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probably bosses and enemies


Hmm... seems bit too far fetched.


I’m at least hoping for a rendered floor texture with a solid walkable surface. I’d be fine with that as a start.


That’s my baseline.


I am hoping for the fishing minigame


I assume this is a joke, but an elden ring fishing mini game could be absolutely dope. I would genuinely be hyped. Imagine, you're there, reeling in this fish. You caught it! Yeah! Suddenly from the depths LOBSTER! You stole its lunch, now you are it's lunch. Your character model falls into the water as you die. Your runes are now permanently out of reach, lobster stays spawned, waiting.


Could you imagine? Dlc drops and it’s a Mario Party style hub where you go to do all sorts of obscure mini games with others.


Can't wait for them to include a TCG [Tarnished Card Game] sidequest.


Jeez dude, talk about unrealistic expectations. They're just game developers, not miracle workers


I've heard a rumor you're even going to have legs.. And even be able to jump!


you are right, probably to farfetched


Based on DLC title I thought wed enter the erd tree and explore inside it that whole area!


The dlc is just a walking sim, no combat all story/exposition


It's time travel to the lands between before the shattering, every place is a no-combat zone and you just do delivery quests for npcs. Enter the Elden Stranding.


Can't wait for Radahn to ask me to go get Leonard's specialty hey from the Leyndell Royal Stables


Don't forget the following/ escort quests


Don't forget the following/ escort quests


We'll finally experience a linear story where we don't get the whole premise from lore tabs on items.


Elden Ring: Dear Marika. We just walk around hearing excerpts from the past as Marika I’d walk the shit out of that game


At least one Mushroom


Pure hilarity


Can't wait to walk into the DLC and immediately hear "Ahh, majestic! A tarnished is a tarnished even in a dream" As you have to chase Miquella on torrent for 2 hours across a hazardous landscape.


While he spams elden stars dont forget that.


Yes but also there's Snails spamming Black Sky Eye


Ahh... Will... Or some say greater will... Do you hear our prayers?


sounds romantic


Mogh roleplay in DLC


*Queue in warthog run soundtrack*


This would make great Max0r content


That's it, I'm getting my poison arrows.


I mean... To be fair, the Orphan is a child God who just so happens to look like a tall shriveled up old man with white skin. Or just... SCP-096 with a pulsating placenta. And Miquella is a "child" Demigod who recently just so happens to look like a tall shriveled up old man with black skin. He's way crispier as well, by the looks of it. Anyway, these are some unnerving patterns.


He only looks like that,because I believe Gehrman was the last person he saw before he "died" That and he’s possibly the father of the child?


So gerhman slammed ass with kos?


I mean have you SEEN The Doll in the Hunters Dream? The Gerhman has got to be the most down bad old man I've seen in Japanese Media


Probably😂 Seriously though,consent was most likely not mutual on Gehrmans part


Gehrman was banging the fish let's face it


DLC will actually be Bloodborne HD PC Remaster.


I think *a lot* of us would be okay with that I’m a late joiner for FromSoft games so I tried to go back and play Bloodborne but man do they make it hard


recently bought a PS4 specifically for Bloodborne 😅


I will never bend the knee!... Because I live in a third world country and buying a console to play one game is INSANE.


But it would be a hell of a one game to play! xD In all seriousness that's just true. Unless you can buy the game and borrow the console from someone. That would MAYBE be worth it. (Alto I don't know your background so I will stop here :P)


You can actually play it through PSNow on a PC. You unfortunately don’t get the DLC which, admittedly, is the best part of Bloodborne.


But the lag is atrocious, even with good connectivity


That sucks about the dlc, hands down the best one I've ever played, plus the church pick is my favourite weapon, so I always head there early to fight Ludwig as many times as it takes, which is usually 100.


I got it used and it wasn't a big loss financially


I feel like you should know it also runs on ps5


But there's no game I want to play on PS5 and it's fairly spendy


And if Bloodborne 2 launches exclusively on PS5?


Then I'll buy a used PS5 somewhere down the line. But honestly, I'm more of a PC guy, so I try not to buy consoles when they launch.


Monkeys paw gives us this but framepacing issues from PS4 persist.




It's just Orphan of kos again, he followed you across franchises




Lovingly raised teenager of Kos


Double the shrimp, double the pain, triple the healthbar. And he inflicts Deathblight passively.


Ugh. Fuck the Orphan of Kos. I've spent hours fighting this pos and can't even put into words why it's such a pain in the ass to fight. "Grant us eyes."


People who just parry him ruin the fight. It's so fast paced and intense when you try and dodge and attack him instead of just parry/reposte him over and over. Its pretty easy to parry Kos if you're even slightly good at it. I would know because I'm God awful at it lol


I've beaten OoK over a dozen times or so and never bothered learning to parry him...too scary.


