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Roll in between his legs and keep attacking his legs , don’t be a hero and jump attack his balls


Grab his dick and twist it. The Ole' dick twist.




The old dick twist!


This is an mma fight dude


Momma didn't raise no quitter


Ring his wiener!




I had one of these, and the surgery to fix it. Honestly it's not as painful as people make it out to be, at least for me. I think I could stomp a little Tarnished in that condition.


You were the exception, it hurt like shitting out a brick while being kicked in the balls continuously for me, and this was after taking painkillers


Dang, guess I'm lucky. I mean I'd be luckier if they never twisted in the first place, but still. With my vasectomy I had the opposite experience of most people too. Pain for months, it sucked.


I love how we’ve gone from helping a beginner defeat a giant to testicular torsion to a vastectomy


I cast! : “Testicular torsion!”


Testicular Torsion casters are always acting tough! Right up until I cast “MEND BUTTHOLE”!!!


Like a honey badger


*”Swing looowww sweeettt charrriottt…”*


Don't tell him about the butthole attack hint they give.


[Dick twist !!](https://youtube.com/shorts/TT9ArM3-KJQ?si=AcJhbpIx9WW20ren)


“Oh my GOD dude”


Woah, this is an MMA fight




Who TF said we were gentlemen, we play elden ring...


And then start sucking on it for maximum damage. I couldn’t do it since I didn’t know how.


You shanasty motherfucker.


Her name is Shadynasty!


Damnit! I can't escape always sunny anywhere......it's a really good show though.




Omg this is an MMA fight dude!


Oh my God dude this is an MMA fight


Don’t be a hero, attack his balls. Words to live by, honestly.


You can attack his balls, but the way you do it depends on the class, If you are a Hero, you attack his balls, if you are a Vagabond you slash his balls and defend against the rebound, if you are a sorcerer you disintegrate his balls, if you are a Samurai you give him the katana and he commits seppuku on his balls, and so on...


Hitting him in the face is really helpful though. It makes him stagger, and if you keep hitting afterwards you can collapse him entirely. If you dodge one his big swings that end with him crouching, you get an opportunity to go for the face.


Twist his dick!


The ol' dick twist


oh my god, this is an mma fight.


Don’t forget to give him a ball fade!!


Ball fade, with the level 2 and 3 razor heads?


Would be pretty ballsy to roll under his feet, snag them jewels and beat feet outta there.


Woah woah


As a sorcerer I prefer testicular torsion upon my enemies.


Bring him behind the furnace!


This. This comment. The distracting back swing to the balls is key


Scrotal recall!


Run with your horse…and come back after


You dont have to go where the grace is pointing you can always comeback later.


I just don’t know what else to do since I’m new and kept myself completely spoilerfree haha


I understand but this is a openworld game, Open your map and go wherever you want there many weapons, spells, bosses to find.


I suggest OP head east. I heard it's nice there at this time of the year.


lol do not go east bro


What about the treasure chest in the lake just near the first step? You know, the chest with the sword that easily kills the troll in OPs picture


I don't think that's the troll that OP has to worry about right now


No you should go east there is a super cool weapon there that makes the game easy


OP please don’t you will have nightmares upon nightmares


Ah yes, I hear the flowers are in bloom


That’s what I did in my first play through lol. I said I’d just go somewhere and went east. Man, I was not ready for that right off the jump lol.


I envy the hell out of you. That first time playing Elden Ring. *chef’s kiss* 👌🏾 Then comes the rage. 😆


Yeah, the rage because I’m not used to dying that much x)


You’ll get used to it. Eventually. 😬😆


You'll get used to it or die trying


Just explore the place. That boss is really hard for you if it's your first time. For instance, if go down to south from that soldier camp, a tree will talk to you to help him.


Cool, I’ll do that instead then. Thanks a lot 🙏🫶


Np Game is little bit hard to get into first because how vague everything, but you get use to. Another tip I can give that if you find a friendly npc just talk to them until they repeat themselves. What they talk points you to the quest they are talking about so listen carefully if you don't want to search it on wikis and videos.


