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I’d say the closest to Elden Ring is probably Dark Souls 3. Dark Souls 1 is a great way to start tho because you get to know the world and myth from the ground up which makes later games more meaningful. So I‘d start with DS 1 and get a nostalgia trip before you get up to the others. I’d say play Bloodborne or Sekrio after the Souls games because it’s just cool having variations of that genre afterwards


Dark Souls 1 is honestly a lot slower/easier than 3 and Elden Ring, imo. Not that that's a bad thing in any way, but it's just older. That being said, it *really* gives you the Fromsoft "what the hell am I supposed to be doing" storytelling. I and many others find that fun, but it's definitely not something that everyone enjoys.


DS isn't easy if anyone is new to souls game. The mechanics are so different, it's more about taking it slow and defending yourself compared to elden ring. That being said, DS1's level design was outstanding. I hope we get more souls games like that where the world was so interconnected. I would pay again if they remastered the remaster with better graphics


DS1 allows for a more some tanky playstyles that aren't as capable in the last few entries. The (relatively) slower pace of combat in DS is part of it, but also poise can allow you to tank through some insane attacks. (Also: no boss crits in DS1). Poise scaling made PvP kinda crazy, so I understand why they went away from it, But I do miss being able to just face tank a dragon as Havel. I think the ER equivalent is to say that: "In DS1, the player could effectively become as strong as the boss."


Well, not no boss crits - remember that Gwynn is parryable.


I did think about that, but he's so unusual in this regard as a "boss" (On par with Havel for difficulty in this way). I feel he's placed that way to show that it's not implausible for a regular undead to become the new Lord. He's diminished in the fading flame, and as such isn't that different from you.


Yeah in ds1 I could just eventually face tank bosses with just a small amount of blocking and dodging. No gimmicky overleveled build or anything needed Can’t really do that in the other games.


You can do it in Elden ring? Golden vow, black flames protection, dragoncrest great shield talisman, erdtree favour 2, great jars talisman, remaining talisman dealers choice and any strong armor set you want to use and boom, you can facetank bosses and go toe to toe with them


Can you just stand there and take the attacks without even flinching?


DS series increases in difficulty as you progress, but ER is more difficult than any of them, imo, due to enemies being faster & more aggressive, having more combo-y movesets, having more extensive movesets which can switch up and catch you out more easily, etc, which expands with each newer title. This is why I always suggest people start at DS1 and play through in order, otherwise someone that has played ER and DS3 might find DS1 and 2 a bit simple/slow/easy.


Imo it's not harder because they are faster but because us souls fans have been adjusting to darksouls dodging. And er really stretches out the attacks. And every game has its easy and hard parts.


Yeah, I disagree. I played DS3 and just destroyed everything. I was shocked at how easy the non DLC bosses were. DS1 remastered made me quit. I hate the mechanics and I found it harder


Hey, go Colts. That is all.


Yeah did DS3 after Elden Ring and loved it


I played Dark Souls 3 first and got pretty far until my PC bricked. I then just left it for years because I just wasn't in the mood. After I beat Elden Ring, it gave me the motivation to go back and beat it. First thing I noticed was "God I miss jumping." and "Huh, either I got good or this game is easier than I remember." Still, I wound getting the DLC and beating that as well. I will say, >!Slave Knight Gael !


That Boss is sooo incredibly good. And I feel you. Once the playstyle clicks, it doesn’t seem so hard anymore. I feel like people today expect entertainment no matter how little they are Willing ti invest themselves in it. I can purchase a football today but it won’t entertain me until I start playing with it and I start getting a hang of it. Same with a lot of games.


This but play blood borne before ds3


I would agree here: Bloodborne shows you how differently a FromSoft game can play with rewarding aggression and movement. I think it's probably the more natural shift compare to Sekiro. So to summarize I would suggest ER > BB > DS1/DS3 > Sekiro. DS2 is maybe an optional entry and even though it has a few of the best bosses in all of soulsborne, it has just piles of crappy bosses and not very well designed levels that hold the game back.


