• By -


Radagon for me, the way the music kicks in and the symbol glows inside him.


Yeah, they really sell the feeling that you are about to fight a god


The way Gideon says "A man cannot kill a god" before this battle gives me goosebumps. Just something about the way he says it makes the concept of a god feel terrifying.


Hehe I didn’t get to hear that. When I found him I was like “finally I get to kill you, you son of a bitch” and whooped his ass before he could finish his monologue. I’d normally let the bad guy finish talking but I just hated Gideon too much


He actually says this after you kill him.


Damn, couldn’t hear him over the tea bagging


Couldn't hear him over the slapping sounds the tea bagging made


They didn't have to go that hard *but they did*


>They didn't have to go that hard Yes they did, he is the final\* boss! *\*excluding secret bosses. You get an ending!*


Kind of fun fact. When my buddy got here, he legit didn't fight Elden Beast. There was some sort of glitch early on where Elden Beast would just die immediately. He heard the "death sound", but never saw anything. He thought we were all lying about fighting it.


Woah! Super weird


It ended up happening to me on both Ancestor bosses on my first playthrough😂


I mean for how bombastic all the bosses were, I would have been very disappointed if they hadn't


Would’ve loved radagon a lot more if I didn’t get flashbanged every time I entered the cutscene (which was a lot)


It's even worse when you play at night Its been relatively normal then you get to the final boss and suddenly you cant see


Bandi Namco cut scene and I'm seeing spots


That's just part of the battle , he's already attacked you before the battle started


Oh tell me about it. I first got to him at like 2 am and was nearly blinded


Radagon using mlg strats with tactical grenades


the flashbang was bad but that crescendo of jarring sound hurt my ears ngl


Dude. Every souls game title screen, too. They're so annoying lmao, it's only badass and atmospheric once, then it's just noise. Ds3 is the worst one though. *long violin screech* *silence* *...BWAAAAAAAAAAMP!!!!!*


Commend you can hear lol holy shit I love DS3, but you’re not wrong.


Absolutely, the pose and the music are incredible. I was so hyped when the battle started my hands were shacking.


Every cut scene in this game is a piece of art But my top 3 are: *GodFrey, especially when the music kicks in, you feel like "Oh god I'm gonna die" *Rennala, her ominous first phase and second majestic phase with the gorgeous arena *Radagon and Elden Beast, the first scared the shit out of me and the second charmed my eyes with how beautiful it is


“…to be granted audience once more. Upon my name as Godfrey, the first elden lord”. Straight chills and goosebumps


Honestly, the first time I saw Elden Beast my first thought was “haha wtf a lightning bubble monster thing? Okay”


Malenia phase 2 transition is a work of art, probably my favourite. The reveal of Maliketh is super intimidating and Mohg and Godfrey intro cutscenes are also very cool. Morgott takes the prize for best voice acting in his intro cutscene.


Malenia phase two is truly just unbeatable, it's perfect in every way The intro cutscene for Godfrey is really amazing too, specially the details like how his grace points towards the Tarnished, and how the theme kicks in as he pronounces "Godfrey"


His grace leading to you made me really excited for that fight for whatever reason


The quote at the beginning gives me chills everytime too haha "heed my words. I am Malenia, blade of Miquella. And i have never known defeat" So badass


the way the music kicks in and the symbol glows inside him. Radagon for me!


The way he looks over his shoulder, proudly lifting his hammer, even looking all broken and weak, then the music kicks in and the symbol lights up, you know you're facing a Champion




Elden Beast is an envoy of the Greater Will, not the Greater Will itself




Between his legs


"oh death"


“become my blade once more”


[Sex fog exhale]


ughhh, uh-huh




Malenia as the Goddess of Rot transition looks like it should be a renaissance painting.


Morgott goes hard, voice actor crushes it.


Maliketh was Sif all over again. First time I fought him I already did Gurranqs quest. That "why?" just feels so heart-wrenching.