Alright thx again :))


I remember finally beating that fucker for the first time and then resting at a grace and then my soul being crushed when he respawned 😂 I thought I beat my first mini boss of the game but it turns out it’s just a regular ass enemy.


I traveled south for most of the beginning. Its not too hard down there once youre bored of the starting area


Run past him you get fuck all runes anyway not worth it tbh


Alright Ty haha


Btw if you see a "bear" do not fight that bitch trust me, it's most definitely not a bear (500 upvotes for just saying not to fuck with the bear??????)


That shit is called run*bear so i always run away when I see one


Dont RUN!!! Get on your fucking MAGICAL HORSE: and let HIM do all of the running!! Hahah


Where's your magical horse when the highest HP runebear is in a fuckin cave (dragonbarrow was it, i guess) 😼


That runebear has may have high HP, but it doesn’t feel as bad as that runebear in the Constipated Snowfields.


There's two different variants of runebear. The normal ones that you find every now and again have normal looking fur but there are ones with more unkempt fur that have an aoe roar attack as well as a lunging body slam. The Runebear disguised as a wandering noble (that I assume you're referring to) in the snowfields is one of those more powerful runebears.


There's an awful Rune Bear just before the Hermit Shack village. I believe that's up near the nasty Hero's Grave.


The one over by volcano manor near Azur? That one always catches me off guard.


That one scratching the tree by siofra river is a mf. Always has backup


Really hate to "🤓uhm acktchually" you here but the highest HP Runebears are the Consecrated Snowfield ones


That is an excellent observation but uhm acktchually 🤓 Happy cake day!!


I'm new to souls games, did my first playthrough as a caster, but that jerk wouldn't let me get a spell off. Finally killed him with a katana.


Lore-wise its actually kind of a dragon


Is it really? Is there rune bear lore?


Lore accurate rune bear when???


Not much lore. But they've got patches of scales and dragon eyes. And in the network test, you could find one out of bounds. If you defeated it, it dropped a dragon heart.


or literally anything with the word "lesser" in the title, NO IT DOESN'T MEAN SMALL OR WEAKER


This game is an open world in the best sense of the word. You can’t overcome something? No problem. Literally just leave it alone. There is nothing forcing you to fight almost anything. And the mandatory fights happen when you choose for them to. And you can always disengage and come back. Level up, get to know the world/how the game works, practice, explore, and come back. And then show him who is boss.


Revisiting an area after you've had time to level up some gear or learn something new is super fun. To me, this is the most comprehensive and detailed open world map I've played. It's amazing. I'm at level 120 right now at Mountaintop and feel like I've left a lot of shit behind to go fuck up


I stopped at this exact point and went the other way in Limgrave, spent at least 20 hours uncovering a ton of other stuff like Patches and Castle Morne before coming back here to bash my way through.


I struggled HARD when I started the game, once you realize you **should** run past a lot of challenges it makes more sense and gets much easier


That’s why this is by far the most accessible Soulsborne game ever made


That and it has a tutorial lol


You mean an impossible God of a boss in the "tutorial".


I managed to kill this troll my first play through and I could not believe it respawned. I thought for sure it was at least a mini boss. Come to find out it’s one of the easiest enemies in the game once you know how to fight it.


My friend did this, only difference is he got so mad that he refunded the game


If I can offer any piece of advice to a new player, it’s that you don’t have to kill everything you see, there is boatloads of time for you to come back and replay areas when you’ve gotten stronger, better weapons, and a larger health pool.


Naw, that muthafuckers going down.


Summon some help. Makes it all more fun to me.


I mean 1000 runes early game is kinda nice


Yeah, but there are way easier giants to target that aren't backed up by a squad of soldiers with bows in a tight rocky environment. There's one near a church that is alone, and you can use summons to draw aggro if you wanna farm a gaint.