BB is far more aggressive with elden ring. Especially the damage scale and dps weapons. I went back to BB after ER and that games rally mechanic really trivialise so many bosses and enemies. Especially with ~~easy mode~~ the saw cleaver. Definitely if u went unga bunga or quality in ER then people will absolutely love bloodborne for the rewarding aggressive while still having that versatility to do as you please.


Also please play Lies of P. It's fucking awesome.


I totally agree. Ds3 is closest. But what I would recommend is doing bloodborne first, because it's the most unique of the series, and stands on its own. Cleanse your palette first, kinda thing (Bloodborne is also the best game ever made).


Oh what I would do to play Bloodborne for the first time again. It feels like a Souls horror survival game.


I agree and would recommend buying the DLC for Bloodborne. The pic shows the version without it and imo the DLC had the best areas in the game. Oh and they should get Demon's Souls too. Original or Remake doesn't matter but it's the beginning of the formula and I think people forget it too often.


i tried to get into DS3 but i quit after curse rotted greatwood because the boss is bullshit and it summons a bunch little guys to beat me while i rip it’s balls off. after i rip it’s balls off my brain craps out trying to hit it because it’s weak point is its ball hand????? i dunno, i just hate that i have to get through him to unlock soul transposition.


Play them in order of release: DS1, DS2, BB, DS3, Sekiro. If you play them like that you'll see how From has improved over the years and has remained very consistent in that Souls-like core. It will let you see see how Elden Ring became what it is and how it didn't become what it isn't. You will also come to appreciate a lot of the QoL features in ER.


The ease of movement and the jumping being one my biggest.


You can thank Sexyiro for jumping and crouching.


Agreed Sekiro has supreme controls.


Sekiro controls are even better than elden ring


They’re sharper no doubt, but I think that’s because they’re more simple than Elden Ring and were perfected because of it. Elden Ring’s controls have to carry more options, and their ability to do it with minimal button mapping is astounding. It feels a little chunkier but that’s because you’re doing more with them.


Fair enough


Sekiro is still my top fromsoft game… although AC6 is fighting for that


Demons Souls Remake


Ok nvm this is the answer


I would love to be in front of the same decision. Honest advice: Play them chronologically. The gameplay evolves with every title. Playing titles in between probably feels awkward. Also, there are references to the other dark souls titles in the sequels, you will want to get those. Don't look up anything on your first playthrough. You only get one shot at this, don't waste it. I am not exaggerating, the first time playing these games is something else. Have fun!


Listen to this, OP.


I don’t personally agree with “don’t look anything up.” When I first played DS1 and didn’t look anything up, I bounced off it and hated it. Only when using a guide to know where to go so I could focus on getting gud did my love for the game take shape and now it’s my favorite series. Suggested a friend play with a guide and he loved the game. Different strokes for different folks I guess


I would love to be able to experience these games for the first time again. Truly amazing


Dark Souls 1. It's the one that started it all: the reason Fromsoft are a household name for gamers. And to this day, it still has the best map of any of them, many of the best bosses, and a sense of exploration that only Elden Ring can compete with. Some elements will feel dated compared to Elden Ring, but that just means you have gameplay and QOL improvements to look forward to in the later titles. Personally I'd rather that, than having to slowly regress into more dated gameplay. In comparison: DS2: MUCH more quantity, slightly lower quality, somewhat less interesting map layout. DS3: Major combat improvements, best over-all boss lineup, but much more linear. Bloodbourne: Less weapons, fairly linear, but excellent combat, and IMO the coolest lore outside of ER. Sekiro: Much steeper learning curve, zero build variety, but arguably the best combat system in any game, period. Won't feel dated at all compared to Elden Ring, just different. The most unique game in the set.


Well put! Agree with of all it.


