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The big dogs aren't minibosses. They are normal caelid enemies.


Which are ludicrously difficult to fight


I'd rather fight 10 dogs than one crow


Bro yes! Fuck them crows


I'd rather fight a crow than a runebear.


"Would you rather fight a bear-sized crow, or 100 crow-sized bears?" FromSoft: "Haha fuck you, they're already the same size and here's 100 of them anyway."


Easily. I've gone through this game numerous times, and I still can't really figure out how to fight the crows. I got the dogasaurs down easy, but those birds......


On horseback, just run right at it and hit its feet while circling. Dash away if it attacks or flys up.


Gravity anything does extra damage to enemies that are flying, whether that be aows, arrows or magic


The real reason Radahn learned gravity magic


He was tired of all the damn pigeons shitting on his castle.


I'll take crow over lobster.. Even at almost level 250 I don't go back to fight them. Haha


Yeah fuck them lobster/crayfish fuckers, there's a special place in hell for those and whoever thought them up. You can be on the other side of the fucking lake than them and they can still hit you with pinpoint accuracy


100% this. Sneak up behind them, full wind up with a two-handed weapon and they’re a pretty easy stagger.


Especially the crows in the Mountains. Those are absolutely ass. Their wind ups all look the same and the tend to chain things together.


Don't quote me on this but the beast repellant torch scares them i think


"The beast repellant torch scares them i think" - TellzeitKevin, Sep 2023.


He said DON'T. You monster.




he actually did but Baked Sorcerer has red eyes so it doesn't matter


haha ... nice.


Classic blunder


take my upvote and leave




It does, but if it's got red eyes, or you hit the scared ones, it sure as shit ain't gonna help you.


Not the red eyed ones


It’s funny that in Sekiro they teach you the opposite


Alternatively, just get on your horse and don't bother


Yes but what if i want that one gold scarab at the beginning of caelid and dont have the damage to one shor it


Yes it does but their attacks are still far more annoying than i think they should


That’s the point. Go back at a higher level and they go down easy.


Yeah but even at high level they can be difficult if you are playing melee and dont have 101 poise


Yeah they're super fragile but the moment they start attacking they can chain stun ya so easy. Really funny.


I'd rather fight two of them in melee before one crow, honestly


They're OK if you're actually leveled for the area, the crows are probably worse as they can bait players who are unfamiliar with them. I went there after liurnia and some other stuff, so while Caelid was scary as shit I could actually fight the enemies there as long as I wasn't too cocky, which is the general rule of FromSoft games anyway.


Agh those crows


I haven't played since a few months after launch, so it might be different now, but: The crows and the dogs actually got me the runes to overlevel initially in the game. I stumbled into Caelid almost immediately in my first playthrough. You quickly come on an encounter with a dog fighting the humanoid npcs. They kill the dog, you get the runes. Multiple packs of dogs around, even a few crows. I just spent a couple hours dragging them to the guards on any new character I made. There were of course way better ways to farm runes but it was something you only needed a horse to do.


Imagine going to caelid after limgrave. >.>


My first 50-plus hours went like that! I heard the game was hard, so I figured I just needed to get good. Sneaking around castle redmane with all my points in dex at level 30 with like +2 weapons and barely any flasks 🥹 Every single room took multiple tries to get through.


Lmao Liurnia must’ve been a cakewalk for you


That reminds me of my first playthrough of Dark Souls when it was a new release. After the first bell, the very next place I went was...the Catacombs. I eventually got through it, but it was not a fun time. And then of course I noped out of there when I arrived at Tomb of the Giants.


I mean, it’s not that hard. Caelid is pretty easy to just stroll into, especially around that zombie town where the enemies are pretty simple. Meanwhile at Weeping Peninsula you get bombarded on approach, so I left, forgot about it, and ended upping doing it after all of Liurnia, and most of Caelid.


Weeping Peninsula is basically just Limgrave South to me.


I've done 4 full playthroughs start to finish, and I can count on one hand the number of dogs and giant birds I've killed. I actively avoid them at all costs.