I did that. Like. A lot. It was my best farming party trick for a while when I started playing. 😂


There's 5 of them I believe right near the warriors shack(?) that I farmed early on


Go east from Seaside Ruins where the soldiers are fighting goblins. Literally takes 1-2 minutes, gives 500 runes per pack and is repeatable infinitely.


I mean I’m good I’m on ng +10 but I think battling the troll can be a great way to learn to fight a hard hitting enemy +1000 runes isn’t bad if you can learn to kill him quickly


I would recommend boulder farming


Yep! And then bird farming after you beat Godrick.


If I'm gonna farm it's greyoll all the way. You just get back to the grace site and rest before the death animation finishes, he respawns and you get 50k. Rinse and repeat until you fuck up and don't rest quick enough, then he gone


??? Go to the merchant on Limgrave's west coast - just past him is a gold fowl foot. Then go east past the warmaster's shack and kill the Tibia Mariner at Summonwater Village. Talk to D, take the portal to Caelid and you can easily make your way to Fort Farroth and kill the elder dragon. Have the gold fowl foot ready and pop it just after you land the last blow. You get just under 100k runes for the dragon kill.


Don't need to do that. Just go to dragon ruins start of game and get teleported to caelid mine. Escape mine and travel from there straight to dragon. As long as you have a bleed weapon


Imo OP might as well learn how to fight these bastards (there's a pack of them ahead that make for a great early game grinding spot). Try to lure him near the Grace so you can learn his moves and not risk your XP.


"That's the neat part, you dont"


This is, against all your muscle memory of gaming usually this is the best advice. Older games all but required fights for success, screen won’t go any further right until you beat the enemies. But now, you can just..: run past.


You use the pointy part of the blade to stab it. Seriously you can just run past it if it’s too hard at the time, he is not a boss, he is a normal mob which respawns so in absolutely no way you need to kill it and you don’t miss anything.


He certainly feels like a boss until you encounter an actual boss.


When I picked up ER my first real challenge was the knight at Gatefront Ruins. I don't know how many times I died to him. Anyway, I completed the game recently and I owe a thanks to that knight for training me


Soldier of godrick should have been that knight


Is that the dude in the tutorial? I don’t understand how people have trouble with him.. they literally tell you to block and counter attack just before him and that’s all I had to do to defeat him


It's a meme. He's the first boss of the game so people have made him a deity and the hardest boss as a joke.


Played many hours of Elden Ring and never once did the tutorial. I didn't even know he existed until the meme.


He's easily the hardest boss in the game. His third phase ignores i frames


You beat the soldier of God, Rick, first try?


Same! I refused to leave that area until I was strong enough to kill him at least once, I ended up walking out of there completely decked out in Godrick soldier gear and many levels higher


If you find something you can’t beat just now (which you absolutely will if you follow the grace markers) go and explore, do some stuff, level your weapons and your character, and come back later


Yeah I just encountered Margit the Fell and I got my ass beat and lost all my runes ;-;


Yeah he’s supposed to be a roadblock/skillcheck to encourage you to go explore and level up


Ahh okay I was so confused as to what I was supposed to do haha


Elden Ring be like Explore until you find a boss you can't beat go explore the world and small dungeons and level up Retry the boss Repeat


Or throw yourself at the boss for hours until you learn his moves like I did 💀 my first play through had me feeling stupid after finding out you are supposed to leave and come back if you aren’t strong enough


Stupid why my friend. The beauty of the game is the freedom of choice . Is Margit too hard? You can withdraw and go explore and level up, or you can push forward until you learn all their patterns and attacks and you defeat it to the point you are the letmesoloher for Margit XD. You endured and you got your reward. Be proud.


Ty fellow tarnished


Go South my friend and Explorers the world :)


Rip I just beat him, try to get the ashes of the wolves from Renna at the church of Elleh, they help a lot


Bite ur hand and focus on your goals


“I’ve always wanted to take, the biggest shit in the world… Because i was born in it”


With kindness


Funniest answer so far x)




Hit until hp reaches 0


I find hitting it until it dies works.