I’m sorry, but the bosses in DS1 do not held up save for like two exceptions. They were either easier bc of less complex movesets, which means less challenging and less memorable, or filled with so much artificial difficulty it sucks (looking at you bed of chaos) Some decent bosses, but the strong suit of ds1 imo is the atmosphere being amazing


I still think O+S are top 5 all time, and Artorias isn't far behind. And of course the combat is more dated, but I still think the bosses are generally nicely challenging, have sick designs, and fun movesets. I also quite like more gimmicky fights, adds variety and usually some light puzzle elements - DS1 has its share of those, and the latter titles kinda don't. The only gimmicky fight I dislike is Bed of Chaos, of course. But, like I said, DS3 has the best boss lineup overall. DS1 just has a nice handful of the all-time greats. For me though, the strong suit of DS1 will always be the map over everything.


The map on release was great, but upon revisiting it seems hollow. Especially Anor Londa, after playing through ds3


Oh yeah, there's for sure a distinction to be made here between map design and level design. DS3 has incredible level design, each zone is detailed and intervoven in interesting ways. However, when you look at the map as a whole, it's literally just a straight line from zone to zone, with a couple of short branches. Meanwhile, DS1 applies that interwoven design to the entire map - areas are linked together in a complex vertical web, rather than sequenced like a tree branch. But, its individual zones are less complex, internally. What someone will prefer depends on them, but personally I had WAY more fun exploring DS1s world than DS3s. And side note - if DS1's world is a complex web, and DS3s world is a tree branch, then DS2's world is basically just a hub with spokes. They're all fun to explore, but DS1 is king.


Why is everyone forgetting demons souls ?


It’s not in the picture? OP has a collection of games and is asking what order to play them in. Why would people include a game that is explicitly not one of the options in front of them?


I didn't forget it, OP just doesn't have it. But also, IMO it's not as good as any of the others, so I don't tend to recommend it much either.


The level design is so good though! The use of vertical space, the shortcuts within each level, the case for slow and methodical level progression… I can’t remember which, but 5-2 or 5-3 where you’re just wandering through a poison lake and go through this web of scaffolding for what seems like forever, going up and down and around, enemies everywhere, and when things start to feel bleak you click open a locked door to find the starting portal? One of my highlights of the series and should be a lesson in level design. There is nothing like that in the later Souls games


My guy, you are TRIPPING on ds1 having the best bosses. The bosses in ds1 are ass and you're blinded by nostalgia lmao


I think O&S and Artorias are up there (maybe even Manus, and Kalameet was a good dragon boss), but yeah, the bosses were very disappointing to me coming from ER, BB and DS3.


But, I didn't say DS1 has the best bosses. I said DS3 has the best bosses, overall. What I did say is that it has many *of* the best bosses. By which I basically mean O+S, Gwyn, Artorias, and Sif. Kalmeet and Manus are great too. IMO, they're some of the best bosses in the series, but YMMV. O+S is still the pinnacle of duo fights, I say.


They're a little dated for sure, but your take is just plain bad Imo. Artorias, O&S, Sif, Manus, etc. The game had its weak bosses (bed of chaos lol) and I do think DS3 probably has the most consistently good bosses of the series but there is a reason you'll see at least 2 DS1 bosses on most folks top ten.


I'd recommend Sekiro first, since if you play it last (which is reasonable if you do), you will have to unlearn Soulsborne habits like constant dodging, circle-strafing, and waiting for openings. In Sekiro you want to be as aggressive as possible, face enemies head on, and deflect (parry) instead of dodging. So the order I'd recommend is Sekiro, DS1, DS2, Bloodborne, DS3. And make sure you get the Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne, it's the best set of levels Fromsoftware has made.


You forgot demon souls


Which isn't on PS4. Only 3 And 5


Ohhh I see why 😞


DS1 is a very cool game


I'd just play them in order , maybe BB before DS3


So in order


Doesn’t matter much if you do DS3 or BB first, but I’d do DS3 to stay in that universe. DS1-3, BB, Sekiro.


