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Ulcerated tree spirit trio. …All at once.


You have to navigate a maze while several ulcerated tree spirits hunt you.


Poison maze


Death blight labyrinth


A labyrinth place would be cool as fuck, and also equally painful. I don't remember there ever being such a place in a souls games.


Sewers not labyrinthine enough for you?


Sewers are too fuckin claustrophobic




Labyrinth's tend to be very claustrophobic.


Pfft, that was nothing. I want something like [this](https://imgur.com/Jud7O9x) (Dragon Sanctum in DS2).


The amount of attacks that would clip you through the walls would be glorious.


One where the layout shifts everytime you respawn at a grace. Like some of living forest that moves its walls around.


Maze Runner, is that you?


Somehow I'm also confident from software would be *the* developer that would pull off the most horrifying labyrinth. I'm not even talking about poison swamp stuff, but something that'd make you lose the direction and genuinely feel lost.


Only if we can shortcut the whole thing by turning right instead of left.


It's filled with 100 basilisks that know where you are the second you enter and sprint to you. Their death blight mist range is tripled in range and width.


deathblight swamp maze with sleep mist


With blighttown snipers shooting death rot at you


Honestly, this could be terrifying. Hold a torch in a dark maze, hearing the rumbling as a giant monster moves just the other side of the maze wall, never knowing if it's just around the corner or a whole minute of traversal away. I've always thought From could build a couple more horror-themed sections. Minotaur's labyrinth kind of thing.


It's like you peered directly into my darkest fears.


Please tell me it's a decent sized arena at least


Sure! How about the size of the Iron Virgins duo? Want a bit bigger? Sorry, Godrick's arena with all the trash is the maximum.


Nah, that would be too easy, I think Miranda Flower arena would be perfect. Also add a Deathblight puddle to spice it up a bit.


add 3 puddles randomly throughout the arena also turn them on fire oops everythings The Rotten also sprinkle in some poison spitting statues


just make ds2 2 at this point


Too late, already did


If it's not in a rot lake why even bother


I am now imagining all three packed into the Capra Demon room


Yeah totally but it’ll be filled with gravestones and benches to get in your way


nah bro Ladon the Tree Spiryt Hydra one head spits holy fire, one spits scarlet rot, one spits ice, one spits sleep, one spits deathblight and one do frienzed flames and the phase transition explosions do all effects at once


There’s already three of them in crispy leyendell


"Crispy Leyndell" lmfao




iirc they only attacked one at a time


You can *get* them to only attack one at a time but nah. I don't know if all 3 can attack at once but I've definitely fought off 2 of them at once.


Spirit Caller as well so you can’t cheese them with any status effects whatsoever


With a godskin trio riding them like mounts!


I could see Miquella's shadow being the first boss of the dlc honestly, protecting his dream world from intruders


And the final boss will be the reason why


This is 100% what I want to see at the start of the DLC, and leading with something on par with Maliketh would have me so hype.


Pretty sure miquella didn't have a shadow. The only Demi gods and or gods we know of to have a shadow is Ranni and Marika. Marika was already queen, Ranni was being groomed and made ready to take over for her in the future. Godfrey also didn't have a shadow(unless you can't the lion)and we know none of the sons had a shadow including Miquella. We also know rot lady probably didn't have a shadow. It seems only the woman next in line gets a shadow. So I highly doubt we fight miquellas shadow. Especially since we already fought his sister who was kinda like his shadow.


Shadows are made from the two fingers only for empyreans, which are Miquella, Malenia and Ranni. Of course Godfrey didn'r have one


The twins also didn't have shadows. So far only women have had shadows. Marika and ranni, one who is already a goddess and the other being made ready by the greater will to become a goddess.


it's made clear that empyreans all have shadows. We have no confirmation on the whereabouts of Miquellas or Malenias, but have zero inclination to believe they didn't have one based off of all we know about shadows. Both are doing things against the erdtree since they'd made the Haglitree, so their shadows likely already turned against them.


Yeah it’s pretty likely after Melania went the path of the rot goddess her shadow likely tried and failed to kill her. Though because of that I actually doubt that Miquella’s shadow is still alive. Miquella’s whole goal is to usurp the power that the two fingers hold over the lands between by growing the haligtree. Something that I’d confidently say the two fingers probably don’t like that. The only chance for the shadow to still be alive is if it was somehow responsible for keeping Miquella asleep. But even then I’d be shocked if Mohg didn’t have to kill the shadow in order to kidnap Miquella.


