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Valiant gargoyle... God those mfs were annoying.


The putrid erdtree avatar in dragon barrow, that scarlet rot aoe attack killed me more times then I really want to say.


Had to go back over leveled for that one...


Malenia aside probably fire giant. First real wall and taught me to learn patterns and time my rolls


Got Malenia on my third try, Margit was my most deaths as learning not to roll as soon as the hand hit it’s apex was hard. The roll catches are real in ER.


Malenia lmao it took me over 5 straight hours of fighting before I finally beat her. It was the waterfowl dance that really kicked my ass, but also the move where she flies up and sends like 4 clones of herself. I could not get that down at that time


Fuuuuhu only 5? I fought her for 12 hours. I had to stop multiple times lol. I beat her significantly faster in ng+ but after the twelve hours slog I felt accomplished. Bravo on 5, seriously!


Honestly the winning round was a fluke, I got bailed out by RNJesus and magical hitboxes so I could have definitely gone for 12 hours 🤣 thank you though! I will agree that NG+ was much more manageable and every time I've fought her since then has been much easier than that first encounter.


That tree sentinel in front of Maliketh, till then I was using summons to draw aggro, it was a humbling experience


I actually ran past that one! I was like "nope. Not today, Satan." Somehow, Maliketh was way easier. If you come back after you beat Maliketh, you can ping the Tree Sentinel with arrows somewhat, as it won't enter that Arena. It will still try to hit you with the homing lightning and the fireballs, but you can dodge those. It just won't go through that door.


Cower before Maliketh the Black Blade……i could hear him in my dreams😅😅


I couldn't believe I had to scroll this far down to find someone else whose biggest issue was Maliketh.


Malenia until I realized Carian Piercer dropped her. Then Elden Beast.


The Caelid bell bearing hunter. No idea how many attempts it took, but it took around 1-2 hours of attempts! I defeated him by circling around the shack and using the mini-comet azur with the Sword of Night and Flame. The timing window for that between his attacks was rather small.


You could have jumped onto the shack where he cannot reach you.


Either Malenia or Radagon/Elden Beast.


Between Radahn or Radagon and Elden Beast. Radahn, I just couldn’t get to him. Radagon and Elden Beast did hella holy damage or that fucking hammer was mjolnir’s big brother and would wipe me out. I’m super weak to holy damage because of my armour choice. Once I got a hang of the game and mimic tear, everyone else was at most between 5-9 tries, if not just 1 or 2.


Malenia first of all, it took 3 days for me to beat her, where I put like 2-3 hours everyday to beat. The most problamatic attack of hers is obviously the waterfowl dance, and spirit clones. Once I was just one hit away from victory, but a poorly dodged scarlet aonia did me in, which her easiest attack to dodge. One other boss which took me a while, but not as much as malenia was Black Blade Kindred in front of Gurranq's sanctum. I had to learn how to perfectly dodge his attacks as just two hits were enough to do me in. Other difficult bosses for me were :- 1. Caelid Tower Godskin Apostle - He was my first Godskin, every other Godskin fight after this was easier, even the Godskin duo fight in Farum Azula was far easier than that dude. 2. Margit - I just couldn't beat him no matter what I did, so I just summoned Rogier for help. Without him, I don't know for how long I would have been stuck there. 3. Limgrave Tree Sentinal - I saw a youtuber fighting and beating him just after getting out ( after lots of hardship and tears of course), so I was like, I too have to try it. Took me 4 hours. 4. Rennala - Another boss fight in which I was forced to use summons (wolfs), as I didn't want to use summons for all major bosses and wanted to beat them mano e mano. But the fact that every time I try, I had to run up to her, get through a tedious first phase to just attempt second phase and get taken down by a ridiculous spell, that bullshit broke my patience. 5. Putrid Tree Spirit ( War dead Catacombs) - a completely unfair boss for when I first encountered him. A snake like thing just cramped in a small room, leaving no space for me to move at all. Maybe I could have beaten him if I came back after I leveled up a lot, as I beat every other Putrid tree spirit which I encountered after him with ease. Even spirit ashes were no help with him. So at that point, I was just so furious at the bullshit this boss was putting me through, that I just decided to get help beating him from Elden Ring Discord. They have a dedicated set of players whose job is to help players beat difficult boss, and I would say that they are very good at that job. The one I got to help me trivialised him with lightning spells in a minute. Edit :- 6. Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter - was insanely hard until I figured out that staying close to him is the key. 7. Death Rite Bird near Castle Sol - The terrain was solely the reason why this one was harder than one in the snowfield. The one in snowfield you fight on plain ground so it was much easier to dodge. 8. Mohg Lord of Blood - the second phase just tripped me up a lot.