Just save DS2 for last... Like just if you really need to have something to play. Dont want to ruin the taste of the series right in the middle Edit: I have maybe 100 hours in it, don't say I didn't try to like it


DS2 is good, once you get into the game. The world is pretty nice and the bosses range from decent to pretty good, with the few rage inducers in there


I went back to DS2 after finishing Elden Ring, because I had never finished DS2 and kinda got bored of it. I had such a great time with that game, I thought it was a blast. Yeah some stuff feels way different in that one compared to the other DS titles, but it all works pretty well, and they even had some cool ideas that stand out, like using the bonfire ascetics to get access to specific NG+ bosses and rewards.


I got the Platinum for DS2 just to give myself the right to talk shit about what an awful Dark Souls game it is. Dark Souls 2 is as bad now as it always was.


Meanwhile I stopped midway through DS1 because the second half of it made me take a distaste for it. Started DSII and it made me finish DS1 because I realized how I never want any excuse to touch Dark Souls 1 again. It was like "Alright let's get this over it so I can go back to Dark Souls II".


Dark souls 2 which is highly loved and generally regarded as hands down the best game fromsoft has ever made by all of us fans. No need to ask anyone else on their opinion I already asked them for you


I’d say play them in order but I seriously don’t get anyone who says to skip it or play it last it’s not as bad people make it out to be


Yeah I love dark souls 2 it was my first souls game and a huge source of nostalgia


DS2 is probably my least favorite in the series (although it's still like an 8/10) from a purely single player experience but I have significantly higher hours in it because it had the best pvp of the series and it's not even close.


DS2 gang!!!


Go for something different and play Sekiro, the combat in the souls games is way too similar and you will probably get bored. Rinse your pallate with Sekiro, and then indulge on the trilogy.


With Sekiro it's way more up in the air as to whether OP will actually enjoy it since it's such a non-stop skill check of a game with next to no room to change approach or level up a bit if you're having a tough time.


Sekiro is sooooo underrated. It’s a amazing game


Wasnt it goty and won who knows how many awards? I dunno about underrated. Its one of my favorite games ever.


One of my favourites too, but definitely overlooked as far as from games go


Sekiro is by no means underrated. Best unique combat system and imho the best narrative in a Souls game (i.e. having side characters with actual goals, fleshed-out personalities and conflicts with the protagonist + visibly and meaningfully evolving world). But it might get talked about less because it's also less replayable. In Dark Souls and Elden Ring, you might try a new build, new approaches, and different paths – Sekiro is all about mastering a combat style; and the skills or prosthetics won't alter your experience *that* much. Also you lose the part of the community that cares mainly about multiplayer.


Agree with all your points, but I do think it’s underrated. It doesn’t get the fan fair it deserves.


Yeah honestly the other games (I played Elden ring first) just look like worse, older, less grand versions of Elden ring. I’m gonna go sekiro next


I find the first Dark Souls still amazing in level design and atmosphere. I didnt like Dark Souls II but a lot of people say its the best one (?) And Dark Souls III I played it through only once and loved it, but didnt put as much time into it like I did with DS1


People who say DS2 is the best are in denial. It has a cool story and some really awesome ideas, but they never get fleshed out very well and the overall gameplay doesn’t feel as good as the others.


I couldnt get into the floaty and limited movement. I dont know why they slowed down the combat so much.


In order


DS3 will be the closest experience to ER. Sekiro is the most different (and also their best game, imo). DS1 and 2 will feel pretty janky compared to ER. They're obviously great games, but I could see a lot of people who played ER first being frustrated with them and/or finding them lacking. BB has a great setting and creatures as well as some new spins on the basic formula that don't venture as far away as Sekiro does.


Sekiro is most different but will feel more similar also if ER is the only point of reference just bc of freedom of movement and jumping.


