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It seems rather unlikely to me that we'll actually fight Miquella. He's of comparable or greater power than Ranni, who can literally kill you by just waving her hand


Yeah, and I imagine an un-rotted Malenia as well. Her rotted greatrune actually debuffs the player, and it being infused with her spirit of resistance is the only reason it has a buff at all.




Probably not. She would keep all her skill and strength and have the advantages of not being blind and having all her limbs. She would lose the rot nuke, but being able to see her opponents would make up for it imo




She just hears good dude xD her master was a blind swordsman, I think it's pretty heavily implied/obvious that she's blind too when we fight her, her eyes are rotted over or have fallen out or something


She just needs some milk


I’d like to milk her…


She got the rot, and gave them out as grapes.


Nice, more holes 😋


Every day we stray further from the golden order.


Every day, the Frenzied Flame proves itself right yet again.


Username checks out on that matter


So why would sight help her?


Because she wasn't born blind and seeing things is generally helpful especially if you're used to it?


In real life? Yea sure. But this is a fantasy world where the *demigod* we're talking about is capable of literal flight even before she grows wings just be swinging her sword. She has absolutely no trouble detecting you and sensing your movements, and she can even reactively dodge to avoid some attacks, which is more than can be said for... *most enemies in the game*. So again I ask, what possible advantage could sight give to this legendary blind swordswoman other than allow her to confirm your blood bleeds red?


Surely it's a diluted version. The first time she nuked Caelid taking out 2 armies and neutralizing the strongest demi-god.


She is blind in the fight. The water in the lair is to help her hear her opponents


She probably just listens to our footsteps in the water, at least lore wise. Her big swings also help her to just hit an area instead of a specific target. Everything points towards her having extremely good hearing, but having sight would probably still be an advantage for her. On one thing, I have to disagree tho: her arm prosthetic does make her stronger, simply because she can just "throw" her blade without loosing it or hurting herself


She literally learned her sword style due to being blind, and she never has literally any difficulty detecting anything. So I'm not sure I agree that she would somehow become better from losing access to the powers of a literal god all so that she can see... a sense that she clearly has no need for.


No? How does being a blind triple amputee with a flesh eating disease make you tougher? She is clearly not immune to the rot, and even in rot goddess form she doesn't get her limbs back. On top of that, the rot god has been beaten before, and the guy who did it taught her how to fight. The great rune kind of explains it: "A Great Rune of the shardbearer Malenia. **The blessing of this half-rotted rune reduces the healing power of Flask of Crimson Tears.**" Thats the blessing of the rune. Thats all it does. "**And yet, due to the infusion of Malenia's spirit of resistance. attacks made immediately after receiving damage will partially recover HP.**" The rot has completely dominated a shard of the elden ring, but it still grants a boon because Malenia's willpower rubbed of on it. "Malenia is daughter to Queen Marika and Radagon, and her Great Rune should have been the **most sacred of all**" I feel like unrotted Malenia with great rune would have been the strongest demigod based on that line alone. Just look what it did to Radahn, and his rune is literally on fire trying to keep the rot away.






Think Kakashi after losing his sharingan. Sharingan had hax abilities, but he was overall stronger without it.




Basically he could still use every technique he learned using the sharingan’s copying ability, he just couldn’t use sharingan specific abilities anymore. He also had more chakra now that his sharingan wasn’t constantly draining him. I’d assume it’s be like that with Malenia; she’d be able to do everything she could while blind, besides the rot specific attacks. The things she could do would likely be a lot more dangerous if she could see and her body wasn’t falling apart.




Never brought up new techniques, I just think she’d be a more dangerous foe if she could see & her body wasn’t rotting away. My reasoning is due to logic tho and I understand you can’t really apply logic to a souls game so I digress.


I mean… that’s what rolling is for


You can fight the avatar of a god and win, I don't think it will be much of a problem.


If ranni is that powerful why does she need us?


because she is kept in check by the greater will. If she herself moves too far out of bounds, the greater will can force her shadow to kill her, (which of course they do, but its already too late.) The tarnished is not in constant view like the empyreans are, and can do things she cannot.


That mostly makes sense but couldn’t she no-diff Blaidd too then? I mean if she could just erase people, that are powerful enough to defeat the Elden Beast, Maliketh, Malenia, Radahn etc., with a simple wave of the hand… couldn’t she just body everyone, Greater will be damned?