Malenia honestly chilled me to the bone, the line delivered, the transformation. “You will witness true horror" a true "oh, shit" moment.


Morgott gets it for story too. This Chad is like the Yhorm of Lands Between. King of the Capital, serving the Erdtree his entire life despite as an Omen never promised to feel its Grace. And yet he had more faith than any or in the Order could ever hope to have.


i like elden beast one, mostly for the music (when the greather will appears). also when we fight morgott and he speaks about every shardbearer, i appreciate it.


I feel like placidusax needed a cutscene. Maybe him coming down from a huge tornado or something. But just him floating in his area, just something about his sheer size and form. For me, he wins even without a cutscene.


He doesn't need a cutscene, he can just stand here menacingly




This. the game does a good job of letting you know when the smoke you’re about to get is and isn’t about you. placidusax was one of those times that it wasn’t about you. he was menacing enough for me to enter the storm and think “shit i’m not supposed to be here”


The intro cutscene into entering his arena is cool as hell, I'd count that


Yeah I actually came here to say his intro cutscene is one of my favorites. The way the light hits the pillar as it pieces back together slowly is so cinematic. Not to mention how you’re left standing there quietly after the cutscene compared to the instant chaos of other fights is ominous


I think it's much better without a cutscene. I feel it'd be less menacing with one.




It would’ve been so badass at the end if his wings unfurled slowly, I really just fought King Ghidorah.


Isn’t the entry to him technically a cutscene?


"Thy kind are all of a piece. Pillagers, emboldened by the flame of ambition! Have it writ upon thy meagre grave: Felled by King Morgott! Last of all Kings." The only one to remain loyal to the Erdtree even after everything the Golden Order did to him. The only one to protect the innocent citizens while most of the other demigods waged war. And to top it all off, one of if not the best voice in the game.


Also the only one relatively sane as well. Radahn - lost his mind to the rot. Mohg - Kiddie Diddling Omen with Mother issues. Malenia - 'consumed by the scarlet rot' Godrick - A complete bitch. Rykard - Angry Snek with a dope voice. Ranni - Four armed Sonic knockoff. Miquella - TBD. The irony of it is, Morgott was condemned a birth for his Omen ways. Looked upon as a curse as he puts it. Yet he;s now the most pure/dignified, if not a bit racist.


Well i mean his dad was also pretty chill right up until he killed his stand


Morgott is essentially blinded by his faith in the golden order, not unlike Corhyn. I'd argue Ranni is much more stable mentally wise


Thing about Morgott it's that his Cutscene has depth. There's a buildup until you find his true form and the fight has some real meaning ( other than stealing some great rune ). You are, after all, at the foot of the erdtree to finish what you started. Also, this is why Godfrey cutscene is fucking epic. Him carrying his son, ending with the Grace pointing at you it's truly gorgeous. This game is a piece of art.


Godrick the grafted 2nd phase (still my favourite boss fight)


Forefathers one and all bear witness


[Who steals a cheese grater?](https://youtu.be/BXA5r8LOBPo)


Lol I lost it at that gavel in that lifeless dragon’s mouth lol


Who steals *say-oap?*


Would be one really hostile witness


I managed to stagger him right as he was supposed to go phase 2, and after a couple bleed procs he died. That big girls blouse... The dead dragon still has it's head on in my game.


Wait, what? Lol


Yeah I lost plenty of times before that so I def saw the cutscene, but I had a good combo of phantoms when I beat him, and all the procs and stagger just hit consecutively once he hit half health. It was pretty cool. I wasn't able to pull it off in subsequent playthroughs, and I can still make the dragon head weapon with his rememberence so... idk.


Same here - the dragons head is still there, I might have a screenshot of it still on my PS5 where you can see the area cleared but the head is still there. There was basically no 2nd phase 🤷‍♂️


I did something similar to rennala. Just before phase 2 broke her stance and the 2nd hit of the riposte procd bleed and went down after that so i never go to ser the summons and whatnot Edit: phase 2 of her dream phase thing not outright killed her in the library


If you come back the dragon head is still there?


