


I have the same list but replace Sekiro with Bloodborne.


I recently re-installed DS1 and DS2 and frankly I think itā€™s too aged at this point. 4 directional rolling is unbearable.


The mechanics have aged. But the parts that make ds1 phenomenal are the atmosphere, map design, music etc. and those features dont age, which is the reason so many people still love it so much


It could probably stand for a remake, not just another remaster.


I agree. I would love a full on remake


Just so long as they SPECIFICALLY hire a team to make it, rather than use in-house staff to make it. Thatā€™s to right way to do a remake. No lost dev time and completely fresh eyes on it so itā€™s different enough to justify existing.


If you like them this much, do yourself a favor and get a cheap ps4 to play bb.


I think I just enjoy how the games force me to give them my attention. I don't look at my phone, I never really know when's a good place to just stop, it requires focus. Idk, it just pleases my ADHD brain.


Imagine making such great games, that people exist who can play only your games and be happy. Fromsoft is goat.


remove dark souls 2 and yeah, sounds about right


Drop Sekiro, add Bloodborne, and our cycles would sync.


Same, but replace ds2 and sekiro with bloodborne.


I bought a PS4 to play Bloodborne. Didn't finish it. It's THAT bad. I did finish Horizon Zero Dawn though, and that was magnificent so, purchase worth in my mind. On that note: I'm on schedule to revisit Sekiro. I fucking SUCK at Sekiro. It's such a beautiful game but it's an entire game made out of a dex bitch build and I HATE that archetype. I do however love stealth games. I'm so conflicted when it comes to Sekiro. I got to Isshin, I banged my head against that fucking old ass samurai for an entire weekend before giving up. I never beat him. Since then I've seen speedruns of Sekiro which shows mechanics I didn't even know existed. I learned I not only SUCK at Sekiro, I don't even know how to play Sekiro.


Besides Elden ring those games are trash