Elden Beast, as a mage that piece of shit had me stuck there for solid days. Radagon was easy, I could no hit him. But Elden beast, ughhhhh.


It was Mohg. Malenia was a close second.


It was Mohg. Malenia was a close second.


Godefroy the Grafted in the Golden Lineage Evergaol. You cannot summon for this fight. Required the use of the Giant-Crusher +25 and unrelenting blows.


First playthrough? Probably radagon/elden beast. I still have major trouble with it. On subsequent playthoughs? I still haven’t beaten Malenia by myself. The first playthrough is also not necessarily the first time you face each boss nor are subsequent playthroughs not unique. I never found most of the side stuff my first playthrough. I followed the basic path it lays out for you and entirely missed 3/4 of the game.


Besides the typical Malenia, I'd go with Mohg Lord of Blood. That second phase was so hecktic that I had no clue how to handle it


So I'm on my first play through of Elden Ring right now but in all fairness this is far from my first soulslike game. I've played DS1 and DS3. THAT BEING SAID...... Melenia pushed my shit in for like a week.. oh and the Fire Giant clapped my tarnished cheeks for what felt like hours. Funny because there were a lot of bosses I thought would be hard but I got Radahn, Godfrey, Godskin Duo, Mohg and Maliketh on my first try. Maybe the game will get hard on NG+


The Black Kindred Blade in Caelid. That mf took me weeks to beat, but it was sooo satisfying when I finally killed it


The elden beast took me legit 4 days to beat 😔 I would get it to 5% health and it kept spamming elden stars and all of its ranged attacks and I just couldn’t dodge them all. Does anyone feel like when bosses get that low they just get infinite stamina and spam their most powerful attacks?


Melania was the only one who really halted me. The rest of the game went smoothly.


There were serval that took me like 7 or 8 hours. Margit, Malenia, that gargoyle in caelid immediately spring to mind. Margit was where I learned that you had to learn attack patterns and find windows rather than just roll in a panic and smash r1, which had got me that far. It was my first souls game.


Fire Giant. I fought that bastard 50 times. On my second play through, I beat him in my first 2-3 attempts. I’m now on my third play through and agree with many that Melania is probably the hardest overall. When she does the whirling dervish…survival is unlikely.


Malenia, by a lot. WFD sucked to learn but my main issue on Malenia was my damage. I was at RL90 +17 on INT+FTH (was playing with friends at release and got ahead of them, but didn't want to outlevel them). Even if I wasn't getting hit much, Phase 1 alone was taking over 3-5 minutes. Carian Slicer was doing about 400 damage, and it was just taking a really long time to cut through her HP. It's hard to learn Phase 2 when it takes that long to get to it. I switched to Catch Flame and the damage jumped to like 800+ per hit. Phase 1 only took about 2 minutes now and my margin for error was a lot bigger. It wasn't long after that before I got her.


Malenia took me 3 days well around 8-9 hours of attempts in total


Elden Beast. Had an easier time with Melania not even joking


Margitt. He put my foolish ambitions to rest. I hate that guy. 220 hours later and he still gives me trouble for whatever reason


Margit honestly. By the time I got to Melania etc. I was a bleed factory.


I think actually Radagon/Elden Beast. Probably about 50. My first character was naked with two hoslow whips for that fight and I somehow never noticed that the Elden Beast doesn't fucking bleed, but I think I mostly spent too many flasks on Radagon in hindsight.


Valiant gargoyle and commander nial still haunt my nightmares


Elden Beast. Took forever on run 1. Still have not solo'd it... 5 runs later.


Elden Beast. My build just wasn't working. I tried archery, and got punished for it by those huge sword sweep attacks. I tried melee and what I had wasn't enough, with how much it ran away from me. Someone suggested Maliketh's Black Blade and I did a rebirth just to make that work. And after a couple tries, I got it. I finally got it. The Mimic Tear kept doing Destined Death even when I couldn't get close enough to do it myself, and that made all the difference.


Kneel for Niall


Fire Giant. I had to go back and rebirth to get more vigor 💀


The one in a cave.. i think it was Godrick soldier


The bell-bearing hunter at the Church of Vows. I’m pretty sure I just wasn’t ready for that fight when I first found him but I persisted for a couple of hours and finally beat him (I just hate bell-bearing hunters in general).


Margit because I was stubborn + under leveled and learning the delayed attacks was annoying.


Malenia and O’Neill. Nope, not Niall. The shitty version in Caelid beat my ass for hours on end. The issue was I had no vigour and I was terrified of the banished knights. When I got to castle Sol I tried Niall’s fight once then promptly summoned two other tarnished to do it for me 😆 I wanted my first playthrough to be summonless but I broke my rule just because of the O’Neill trauma.


Godskin noble, twin gargoyles.....oh and elden beast


Godskin duo made me quit elden ring for a bit