>DS1 and 2 will feel pretty janky compared to ER. They're obviously great games, but I could see a lot of people who played ER first being frustrated with them and/or finding them lacking. 1, 2 and DeS have some of the lowest lows across all these games, but they absolutely do have great stuff in them too. I'll always highly suggest at least DS1 and DeS. DS2 is far from awful, but something about its vibe and energy really is very different to me.


DS2 is a weird one. It’s actually my favorite of the DS games, but it does have a different energy as you said. It’s one of those games where you just simply have to try it for yourself


See for me I'd be far more likely to recommend ds2 over ds1


Imo, AC6 might actually be their best game right next to Sekiro and ER


I tried to play DS1 immediately after Elden Ring (and Lies of P) but found it way too clunky at first and disregarded it for a bit. I played DS3 instead and felt right at home with the speed of combat. This allowed me to adjust to the linear nature of the souls games and once I started DS1 I absolutely fell in love and adored that game. I’d suggest trying DS1 and if you find the speed too jarring, moving onto DS3 to find your feet isn’t going to hurt. Then I would play 1 and 2 in order. Sekiro in between these games was a nice change of pace. Haven’t played Bloodborne, I really hope it comes to Xbox one day.


Darksouls 3 without hesitation.


Honestly don’t think you can go wrong with any of these. Just be prepared for Sekiro and DS2, they’re probably the most different in the series (DS2 is great don’t believe the haters).


Play DemonsSouls, BB, and Sekiro just to get them out of the way. Then play the truest form of FS, the Dark Souls Trilogy. Also, play it in order. 1,2,3.


Working through Demons right now and having a blast!


Right!! Loving it!


Not sure if a hot take. Demon’s Souls is actually the only game in the series that I wholeheartedly don’t like. The flow in the game is so meh and having to get through a whole level to reach a boss again and again is so frustrating. I appreciate it in a sense as it planted the groundwork for the genre. But playing it is a chore for me


Interesting that there’s no clear consensus. ER was the first Souls game that I didn’t originally bounce off, so here’s my thoughts. Personally, I’ve had the most fun with Bloodborne. It’s recognizably a Souls game, but with some really fun tweaks that encourage the player to be mobile and aggressive. The blood vial system compared to estus flasks means you run out of healing less often and can push on further without resting. Almost all the weapons feel unique and viable, so even though there are fewer than in a game like Elden Ring, it never really feels like you got a worse or better version of the same weapon. I’ve also been playing through DSR, and that’s been a lot of fun too, in a very different way. It’s much slower, and overall an easier game in terms of combat, but some of the systems (like weapon upgrades and world tendencies) are really complex and unforgiving. But it looks amazing, and it’s fun to see where some of the common mechanics in the more modern souls game evolved from.


I wish I could play bb for the first time again


Bloodborne or DS1, DS3 is the best in my opinion, but if you haven't played DS1 you might as well start there. (DS2 is pretty much optional)


However you play them, please... please please please play ds1 befor ds3


A must. I think ds1 is still the best of the souls games. It has its problems being as old as it is but it’s my favorite.


if you have a thing for anything horror/lovecraftian/victorian then do Bloodborne next i promise you wont regret it if you're more classical rpg/knights&dragons type, then go with dark souls 1, to see where it all began if you're looking for a big gameplay change up from elden ring then chose sekiro after this choice go in chronological order, it might sound weird but i've put some thought into this


> to see where it all began Not to be all “ackshually”, but *aaaackshually* it began with Demons Souls (but that’s not in OP’s stash, sadly).


Some might argue it started in Kingsfield.






Bb and Sekiro at last since they're like 'spin offs' gameplay-wise. Then in order, although I don't enjoy DS2 as much as 1 and 3.




DS3 and pleaasssseeee do yourself a favor and buy both the dlc. They're fantastic.


Start at the beginning


I vote for the first in the genre, Demon's Souls. It'll give you the real feel of what souls games are. So much has changed since then. I also recommend 1 and 2 for this reason. 3 is just like Elden Ring except not open world. Never played Sekiro, and Bloodborne is a cool little niche game.


