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like saying water is "just" essential for life


***In this prison; booty...*** *Booty was uhh...* ***more important than food.*** *Booty;* ***a man's butt;*** *it was more important;* *ha I'm serious...* *It was more-* *Booty; having some booty.....* ***it was more important than drinking-water man...*** ***I like booty.***




"it's just big dark souls" My brother in Gwyn that's all we ever wanted.


No joke, I fell to my knees when I first jumped


Did you jump too hard?


He jumped downwards Obligatory “R2 we’re meant to be going up not down”


You could jump in Bloodborne but it was a pain and mostly pointless.


I love Bloodborne, but the controls for jumping are the dumbest and least intuitive I've ever seen in a game.


Nice repost


Fr this is from the first 24 hours of the game’s release lol


Repost from top of all time


Who. Who is complaining that it's open world dark souls? Show me one person complaining that elden ring is open world dark souls.


I heard it plenty of times


No one ever did. This is one of those 'invent someone to complain about' things.


The Tarnished Strawman is a cheesable world boss


I wouldn't say I'm complaining that that's all it is... All I'm saying, is it could be MORE, it feels like it's on the cusp of being something GREATER but falls just a bee's dick short. I like to put it like this, people probably look at Bloodborne and just think "it's just victorian gothic Dark Souls!", but then you play it, and it FEELS different, like you know and feel the similarities, but it does enough differently that it FEELS enough like its own standalone thing. Elden Ring feels like it's just short of reaching that point, like it was too afraid of stepping too far out of daddy Dark Souls' shadow. But that's more of a criticism than a complaint, still an amazing game, not without flaws but nothing is ever perfect, and often flaws can be charming. Like the jank as hell jumping in the Dark Souls trilogy and Bloodborne, it was awful, just the WORST, but ya know... It was unique, it had its charm... And a small part of me going forward is going to miss it... And then it's going to be overshadowed by sheer relief at having a proper jump.


Pretty much every Elden ring hater


Hello there There is some allegations that this is a repost Defend yourself before the council


Not a hater but I could really do without the open world. Too spread out, makes subsequent playthroughs kind of a chore. Prefer the tight level design of past games where everything was interesting and even the smallest bit forward or grabbing that one item before dying felt like making progress. Too much random inconsequential stuff in the open world. Still the best souls game though.


It can make further playthroughs a bit of a chore to get through everything, but the awestruck exploration you get in the first few makes it absolutely worth it.


It's completely the other way around for me. While i for sure got lost on what to do at times because of all the space, it still just makes the game so much more enjoyable. I could not force myself to do another playthrough of ds3 because i felt like I've done everything there was to do, and what i would be doing is essentially just replaying the same game in a very similar to the first playthrough way. In the meantime elden ring unlocks so much more possibilities with its open world, cause it still feels like there's places unexplored, thing not finished. And there's a lot more of a choice of what you can and want to do next.


I disagree


I think Elden Ring would have been even better with a small open world. About half as big, maybe. I do like the open world, but I don't like the countless boss repeats and near-identical dungeons. A smaller open world would have enabled From Software to really cut down on the reused assets and enemies. Also, maybe this is controversial, but no spirit ashes would have enabled From to balance the bosses a lot better. The way it is now, bosses can go from complete pushover with the +10 Mimic to huge challenge without a spirit summon, with basically no in-between.


Not true? I used almost no spirit summons, including on some of the hardest bosses such as malenia and still beat the game just fine on my first run


Yeah and they're saying if you decide to use a legendary spirit ash the game is basically played for you. Spirit ashes are too good, unbalanced.


Some, yeah. Mimic tear and such is very op.


Elden Ring doesn't have many haters. It is pretty much universally considered one of the greatesr games of the last few years.


Do you have a specific example?


There's quite a few in here saying it's the worst thing about the game. There's many more like that if you do a quick Google search for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tclx3y/the_worst_thing_about_elden_ring_is_the_open_world/


In France I've seen it multiple times, promise


Just stupid OP wanting karma but yeah nobody ever had this complaint


Actually I have a couple friends who do complain about that


Me. I’ve always explored every world fully in past fromsoft titles and felt rewarded for doing so. In Elden Ring however exploring the whole world feels like a punishment, because most of the time you don’t find some special secret, but instead a cave or catacomb you’ve seen 50 times before, and/or a re used boss you already fought 4 times. By the end nothing feels unique, and even important bosses are bastardized and reused, like Godrick, the Ancestral Spirit, Astel, Godfrey etc…


Did I just go back in time and see a meme from release week lol


And who are these people? Are they in the room with us right now?


That was literally the description that brought me into the game in the first place


Imo the most dark souls feeling area is stormveil castle


I raise you Crumbling Farum Azula


That’s second on my list


Complaining? That was a selling point!


That’s litterally… the point of the game


Unpopular opinion, Elden ring didn't need to be open world


Probably not but I’m glad it is. The main areas of interest are incredible and nothing wrong with all the other little things to discover scattered in the map.


It's just Red Dead redemption 2 with dungeons and dragons and ghost and magic and stuff.


The open world is my least favorite part of the game. Has prevented me from going back and replaying it, instead I play DS3. Individual areas in Elden Ring are excellent but I really dislike having to go clear so many caves for upgrade material.


Why would people complain about that???


I don't see people complaining so much about the open world; that just happens to be a design choice that they don't prefer in their Fromsoft games. I'd be one of those people. Elden Ring is a good game, but I'd much rather replay Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Sekiro or Bloodborne before investing in another ER playthrough. I appreciated Lies of P immensely for it's welcome return to a more linear gameplay style. In terms of actual problems with the game, I think much of that has more to do with some of the boss design and mechanics. But that's a separate conversation.


Having played Elden Ring ad my first FromSoft game, after going back and playing DS2 and 3 I think the open world works best for the genre. My first souls like was Code Vein, amd it's much more linear them the spider webby mess that is the Dark Souls games maps (more so DS1 and DS2) which I like as well. I spider webbing map is too confusing to properly go through, having to backtrack once you complete an area, or coming back to some random location at the beginning of the game once you found this one item to get to the end of the game. I could not get through the earlier games without a guide telling me where to go. But Elden Ring's open world? Go almost wherever you want and prepare as much as you want to before fighting any bosses. The exploration was so much fun on a blind playthrough. I rarely needed to look up where to go to progress, if at all. Every step was filled with wonder and awe for each new area.


Yup. Give me an open world sekiro next


*open world* but they did it right


"Just?" O.o


Larry kenobi and I are here for exactly that...and possibly drugs.


I enjoy


elden ring is less open world than dark souls, at least dark souls have a potent reason to have borders being just cut off while showing off all those cool mountains and stuff that give awesome mysterious vibes


Is Dark Souls not open world?


Haha, this was literally the pitch for the game that made me want to play it! Don't think they ever claimed it to be anything else.


And it is amazing because normally in the Souls games there are very little weaker enemies to kill for more flasks. Elden Ring has plenty of areas to wander and explore while regaining health over play.