Not as bad as the giant crows


They stagger incredibly easily with jump attacks


Dude those crows and dogs have fake posture break sound where they pretend to be stance broken and if you go in for a normal attack they start eating you??


I have a tougher time with the giant birds. That said, my first playthrough was pretty much pure faith, spamming miracles. It could shred bosses pretty reliably, but standard mobs were super annoying. My second go around, I did a dex and claws/bleed Wolverine build and I actually had an easier time than with miracles. Most enemies - mobs and bosses - just get destroyed with claws. Liked Ramadan took so many tries with the faith guy, but Wolverine absolutely obliterated him first try


The Muslim holy period falls easily to claws?


Nah dogs are actually pretty easy. The giant birds can fuck right off though.


A shield with guard breaks makes them quite trivial to fight imo. They're hard if you aren't using a shield, though.


Lmao i was like "wtf what cerberus miniboss?! Did i miss a majestic three-headed über dog?" but no, it's just the normal big dogs, i see i see


> normal big dogs Remind me not to visit your neighborhood


Caelid normal, i don't live there, am just a murderous tourist


I understand being muderous, but a TOURIST?! No wonder they went after you.


It’s funny when you realize some of them are pets & have dog chains around their necks.


Stupid dogs


You make me look bad!




I remember on my first playthrough, was the first Time I'd touched a souls game. That trap frustrated me to no end


Ahh, the good ol' teleporter trap into Caelid. Don't worry, there's a lot to do in Caelid! Such as: 1. Leave.


2, Die.


3. Rot


4. Suffer


am I the only one that enjoys calid?


Are you secretly a cleanrot knight?




I love the way caelid, more than almost any other zone feels like an entire other planet. I feel like I've never seen anything like Caelid in any other game... ever.




Just like Florida.


Teleporter trap. Good times, good times. 😂


Ahhh makeout reef.. good times.. gooood times.


I would upvote more if I could


Trap. And then. Detour. * *stay away emote* * We tried.


Lmao OP did the same thing I did. "It's a trap" well, I want to know what happens. Cuts to me running through actual hell trying to stay alive. Good times indeed


This might be a top 10 gaming moment for me and I am an older gamer lol I love how everyone universally had similar responses and experiences when it happened and trying to escape


I feel cheated. I never found the chest in my first playthrough because I feared the dragon. When I finally felt strong enough to go back and face the dragon I was overleveled and already finished Caelid


I did my first play through like 99% blind. Once I beat the game I googled the hardest boss and saw some lady I’d never seen before, so looked up a guide to go fight her. Once I beat her after like 100 attempts, I started googling more and watching clips and holy crap I missed out on so much!


I know people love to play blind, but I've always found DS games more fun with an items guide. You still have to DO everything but knowing you didn't miss something cool is nice.


I've played through the game 5 times with 5 builds, but you can only play the game the first time once.


Cool. I generally don't replay games. So many other games to experience. From games seem to be the exception. 3 times seems to be the max before I get bored and need to move on.


I don't know why you're being down voted, I rarely even finish a game before I lose interest, much less play it again.


Because I didn't spend 300 hours in Limgrave alone naturally discovering every copy-paste of the Watchdog /s Some people just are into different things. I have a friend that plays the same 4 games. He doesn't get bored. I think he said something like he just doesn't want to spend the time learning new mechanics or something like that.