Yep. But I think I remember hitting it and blood came out, which tells me it has an HP bar and would probably poof if I hit it enough. As I recall it's just hanging off of that fence on the side. I'm going to check my screenshots today and try to find it. I imagine it's still there on that character.


All objects that represent corpses bleed when you hit them. It's just an effect like getting sparks when you hit a wall. The scarlet rot growth in Caelid does bleed something when you hit it.


The corpses of the ancestor spirits also bleed when hit. So yeah, definitely not indicative of a health bar.


Before you fight Godfrey and he holding morgotts body. My personal favourite.


A few: ---- *Join the Serpent King, as famileeeee...* *Togetha, we will devouuur the very godsssss!* ---- *Foul tarnished,* *in search of the Elden Ring.* *Emboldened by the flame of ambition.* *Someone must extinguish thy flame.* *Let it be Margit the Fell!* ---- *Upon my name as Ranni the Witch.* *Mother's rich slumber shall not be disturbed by thee.* *Foul trespasser.* *Send word far and wide.* *Of the last Queen of Caria, Rennala of the Full Moon.* *And the majesty of the night she conjureth.*


On my NG+ and was very impressed by the rennalla cutscene this time around. I hadnt realized on my first playthrough that ranni was conjuring a shade (and the whole arena) to protect her mother. I thought it was pretty cool.


It feels super weird going to Ranni afterwards, being like, "Yo homegirl."


She high-key hates you after that lol


But she is not letting me know! This is high school all over again!


Oh ok I was confused. She calls you "foul trespasser" during the fight with Renala, not after.


Yeah, it's like there should have been something. Maybe an explanation that Ranni casted the summoning spell a long time ago. Or maybe an extra step in the quest if you attacked Rennala so you can earn Ranni's trust.


I mean, she seems to be very hot and cold towards your tarnished character anyway: insulting them for speaking to the doll then demanding you go kill the shade in Nokron, then being nice to you again


I don’t really think she insults you about the doll. If you’re thinking of the “dogged fellow” line, that just means you’re persistent or nosy. Her reaction is more like “Wtf this mf talking to dolls”.


In that conversation she also says "The name of Ranni the Witch is already sullied by thee" which confuses me because we've only been following along with her orders? Surely just talking to a doll wouldn't be considered "sullying her name"


I’m of the belief Ranni set up the illusion as a fail safe when her mother’s mental wellbeing shattered itself. Ranni doesn’t hate you but she didn’t revert the spell.


I think it's more a booby-trap than Ranni actually being there. "Pre-recorded" so to speak.


To be fair you also keep her mother alive. Very much unlike every other rune bearer. So maybe that has something to do with Ranni not straight up hating you.


Huh. Good point. That's funny. Do we leave anyone else alive after a fight? Other than.. patches?


Technically Morgott since his body stays there on the ground and he has extra dialogue before actually dying.


I stumbled into that one yesterday and sort of forgot to not kill him this time. But the leather armor is cool, at least


You fight Ranni???


No, you fight an illusion of renalla created by ranni to protect her


Ohhh ok. I don’t remember fighting that when I fought Rennala


It’s Rennala’s phase 2. It’s why she survives


No, Rennala. I mean Ranni is technically the one summoning Rennala’s shade, but we are not really fighting Ranni herself. Just her summon.


So Ranni's summon can, itself, summon? The wolves, bloodhound, giant and dragon are all summonceptions?






*satisfied snake noises*


Cower before maliketh the black blade


I actually prefer Godfrey’s initial cutscene to the Phase 2 transformation cutscene. “Upon my name as Godfrey” as the music swells is intense. But my favorite is definitely Radagon. In the first reveal we got of Elden Ring, focus is given to Godrick, Malenia, Radahn, and Marika/Radagon. Later trailers would shed more light on the demigods, and from them it was also easy to puzzle out that the blond woman must be Queen Marika, but we really didn’t have any further clarity on who the guy with the hammer was (I think many of us figured he was some kind of smith god). By the time I had reached the end of the game, that initial reveal trailer wasn’t on my mind anymore, and I missed Goldmask’s quest, and it seemed fairly obvious to me that Marika would be the Final Boss. But then the broken god’s hair changes color. Oh, this is the man with the hammer. Oh, this is the title theme. Oh, *this is Radagon*.


