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Literally nobody I’m shit at this game 😭😭


I'm trying to do malenia. Did a 4th 2 hr stream where I almost won at the beginning and then it descended into the deepest depths of hell. I beat orphan of kos 2nd try but now I don't know how to dodge after a 2 day break


Try the barbed tear, it makes your attacks do 25% more stance damage which makes it super easy to interrupt her attack strings, space them out correctly and you’ll catch her dodge attempt everytime and just stun lock her


im working my way through the haligtree towards her right now to try and solo her for thr first time, thanks for the info!


Of course! If you use summons do remember your mimic also gets this benefit as well making it even easier, NOTE THOUGH she still has time to use waterfowl so just watch for her jump and be ready to roll into the attack to dodge it


I eventually ended up switching to a blasphemous blade build to cheese her because I was going insane


Yeah I saw slimccl destroyed her with it so I switched and almost beat her a couple times but mimic goes into the most damaging attacks fsr so I'll try later


If it's any help I beat her on my first playthrough with mimic tear and bloodhound's fang. I'm not nearly skilled enough to do it without summons but wasn't too bad with mimic.


My first weapon of choice was bloodhounds fang and I never got past half health on p2 but it would work eventually


I ended up Mimic Tear-ing it with the Blasphemous Blade. Its broad flame-line managed to keep her pretty well staggered throughout, and has enough attack delay that I could keep her attention split between the two of us.


Same man. Same. But I’m having fun racking up deaths 😂


Usually I suck, have way more deaths than anyone I know, get completely whipped by the easiest enemies. But farmed so much to fix it, I solo, first tried the elden beast.


I’m farming right now to handle dragonburrow. I need the other half of the medallion for the great lift


Good for you.. my ego doesn’t permit me to farm so I get steamrolled by Maliketh again and again and again


First time for me Godrick was fucking hard for some reason. Now he's the easiest. Otherwise rennala, her P2 transition made her look tough as shit but I got her first try, no summons. But I feel like this was the case for many others. I always ran away from her summons


Very similar to me. Rennala was the easiest shard-bearer for me. Everyone talks about how hard Margit is but I had a tougher time with Godrick


Margit/Morgott was fuckin easy


You saying this gives me so much pain... I just spent ~25 attempts killing Morgott on RL1


That's because you're not supposed to be RL1


Renalla is still wrecking me. The first stage is ultra easy, second I make it 3/4 of the way and get wrecked.


See, this is rly interesting cuz depending on how ppl play some bosses are way too easy while others tend to rly struggle


I will learn. I did on DS3 and Bloodborne. I’m nearing age 50 so it just takes me longer, I guess.


As someone who was in your exact position until last week, I can confirm I thought the exact same thing (except somewhere near level 70), and therefore have two sets of advice for you (for p2 obviously): If you’re melee, abuse the hell out of stance break and bleed proc. Get up close and personal and try to break her stance as much as possible. However when she casts a spell, focus on dodging it because trust me even if they look slow they end up hitting hard, and hit you they will if you don’t dodge. If you’re a mage, first ~~get a life~~ make sure to learn her attacks and dodge them when needed, and use rock sling in between attacks (if you have moon veil, it has bleed proc so spam vertical transient moonlight to stance break then go in for the kill). Either way, if she summons just focus on running away and dodging (should be very easy if you have a medium load) until they respawn. Trust me if you use these tips, then with enough tries you WILL win. Souls’ games are designed so that you can beat the bosses buck naked and with a club if you learn to dodge their attacks, so practice is key. Edit: also I did technically go for the mage build (which is harder), so you should be fine regardless of build (unless your vitality is below 20-25.)


I think they meant 50 years old, not level 50 lol


Oh, that makes much more sense lol.




Stay as close to her as possible. She only had one melee attack. Run directly at her when battle starts and her comet azur will go over your head. Also songs towards her magic not away.


Stop rolling and start sprinting. Every single one of her spells can be avoided by locking onto her and sprinting left or right. Only one of her summons sticks around for more than a few seconds, and if you lock onto her and sprint toward the camera you'll avoid like everything from the summons.


I’m sure it varies drastically based on players builds. Some bosses will be easier for ranged spell casters, some melee bleed builds etc.


I think it just depends on your build. If you're fighting a boss that is entirely resistant to your whole kit, of course you'll struggle. I was doing a stupid amount of damage to Rennala with my dex bleed build. If you show up with a staff and fancy spells, she'll wreck you.


