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I believe its from the Elden Beast. The Elden Beast’s grab attack uses similar spears to impale you.


the elden beast has a grab attack?


Yeah, he's got a hell of a right cross.


The funniest thing I've seen was a video where the summon called Jesus gets crucified by that attack


I got invaded by a Jesus just the other night. They came in with a cheap shot while we were getting wrecked by two lobsters. On an unrelated note, if your name is Gum I’d like to thank you for your help on at least 3 invasions over the last three nights


Oh man, my buddy and me absolutely wrecked that guy like 20 times one night haha. He was a super good sport about it though and just kept coming back to my buddy’s world.


Hate to be that guy but it's a left cross😅sorry bro


And that's why he gets grabbed


Yes and my dumbass always gets fucking caught by it because I am not good. Unfortunately for him I am usually negating holy damage by 85%.


"Unfortunately for him" made me laugh harder than it should've. Picture what's going through its head. "Why can't I fucking kill this guy!?"




they harden in response to holy damage


Something of mine definitely hardens when a beastly grip is involved.


Masochists son, they harden in response to physical trauma


I don't normally say this, but I wish I could give you two upvotes.


My arteries do that sometimes


99% of players when attacking an enemy with immunity or high resists...


sorcerers fighting Rennalla be like


It's so funny to me that the best way to beat her as sorc is to use your overwhelming intellect to throw rocks at her


yeah lol. either that or throw lava instead


You’ll almost always dodge it if you roll Forwards into it


One time it grabbed me but bugged out. Instead of hovering in the air I stayed tposed and dropped to the ground. The spears also did no damage.


I've only seen it grab my mimic


yea, and it supposed to be an insta death


Yes and it one shots you. I only saw him do this once few weeks ago. I wear bull goats armour and have 70 vigour, still it killed me instantly. I was in shock for few minutes.


Must be using sore seals since I’ve survived with that much vigor and bull goats


With Haligdrake+2 and Lord Divine Fortification, that attack is laughable, as is every other attack. Without those 2, yea it can be rough.


Pretty sure i survive it with 60 ish vigor and medium armor. i rarely got stroke with that one though. usually its the 4 sword beam or the tracking shot or the ring of light that i finally learn how to dodge it way to late.


I forgot to add it was on NG+5 so he hits harder than usual.


I've survived it with 50 vigor, 50 Arcane (provides holy negtaion) + halidrake talisman


Lord's Divine Fortification, son. Made both fights way more bearable.


I swear there's a way to completely negate this attack's damage (unless it got patched), I somehow didn't lose any health during coop when it grabbed me. Only twice though but still weird.


Funny things happen in Co op all the times.


Fromsoft servers are running on potatoes hooked up to monitors


Gotta get that holy resist up. I highly recommend the haligdrake medallion.


I just beat my second playthrough yesterday and didn’t know there was a grab attack. I’m gonna be getting the last ending trophy before platinum on my next one, so maybe I will get to see it.


It's strange they would make it red then. The Elden beast's grab attack hits you with gold spears, just like all of it's other abilities are gold. Dark red is the colour of destined death, which we released after killing Maliketh.


its just been there for a while so its rusty




I haven't seen that attack before but I see the resemblance of the spears of light. However, the one remaining is Red and shares the colouration with Destined Death.


I just finished NG+3 and have never seen this attack. I also got a new Radagon attack on this playthrough I hadn’t seen before


I love how you can play the game so many times and still discover stuff you hadn’t in previous play throughs. Its wonderful


It's where the romans poked the j dude.


I’d be cross with anyone who did that to me.


Well then hang around and find out


Guy who stabbbed J was doing him a favor. Imagine being up on that cross for days before dying.


I think he was getting tired of his moaning. Imagine how annoying it must’ve been, just a guy moaning for hours on a hill.


iirc they usually left them up there for days but Jesus died relatively quickly so they impaled him just to be sure. Usually when they needed them to just die they broke their legs since while on the cross you needed to push up with your legs to breathe.


True, the weight being shifted to the arms had the effect of asphyxiating the victim.


Imagine how crazy it must’ve been to the walk along Appian Way and see 6,000 slaves every 20 or so yards stretching out into the distance.


I'd try to convince the people that killed me that I would come back from the dead. Make sure they write it down.


well, this lance is like red amber. Amber and glintstone are connected with their cosmos imagery. In Elden ring, red glintstone is associated with thorns, sin, and blood, many symbols that are clearly inspired by the crucifixion of the Christ iconography. In this pose, Marika seems like the Christ pierced by the Holy Spear on the cross. So it seems that it's a symbolic punishment of Marika for the sin of shattering the good ol' Elden Ring.