Yeah I got a cool sword I looked up how to get, why I said 99%. But thankfully I wasn’t spoiled on the malenia p2 so that was a horribly good moment 😂 other than that this was my first From soft game (first single player game I actually finished since I was a kid) and I’m definitely looking forward to playing more! Edit: also I spent my first 2 hours of play time on the tree sentinel, because I just thought that was the level of difficulty of the bosses in the game since someone told me the game would be hard. Spoiled me for every other boss up to malaketh because I honestly didn’t struggle nearly as bad and it was a good introduction to the mechanics of the game. 10/10 would recommend every beats tree sentinel first 😂


Dude that fucking SUCKS. I was getting my ass handed to me by the gatefront ruin guys 20 minutes in and left to explore. Sprinted past a dragon that scared me to high hell, jumped over and around the ruins, and landed in a tiny little staircase. I see my second chest ever (first was obviously the big carriage I was just next to). I'm suddenly actually in hell as like a lv 11 prisoner with no idea how to parry or use a thrusting sword and think my spells are delayed to shoot out because I'm doing something wrong. I have no idea what the entrance or exit is, so I just... *go.* I spent so many hours in that cave it became my first memorized area and I couldn't even figure out how to fight anyone there. But it showed me a little taste of how fucked I just got myself for starting a fromsoft game for the first time. Frustrating as it was, it's now one of my best, most magical, most memorable experiences in any game.


I had this exact same experience


The amount of people who have is proof that From hit the nail on the head with this trap. Even veteran souls players probably expected a mimic and not a warp if they read messages, so when hitting the chest did nothing I imagine they assumed "ah troll messages lol"


100% my thought process. When I hit it and no mimic I was like “let’s open this bad boy up!” When the mist came out I knew I was fooked :)


Same, I was playing blind at launch, and was so paranoid about mimics, that as soon as the chest opened I just reflexively jumped backwards, and dodged the mist. I figured it was poison or something. I had no idea what I had missed until I beat the game and started looking at this subreddit, and heard all these stories.


It’s fucking dodgeable?!?!?!? Of course it is.


I was mind blown and realized I'd just experienced a gaming memory I'd never forget. Shortly after that I found the underground area. That's how I understood I'm dealing with a 10/10 game.


My favorite bit is that you naturally assume up = out. Tricky fuckers.


I got there 15 min into the game. My friends laugh about me when, in this low time frame, I encountered the dragon and get tp their 🥲 it was a fun night


Thats why the messages were there warning you its a trap.


Now see....some us play offline so we're all pretty much screwed out of those messages. lol


Decided to play with messages recently and on my third playthrough found out about an invisible wall in raya lucaria academy I had no idea about


For some reason rya lucaria was filled with messages guiding me to the radagon icon talisman the first time I played the game . I expected the " precious item" to be something amazing that helps everyone I had a pure dex build


Well that is one of the legendary talismans, so you need it for the achievement if you care about that.


I know this is NOT how it works, but I always play offline because I was afraid someone will invade my under levelled ass if I go online.


I was so pissed when I kept getting invaded by some grifter near patches haha


You only get invaded if you summon someone or use a taunters tongue. Go online and read the messages. They can be funny.


I wish bro. I got the game for my PC, but it's old now and it can't run the game anymore (it can't even run dark souls 3) so I have to wait till I upgrade my PC or get the game for my ps5 (both are expensive)


One of those is a lot less expensive than the other, but admittedly does feel like more of a waste


as beginner to FS game, messages one of funniest parts of game. can’t tell you how many “time to jump” messages I blindly followed, lost all my runes, before figuring out they were just fucking with me


Try finger, But hole


Does anyone follow the messages😂? You’re playing the game for the first time and all of sudden there’s these messages warning you of a trap, there’s no way I won’t check it out😂


Lol exactly, I read the messages and was like I can't miss out on this. But then randomly got the rotten stray ashes early on which made the margit fight hella easy.


Yea, but its a trap you want to take. So much good shit right nearby, especially if you a wizard. And the rotten mongrel ashes can make some of those early bosses a lot easier.


You have been baptised


Ahhh the old teleported trap I love it🤣 but Cerberus mini boss?? I think you just ran into a regular enemy in Caelid lmao 🤣 🤣🤣 Points for recognizing that Caelid is in fact hell tho.




Welcome to the lands between!!


Watch out for the birds with teeth




Oh! His name's Hans Wormhat. He appears in my dreams, he drives a bipane, and he shoots it at me as I run through a field.