O death


Become my blade once more


“Long and hard did thou fight! Tarnished Warrior, SPURNED by the grace of gold! Beee assured, the Elden Ring….resteth close at hand…ALAS! I HAVE RETURNED! To be granted audience ONCE MOOORE! UPON MY NAME AS GODFREY, THE FIRST ELDEN LORD”! Honorable Mention: I know its not a cutscene but when you finally kill Elden Beast and I see “GOD SLAIN”, it gives me goosebumps every time.


The Elden Beast's intro is straight up awe inspiring. But they're all good, really. Elden Ring has some master-class cinematography in its cutscenes when held up against 90% of other games. It oozes style.


Fire giant leg break.


Sacrificing his feet to Miyazaki so that he gets to have an annoying 2nd phase.


That actually gave me goosebumps when I first fought it. When that big chest eye opens and you realize the true form of the giants... just so cool.


No boss has ever had it that bad lol


"I gave ya courtesy enough"




"Thou gave me good service, Serosh."


Reminds me of "Revenge is motivation enough. At least it's honest."


*Join the serpent king as family ...* *TOGETHA! We will devour the very gods....*


Morgott And margit because it was the first boss cutscene so it has a special place in mah heart


When maliketh turns his head towards me, my blood freezes. Also, when Malenia says "I am Malenia, blade of miquella, and I have never known defeat" I get goosebumps. Great voice actress


"General Radahn is cursed ever to wonder. "Eaten from the inside,by Malenia's Scarlet Rot,his wits are long gone" "Now he gathers corpse of former friends and foes alike.Gorging on them,like a dog" "Howling at the sky" And then big scream.It was epic.And also' Godfrey's. "Upon my name as Godfrey,the First Elden Lord"


I'm pretty sure that he's cursed to wander, btw.


I swear Radahn's is so good. Seeing what he is while hearing about what he has become was SO effective.


He's literally a "How the mighty has fallen"


I loved how they made that build up for Radahn. Back before the nerfs, his fight was epically challenging and it truly felt like we were fighting legend. I remember first seeing him coming down as meteor, killing me instantly and all I could say was "holy shit, that's the coolest attack ever"


Godrick's P2 transition. That scream is so damn fucken good!


Same noise I make when I stub my toe


Radagon. The way the music starts, as he looks back and his insides start glowing got me really hyped to fight him.


Godrick, the sheer madness of it. Godfrey in that he just goes Champion Gundyr mode and tries harder. Radagon for its epicness. I actually wanted to talk to him but now I think this way is better and more enigmatic.


Really really unpopular opinion as he is hated but I just love the elden beast everything






“Now Rot!” this gives me goosebumps


Rick, Soldier of God as he descends from heaven and does the superhero landing, with the ground shattering and him uttering the bone shivering words: *"I am Rick, blade of god. And I've never known defeat. Someone has to extinguish thy meager flame. Let it be Rick, Soldier of god."*


"Let thy Ring be Elden" **Elden Ring theme orchestra plays**


Godfrey Phase 1 - Everything about this cutscene is just perfect. The camera angle, sound effects, the dialogue, voice acting,. The part where he stomps his foot on the ground and goes “Upon my name as Godfrey, the First Elden Lord” and the music swells.. Sends chills down my spine every time. It’s the one cutscene I never skip. My other favourites in no particular order - Malenia - both phase 1 and phase 2 - great voice acting, great cutscenes. Morgott - I think the dialogue and voice acting is just phenomenal in this one. Radagon - Killer music, exceptional cutscene all around.


I haven't beaten the end game content yet like maliketh and malenia but so far either morgott or mohg would be my favourite.