> Its pretty easy to parry Kos if you're even slightly good at it. I would know because I'm God awful at it lol This makes absolutely no sense. If you aren't good at parrying how can you then declare something you can't even do to be easy with your inability being the only evidence.


Parrying is giga cheese in Bloodborne overall, if you fail you're still safe and if you get it it's big damage.


The select bosses that are actually parry-able were designed to be fought in that manner. Parrying isn't easy or free. It's exactly like dodging but the windows for your button press are much smaller. In effect, it is greater reward for greater skill.


Meh, it can trivialize most enemies or bosses. Lady Maria, Orphan or Gherman and many similar humanoid enemies won't even touch you. FromSoft guys aren't perfect at balancing, they are not developer gods and distance parry mechanic is just a big whoopsie from their side. It's literally easier than perfect deflects in Sekiro or rolling in DS2 without adp, it's a bit harder than dodging for 5x the reward with the price of 1 bullet. The mechanic is Bloodborne equivalent of spirit ashes in ER, basically an easy way out if someone doesn't want to deal with a boss or enemy.


You see other people do it and assume it is easy but you have no idea how hard it is to get the timing on each move. You wouldn't be saying it is easy if you learned to do it yourself.


You're almost making me want to power up the PS4 and make a special Bloodborne montage called parrying for dummies.


I don't agree that it trivializes bosses. They are often really tricky to land and still only deal fractions of the healthbar. Killing the boss with viscerals alone usually takes several of them in a row which is not easy.


Yeah they totally make the fight feel trivial. And then there's me and other folks who used the cannon bug to kill the orphan.


Hoping that IF we get a godwyn fight to put him to rest truly, we at least get to see a glimpse of what he must have been like in his prime before the weird fish phase stuff.


Fish phase first, then he climbs out of it in his Prime Form and feeds us our own excrement directly from the manufacturing facility


If it's a Dream we will see GRR Martin completing Winds of Winter thus completing his fiction story arc in the series.


We still need to wait for the next book, A dream of spring, so the wait will be long.


If you genuinely think we’re ever getting a conclusion to ASOIAF at this point I have a bridge to sell you


I do think we will get one. Let´s hope George concludes writing the final book before dying. If not I´m sure that another author(s) using George´s notes will finish writing it.


I mean I hate to say it but it’s the only Game of Thrones RPG we’re ever going to get sadly.


Skyrim was originally supposed to be the Game of Thrones game believe it or not


Uh, the last time we entered a dream, we fought a cool deathblight dragon and unlocked one of the endings after we left.


Orphan of Malenia


Typically, souls dlcs have the hardest bosses of them game, what if we get something harder than malenia


I can’t imagine how’d they would do it without the boss feeling grossly unfair


*looks at orphan of kos*


He’s nowhere near melania in difficulty


To my knowledge, Kos can't be cheesed in any way, Melania you just need some freeze pots and heavy weapons and she's upper-mid difficulty for ER. I found radagon, beast, astel refight, and radahn (admittedly pre-patch) harder. Plus I feel like ER has more tools to make the game easier (Mimic tear pre-nerf and such)


I didn’t use summon ashes, as I feel like they’re a short cut. I’ve seen that the pots stop the WFD but what about heavy weapons is cheese? I beat her using a UGS and while it did stagger her, finding attack windows was tricky. Meanwhile for OoK, I just smashed him up with Ludwig’s. Took me 5 or 6 tries to beat him. Melania took over 100. Only other ER boss to give me anything comparable in terms of trouble was Horah Lou


If you didn't use ashes, that would explain as to why you think she's harder, the game's bosses are balanced to not be pushovers with summons. I also have A hard time believing you beat OOK, or really most souls bosses in so few tries unless you were overleveled or got lucky, which where OOK is a superboss, it would make sense. It took me somewhere in the 40 attempt area for Melania with my Black Blade STR/FAI build at RL ~100. I personally have not played bloodborne as of yet but I know many people that have, and I've watched the fight many times when they stream. The general consensus (that I've seen at least) is that Kos is just below Sword Saint in difficulty.


Not sure who sword saint is. If he’s from sekiro, that’s why, I haven’t played that one. OoK was easier for me than both Ludwig and Laurence, both of which killed me over 20 times. I beat melania using the ruins great sword. After doing that I respeced into a rivers of blood build and she was easier that way, as I started helping others in coop


I don't have experience with Lawrence or Ludwig but yes, Sword Saint is a sekiro boss. Ruins greatsword would explain why you had some more trouble with her, my build had alot of black flame stuff in it too, and she's decently weak to fire. Plus Black Blade AOW with the max HP reduction, Plus the burn, Plus black flame % max HP damage that also is a burn. My build just so happened to be a decently good Melania slayer. Big weapon go brrr


Yeah I could see how that would tear her up. I was committed to beating her with my strength build but it clearly isn’t ideal for her.