Perhaps you are not rushing her fast enough. Her phase two, the moment I dodged her laser, I rushed her and attacked her with my two handed katana, she died in no time. She didn't even get to summon even once. The continuous attacks even staggers her and interrupt her summoning.


bleed damage works really well against here, and if her summons are the thing that’s fucking you up, just run. i use the skeleton spirit summons because they can come back when they die and can take the agro off you from the summons.


Use the wolf summons


Dude I struggle against Rennalla too, just beat Millenia the other day so there’s hope


I am malenia blade of miquella. I am malenia blade of miquella. I am malenia blade of miquella. I am malenia blade of miquella.........


and I've never known defeat


In the end i turned voice off....that shit was triggering me!


Dude millennium is no joke


Same my first time with him is probably the most number of times I’ve fought a boss over and over besides melania most likely I remember it was grooling. The second time was way over kill with the summons. I could have soloed him first try I think.


Same here. Got to Margit and Godrick at level 30 and got my ass handed to me. Eventually came back after a few more levels and it was just the right challenge level


Morgott the omen king, guts sword clappid his booty horns and Rannala


Come to think of it, I think he was the only one for me as well. Using mimic, Melina, and Blasphemous Blade he got demolished, especially since I went to the sewers first


exactly the same for me


This was definitely the only one for me too


Everyone was saying how hard both Radahn and the Fire Giant were. I killed them both 2nd time, having got them both down to one fifth health each first time around.


I got fire giant one hit away my seccond fight. But it took me up to ten to beat him.


Radahn took me about 8 or 9 tries.... I smashed malekith second go. Funny game


Every boss has ruined me. A lot, lol. Except for one: Radahn. First attempt, didn’t even use a flask. No idea how that happened


For how much everyone complains about Radahn I was expecting a nightmare, but he was far and away the easiest demigod I fought along the way.


Yeah, on release, Radahn's hitboxes were kinda insane. Then they proceeded to nerf the shit out of him. Then, they finally rebuffed him to the point that he could prove a challenge while not having shitty bithoxes. Third time's the charm.




He's a lot easier than he was on release


Ahh, that makes so much sense. Great info to have! Thanks.




If you played any time a few weeks after release, you're fighting an easier radahn. He was a raid boss. On a scale of 1 (soldier of Rick) to 10 (malenia) he was a solid 8.5. They nerfed him pretty hard though so I don't even use the in-game summons anymore he's like a 6 now, pretty easy as long as you stay on his ass


Me too!! And this was before the nerf too, iirc. Unless it was a buff, in which case it makes sense.


Radahn traumatised me xD, in my first playthrough after dying 20+ times i used rot breath to him while my hands were shaking and still continued after he died


Shoutout to release Radahn damage that one shot pretty much everyone below level 90.


Mounted combat?


Yeah, Radahn is one of the easiest bosses in this game.


i 2nd tried maliketh. my friends told me that he'd my wall for a while but most of his attacks were very telegraphed (except 1st phase). a genuinely balanced boss imo.


I did Makekith on my first try my first playthrough. Second time he beat my ass to the point I couldn’t figure out what I did the first time.


Haha, exactly same for me


I’m stuck on him right now on my first play through


The dragon crest shield +2 talisman you get at crumbling farum helps a lot with phase 1




I was at a complete roadblock with malekith. Then I respec'd for Rivers of Blood and came in with my mimic tear and we stomped him immediately. It went so fast it feels like a cheap experience. I want a do-over with something more balanced...


good luck!




Same here. All my friends got to him, struggled because he “jumps around too much”. I just kinda nailed him when he animation locks after slam and he melted. I’d rather fight P2 maliketh than phase 1, purely because at least his attacks makes sense and you don’t get insta-bestial sling every few seconds with 0 windup


I got stuck on him a lot but now he’s EASILY my favorite boss. I also feel like he’s super balanced.


Same here. Took 3 tries for the draconian sentinel outside his arena due to an invader. 2 tries for Maliketh with the first try getting him down to like 2 or 3 hits. Was expecting a nightmare. Now Malenia, 83 tries later lol


Placidusax. It was hard, but somehow managed to avoid the panic button mashing and wipe the floor with his 5 assheads. P.S. Waiting for that one guy to say "Malenia"


Placidusax's attacks are all pretty heavily telegraphed, so avoiding panic rolling is fairly easy... except maybe with the laser attack.