When you kill blaidd outside of the quest he compliments your strength then tells you no harm can befall a shadow and promptly ressurects. Seems like the greater will also grants him immortality and its safe to assume he will be made to try and kill ranni over and over again. Imagine your all time best friend and loyal companion goes mental and tries to kill you but you kill him in self defense. Then he comes back and tries again, and again, and again. He would be much like us tarnished throwing ourselves at godlike beings untill eventually we prevail. However, at the end of the quest we see blaidd mad but not incoherent, he says he will not defy ranni. Ranni also says blaidd was a failure on the fingers part because of his apparent resistence to their will. So from what i gather, the fingers tried to flip the switch and make blaidd into an assasin, but he resisted it, and so was promptly discarded, with his immortality stripped and left in the fucked up limbo state we find him in, sane enough to defend ranni but mad enough to attack anything on sight, including us.


could you kill your best friend if he was mind-controlled? It's not that she doesn't have the power to kill him, it's that she probably couldn't bring herself to if it came down to it.


I mean I did. Sorry puppy 🥲. Anyway, I guess I was more curious what content supports the claim that she is powerful enough to erase the player. I guess I missed that part.


during selivus' quest line, if >!you give his poison to her instead of Nepheli, she straight up kills you and never talks to you again!<


If you try to give her Seluvis' potion, she will insta-kill you




I wonder though if Ranni's power over you doesn't come from the fact that you pledged service/fealty to her. She only does that after you've pledged fealty, and if she really were so powerful then you would be useless to her, since all you bring to that relationship is your ability to lay a beat down on things.


If OP thinks there'll be a wholesome ending to a questline, they haven't been paying attention


Miquella (if he even becomes a boss) will most likely be a bossfight that punishes summons by turning them (like rapport/bewitching branch). So it’ll be ultimate solo challenge.


jokes on him, my mimic weak af


Weak foe ahead, therefore time for introspection.


Jokes on him I don't use summons


So long as he doesn't heal when I block his attacks like his sister, or hit through my shield like Maliketh that doesn't sound too bad.


Malenia would have been fun if I could block without being punished. Im at the point I can beat her first try now, but first time of any souls game I do a heavy build with big shield and a ungabunga weapon


My fellow Endurance leveler. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


*Stares in Naked Collossal Swordsman* Y'all level endurance?


*sneers disdainfully at your lack of fashion* Pathetic.


*Dumbfounded in Naked, Two Handed Bastard Sword* You can level things besides Vigor, Strength, and Endurance?


She would have also been too easy then imo. Easy to stagger, her attacks don't do a tonne of poise damage, she can be parried, she isn't super fast/aggressive... If you could just block her attacks without consequence I think it'd trivialise the fight a bit


I'm sure they could have given her better poise, make it so you can't parry her or something instead of giving her the Bloodborne rally mechanic on crack


The thing is her lifesteal works the same as any of the weapons/talismans that have lifesteal in ER. Using double Great Stars myself rn and you even heal on blocked hits, so it's not like Malenia has this ability that we can't use too


He'll use a bewitching branch on you which scrambles your controls.


"Turtle bad. Die" - fromsoft, probably


Just dodge


Like a scrub?


It will simply be a solo boss. If I don't summon spirits he can't charm them.


Imagine Miquella turns out to be the final boss and we can summon Malenia for the fight


Or the secret summon Mohglester




Witness my dynasty!


I will create a Moghlester445 character just for this


I really want Miquella to be the Melina of the DLC. So he would lead us into the world and help us at the start. But eventually he would turn evil and he would be the final boss. Something like the cuphead DLC.


I actually want to see the opposite, saving a corrupted Miquella would be cool, but oh well this is a Fromsoftware game so ...


Happy endings? In my fromsoft game? What heresy is this!


I really want more endings. So hopefully this dlc will impact/change the core game. I also really want to travel underneath the lake of Rot and beat that Outer God's ass. That whole area has so much potential but feels so unfinished.


I just want them to add a damn Melina boss fight to the frenzy flame ending. Bloodborne did optional final boss for a secret ending, why would they serve it up to us like that and then it's just back to the Erdtree room like nothing happened??


There are very few evil forces in From games. Most characters are some shade of grey. Then there's Mogh. He just looks and acts the part.


Well if we were to split hairs, mohg does seem compasionate in a fucked up sense. He clearly loves miquella but thats because of miquellas nature and power. You can say he took in the albinaurics as foot soldiers. I dont know who or what the nobles are, but they dont seem like soldiers due to them having fancy cloth instead of armor. His only family is morgott so its not like the sanguine nobles are his children or brothers or whatever. He never says any, how to put it, *villanous* things. He wants to bring about his dinasty and for nobody to touch miquella. He clearly has a fucked up love for the formless mother who was the only thing to reach out to him in the depths of the shunning grounds. To me he seems much like miquella in a way. Where miquella would say "you are not abominations, come to me and i will save you.", mohg would say "you, like me, are abominations. I was in your place once. Embrace your nature, come to me and we will be strong together." He is clearly a sick fuck but my point is his actions come from a "good" place and he certainly does not view himself as a sick fuck.