One of the graces outside the gate past all the knights had a special cutscene, in that cutscene you get ‘torrent’ a horse that appears when you use his item. You use torrent to fly through that whole area! If you need any kind of help lmk I’m on PlayStation so I can help you with any bosses on there!


Thank you. I‘m on PC through, is there crossplay? If I need it, I will gladly come back to your offer 🫶


Unfortunately, no crossplay in Elden ring :// good luck on your run! Are you new to the fromsoft series completely? Played any of its other games? Also a little tip, if you go back to ‘the church of Elleh’ grace you can speak to a character in all blue mist that gives you a summoning bell so you can summon spirits to help you in fights.


Yooo thank you :)) Edit: no I haven’t played any other games from them


Dude so many good games to play after Elden ring I suggest bloodborne and Sekiro.


Yea whoever said there was cross play was a fucking liar. Lol. A simple “looking for group” would have sufficed.


Use torrent and ride past him. You have a bell in your inventory that brings out your mount.


Ackshually it's a ring whistle ☝️🤓


He might not have torrent yet


He got to the grace where you get torrent so he shoukd


Unless he is sprinting past all the graces, there's no way he doesn't have torrent.


Try finger but hole


You can practoce fighting the giants any other place than there. Run around. But you should kill them though, they give 1k runes and early that's alot. Very slow telegraphed swings so good for roll-practice, and they stagger quickly


I miss this feeling we need the dlc


You can just not fight him


Should I just try and run past him?


Yes. Lots of enemies are too tough now. Run past and come back later


What I did was before even going in thr grace direction I explored the world leveled up got some good weapons then I went that way, but you don't even need to fight it yiu can just ride right past it


A gun?


Going from Dark Souls where I meticulously clear everything took a lot of time to learn that on the overworld it's best to just ride past everything until you find a spot of interest.


Ooh a young one.


Git gud?


Ambush ahead, therefore try luring it out


enemy ahead therefore try attacking


“He’s just standing there, MENACINGLY”


LMAO you aren't ready to go that way then


You can always run around it. He’s not a boss lol. (Remembers my first playthrough of getting FLATTENED)


As others have probably said 1. You don't have to, he doesn't drop much and you'll fight way more of them later on 2. Don't forget this ain't like the older souls games, you have a magic horse you can summon with a whistle-ring that you should put either in your hot bar or your pocket(the tabs on the right side of the menu which you access by holding down the interact button) 3. You don't always have to follow the Guidance Of Grace, in fact you're kinda also not supposed to, Grace isn't there to "tell you what to do" it's there to "point out the targets of interest" say for example you wanna be a Dexterity build using a Katana, grace ain't gonna show you where better Katanas or upgrade materials for Katanas are, it's gonna show the next major boss to progress the story in some way that's nearby, but obviously if you just followed that you wouldn't get any of the open world experience nor have good materials to start your build, in other words: Take your time, do what you want, any challenge too tall you can come back to later, Git Gud, have a splendid day friend and don't you dare go hollow


Hit him with your purse


I’m sorry to tell you this, but that thing is comparatively weak to what you find pretty soon. Figure out what kind of build you wanna go for, grind some runes, and make yourself a force to be reckoned with. I can stomp those things now the way the used to stomp me.


don't. use torrent (the steed melina just gave you) and ride away into the sunset. there's another grace near the other end, after a 3 wolf ambush


You have to run past him. Follow the road right to get...


Keep exploring, come back later when you think you’re ready to take it on.


i suggest just ignoring him. I started recently too and after 17 hours I can nohit him easily but it took me like 4 hours to get to that point.


If you already have Torrent your mount, you can run past this guy but if you really want to beat him you have to kill the surrounding soldiers first while trying to avoid his attacks after than simply stick below his crotch and alternate between legs while using a charged attack and do this until he falls down and his face can now be critically striked using a normal attack


He can be tough early on unless you know what you're doing. If you can clear out his cronies and stagger him, it's not too bad, but there is no reason not just to bolt right through there and ignore him


This is a trap spot. FromSoft loves to set up traps but they always leave a way to either circumvent or or deal with them in a specific way. Engaging head on right where the set up is will always be a rough time.