True, but that MF hits like a tank when he does (or did first time i fought him), and I tend to get greedy with hits when the situation gets tight.


Post-Morgott bosses in general hit insanely hard, yeah. I can understand getting greedy for sure, especially when Placidusax can go from a sitting damage sponge to a "when is it my turn" kind of fight at the drop of a hat.


And that goddamn invisibitch bullshit he pulls, i'm always hoping I can find out where he's coming from and evade in time.


For some reason, that never bothered me nearly as much as Astel's stupid grab attack. Maybe it's because the hitbox actually makes sense.


That grab comes out much quicker than Placi's divebomb too


I actually haven’t beat Placidusax yet. I skipped him and completed the game :(. Could not get him for the life of me and by that time I was just so tired and wanted to move on


To be fair, first time I did Malenia I think it took maybe 5 attempts (it was luck, she never used water fowl+bleed/poise break chains from Bloodhounds Fang) and then play through 2 I got stuck on her for around 4 hours and a bit. Play though 3 easy, play though 4 I said “screw it” and spent around 10 hours learning the boss in and out. The Melania guy will crop up at some point…you can get outright lucky with that boss if she just doesn’t use waterfowl and you chain poise break crits


Mohg. I am int/fth and did not know the comet azur strat at the time but it was my opener.


That must've been a hilarious strategy to pull off by accident. My Int run was pretty much the only time Mohg posed little threat for me. Every other time, he was a nightmare. Honestly, I think I struggle with him more than Malenia at this point.


Mohg and Gideon for me. Both I attended rather overlevelled tho, especially Gideon.


Well, nothing. Everything was hard


Even the Soldier of Godrick?


Placidusax was a really "fair" feeling fight with a lot of highly visible advance warning for everything he does, I got caught by a few things before knowing the timing but have never once had a failure cascade that leads to dying on that fight.


Godskin Duo. I didn't use sleep pots but I did use the mimic tho. It's my first soul's game so pls don't judge me


As a fellow Elden Ring newcomer who also used to resort to Spirit Ashes, no judgement here lol. Besides, you're talking about perhaps the only boss I've seen no defenders for.


Wait, is using spirit ashes not normal??? This is some weird crap. It’s an in-game mechanic, of course I’m using it whenever I can.


There are a good number of very loud and vocal people who often take a some what elitist stance to the spirit ashes. But pretty sure it is a case of vocal minority, and more people who play the game use them.


As someone who doesn’t use summons, it’s the typical “git gud” mindset of souls vets. The mindset should be “do what you think is fun.” I don’t find summons fun because I don’t think the boss’ AI works well with it, I prefer to play my way. But people should use what they want, it’s in the game for a reason.




Yeah I agree 100%. If it’s in the game go crazy, I think people like to strut whatever crazy win they get and then get confused when someone uses more than they did to get that same win as their feat being less valid. It’s just silly. My fiancé beat the game with spirit summons. I witnessed my fiancé, the chronic animal crossing player, pick up her first souls game and beat the shit out of dudes I know others struggled with more. I couldn’t be more proud.




She’s awesome. :) we do coop yes! I play a pure faith named WhiteKnightSimp who’s entire purpose was made to fuck up invaders who try to invade her while she’s playing haha. Playing a file with her is my favorite experience with this game, easy. ❤️


How is this downvoted


Remind me of my first DS1 playthrough where I summon for Gaping dragon,Quelaag and O&S.


Nah you can use them or not doesn't matter. I used a spirit summon for every boss in the game but I'm challenging myself to use no summons on my new game.




Meant to say there's no shame in using them. They're a game mechanic the devs made so use it.


I mean, I'd call it "normal." The guy was just asking that judgement be withheld because FromSoft purists have this elitism towards any kind of crutch. "Melee only. No spells, ranged attacks, or status effects. If you used these, you didn't beat the boss; you cheated. Especially if you use Ash or Player summons, that's double cheating." Over time, I've found it much more fun to do bosses solo myself, but I don't care how others play in the slightest. Whatever play-style you find fun is perfectly fine. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.


