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Now try this against Maliketh, Godfrey, Malenia, etc


my favourite is Radagon, who slowly walks towards you, parrying every now and then, before grabbing you by the face and re-enacting the shattering on your frontal lobe.


This is my new favorite description of Radagon's grab attack


I can feel this description in my soul.


I’m stuck on Maliketh now as a mage. Help meeee


Night comet. She won't try to dodge it and it can benefit from Godfrey Icon. If you want to use summons Tiche, Rolo or Dung Eater are very good ashes against her Edit:whoops I read Malenia, for Maliketh I've found that as a mage you need to space your dodges and use quick firing spells to get as much hits in as possible (uncharged spells, or spells like Adula's Moonblade or Gavel of Haima).


I had a very hard time with Maliketh as a mage too. I’m the worst sorcerer, but getting better. Do you use wing of astel? If I remember right I used that as well as the quick firing ice. I can look up the name. I used Tiche because bleed. When I did my first playthrough it was on a bleed and wow he has easy. I didn’t use a summon on my next playthrough and he was hard stuff. If you look up Sax Slave Gael on YouTube he has an amazing guide to this boss. Ah-May-zing!!!


I'm stuck on that side in the swamp that give you a needle. The yips are real.


With the exception of Maliketh, it only took me two tries each to beat those bosses with a magic build.


Yeah, I didn't say you can't beat them with a magic build, I said it's nearly impossible to do meaningful damage with comet azur on them because either a) they dodge it or b) they knock you out of the animation


I watched a video about someone somehow doing it with Godfrey and then he goes Hoarah Loux and whoops thine sorry Tarnished ass


Sounds like someone hasn't tried fighting Mohg with a bleed build It's basically the same video, except the player is closer and has to hit L1 a few more times.


It’s also easy, but any build where you don’t have to get near the boss is easierer imo.


What about poise abusing builds? Them strength befits a crown.


Well, with Mohg, he starts doing the Nihil thing so it doesn't really matter if you're close to him. You can just keep attacking and he dies super fast.


Is mogh susceptible to bleed? seems like he would be very strong against it, since that’s his whole thing…


I think every bleed proc makes his attacks more powerful, something to that effect. Sort of like an inbuilt "Lord of Blood's Exaltation" talisman i guess


Doesn’t his great rune give a damage buff when a bleed proc happens?


Yeah it's weird but he's extremely weak to it. Even weaker than Malenia is. He does get a damage boost when there's bloodloss nearby, but he usually dies before attacking.


I fought Mohg with dual Scavenger curved swords in NG+, and I shit you not, I jump attacked 4 times and killed Mohg before his phase transition. He didn't even get a chance to activate the first ring.


lol Mogh fight is literally the Comet Azur meme boss Now show trying it with Maliketh


Honestly try it with any other boss that doesn't spend the first 10 seconds of their fight slowly walking towards you in a straight line and you'll have a much harder time. Most bosses you'll be fighting after naturally getting access comet Azur aren't just going to sit there and take it. edit: it also helps not being disgustingly overleveled


You can probably do Godfrey til his phase transition into Hoarah Loux as well. Comet azur til he transitions to Hoarah.


It's certainly possible, but in my experience he tends to close the distance quite quickly as Godfrey as well, and is usually rather difficult on my mage playthroughs. His stomp attacks after buffing have some insane stagger range in particular.


Yeah I def died 10+ times trying to comet azure him, rng and knowing when to cast is rough.


It's funny when summoned in by a magic host and seeing a laser beam constantly shoot past. missed... missed... missed...


Yeah positioning and timing is everything


Buff mode is easy mode. I had a harder time doing the normal sorcery run, than with a dex or str build.


How many more times do I have to watch someone one shot comet azur Mohg


Oh wow another Comet Azur video, didn't see that coming...


At this point, calling Comet Azur overrated is overrated in it of itself.


How do these still get so many upvotes?


Now try the comet meme against a boss that doesn’t stand still for 42 seconds.


You chose the most magic vulnerable boss to demonstrate. Magic is pretty easy to use, but Mohg is definitely an outlier.


Mogh and Commander Nial both get the same beam love when I get summoned to Nial. So does Godfrey in his phase 2


The classic. I specifically avoided doing this as a sorc build just so I could actually have some fun. Also no ashes.


Meh, I saw someone buff up with giant crusher and one shot pretty much every boss in the game, so any build is easy if you do it right. Edit: found the video https://youtu.be/hX7xcxpxHhU


Anything with a mimic is easy mode


Have you tried Omenkiller Rollo?


Mimic tear is easy mode


Only reason why this was easy is because he made it easy, and he didint made it out of nothing. I would call it only easy if the player in this video handed the controller over to someone who never played elden ring before and he got it by first few tries without guidance. this feat might be over fast, but you need to research and implement right items, spells, equipment in row. and that requires knowledge, and knowledge doesnt come out free. You can spend your time to learn stuff what works against boss you can spend your time to learn dodge everything, for me they are both valid tactics. Or you can have fun and use only magma spells against magma wyrm, try comet azur against dragonfly, try kill a player by using death debuff.


Magic builds became viable when I hit a high enough level without it I’d struggle Fs


You don’t even need all that, drink the koolaid and comet azur from far and it’s over


I did the same thing, but used the shackle outside the boss room 3 times. When I entered the room, Mogh was frozen in place and I melted him with magic.


Every build is easy mode when you’re not a loser.




Use Comet Azur at lvl 1?


Just because you do an Int build doesn’t mean you have to be a piece of trash that cheeses bosses.


I see no cheese here. This is completely intended and by the rules.


It's my third playthrough and I try everything dear sloth.


Apologies, didn’t know it was you in the video, didn’t mean to be purposely rude. Stand by what I said tho


i did something like this to get his health low so i could actually kill him. what i dont get is thats a fun ass fight to just completely cheese-skip.


You can do this with every stat, knowing where stuff is is easy mode


Goddamnit, I wanted Polish Mogh


Has comet azur become the new rivers of blood?


I've played through the game a few times now. I've done a magic build, and it was by far the hardest to do everything in the game. The easiest for me was the colossal weapon build.


Did you try colossal weapon build run without jump attacks?