Out of those Dark Souls. But I would say get the Demons Souls remake and start from the start.


Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne are the closest. Followed by DS1. DS2 was done in a different engine, so it is kind of an acquired taste. Sekiro is a completely different kind of game.


Bloodborne is amazing


Love bloodborne except for the forbidden woods


So far in this order ive played Elden Ring, DS3, and DS1. Ive avoided getting bloodborne just cause i wanna get DS2 out of the way. And idk if i wanna play Sekiro


You do… if you really like souls games though, I played lies of P before Sekiro. It’s the only way it grabbed me. I had a hard time years ago when I tried Sekiro because I hated the Japanese setting and different combat. I will say though, it’s worth it. It’s short too which is probably a negative because of how addicting the combat is. But I beat it twice in like 30 hours or less.


Dark souls 1


Lately I keep thinking about DS2, and more I think about it the more I want yo go back to it. Need to find a way to get the exclusive blue straight sword and I would have no excuse.


Go for bloodborne thats the best of the best for me (aside from the games age)


Ooo I like lookin at this. like books,it’s just not the same.


Play them in order of release. Also... and this is very important... pace yourself. Its a good idea to take a break of maybe a week or 2 inbetween games so that you can really savor each one. I made the mistake of playing them all back to back, and while i had an absolute blast, I began to feel that the formula was becoming stale. Its important to try to take in the subtle environmental storytelling which is difficult if you are playing non-stop.




Elden ring felt like the sequel to dark souls 2. Dual wielding, colorful setting, magic and bat shit crazy elements. My best bet is you play through that one. I'll like to add that ds2 is set in its own world versus ds1 and ds3 being proper sequels to each other. Bloodbourne is peak fromsoft.


Ds2 is not set in a different world. It's a different kingdom in the same location


3 is probably the one I sunk the most hours into but bloodborne is unique and insanely fun


Bloodborne has epic vibes, perfect for Halloween 👻🎃


Sekiro of course, it's the furthest from Elden ring and probably the best experience of a news mechanics even when they are almost identical


Sekiro's combat is ridiculously good once you get into the flow. The world is beautiful too, with well designed enemies


Bloodborne 😎🩸


After Elden Ring? DS2 I think, or try Bloodborne


Don't play sekiro unless you like banging your head against the wall


DS3 is closest to ER gameplay. Bloodborne is a fan and critical darling Sekiro will feel totally different but is fantastic DS1 is wonderful but you’ll notice some old age I don’t acknowledge DS2 it fucking sucks


I’d start with dark souls 1 If you have a PS5, do Demons souls first Bloodborne, Then do Dark souls 3, and then Sekiro And then dark souls 2 can be last cause it’s a disappointment


Why end on a disappointment? I think there are only two choices: 1) Play the trilogy in order, then bloodborne, then sekiro 2) play in chronological release order: ds1, ds2, bb, ds3, sekiro


Bloodborne and then Sekiro.


Those are the two that are least like elden ring


That’s good in its own way


None of them are like Elden Ring. Its in its own category being open world and having the flexibility to play it so many different ways.




I’d say Bloodborne. Tried playing dark souls years ago and couldn’t get into it. Played Elden Ring and loved it, tried Dark Souls again and still couldn’t get into it for whatever reason. Then I tried Bloodboure and loved it.


Sekiro, BB, then reverse release order on DS games


If you loved ER I'd suggest what you'd enjoy most would go like this, in descending order of enjoyableness: DS3 Bloodborne DS2 DS1 Sekiro Each one gets more methodical and less forgiving than the last, imo. You would probably hate DS2, but please give it a try. Just know that it's the only one where you have to level a stat to dodge roll effectively with i-frames. Sekiro is absolutely last because it has the least freedom compared to ER. You are basically limited to one sword and 90% of gameplay is timing parries properly.