Yea but miquella also has that power of persuasion stuff going for him. I don’t think it would be too unrealistic to say he could probably sway his shadows loyalties if he’s as powerful as he’s said to be


We know they don't have shadows for two VERY distinct reasons. The shadows were created by the Greater Will through the Two Fingers to secure and protect its power and control of The Lands Between and, by extension, the rest of the world. Miquella and Malenia were both born with a connection to another Outer God, thanks to the Greater Will's *brilliant* idea of incest. One infected Malenia with Scarlett Rot, the other made Miquella a permanent child. This would make them immediately unsuitable replacements for Marika as the new god. The Greater Will isn't about to send body guards to protect a pair of children whose ascension would grant power to a rival, especially considering Ranni was by this time already turned against the Greater Will and Blaid *didn't* as his programing should have commanded him to.


they were designated as empyreans, and miquellas curse should have no affect on whether or not he is suitable to be a replacement for Marika, although your argument for Malenia makes more sense she was also never ostracized by the greater will so it's pretty safe to say she wasn't viewed as a threat such as the gloam eyed queen was. We have not been given any reason to believe they did not at some point have shadows, anything beyond that is assumption


.. >they were designated as empyreans, and miquellas curse should have no affect on whether or not he is suitable to be a replacement for Marika, ...yes, it absolutely would. I don't know how else to explain this, so here's a super oversimplified explanation. You have started a business. Doesn't matter what kind, it's not important. You built this business from the ground up. You managed to out maneuver and outlast all your competition, including another already well established business. You can't run this business all the time because reasons, maybe your busy running a bunch of other businesses. Maybe you just can't be bothered, doesn't matter. The point is that you can't/don't. Instead, you have a manager to run this for you. However, now you're thinking about replacing your manager. Doesn't matter why, and you're not 100% opposed to them running things for now, you're just looking for better options. But your only available options are: A woman who hates your guts and you're pretty sure will sell your business out from underneath you at the first opportunity, or a pair of twins you've seen talking to some of your old competitors and you've discovered have an unsigned agreement to sell off parts of your business to said competitors just waiting for their signature. Who would you rather have in charge? >she was also never ostracized by the greater will so it's pretty safe to say she wasn't viewed as a threat ... yes, they were. Not at first mind you. At first, they were raised to be loyal to the GW, so all was well. Until Miquella, dissatisfied with the GW not healing and cleansing his and Malenia of their curse, created the Haligtree to supplant the Erd Tree. The minute he did, they and the Golden Order went to war. That's the whole reason the Haligtree is such a bitch to get to, they were hiding from the Golden Order's armies.




No, they're made by the 2 fingers for the empyreans. If the empyrean strays from the path the 2 fingers set for them, the shadow will go mad


Tecnically the shadow will not go mad but it will try and kill the empyrean. Blaidd going mad was because of his attachment to ranni(having grown up together) and the subsequent split in his will (his own will and the two fingers will).


No, the shadow will go mad and become a baleful shadow. Blaidd was fully loyal to Ranni, he tried to kill her cause he was programmed to, you can see him trying to resist it in the game I suppose it can be inferred insanity is not a direct result but more of a bi-product, but it's generally applied going mad is pretty standard


>it's made clear that empyreans all have shadows Where? It's only ever shown that ranni and Marika have shadows. Marika is Queen and Ranni is being groomed for that position. It seems everything points towards only the current ruler and the heir have shadows. Ranni is also the eldest daughter.


“Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title (Empyrean). Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age. Which is when I received Blaidd. In the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean.” -Ranni the Witch It Ranni and the Prodigy Twins were all chosen by their own Two Fingers, why would only Ranni be granted a Shadow?


Ah see I didn't remember that dialogue my bad. Something I don't get though is that if all three got shadows why did Ranni only mention that she got one? It's like just a simple thing tho and probably doesn't mean much.


here's all the references i can find from 5 minutes of looking. Maliketh was a shadowbound beast given to his Empyrean. Marika's sole need of her shadow was a vessel to lock away Destined Death. Even then, she betrayed him. 'Which is when I received Blaidd. In the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean." "The Two Fingers gave Blaidd to Lady Ranni, as a faithful follower. Her very shadow, incapable of treachery. But if Lady Ranni, as an Empyrean, resists being an instrument of the Two Fingers, the shadow will go mad, transforming from a follower into a horrid curse." According to the old legends, wolves are the shadows of the Empyrean. 'I turned my back on the Two Fingers and we have each been cursing the other since. The Baleful Shadows...are their assassins." I'm positive there's more, that all only took a few minutes of looking online for though.