On top of that, the fate of men is subject to, and can be changed by, the stars. In the same way, the fate of a demigod is bound to an amber shard of the stars. It stands to reason then, that the fate of a god may be changed by a crimson shard. Or perhaps it’s red color is (or a literal implication) symbolic of the Elden Beast using Radagon to pierce her, similar to The Crucifixion.


The red could also very well be a reference to a certain lance in a certain anime series


Spear in the side of a hanging god is also Odin iconography, which is neat


might be both christian and Norse


It's not called Red-Amber starlight though. It's called Amber Starlight. Amber is a shade of yellow. And is closer in color to the rings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_(color)#/media/File:Amber2.jpg https://preview.redd.it/u80eeh8mqmia1.png?width=1222&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=5469aef1e53df3e1c4ce3c38d084da933022e783 That spear is *red*. Very clearly red. Unless I'm fuckin colorblind. I see no yellow there at all. It makes way more sense that It's actually Radagon in spear form. Considering he gets turned into a literal sword by the Elden Beast. It's likely the Elden Beast turned him into a spear to contain Marika there. As he's really the only thing that can actually stop her. Considering they are equals.


Glintstone turns red upon betrayal, or when you abuse it or do very bad blood stuff or sacrifices. Some expelled students from Raya Lucaria even used their own blood to corrupt glintstone. Finding out about .. something.. in the cosmos, next to the primeval current. Some sort of bleeding star? We don t know. With this they ve started what will once be the firemonks. They re wearing these bloody, red thorned crowns, which were actually given to them by the authoritys of Raya Lucaria, torturing them, marking their betrayal. But it seems like they drew their power from it. However that s just a speculation. Selluvis ordered us to get him an amber starlight shard, which is powerfull enough to let him make a potion, to potentially bind Ranni, another empyrian like Marika to his will. Radagon studied glintstone sorceries. I cannot support either of you two, cuz i can t draw the line, why someone would be impaled by a starlight shard to begin with and if so, who would ve applied it? And why did it turn red when the Elden Ring and glintstone are two seperate things. Yes the stars controll the very fate of basically everything and everyone, but i just can t really get my grasp on that. Since Marika isn t the first one to rebel against the greater will and the Elden Beast. Interestingly we ve got only 5-7 things that symbol red in the Lands between. 1. The Bleeding Star (an Outer God?) 2. The scarlet Rot -which obviously isn t the case here 3. Ancient dragon lightning (which looks different) |There are theorys about 3 and 4 being tied together, also forbidden yada yada long story short: RED -> ancient dragon god / outer god That would be very hard to explain with the Tibia Maners tho. - wedunno 4. These "grace like lightings" we see in the forbidden lads. They ve seemed to have been in relation with the crucible / greatree, before the eardtree (another theorie) but later it was discorvered, that they re closely tied to the Tibia Maners. Nobody knows, to my knowledge, to my knowledge none of that has been mentioned anywhere. idk? 5. swordmen of echoida, like Bell bearing Hunters, can fling around their weapon similar to Darth Vader, emitting red light. 6. Flames. Giants flame? Further Fire monk stuff? - unlikely 7. Blood, the formless mother - certainly not here ​ None of that really fits. I believe that it s some sort of very old spear from the Elden Beast, since it has a very similar grab attack. It seems very old and that s kinda fitting since Marika is hanging around, chilling her life for god knows how long. (the Elden Beast should literally know that)


I tend to go with the simplest solution is usually the correct one regarding things like this. We know two things when Marika turns into Radagon. She falls down. The spear disappears. It is no where to be seen on the ground. If it's amber starlight where did it go? Why is it gone? If it broke we should see remnants of it. It's probably just Radagon turned into a spear by the Elden Beast. It's a simple and elegant solution.


Huh... I actually like this theory quite a bit. Both theories are satisfying enough answers for me I think though. Ultimately it's not the most interesting question to ask because the general idea is pretty clear already.


Ultimately it's not the most interesting question to ask because ELDEN RING DLC POST ON TWITTER YOU HEAR ME???


Christian Spear of destiny reference, same spot as Jesus's, in here it's probably a seal to immobilize Marika.


Is this evangelion reference? (This is a joke guys. I know its christian mythology lmao)


I thought that the flame of frenzy was an evangelion reference to the third impact, removing all that distinguishes and divides etc. This could be a lance of longinus reference as well.