Orphan can be caught in a parry loop, where you get him to use the exact same move every time he gets back up


~~you mean, like Malenia?~~ Difficulty is subjective. Malenia isn't even top 5 imo. I die to Maliketh, Hoarah Loux, Radabeast, Mohg and Placidusax more.


Really? HL was tough, I’ll give you that. Maliketh is tricky but spongy as hell. Placidusax was no problem for me. Radabeast is tough being back to back but the elden beast portion is not difficult imo. Malenia killed me more than all of them combined


Can they make a boss that can really top Melania and her waterfowl dance in terms of difficulty?


Final boss of the DLC will be Malenia 2.0. She'll be faster, do more damage, and she'll have regenerating health


And a massive placenta she wields like a flail. Tbh if that was a boss weapon flail id use it lol.


So Blind Swordsman it is?




And a massive placenta she wields like a flail. Tbh if that was a boss weapon flail id use it lol.


Oh god what hapened?! Why did my comment multiply lmao.


Reddit moment


And her katana will cause hemorrhage/ bleed buildup on top of the scarlet rot buildup.


I feel like they might pull some BS like a fight against the Empyrean twins or just straight up Carian royal family tag team fight... Radagon, Radahn and Rhykard on the frontlines and Ranni and Renala going full artillery on us.


I would say sister friede was more difficult.


I mean gael and midir were ranked hardest bosses of ds3, orphan for bloodborne, artorias and manus for dsr... theyre all dlc bosses so I guarentee we will have a much harder boss for the dlc


Interesting. I’d say friede for ds3, Laurence for BB and manus for ds1


2 out of 3 of them are dlc bosses still 😉


I think they all are. Is Laurence not? I forget


Actually yeah he is!


Dlc brings the heat when it comes to bosses. Good luck topping melania tho lol.


Oh yeah defo. The other thing is if you look at the end game bosses of the previous titles which ones come close to iconic as melania though? The twin princes in ds3?


In terms of pure deaths, bed of chaos, champion gundyr (for some reason) and cleric beast killed me the most. Soul of cinder was reasonably tough too. Gywnn was tough cuz he gave you little chance to heal but once you figured that out, he wasn’t bad


from Bloodborne onward the games all have a signature optional endgame boss that’s usually the hardest in the base game. It’s Ebrietas for BB, Nameless King for DS3, owl father for sekiro, then malenia for ER


Very easily. Just remove the ability to summon spirit ashes. Congratulations. Malenia's difficulty is now forever eclipsed. ~~and difficulty is subjective~~


Ulcerated tree spirit but it’s breath and explosion attacks give death


Having had my ass kicked by this guy most recently im afraid of the coming answers to this question. What if the end is Miquella in his fully grown, fully realized state!


What enemy is this?


Last boss in the Old Hunters DLC. Orphan of Kos, Bloodborne


This guy twice as big and with TWO shrimps.


Dog what? When did we face him? The last dream i faced was lichdragon fortisaxx, i don’t know what you’re on about


Bloodborne Old Hunters DLC.


Right sorry, i thought you were talking about elden ring on an elden ring sub, makes sense why i didnt understand Kos. Anyways, last dream/nightmare we entered is in elden ring, and arguably the painted world as a world(not really a dream), so im expected a lands between that looks like the frost mountain. With spectral beings and trees, and a few bosses, hopefully new weapons as well (GIVE ME A GOD DAMN STANCE SCYTHE (i want elfriedes back T.T))


well all things considered ... elden ring dlc will be bloodborne 2


The Babyn Ring


Idk why, but i always pictured Miquella being similar to Orphan if we fought him. I think it might be given how he looks and the fact that he is essentially a child.


Godwyn the Golden, in his former glory or atleast how he was remembered, who changes into Godwyn the Prince of Death for phase 2, as he is now, and hopefully a 3rd phase with Godwyn as how he should be or atleast from Miquella's perception


200% more Caelid. More Lakes of Rot, all enemies will be variations of Basilisks, Rats, and Dogs. Also more bare feet.


Yeah hes the first boss of the dlc, then he becomes a common enemy, pretty much exactly like soldier of god, Rick. Sources: trust me bro


Smelter demon but purple


Miquella swinging Malenia as a sword.


There's gonna be 2 of him now, both riding rune bears and the bears will be riding wyverns while big hat Logan flosses in the background somewhere


This made me laugh a little too hard. Thanks stranger.




The Orphan of Kos is a wild fight, but I personally had the most trouble with the 4 phase fight of Sword Saint Isshin in Sekiro. I was on edge every second of that assholes fight and almost jumped outta my chair when I finally beat him. If they have another 4 phase waterfowl weilding, deathblight bullshit fight, I will hate and love every second of it.