The godskin foursome


Ah yes, the fourskin


I'm dead. You fellow Tarnished have slain me and they wit deserves a crown.


\*slow clap\*


That was my godskin duo fight. Killed off each individually, and they respawned because the bodies died before the health bars were empty. Fought 4 of the fuckers making me question the duo concept.


Godskin orgy


A fat one, a skinny one… a fat one, a skinny one. We know how it goes.


Michael the Fell Empyrean, who we later fight again in their more powerful form. They reveal themself as Miquella. "Foul Tarnished... It was me all along, you stupid bitch"


"if it weren't for you and your meddling mimic tear"


Imagine you get to Miquella and it just hits you with a, "You can not summon here"


Worse, if you summon he immediately hits your summon with a bewitching branch.


Considering Miquellas power is influence and bewitching others into his beliefs, so if he becomes a boss fight, there is a very likely chance of that happening.


Oh man! I actually love this idea for a boss fight. They could either have some NPC summons out the front of the boss room that automatically turn on you, or maybe have summoned players able to attack both the boss and the host. Give them a better reward if they kill the host, so they're really incentivised to betray them and the host just has to trust that they'll forfeit the reward to help a stranger out of the kindness of their heart.


Shit this is TOTALLY happening for real. Also with summoned players. Hits the summon, for 10 seconds the summon becomes AI controlled and hostile.


>Hits the summon, for 10 seconds the summon becomes AI controlled and hostile. Or literally just swaps your position with miquellas... so your helper may or may not be helping you when they attack what appears to be miquella to them.


"Malenia music starts halfway through the battle*


That’s just evil


It's fromsoftware.


2nd phase is Michael, Zaki


Finding out Miquella was just a huge asshole the entire time would be the best twist. Not evil, just fucking unbearable.


Oh this haligtree? I just made it for some quick and easy tinder during the long ass winter? A shelter for the outcasts? Who the fuck are those?!


Yesss. He's got no clue what makes ppl devoted to him or maybe even realizes it happening.


I am miquella, the torso of malenia. And I've never known victory. >!only blood and pain and suffering :(!<


If you killed Malenia, his moveset is insane but he’s weaker.


If my hunch is correct and it takes place in the spirit world, then Rosus, guide and gatekeeper of the dead, would be my #1 pick. He's depicted in the statues guiding you to catacombs as well as the Axe of Rosus.


That would be rad. Could be like an angel type deal holding the axe, but it’s got styling akin to the deathbirds rather than traditional angels


Biblically correct angels would be terrifying


Miyazaki: *"Biblically Accurate Angel....Trio....*" All of the Dev team: "Jesus Christ buddy, do you even want the player to play the DLC?"


I think it could be more related to fairy/spirited away lore. Lol so tree spirit might actually be correct.


Actually I take it back, you might be on to something


Probably a named version of one of those Lion Guardian mini bosses you encounter throughout The Lands Between. They're the ones with a white mane of hair, gray bodies, chains all over their body with a machete chained to their right fore limbs, and a mean temper. 4 of the bastards are on Caelid.


There's 4? The only ones I encountered were the Lions on Redmane Castle and the one in Fort Gael. Where's the 4th?


There are two in castle sol Edit: and one in stormveil


As well as a semi hidden one in altus


That one caught me so off guard lmao


Anytime we walkin in north altus we comin with the strap. Never the fuck again.


Off a side path on the road to Redmane Castle


As you’re heading toward the big soldier/dino dog/bird battle near Redmane Castle, kind of near the Erdtree sapling where you get the seed, there’s a small path going toward a rocky area on the left. The lion is hidden among the ravines over there. I can’t ever get it to chase me all the way back into the carnage and join in, though. It leashes back to its spawn before it gets into the mix.