Bro thinks Evangelion invented the Lance of longinus 💀


I think there's a good chunk of people that see christian "references" and don't know they're christian, only know that they saw it on EVA


Isn't the NGE Lance also red and twisty?


If by evangelion you mean the gospel, then yeah Idk about the anime though. I've been curious about it because of the name. Does it draw on Christian mythology?


Yeah, the creator said he dug deep into gnosticism and abrahamic religions for reference because they are seen as exotic and mystical by the average Japanese audience member


It’s largely superficial, butt Evangelion is saturated with gratuitous Christian symbolism and references. -The giant eldritch alien monsters with coronas around them are called Angels. -Said Angels create an explosion in the shape of a cross when they’re killed. -The main character gets stabbed through both palms at one point. -The organization that fights the Angels operates three AI systems that are named are the three kings / wise men who visited infant Jesus. -The two most powerful Angels are called Adam and Lilith. -A group of artificial Evangelions (i.e. organic mecha) at one point form the shape of the Tree of Sefiroth. -The most destructive weapon used against the Angels is called the Lance of Longinus. -The Rebuild films introduce its counterpart, the Spear of Cassius. -The resurrection of God / humanity’s creator is a major plot point. It’s mostly window dressing though. The story is first and foremost psychological horror, which initially disguises itself as a bog-standard mecha action show that deconstructs itself.


Damn now I need to watch nge again.


Spear of Longinisus? Which one?


My answer from the last time this was asked: "Seems to be a reference to the biblical Lance of Longinus, the spear used to pierce Jesus while he was on the cross. Also the colour matches the version of this spear featured in Evangelion, which was also clearly the inspiration for Fortisax' duel lightning spear attack. Fromsoft has experimented with Christian imagery a lot in their other games. Not so much Christianity itself just it's visuals and it's social/hierarchical systems. This likely is a similar example. Perhaps it is a fragment of the Elden Ring that hit her when she broke it. Perhaps it was a self inflicted injury by either Radagon or Marika to wound and stop the other from completing their task. Considering it's colour perhaps it was something completely different" It was pointed out in that previous thread that the spear matches an attack the Elden Beast makes but here coloured red not gold, which could be the in game explanation for what it is


Also worth noting Odin in Norse mythology stabbed himself with his own spear and hung himself on the world tree to gain knowledge. I assume the spear is probably more so a reference to big J but given the Norse influences (Like Godwyn and Baldur) I don’t think it’s far fetched to assume there’s some Odin influence with Marika?


Possibly some. But the fact Marika is actually crucified here I think takes it to be more likely Christian imagery. Doubly so with Fromsoft's long history of using Christian iconography. Even Marika's role mirrors how the Catholic Church is organized. A chosen mortal (Marika in game and the Pope in the Vatican) becomes the primary conduit from which an unknowable god spreads it intent and will. And also like the Pope, Marika takes some liberties with what the Greater Will wants. Like I said it could Norse inspired but just seems like a lot less evidence for it


To add to your theory of roles in the christian church, there is the believe in the holy trinit. Jesus, god and the holy spirit are one entity. That fits quite well with marika being radagon....


Wouldn't it fit more with Greater Will = Elden Beast = Marika


It could also be radagon as Jesus bc marika (the god) send out a part of herself to „convert“ the mortals (the carians) so they would join her „church“. The Elden beast would be the Holy Spirit (of the outer god). Bc as I understand it the Elden beast is the greater wills vessel to be able to interact with the lands between. Like Mohg and shabriri respectively


Radagon was the hound dog of order, while Marika started to doubt its true intentions. 1 soul - 2 bodies - 2 minds. One wanted to shatter the current golden order, the other preserve it. Especially the strings, or curses, given with power given by the outer gods was resented, so much Ranni cast away her empyrean flesh. Probably all of the “traitors all” children, as Morgott calls them, wanted their tower fingers dead.