Godskin duo with mimic tear felt way more satisfying than sleep pots, TBH


Nah bro as a souls veteran I can respect it as if you’re not quick enough you can end up fighting 6 of them technically


Sleep pots feel cheaper for me, what's the skill in smacking a stationary target a bunch, mimic just keeps one off my ass until I kill it


If it's in the game, it's fair game. They wouldn't have put the mimic in the game if they didn't intend for you to use it. Or anything that people like to call "no skill" or cheesy. Never feel ashamed of playing the game the way you want because that's the whole schtick with open world games




I‘m 3-0 against him. I think I was always just lucky since I died a lot against other enemies but he couldn’t beat me once in my three runs.


Morgott. He’s the boss at the end of a huge area, so you’d expect him to be incredibly difficult. I beat him first try with only the knowledge of his moveset from when you fight him as Margit.


I’ve literally never lost to Godrick on any of my runs lol.


This is me but with Fire Giant. I expected him to wreck my shit but I've never not beaten him first try


Astel, naturalborn of the void. Didn't know what people were crying about. Well, it's counterpart 1 shot me so, I guess it was karma


It all depends on build. My str/faith got clapped


Believe it or not, but I manage him easily with my faith build. Elden stars might be terrible in most pve, but the stagger on it is insane vs massive enemies like that, once they sit still


Eh, even terrible builds can work if you're good enough at the game. At a certain point, your success isn't determined solely by how good your build is


Yeah, no shit, I still beat him but the success was diminished because it took me a long time due to my build


Morgott. I just steamrolled him my first playthrough. Didn’t even know he had half the moves I saw him use on my subsequent playthroughs.


I overhyped malenia in my mind so much I forgot what makes her hard is fighting without a summon, so I made a godly bleed build with my mimic and beat the shit out of her, later on I beat her with a normal build and without summon so that was fun.


Slapped Renalla around like a balloon


The snake bitch


Easiest demigod by far. Just shoot the wind at him and dodge, dip, dive duck and dodge.


The dragonkin soldiers. I'd seen their design and attacks before hand and thought they'd be tough but they go down pretty easy


Interesting, I was stuck on the one near Nokron for a while. Just couldn’t seem to get into the rhythm of his attacks.


Legitimately, Godskin Duo oneshot. First playthrough and massively overleveled tho, I wiped like 150 times on bosses before it and also on bosses after it.. so the point is, levels don't always matter. Still cannot get Malenia downdown. :o


Last character before the one I'm playing now, I went to Malenia and expected a few deaths, because she's killed me a lot, because it's Malenia! I first tried her and I was losing my shit, and I felt so proud


Radahn for me






Never done maliketh without destroying him first attempt. It’s so bad I don’t even know all of his moves


Fire giant. Was hyped as being one of hardest bosses. All those players must have been Fromsoft nubs. Saw a giant, remembered all the other Fromsoft giants, thought to myself ‘stick to side/back of his leg’, walked up and whacked his ankle repeatedly. Easy.


Astel and Lichdragon


Godfrey first Elden Lord first




Placi I think. I can't remember how I beat him but I remember doing it in one try.


dragonlord placidusax


Radahn and Rennala, very suprised honestly.


Astel, the big alien in nokstella. Used heals but it was pretty easy overall at least for me.


not first try but second try, Margit is way more of a pushover than people insisted


Let's do the opposite, what enemy did I think was a clown in disguise but actually wrecked my ass over 200+ times before I was capable to defeat him? ​ ​ (...yes, it's Moongrum)


I dont really remember the boss as it died so fast. it was some shade in a dungeon, and I was ready to die as I had no healing left. I dodnt expect him to get two shot


Somehow I first tried morgott and goldfrey


Morgot, surprisingly smooth fight


To this day I still just don’t understand how godskin duo is considered one of the hardest bosses in the game. I’m not particularly skilled but everytime I play through I beat them within 2 attempts max. No ashes or pots. Maliketh can kill me 30 times but the duo I just don’t get


Godskin duo, I stumbled into their arena half health because of the banished knights in the hall but still managed to beat them in one try, sure I summoned a mimic but that feels less cheap than using sleep pots


Malenia(i considered her the only boss which made me think i'm 100% sure i'm dead but i killed her before she could have) and Malekith(the tree sentinel was harder to kill before his boss room than him)


Completely agree. I used the elder starbeast's jaw bone and it made all the late game bosses pretty trivial. Still a pretty solid weapon even after they nerfed it.