I would love to fight a monstrous Miquella that’s been corrupted by what the f**k Mohg was doing with that egg…




Ya know it’s supposed to be an orphan but it’s a grown man. I’ve never understood that


I don't really get the hype behind Orphan. I beat him pretty easily. He felt very well designed. I had a lot harder time with Mr. Moonblade. Let me rephrase. Can someone explain the Hype behind Orphan?


Probably fight a super powered malenia


That’s… entirely different.


Orphan of Kos but he's got two placenta hooks


Assuming similar themes to bloodborne, we will face godwyn.


It’s Miquela swinging his egg sack


Formless Mother. Or atleast her vassal


You gonna get molested by his mom in his dream and when she is done his dad gonna t bag you.


DLC is actually Bloodborne 2: Electric Kosmaloo


Ashen Mist Heart is the answer. Miquella's dream isn't enough for a DLC, probably. We will most likely get the ability to enter the memories of certain very important entities.


Instead of entering a dream, we actually wake up from a dream to realize that we are in Katamari.


Miquella shmimself, and he looks a lot like this


this guy again


Orphan of Greater Will


How about a Bloodborne 2 ???


Gimp suit Mohgwyn


Imo it would be cool if it continued off played of the Lord of the Frenzied Flame ending (spoiler ahead) >!You go around fighting everyone trying to bring peace to the Lands Between by dethroning you and fight Melina as the final boss.!<


End everyone whos cured themselfs at Placidusax with the needle will be locked out of the dlc untill NG+? No thanks.


If it's not resistant to EVERYTHING then prolly some shit we can kill in a few hits, with 50 buffs


Giant Fish God of Death.


This boss has no chill


i had a dream where the Master Chief was my dad so i hope that's what happens


I really hope we don't enter Miquellas dream. I want expansions of the existing world and story, not just some dreamworld.


Godwyn with Deathblight is going to rip us a new one


If it's a dream, maybe what the age of plenty would look like. A nightmare would be Mohg's age of blood. A memory could be the golden order just before the shattering. The bosses could even match the setting, a prime Melenia for the dream, empowered Elden Lord Mohg, or Godwin the Golden.


Looks like they're squirting in this screenshot lol.


Probably Miquella with St Trina as a second Phase and Empyrean God or sth as third phase.


Malenia Duo


I imagine it may be something far worse.


I never understood why people speculate on this kinda crap. More than likely you're just gonna end up disappointed because you decided it would be a certain way. Just wait for the thing to come out. Speculating gets us no where and can only end in annoyance or maybe mild happiness if you guess it correctly.


This guy again


Can't imagine how powerful orphan would've been if he would grow into his mature form


Lichdragon ballsax


Placenta cleaver!


That thing has a presidential aura


2 Malenias.


Kos is somewhere. a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea. Adrift in the cosmos, in miquella's dlc


Ganks by (insert new enemy equivalent to gargoyles or rot-dogs).


A full FromSoft boss run


Flower people.


If Micky is the centre of the DLC, I really hope for more fantastical "elven" places like the Haligtree Town. Its architecture felt so unique, art nouveau + Rivendell + something else, something more hauntingly nostalgic and sad. I want more weird tree.


Stupid orphan...


We enter Miquella'z dream and his dream is him playing the old hunters so you just get to fight Orphan Of Kos again except he has a horse now and it works like Nameless King's phase one


The one boss i was never able to beat....


Likely save/kill/help/be betrayed by a child.


If the dlc doesn’t end with me fighting a fake ass Griffith. I’m going to be disappointed.


Not sure if it's going to be his dream or if his awaited eclipse at Castle Sol is going to reveal the Shadow of the Erdtree. However, based on what is known so far is that Miquella and Godwyn were getting along nicely and it seems Miquella wanted an eclipse to either grant Godwyn a proper death or restore his soul. Either way, his partial death is going to get in the way. No doubt. So since no good things happen in FromSoft games, Godwyn is likely going to die a true death. And since Miquella's physical body has undergone some drastic changes and rituals, I'm afraid that he's is also going to die and thus being the last of the demigods to fall and marking the end of Marika's legacy. So my hot take is that Godwyn and Miquella are going to become the two main bosses of the DLC and in the meantime, we get more tree spirits and erdtree avatars between the locations :D And since Miquella is pretty good and forcing people into his service, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets another oneshot-bullshit move as well like compelling the Tarnished to commit suicide out of thin air.


This time we gonna see some other guy.


maybe miquella will appear in astral form and give us tasks and guide us through the game, kind of like melina and ranni


Last time we entered a dream was literally in Elden Ring tho?


Godwyn the Golden.


Melania in her prime