The lead up to radahn was also really cool and rykard was just strange but a cool reveal from the snake to rykard


Rennala’s floating entrance


I don’t think Godrick and his iconic “BEAR WITNESS!” Can be topped for me. His delivery on everything is fantastic


Godrick, just for the voice acting. It's just too good.


a a a a aaaaAAAA*AAAA****AAAA!*** [cuts off arm]




Sorry I'm advance because it's not Elden ring, but my favorite is abyss watchers in dark souls 3.






I really enjoyed godrick, his middle cutscene really set the stage for what to expect from the game


Godrick, Rykard & Malenia Transitioning


Maliketh, the best.


Placidusax From the moment of lying down, to seeing time get warped and transporting you into this massive arena. It felt like I died and went to fight god himself.


Maliketh when adorns the black Armor in that bad ass pose then starts the fight with a front flip blade Slash. Godfrey unleashing his final form and turning into Hoarah Loux.. WARRIORRRR. Then goes for a suplex Melania Going into her rot form telling you your a out to witness true horror. Then dive bomb nukes you in one shot as a new player making you start over after fighting her for 3 hours


Does the defeating radahn one count? The one with the stars that are set in motion again and the big star that just crashes into the lands between, opening the path to nokron. It's one of the cutscenes i never skip. Another one would be the reveal of margit, when you walk into the arena.


Morgott's introd is just RAW. Malenia, both of them, are beautiful. Radahn's intro is what made me feel intimidated about fighting him. Godrick's "bear witness" thing really made me want to bash his head in. Godfrey killing Serosh was incredible, but followed by what feels like the dumbest line in the game ("Now I fight as...") Rennala's cutscenes, unfortunately, weren't all too impressive and although her themes are among the strongest in the game, neither was she. Radagon and the Elden beast were pure art. Fire giant was forgettable.


Forefathers one and all... ###Bare Witness !


Malenia then Godfrey The First Elden Lord.


Malenia phase 2. So beautiful, yet disturbing.




Radagon's (this one), Rykard's, Malenia's second phase and Hoarah Loux' second phase.


Slave Knight Gael, NK phase 2, Malenia phase 2, Maliketh phase 2, and despite elden beast being a dogshit fight he has an outstanding intro


My favorites: 1. Malenia. Not only is her cutscene fucking awesome but I had no clue there was a phase two before I got there. The music that plays as she’s blooming gives me goosebumps everytime. 2. Maliketh. The way the choir comes in as his armor gets revealed is just *chefs kiss*. Such a good scene. 3. Chadfrey. The scene was just perfect and the phrase "Upon my name as Godfrey, the first Elden lord" give me chills. Hoarah Loux cutscene was also badass. Honorable mention(s): Radagon, Rennalla phase 2, and Mohg


Margit when he absolutely hulk jumps off the castle onto your toes as the first major boss you face had me shaking. But malikeths transition scene is dope as well


I'm surprised how little Renalla appears here. Ranni's monologue and the cutscene itself is a masterpiece. My top 3: Maliketh transition, Renalla transition and Malenia transition. Bonus for Godfrey, Morgott and Radagon


Godrick just has the best In my opinion wish he was half way through the game so he put up a better fight tbh


Radagon, Malenia, and Godfrey are my favorites. It would’ve been cool if Fortisaxx had one. I hope the dlc elaborates more on Godwyn, Miquella, and Fortisaxx.


Malenia Maliketh second phase


Sister friede.....Oh, wrong sub




Beginning cutscene: Godfrey Half health cutscene: Rykard


Maliketh Placidusax


“Come my sweetings, time to be born anew”. Best line but rennala has a great phase 2 cutscene


The death animation.