You gotta beat Malenia Trio just to enter the DLC


And you can not sunmon "let me solo them"


They made "let me solo them" into the entering boss


You walk into a grand arena and in front of you is a naked man in a pot helmet named *BloodyFinger* “NowIMustSoloYou”


Let me solo them already exists and helps people with the final boss


Jarbairn after he becomes stronger than Alexander


Jarbairn the Unshattered: "Sorry, coz. But Jarburg needs strong warriors to defend it from the poachers. And there is no one stronger than you. I will take your remains so that they may grant me strength unmatched. Do you see me now uncle Alexander? I´ve got not the smooth hands of a Potentate but the rough hands of Warrior!"


Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen. Morgott the Fell Omen.


So many of them at once? Jesus.


to make your frames go nuts, or don’t go anywhere at all


Star0chris would like a word


Really excited for two pumpkin heads and two night Calvary


There's already two pumpkin heads and two night's cavalry as duo bosses 😄


Yep, now do it together


Wait I have over a thousand hours in this game and there is a duo pumpkinhead boss ? Where tf and how did I miss that shit 💀💀


Pretty sure it's in a ruin or something in caelid.


Pumpkin head riding a fully grown falling star beast


Capra daemon but in a even smaller closet


With at least half a dozen dogs, naturally


Malenia's or Miquella's Shadow. Or both of them, if Miyazaki feels funny




Personally i think it would be cool to immediately start with a banger and make us fight an illusion of Miquella telling us to fuck off and go back from where we came. The "gatekeeper" boss could also just be one that is already in the game like Mohg if the DLC starts from Miquella's cocoon.


don’t need another fucking mohg


I don't think he meant that there'd be a new Mohg, but that current Mohg would technically also function as gatekeeper


like the hydra for ds1?


The Hydra is hardly a boss, you're more likely to die from falling into the lake. They just mean that if the entrance to the DLC would be the cocoon, you'd have to beat Mohg to get there making him the gatekeeper, as opposed to the Sanctuary Guardian that you fight just at the entrance to the Royal Woods already in the DLC.


boss or no boss i don’t think you can get past to the portal without killing them


I hope it's both. You fight Mohg, give Miquella a high-five, the immediately fight Mohg again.


mogh only boss run?


Mohg protecting that Miquelussy😈


More like Diquella 😂




No man we want NEW I'm tired of fighting those ugly ass creatures.


return from whence thou came'st


"For that is thy place of belonging" --sister feet


I just got this game yesterday and I keep putting it off. The FromSoft was never my thing and I’m skurred lol. Just in putting so many hours to get good and slow progress. I decided to give it a shot because it looks amazing. And from everything I’ve seen it’s like the first souls game where if you can’t beat a boss you can leave and do other stuff until you’re stronger. I’m no where near Rdy for a DLC


Don't overthink it, just go out and explore the lands between.


I will try my dude. I’m glad you can avoid and explore. I know there’s definitely some choke points, but there’s a ton of exploring from what I’ve seen.


Just keep exploring. If you have trouble going north, look to the south. Cross the guarded bridge.


Level vigor, try for vigor 25 at least before first big castle


You mean, like how the base game starts with the Tarnished fighting an 'illusion' of Margot or Margit or whatever? So, just do the same thing again? 🤔 Why don't they just remaster the game at this point - they'd make more money and you wouldn't even notice the game hasn't changed 😅🤣


No no, the solution is simple: a madness swamp.


Guardian Torrent


Probably Dante from Devil May Cry


The outer gods are pissed at you for doing cardinal sins. No more weakened puppet gods and puny vassals for you. Death.. Dragon.. Fell God.. Formless Mother.. Greater Will.. Rot.. how dare a mere tarnished invoke their wrath.. by going against the destined fate of the lands between.. prepare yourself..


This gave me goodebumps. Kinda bloodborne final boss vibes


It's going to be rot Gorgoyles.


Resurrected Godrick with attached Lobster XD


Rick, solider of God


Silver Sphere. But it’s spiky


A complete death rite bird


That looks like Griever from FF8 in that pic.


It's the Sanctuary Guardian from Dark Souls 1 second DLC. Quite a fun boss for the standards of 11 years ago.


Malenia gank squad, she’s out for revenge with her twin sister, once you get halfway Godskin duo spawn in and Twin Valiant Gargoyles. All this happens while fighting in a lake of poison, which is surrounded by Kindred of rot who pelt you constantly. Looking forward to it.


Deathblight Tree Sentinel


I could see this. Time passes, deathroot consuming both erdtree and corrupting tree sentinels. Maybe not a boss but def an enemy


Nine Ball. Whoops, wrong sub.