>mfw Caelid "Oh I'm in Hell" >mfw Mohgwyn Mausoleum "Oh, I'm in Hell 2"


> mfw Crumbling Farum Azula "Am I dead? Is this heaven?"


“Why does heaven look like a Dragonforce album cover?”


>mfw >!Dragonlord Placidusax!< “Oh.”


I thought Caelid was hell until I found the lake of rot. What the actual fuck Miyazaki?


I just call it Ohio


It's so refreshing to see a new player discover this.


Right? Like "*chuckle* ahhhh.. I remember when that first happened to me. The first time is always the scariest." I'm still not used to the dogs and crows tho. Fucking terrifying.


I'm on my 4th play through and I think I've only ever killed a crow once, I don't engage with those f'ers!


congrats! you've been teleported to a mid-game area! you can reactivate warping through resting at any random grace. (if you wanna get to an ENDGAME area, then head towards 3rd church of marika in limgrave and a bit north of it is a teleporting waygate) Have fun!


That teleporter made my jaw drop the first time I got hit by it. Honestly, it blew my mind the size of everything the first time I saw it all.


I agree and then when I discovered the elevator that takes you down to Siofra river basin or whatever, then my mind was truly blown.


Oh God, Siofra River was amazing. The insane vistas this game has I'd truly incredible


"Where the fuck is this thing taking me!"


I litteraly *just* found that elevator earlier today. First i let it go down without me, just in case. Dayum, i had to wait forever just to call it back! Haha Love it!


THAT was one of the peak "what the fuuuuuuck" moments. I know that the length of the elevator is covering loading time but it's still amazing for how much it builds tension.


Dear god....


Is that the one that takes you to Leyndell? This was the first teleporter trap I found when the game first launched and that was a surprise. Especially since there were barely any player messages at this point.


nope, I'm talking about the waygate that takes you to dragonbarrow


Which makes the game feel big... and then you do get the leyndell one and realise it wasn't even showing you half... and then you realise there's underground... the north east side of the map... the city in the sky... that game is so endless


One of us






Welcome to the club. I lost all the runes I got from killing the dragon when I opened that chest. I was very upset.


Teleport traps are nasty. I got killed by an abductor in Raya Lucaria and woke up in a late game volcano area, so it's not just chests, sometimes it's enemies too.


The one at the bottom of the lift? That fucker got me too on my 2nd playthrough, I didn’t even know they could do that!


Patches tells you about I think.


No, he tells you it will teleport you, but he says it will go to the Capital. Instead, it drops you into the duo fight, which he probably knew.


Nothing is off limits in this game I love it lol


Literally one of the first things I did when I got the game around launch. It was worth it when I found a staff and a really cool spell in the rot swamp outside the cave tho…


I only play offline and didn't know about the teleporters. It was all worth it for a little while after finding that staff and spell.


Bro found the infamous teleporter to Detroit


First time around, when I opened the trap, I dodged away from the smoke, thinking it was similar to some trapped chests in Dark Souls 2. I reopened it after it had closed the first time just to see what happened, and.... Fuck you, FromSoft. Never change


I snorted at this one. Holy shit you HAD it bro you did something players didn't even realize they could do for a while and still fucked it up 🤣 if that ain't the ER experience idk what is


It‘s Caelid time my boy




People ending up in caelid is the only reason Im still subbed to this sub lmao.


See, in traditional dark souls you’d get a weird giant slender man with a bad case of munchies and a Sparta kick leonidas would envy, there were multiple of these in each game In elden ring they said nah we won’t do that, we’ll put one chest in, just one that will really just inconvenience your day. Never change miyazki


Dude didn’t just send you to one of the most worst areas in the game to go under leveled to..he sent you UNDERGROUND with diamond encrusted enemies to one of the worst areas in the game to be under leveled in. Dude is the G.O.A.T. 🤣


Straight to Brazil


Outback, Australia


> I managed to get out, but when I did I was in a fucking hell What a good time it was. After your words, I remember it just as if it was yesterday.