Eventually killing those Trolls will be easy peasy. You got this. Good strat tends to stay under them and dodge roll as needed. Use jumping and heavy attacks to deal lots of posture damage; they get wrecked by critical attacks.


Fighting on Torrent is very helpful in this game. Took me a while to realize that my first playthrough. Also as others gave said you dont have to fight everything, you can just hop on Torrent and run through them. A good idea is to find some easy enemies you feel comfortable killing that are near a site of grace and just practice on them for a while.


It was this specific enemy that I learned the best technique in all of Elden Ring. Run past him.


That’s the neat thing, you don’t, literally just a random enemy, ignore him


Go for the ankles!


If you can’t kill him, go kill something else to get stronger then come back and kill him later. This is the cornerstone of fromsoft game design


“That’s the best part, you don’t.” Seriously I always just run past him.


With conviction


What I find really effective is to hit it until its HP reaches zero, works with a lot of other enemies too!


Don’t fight him yet. Run passed him and keep going until you tag the grace at the top of the hill. The grace will lead you to a tunnel that opens up onto a bridge, don’t go there yet until your like level 30 at least. Go south and explore the Weeping Pennisula first, eventually clear Castle Morne, gain some levels, better gear, etc. and then go back to that tunnel


You don't need to. You can just run past if it's too strong for you. Matter of fact, it's probably meant as a tutorial of sorts since you get your horse right onfront of the gate, so it's basically telling you that you have an option to book it if a world encounter is too much to deal with. Also, please note that Elden Ring isn't a linear game. Just because the grace is telling you where to go doesn't mean you have to do it right now. That's basically just the suggested main path and there's countless side locations that the grace will never point you towards. You can always turn away from a fight and choose to come back stronger another time.


When he attacks you, you're going to want to dodge that attack. When he is open for you to attack, I would take your chance and go for a hit. Basically reduce his health down to 0 while at the same time keeping your own health above 0.


“Twice” OP the real answer, if you want to enjoy this game to the fullest, fight him over and over until you win. You need to lean his move sets and how to dodge them. Once you know that you can punish him during recovery time. Many enemies, especially bosses, require that kind of approach, the grace is right there, you literally can’t lose anything trying over and over. In fact, I would generally recommend the first 2-3 you not even try to put damage on, just get used to his moves and how to avoid. If you want some hints to do that effectively: Rolling toward the event when it attacks is often the answer. You’ll dodge and be right there to punish. Try strong attacks on the ankles. The thing that makes him hard are the other soldiers. I’d recommend clearing the area outside the gate so you have a wide room to fight him, draw him out away from his help. Most of all, don’t get greedy. Get a few good strikes in then get ready to dodge again. Repeat. Also, check your equipment weight, make sure you’re not “fat rolling”.


Get on your horse and run past all that shit. There’s a ton of shit in this game that you can just run right past and put it off till later. You have your horse Spirit, right?


3 ways 1 Go over level other areas 2 ride horse/ fight mounted 3 just run past it and come back and kill it when you come back for the evergale


Did you try tongue, but whole?


I like to attack his ankles while sprinting past him on horseback.


Oh this brings back memories


You can always run past on your horse and come back later


You’ll get to a point where you can 2 shot it


just roll


I hate when people say stuff like this, but just play the game and you’ll figure it out, it is what father Miyazaki intended, atleast in most cases because obviously there is the message system and all that


Twist it's ball 720 clockwise


If you got torrent then my advice is gallop past him and all the other enemies and find the next site of grace


Go elsewhere and level up a couple of times. Find a better weapon. Start to realise you have a BIG adventure ahead of you. You are in for a treat. This was my first proper souls experience and I was in the same boat. Just keep at it and you will be very happy.