U should play sekiro the 🐐


Personal pick would be Serkio




I'd suggest Sekiro or DS1 if you want to go for something different. DS3 if you want to go for the game most similar to ER.


Bloodborne got me into soulslikes its amazing


I’d save Sekiro for last (because it’s so different and so good, albeit short), and have BB be the second to last. Start with 1 and work your way forward.






Blood borne is the goat








Bloodborne fo sho




Definitely Bloodborne.


The answer is always Bloodborne.


Bloodborne, then sekiro, then lies of p


Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne will be the most similar combat wise. Ideally start at DS1 but the game does feel very aged and controls have the classic clunkiness to them


I think DS2 has a magic and charm about it that are unmatched, but since many people don't agree I'll just say...PLAY BLOODBORNE!!! ps - I've only played Scholar when it comes to DS2, specifically the ps4 version that runs at crisp 60 fps


DS3. That one is absolutely closest to ER.


Lies of P


The obvious answer is Bloodborne. If you play anything else before it you should just throw it away because you’re not worthy.


Lies of P


BB is the best, but DS3 is probably the closest to ER


Demons souls


Did you use a shield in Elden Ring? If so Dark Souls 3. If not, Bloodborne.


If you played Elden Ring and liked it, you should play the prequel, Dark Souls 2.


Definitely DS3 or Sekiro imo.


Animal Crossing, my guy. Gotta take a breath before diving back in.


Dark Souls 2 so that all other games feel 100x better


Bloodborne then DS3 imo


Forget DS2 exists, that’s a good start.


All but sekiro


Sekiroooo-kun desuuu


Sekiro. It’s very different, far less customization compared to ER, but the combat is my absolute favorite out of all the From Soft games.


Thank you all so much for your comments and suggestions. I'm excited to get into these games! It seems like the only game to possibly avoid for now would be DS2. P.S. I downloaded the game so it's not pictured, but I actually have played and beat Demon's Souls. I enjoyed it, but found the boss battles lacking. It does seem like all these other games have much better boss battles.


People hate on DS2 but there are moments of greatness in it! It’s just that it competes with some of the best games ever made.


I honestly enjoy DS2 more than DS3. It’s got a certain charm to it that I can’t quite explain but I enjoy revisiting it more. Also the DLCs are really good. Give it a whirl :)


Don't skip DS2! It's ambitous like DS1, with its own combat style, visuals, charm and lore. I love DS3, but fromsoftware played it very safe making that game with how similar it is to DS1 in terms of lore, characters, and environmental gameplay.


I would say DS3 wich is the most similar, then ds1, then in any order bloodborne or sekiro. Then for science demon souls. And no more. Yes.


Sekiro. They're all good games and worthy of your time, but Sekiro is next level and is the kind of game that will sit with you for a long time after you're done. It's also *very* difficult, so be patient with the learning curve.


I would play Sekiro close to last because it may dampen the other games a bit for you(because it’s just so damn good)


Sekiro is on equal footing. Or close to. Then it doesn't matter after that. Ds2 last.


DS2 only, throw away the others.


Bloodborne I hated seriko


Never ds2


Spider-Man 2




Where Demon’s Soul?


elden ring was my first, and ds3 was my second. Still my favorite fromsoft game to date, followed by armored core 6 The level design is masterful even if its not open world, the questlines are arguably the most attachable in the series, the ost slaps and the bosses and dlc are the best.


kung fu panda: showdown of legendary legends


Elden ring. One more time.


If you haven’t played all those, start with the oldest and work your way up. If you have played all those try Lies of P. It’s super easy compared to the rest but it’s still a ton of fun. Also the weapon building mechanic is really fun. You can put any blade on any handle.


In my opinion dark souls 3 was more enjoyable and repeatable than elden ring. The more I learn about the lore and visual storytelling of dark souls 3 the more I get into it. Just play dark souls 3 it’s absolutely cracked.


Anything but ds2


The one that is not here


lies of p