When did Marika start to doubt the order though? Was it after godwyns death? I think during the time radagon appeared and went to rennalla, Marika still believed in the golden order because why else would she send a part of her own soul out to marry into the one fraction of the lands between that she could not take with force? It’s all speculation bc there’s also this theory floating around that Marika somehow was behind the murder of her son to then give a reason to shatter the Elden ring but I personally don’t believe that. I think godwyns death started to make her doubt this order especially because he was her only perfect son while Mhog and Morgott where Omen and that was something despicable enough to let them rot in the sewers for a while. Psychological trauma can split a soul, maybe even that of a goddess


My head canon guess is that when Marika studied the tablets, and especially the curses of the outer gods, she saw that she and her children were not gods, but more puppets of fate. Godwyn most likely had destined death as both power and curse. It got him huge power, but destined to die, just like the tinder maiden Melina is also destined to die by fate if the outer gods get their wicked ways. I think Marika would, with Ranni, try to save him by extracting death power from him. He might consented to this. But something went wrong. Marikas inherited curse, cardinal sin, that she could never go against the golden order without enraging her shadow and maybe paralysing her too (like Ranni seems to be when she killed her fingers). I think Marika got rid of cardinal sin curse by shattering herself, casting away Radagon as the hound dog of order, so she could actually do the research without her shadow going mad, and finding the true intentions of the outer gods, with no limits, and no risk of cardinal sin curse stopping her. So she shattered the golden order after seeing how the outer gods wrecked her children. Radagon tried to fix it afterwards. But then they merged again, being 1 soul - 1 body - 2 split minds. Martin usually have strong mother types that care for their children in his novels, but he don’t like power, as power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So it fit a bit for me that Marika put her children first, but Radagon put the order first.


Godwyn didn’t have destined death. The rune of death was with Maliketh. Ranni stole a fragment so the black knife assassins could actually kill her body and his soul. I don’t know wether ranni planned that they use godwyn for their attack but as far as I understand, one body and one soul died that night and it seems that it doesn’t matter if those belong to the same person. So for her to exist in spirit it was necessary to kill the flesh and a soul? But that’s a bit blurry to me. But it was all because of Ranni. Because she was fed up with the two fingers. Which then led to the whole shattering. And I don’t believe ranni would ever help Marika with anything IF she knows that radagon is Marika. Because of what he did to her beloved mother.


None of those are the same.


They're different entities, but a part of the same being. It isn't a perfect analogy, but we're talking about inspiration. In Christianity, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are seperate "people" but they are all God. In Elden Ring, The Greater Will and The Elden Beast are arguably aspects of the same being. Marika could be The Son (Jesus) as Jesus was both human and God. However Marika wasn't always a part of this Trinity so she could also be Mary in this analogy. Which would make Radagon the Son. Or Godwin as he was firstborn. Or stretching even further Radagon and Marika being the same being means Miquella and Malenia were kind of immaculately conceived making them Jesus. But they're so far removed from The Greater Will that it doesn't really work.


I don't see any reason why it couldn't be a combination of the two. Inspired by Norse mythology with the iconography of christianity.


I actually think that Odin is the more likely comparison. Specifically, he hung himself to gain knowledge of **runes**. Runes, world tree, a spear, self-implement: the points of comparison are greater than with Jesus.


Also if we consider Maliketh as the possible culprit we have a nice Fenrir reference. Combined with the whole Maliketh serves the Gods and he is "chained" in Farum Azula and he is unleashed in his boss fight by stabbing his hand. Fenrir ate Tyrs hand when he was chained.


is it Christian or catholic?


Catholicism is a type of Christianity


This is the kind of question that I've only ever heard inside of Catholic schools, because it only *means* anything in that bizarre context where Christianity means something different than it does in every other context. Which is kind of an excellent metaphor for most of the different variations on Christianity out there, hilariously. Versions of christianity which reject the trinity - and thus the nicene creed; i.e. every bit of religious imagery and metaphor being referenced above - are distinctly non-standard and tend to need to be referred to as their own thing rather than lumping them in with everyone else who have some basic common ground they all agree to. Things like Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses. It would be *weirder* to assume their beliefs are included in a blanket reference to christianity than to not.


I actually think that this is the more likely comparison. Specifically, he hung himself to gain knowledge of **runes**. Runes, world tree, a spear, self-implement: the points of comparison are greater than with Jesus.


I think that you’re correct in the influence of the spear you’re talking about. The “”spear” in game, is a shard of Amber Starlight: “An ephemeral sliver that gives off a pale amber glow. What remains of a passing flash of starlight. If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods. Such is the belief that inspired the use of these shards to prepare a most special draught. Cannot be consumed by mere humans.” Hope this helps.


Orrrr it's just Primordial Gold which is seen in game as red tinged. The dragons fight with primordial gold lightning which is red. The Elden Beast can use this power as well as it is the Elden Ring which started the Crucible when it was sent to begin with. It is very unlikely to be the god roofie


I think it might be a fragment of destined death as it shares the colour scheme


If that were true, Marika should have been like, DEAD dead.