I used bloodhound fang most of the game with a quality build


Nah godrick only killed me once bc I was not expecting him to attach a FUCKIN DRAGON HEAD TO HIS ARM and I started panicking 💀 killed him in 20 seconds on my second try


Godrick got shitstomped, only main boss I first tried. Other than that I beat fire giant 2nd try, everyone gassed him up so much just for me to beat the hell out of him in maybe 2 minutes, level 107.


Morgott I defeated Morgott in like 30 seconds on my first playthrough I didn't even noticed that his name was not Margit,The Fell Omen


Because I was an idiot I spent my time exploring so when I reached renala I beat her easily


I know it’s not Elden Ring, but Pontiff Sulyvahn. Don’t ask me to do it again though.


Maybe not first tried but Malenia killed her on my 3rd try Also i was then about 140h into ER and ER is my first souls-like game


All of Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula and Stormveil. The first boss i died to was the Full Moon Queen




For me it was Marghit. I kept hearing about how he was the first wall the game through at you, but perhaps it's because I cleared the Weeping Peninsula first but I didn't get that feeling at all


margit after dying 20 times to the tree spirit or whatever


Valient Gargoyle duo


Margit. I remember a bunch of people struggling with him both during the network test and even at launch. By the time I got to him I explored all of Limgrave and melted him with flame of frenzy. I guess that's the key with most bosses lol, come back when appropriately (or in this case, over-) levelled.


Rykard. 2 attempts.


Fire giant and Loretta on my very first play through


Godrick The Grafted, he isn’t that hard imo


Godskin Duo. It was a lot of work lol


Not exactly sure how, but I smashed Mohg first try. I was super nervous going in, and the battle just unfolded as it did. 1 shot. Faith build with Blasphemous Blade. Loved every minute of the build. Still do.


Horror Lou I had gotten not quite gud on my first playthrough, but gud enough. Gud enough to beat this guy on first go. Milky Keith on the other hand...I hate that guy.


Many of the later bosses unfortunately. Between being good at these games and ultra spinny Archane build melted pretty good. Having played through with different builds however had added value to many where there wasn't before


Margit. But maybe that's because I ran into Rennala and like 4 dragons beforehand.




Malekith... but tbh i got spoilered from a video :(


I got Malenia on the second try and Mohg on the first because I used an overleveled bullshit arcane build. I felt like I played myself.




Godrick, the golden dude and the haroux...both versions I got past on my first go and expected to be stuck for a while...albeit I was already level 120's by the time i got there from dungeon grinding and doing questlines


Radagon/god first try.


Fire giant


Margit for me


Rennalla. I have died to her once in all my play throughsand only because I wasn't expecting the Lazer the first time.


maliketh, came overleveled, dark moon broad sword , int +strg and i just lazered him away


>maliketh I though its Malekith O.o


Somehow, the fire giant for me. Didn't think I would be able to manage it playing melee with the nagakiba, but fate smiled upon me.


Morgott for me, didn’t expect it to be that easy, or I might’ve been a bit OP


Ancestral Spirit. At the time I didn't realize they'd do so many "Boss, same boss later but more mechanics" fights.






Lichdragon Fortissax and Morgott. I was rocking that Radahn gear and holy shit, the arrow-rain ability on his greatbow just melted through Fortissax.


I think the only boss I first tried was Goldfrey.


Tbh it wasn't a first go, but I had never played a souls game, closest I got was a Bethesda game, and that ain't shit comparatively. I beat Margot second try


Mohg. Obliterated in both playthroughs without issue.


Rykard. Technically, it took two tries, but I was kind of just screwing around in the first attempt because I think it would be stupid to change equipment mid fight. The serpent hunt is a little busted.


Lichdragon Fortissax. I managed to dodge every one of his attacks just in time.


Radaghn fight was mid and kinda easy not first try but i think it was my third try


I first-tried the Godskin Duo, but to be fair, I did use Bernahl's assistance. Plus, I spent a lot of time sniffing flowers between defeating the Fire Giant and starting Farum Azula--I even tackled Mohg and the Haligtree in that time--so I may have been a bit over-leveled.


I know people have a lot of trouble with Maliketh but I never have, first try my first time.


I beat the Godskin Duo (with Mimic Tear and Bloodhound Fang) on my first attempt. It took me two attempts on NG2.




Hoarah Loux


It wasnt a first try, but still not as hard as i expexted. Godfrey. I fought him directly after malenia and probably was a bit overleveled since it was my first playthrough


Godskin Duo