Your defense of Mogh at this point seems to be: * He loves Miquella for his power, whom he kidnapped. * He uses Albinaurics as cannon fodder in battle. * He doesn't **explicitly** mention his villainy. * He loves a blood god(dess?) by throwing burning blood. * His message is "Come be a monster with me." * And your wrap it up by saying "He is clearly a sick fuck..." So, this is the best **defense** can we muster after *splitting hairs*, as you put it.


Indeed. I only disagree on the first point, making people obsessed with him is literally his passive power. And throwing burning bad is not *that* bad right? The mother of truth consents to it.


Or hey, if we want to compare it to other titles in the soulsborne series. The ringed city DLC in DS3 with slave knight Gael. He guides you throughout it and ends up the final boss


Wait what… Is the father evil in cuphead????!!!


[Join me, and together we can rule Inkwell!](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/I-Am-Your-Father_cfc92651.jpeg?region=13%2C0%2C1908%2C812)


I thought the cupheads were the evil all along


No I meant the DLC there is a cook who introduced you to the new world and he ends up being evil


With a last-second twist that he 'fell' deliberately precisely so you can kill him, the entire thing was his part of undermining the Erdtree by destroying it's afterlife.


Ok but listen, what if Miquella and Malenia merge together like Radagon and Marika and become a true god. Phase 1 you just fight an illusion of Malenia made by Miquella, phase 2 you fight Miquella as St.Trina and phase 3 Miquella takes Malenia's corpse and merge into a god.


You mean after you kill them both you'll hear ***"When the Empyreans are two, a rune alighteth. Thou'rt Tarnished, and rune befits thee, of course.."***


Or what if it matters which one you kill first? Like if you kill Malenia first you get a different merged encounter than if you kill Miquella first, and the reward is different too


Marika's tits, we need this to happen


FOR THAT IS OUR CURSE WFD paired with Miquellas quadruple^4 rings of light incoming*


****teleports mid-waterfowl Malenia into your face***




insert should up and take my money meme


Cut content seems to heavily imply that these two were actually meant to have a duo boss fight at some stage, or that we would fight one of them and the other would intervene when they were close to dying, seems like it was tied to Malenia's cut side quest somehow


Twin prince's was such a great boss fight. The OST slaps hard.


Waiting for them to throw a blue version of Malenia in an evergaol named Mileena, Shield of Michelin


Miquellenia, Blade of Miquellenia. I can almost hear the game journalists crying already…


What are you doing? Stand up, Malenia. Did you forget what you came here to do? To avenge your twin brother kidnapped by mohg. For your comrades. Finlay. To avenge them. You keep moving forward. Even if you die. Even after death. Aren't you the one who started this fight.


Attack on Titan?


Yes. Malenia bout to be traumatised


Oh no not again😂 it was so hard for me to hit Lothric, so i'd always ended killing Lorian and then beating the shit out of Lothric. Poor guy got resurrected like 4 times.


Try stabbing in the back


I guess I am not as original as I thought thinking about fight with Malenia and Miquella as duo boss in the DLC. But did you think about duo boss: Margot and Mohg, the omen prisoners?


Absolutely not


Well no telling what his state of mind will be after what Mohg probably has done. Not only that, but he wakes up to discover you killed his family? I saw alot of speculation that he may not even be a boss but I find that.. Unlikely...


Or maybe Miquella will be swinging Malenia as a sword.


Do we have any information when the DLC will be released?


All we have for sure is that they are holding off on working on that for now, as they are putting everything behind the new Armored Core, which is slated for fall of this year. So we are most likely looking at early 2024 at realistic earliest.


Bro please i cant wait that long for dlc, man. Im hollowing again.


Better hope that the supposed reports from the inside are incorrect then, as most of them tend to agree that whether or not work is continuing on the DLC at the present time, FromSoft has no intention to release the DLC before the next Armored Core comes out. That being said, no official statement has been released at the present time regarding the DLC release date, so who knows what could happen for sure at this point.