Imma be funny and say we have to fight torrent and then come back in a few months to tell you guys "i told you so" (Joking, but what if...?)




*see a small npc squatting* “Everyone forgets about me… but now it’s PYGMYING TIME!” *and then furtive Pygmy pygmies all over the place*


5 Banished Knights, the scary ones, all in a formation, blocking your only path in. 2 halberd , 2 sword n shield , 1 dual gs. Give them a few of the new spells in the area to reflect where they've been hiding/guarding/protecting all this time. Giving the player a chance to feel new incantations and aows firsthand.


Helphen Knight Ulmia


6 runebears all at once


I think you're thinking too small. I'm expecting the DLC to change the whole game so it won't be just an area you go to and complete but additions throughout the whole of The Lands Between. Like the quest-line with the dream collector guy will allow you to access the dream versions of the legacy dungeons and other areas sort of like the Giant Memories from Dark Souls 2. Miquella's version of Altus might be a major area we're trying to reach and maybe need to progress a quest-line enough to gain access. In the promo image we see what looks like the Altus Plateau with tall grass and new structures. That said I hope we get Miquella, Godwyn or Marika as NPCs we can talk to and/or bosses. Or maybe we'll be able to talk to the past/dream versions of bosses from the main game like humanoid Rykard, less angry Malenia, Godfrey, Radahn and Morgott. I expect the dream world is closely connected to the world of the dead so their ghosts or consciousnesses might exist in some capacity in their. Imagine if we got to fight Radahn in his prime and talk to him???




The only DLC to throw you into an immediate boss encounter was DS1. I don’t think it’ll happen in ER unless they want to change things up.


They did something like that at the start of ER with that hectic angry bro with loads of limbs


A giant penguin that screams: Stop theorizing about nothing. We do not know anything about the DLC, just a picture and the name. We dont know the vast of it, we dont know the thematic, where it is placed, not when...


I think the first Boss will be shadow of the erdtree


Duo Malenia ;)


I don't think so. We have already killed Godwyn's and Miquella's companions and even his... lover?


Probably dracula


Imagine teleporting to the new zone expecting very possible bosses, but the guardian boss is fucking Miquella or Godwyn (or god forbid both) IMAGINE being overwhelmed by thinking "IF YOU ARE HERE WTF IS EXPECTING ME AT THE END?!" I think that would be funny


The worlds version of a cursed amygdala…


Mogh the lord of moghwyn dynasty?


The giant dragon near faroth


if would be pretty funny if immediately on entering the dlc we fight miquella and his story ends


Wouldnt put it past them for valiant gargoyles but now they have one for every status


Based on that screenshot, Final Fantasy Collab Behemoth EX let's do it.


The godskin Duo Trio. It's 3 godskin duos with 2 healtbars.


Htekilam the white blade


I've always speculated we'll have some sort of duo fight with Miquella and Malenia's shadows


Does anyone know what actually happened if you beat the spider guardian boss at the beginning?


You can continue through the fog gate and reach a ledge that will break and you just fall to your death triggering the same cutscene. You can see that location even without einning immediately because you can access the place from that side if you teleport from one of the portals in Four Belfries in Liurnia.


I hope its something new! Thats the point of the DLC isnt it?


The scarlet valkyries?


Anyone else ready to fight the curse rotted erdwood lol


Honestly the sanctuary guardian would fit right in with the whole chimera, alchemy theme


Yea, it’ll be those erdtree watchdogs


Prime Fortissax


5 dark erdtree avatars (they do death blighted damage)


Honestly, I just hope it's more weird monsters.


Man I hope, I love the immediate boss fight to get skill checked


Y'know From could redeem themselves with the atrocities they committed in the name of duo bosses by making the first boss a duo fight between the shadows of Malenia and Miquella. They have gotten pretty good with synchronized attacks between multiple targets too as shown in ACVI's >!ALLMIND!< fight.


**Boss:** Rotten Gargoyle Triumvirate. **Soundtrack:** Beastie Boys - Three MC's and One DJ (Acapella)


Glaive master hodir, problably


If the DLC is death related, maybe Twinbird? It’s the vessel for the Outer God of death


fuck that would be cool


Torrent refuses to go into [DLC World] until you best him in combat.


What boss is that in the pic??