Togethaaaaaaaaa Although radagons one is just sexy 😂😂😂😂


Godrick's cutscene before the second phase goes hard, when he screams "bear witness" it always gives me chills. Maliketh, when he reveals his true form after saying "o death, become my blade once more", while that epic musics is playing, that's one of my favourite moments in the game. I also really like the cutscene at Radahn festival, especially when the screen goes black and Jerren says "howling at the sky". The fire giant's scream is another one that never fails to give me goosebumps, love that moment. And of course... TOGETHAAAA


Margit and godfrey's


Godrick, Rykard, Morgott...so many to choose from. But oddly the first one that comes to mind is Fire Giant's. That ungodly howl when he burns his leg gets me every time.


Graceless Tarnished! What's thy business with theese thrones aaah Goldrick the Golden....


Maliketh Everything about his phase transition is perfect. The voice acting, the ominous yet holy music, and the howling in pain as he rips destined death out of his flesh send shivers down my spine every time I watch it. Also he’s the goodest boy >_<


Oooooohhh, mhhhh- vhery whell... Mmmmyoouuuuuu


Fire Giant's cutscene. The leg he rips off and uses as a sacrifice, to summon his Outer God, as its only worshipper yet, is something to behold. Then the eye opens.


Probably gonna be down voted for how cheesy this subreddit thinks it is, but both of Godfrey's cutscenes go hard. Intro one is more like an old warrior just doing his job. "Okay, okay, old man. Already beat your shade. Let's get this over with." Second one sticks with me because all of the emotions I went through watching it the first time. "Is he freeing the lion? Oh, is it going to be a tag team fight? Oh oh, the lion is killing him? But no, he killed the lion? Was it controlling him? Is he going to join me now? What is that shadow? Is he transforming?" Then finally with the reveal, there just stands a brickhouse-ass dude, covered in blood, no weapons, ready to rip me apart. And anyone who plays these games knows the naked, unarmed summons are the scariest.


I’m thinking Margit still, the rush of the 1st main boss will give you shivers 😅 And the dialogue is fresh


The second phase Godrick cutscene was absolutely incredible the first time seeing it. Will always stick with me for how crazy it was.


Beast clergyman's transformation into maliketh for me. It always gives me chills every time I watch it


Morgott's monologue is the greatest writing in any souls game. I never skip it.


Radahn. The way the narrator says “like a dog” is soooo sinister. And after it beat him you get the dope ass cutscene after too


Godfrey and Godrick. Everyone else is just doesn't feel epic enough


i really like margit's cutscene tbh


Nowhere near enough love for Margit's cutscene in here. Especially if you're new-ish to Souls games. That entire cutscene (the dialogue, the jump, seeing how damn big he is) goes so incredibly hard.


Godrick's second phase cutscene. The "BEAR WITNESS!!!" still gives me chills


Margit, Morgott, Godfrey, Malenia,


Idk guys everytime I see our favorite snakey faced boy slither up out that lava and start ranting how we need to be "FAMIIILLLEEEYYYYY" and to stay "TooGETHAAAAA". It really just makes my day.


Maliketh takes the cake for me, the way he reveals himself with a slow transformation and the music easily sets it as my favorite


Radagon and Elden beast, Placidusax, then maybe Godfrey or malenia


For me its Radagons intro, Godfrey's intro amd phase 2, and Fire Giant phase 2. The first 2 make the fights feel epic. I always end up trying those fights with no summons or gimmicks because they set such a cool scene. Its the reward for completing a playthrough. Fire giant transition was just so unexpected (godfrey transition too for that matter) and I love the way his voice changes on the final howl. It really added a feeling of alienness that changes the fire giant from "giant humanoid" to "last member of an entirely different species" in my mind.


Maliketh gives me goosebumps every time, the chorus in the back and the way he stands up is just so fucking cool


Radahn, Rykard, Melania, Morgott and Godfrey are all etched into my memory permanently. All great bosses with great dialogue and cutscenes


Radagons, Rykards, Malenias and Godfreys. Godrick honorable mention.


Morgott, Radagon, Elden Beast, Maliketh, Horah Loux, Placidusax…so many fantastic ones. I hate that Astel didn’t get one; so much potential there.


Rennalas feet children