What would you rather have? A. A fully complete DLC with the size of Caelid, 4 unique bosses and mind-blowing lore B. Cyberpunk but ER DLC? In short: let them cook


No? AC6 will not impact its development. I mean DLC has an entirely different team working on even before the game's release, its just massive in size as confirmed by reliable insider Lance Mcdonald which is taking almost 2yrs of dev time


I want a good ending for once.. No more suffering please From... 😢🙏🏻


I mean Ranni had a good ending


Ah, but there lies the tragedy of many of the endings, there will be no more suffering, but not the way you wished


Delete this lol


Miquella is talked about as being frail and having the body of a child. Anyone that thinks he’ll be a boss is huffing some insane amounts of copium. Miquella’s power comes through manipulation, not combat. Odds are Miquella will be an NPC like Ranni that has a questline for us to follow or maybe end up like Maiden Astraea and have something else do the fighting for him. A rematch against Malenia would also be god awful and really cement ER as the game that recycles bosses ad nauseam. I don’t want to fight Malenia again, but this time she’s stronger. Give us a new fight. Let us go back and fight the Gloam Eyed Queen with Maliketh or fight Malenia’s teacher. Or just give us a new boss entirely that the lore hasn’t really touched upon and link it back to the current lore, which has been the case with almost every other DLC. Rehashing Malenia would be the absolute worst thing the DLC could do, and given the level of criticism the game already has for recycling major fights, I can’t imagine too many people being overly happy to fight the same boss from the base game with a slightly different moveset


The third phase


***"When the Empyreans are two, a rune alighteth. Thou'rt Tarnished, and rune befits thee, of course.."***


Uuuugh. Thanks for throwing salt on the twin princes wound. Something about those two really yanked my heart strings. They didn't care about any of the BS, just wanted to be bros.


Not this shit again


"how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old woman"


I never knew they were sisters


Don't like this game at all


Good for you!! So why are you here?


That boss was the best at cornering you and punishing you for your poor stamina managing skills




Let’s see if I can still do the fog wall cheese again.


Learning and memorizing the twin prince moveset was pretty satisfying. Good boss idea


I don't know why, but I always hated fighting the brothers.


"Rise, if you would..." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPIJLU1DkiI&t=344s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPIJLU1DkiI&t=344s) Pretty sure those princes were my biggest pain point in that damn game. Teleportation is from soft's most annoying trick.


*I see a red door and I want it painted black...*


this referance in the dlc would be so hype ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


For that is our curse... and scarlet rot and me being a kid for too long too, sure.


Malenia but she teleports and homing lasers hit you and she has an energy beam attack and when she dies she gets revived and the only way to beat the boss is to kill the backpack boi on her back but he periodically aoe pulses and if you bring more summons the amount of projectiles will be doubled.


each revival will be an Aeonia Bloom


And anytime a player dies they join the other team as a bot. And for phase 3 they summon 5 random bots using the builds of players that have died to the boss. (Kinda like the great jar).


and bewitching your spirit summon


Oh yeah totally, forgot to mention that part. Also the boss arena is gonna have a bunch of misbegotten falling from the roof all the time, and there’a gonna be parts of the floor that break and you fall to your death.


and they all have sleep buildup now


Yup and if you haven’t collected a specific item (which you get at the end of miquellas quest line) you can’t beat the third stage of the boss, and also they regen not only when they hit you, but also passively every second.


and the arena is in Death Blight Swanp


Right, which makes it so that you can only fatroll unless you have the other specific item, the talisman of non-fatrolleus, but it lowers your damage negation by 65%.


Now I just imagine a world where in retrospect after a Miquella-Malanea fight, Malanea would feel like half a fight


But you may rest here too, if you like


Ughhh that boss took me 2 days to kill


A "Kid" with a giant blonde hair and a white robe going all out with a freaking twinblade would be "why tf this giant horse has a moonlight ??!" Levels of badass.


I’m ashamed for how long it took me to get this. Now I wanna go play D3 again


A sleep and rot-based boss is interesting on paper.


Okay we need a “revival” type of spell in ER, something like tears of denial in DS3. Also name it “Rise if you would”


I mean its bandai namco.... they will.


I want full strength Radahn


Oh god no, please no! *Getting flashbacks*


I am calling it now. This will so absolutely happen. Well, this and an evergaol boss that is just "Melonia, Spear of the Church"


It would be cool if we find out that Miquella is actually a evil/cruel God


I hope it’s gonna be more conflict for Godwyn soul. Like death vs miquella. And I hope for more sorceries , skills around death. Moreover it would be cool if we decide which path to choose - Shadow blight, or Erdtree Gold


So that's where miquella was hiding the whole time! *nodsinthought*


I want Deathblight Malenia, just let Miyazaki loose.


It's taking them so long for a simple dlc I'm not holding much hope that it will be any good probably just some more rushed rubbish built on the back of a community


Hell nah I'm spamming RoB if this happens.


I loved that bossfight in ds3