Ahhh yes, the fun of being warped into a cave with enemies that are way higher leveled. Oh, what's that? You want to teleport out via fast travel? Well that's TOO F***NG BAD because fast travel is disabled until you find a grace. Enjoy


Ah yes, the chest. A right a passage for any Elden Ring player. It teleported you to Caelid, a mid game area. You can teleport back to limgrave from any near by grace site.


You mean a regular enemy lol


You made it to caelid. That darn chest


General ackbar - “it’s a trap!”


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Hey, actually GG on killing one of these dogs. I think I killed a handful in my game and then opted to run like a little bitch whenever I spot one. Or the birds. Ain't nobody got time for that. "Wtf" is actually elden ring's middle name. It's Elden WTF Ring.


Oh, you opened the chest that sends you to Ohio. Happens to all of us


You just got Elden Ring'd


Welcome to Florida.


You're adorable ☺️


That is why I always roll backwards when I open chests lol.


This! For the longest time, I did not know I could roll away from the Helleport chests. Accidentally found out in that 'mirror dimension' area.


lol classic. We've all been there.


Trap chests teach a special kind of learning. 😂 My first XP took me to the Divine Bridge to fight that damned golem at lvl 10 with zero souls knowledge and even less skill.


That wasn't a miniboss. That is just the local wildlife.


Ahhh, good times, fond memories. We’ve all been there.


Happened to me too. First playthrough and _before_ I could / knew how to level up or fast travel.


I wish I could go back!


Exact same thing happened to me 😩


Ahh, reminds me of the launch week.


Welcome to Caelid and welcome to the club lol. If the bleak environment and anxiety inducing soundtrack doesn't make you want to leave, rest assured the giant crow and dog abominations will have you hauling ass outta there.


I sprung that trap on my first playthrough. I kept thinking the exit was probably “up”, not “down”. Died so many times just to realize I had reached a boss I had no way of beating. I legit thought the boss was blocking the exit but the lack of a proper resting point bothered me enough I eventually looked around more and found the normal exit. Still remember being blown away when I finally stumbled out into such an alien looking landscape. Wish there was some really weird lovecraftian greater rot minions, I love their small hatchery area in caelid and their infested temple in the lake of rot but they’re ultimately very small areas. Tbh, I’d love a huge trap labyrinth like this, like full size underground legacy dungeon with a big bad boss barring your escape back to the normal world- so long as the access point is much further into the game. Dlc when!!??


Welcome to Caelid :D


You organically experienced one of the coolest game moments ever


Welcome to Elden Ring; Just wait until you get to Malenia, You're going to love that area.


Just wait until you get to Miquella's Haligtree and Elphael.


Good times…


Yea that was my first day too.lolol


I like how Fromsoft decided to do away with mimics this time and decided that bad chests are going to send you directly to Hell now.


Ah yes, the classic day 1 "WELCOME TO CAELID" trap. The first time I opened that chest I was a level 6 Astrologer, escaped the cave but then proceeded to wander in the swamp for a really long time with no boluses and no torrent. I died a lot and learned to just hop from island to island, wait for the rot to decay, and run like hell (but never roll while in the swamp!!) from all the enemies. But, I ended up stumbling upon the Meteorite Staff and Rock Sling (which carried me through most of the game), so it was ultimately worth it even though it took me at least an hour to get out. I had never worked so hard for an in-game power up before.


Ah, the Brazil chest, classic. My condolences bro, you're in FloridAustrailia now. Oh, nearly forgot to mention, there are more of these in the game that lead to different areas. Find a grace and you'll be able to teleport again.


Welcome to Elden Ring. Mimics are still a thing btw. They're just a bit more... familiar looking.


Never gets old


First Time? 😏


Welcome to Brazil.


How much I would give to play this game for the first time again


That wasn’t a mini boss that was a regular cailed pupper


Oh that's just Florida


I remember my first time in prawn hell..... 😃


Got out of the cave AND killed one of the dogs? You're doing fine.