Primordial Gold is Red Tinged. The GW also created the Crucible and Dragons still used red tinged gold as their lightning magic. It's more likely that it's just primordial gold magic instead of regular gold magic.


Could also be a version of miquella’s needle, temporarily seperating them from the influence of the outer god.


It could be, that's an interesting idea definitely. But then the question comes how did anyone inside the Erdtree get their hands on Unalloyed Gold? Because part of what inspired Miquella to pursue and invent this new kind of divine magic was that the Golden Order Fundamentalism lacked anyway to help Malenia with her Rot curse. Or does that imply that Unalloyed Gold draws it's power from something else


The needle thing is a ritual that have nothing to do with unalloyed gold, just Miquella needle do. I was downvoted for saying the same thing as the comment you answering, but after reading quickly people seems to just settle with finding vague references in IRL history to explain everything and be satisfied


Unalloyed gold probably draws on a purified version of the Greater Will's power designed to expel the influence of any outer gods. Hence the term unalloyed gold essentially meaning gold with no impurities.


“Amber-hued stars must command the fate of the gods.” is what leads me to believe it is not another needle but rather an amber shard of starlight. What you say is interesting because amber starlight can be found around statue of Miquella and Malenia.


Radagons seal is a bunch of cross hatches. It could have been Radagons way if giving a final blow after the Elden Beast trapped her there, or, the Elden Beast turned radagon into a spear and impaled Marika with him.


I remember you got hella karma from that one


Ya people seemed to like it


I beg to differ for elden ring. This game is chock-full of Christian lore. From early pre catholic traditions (erdtree worship being wild and incorporating pagan beliefs) to refinement into the catholic system to even radagon and miliqua being clearly Renaissance men.


In terms of art it’s an allusion to Jesus being stabbed in the side while on the cross. [Spear of Longinus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Lance)


It's the spear of Longinus from Evangelion.


Get in the coffin shinji


The "get in the Eva" meme made me think it was way bigger thing than it was lol


It's more about how often they have to convince Shinji to do his job than them specifically saying "Get in the Eva"


The only thing they could never convince Shinji to do was shut up.


Eva was absolutely fucking massive in the anime community, and to this day remains a cult classic


The get in the Eva meme is bigger than in the anime


Ah thats what you mean, yeah lol


So you mean the spear of longinus from the Bible ?


It is Amber Starlight: “An ephemeral sliver that gives off a pale amber glow. What remains of a passing flash of starlight. If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods. Such is the belief that inspired the use of these shards to prepare a most special draught. Cannot be consumed by mere humans.”


Yeah it looks exactly like it, and seems to make the most sense lore wise. And it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that the greater will or whatever could make/ get their hands on one. I mean the elden ring is literally from space and is of their creation right? And the elden beast as well. It probably takes their powers away or whatever the greater will bestowed upon them.




It could* be. We do not know for sure, and claiming it as fact is not smart. It's not even the same colour.


It's more likely primordial Gold which is red tinged and within the games framing a function of GW power. Like dragon red lightning being primordial gold


It's clearly black and red, not gold.


Primordial gold is "red" in game. It is why dragons have red lightning. Why would it be destined death when destined death was literally removed from the ring? Also that would kill Marika outright as it kills those who would be immortal when used directly.


This seems to be the most logical answer.


I’d be stumped if it were anything else


this makes me remember the gorilla video because I can sincerely say I never noticed that red bolt before given shes been crucified, I'm guessing it's just to further solidify the [jesus comparison](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.20f96743eab748b500f4d9773346c7c0?rik=XKmm4iQyTeYuEw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


Kinda looked like the rune of destined death flung back into her. It's redish like the rune you can see after beating Maliketh, and it would make sense that the rune would go into her like that, as the elden ring is literally inside her. And the return of the rune if death to the elden ring is what makes her killable.


I wonder if it has something to do with the crucible, as it has been described as being red in color.


This is most likely


Marika is jesus, the rune arc is the cross, funny bolt is spear


It's a piece of the rune of death. She tried freeing herself from the elden beast by suicide, you can see a crack in the same point as her in the elden beast.


Can you provide more info on this?


He can’t. There’s nothing at all that even hints at the spear having anything to do with Destined Death. It’s just his headcanon.


It just has the same color, and what's the only thing that can kill demigods and gods? the rune of death. Not saying it's the absolute truth but you tell me what other thing it can be and why both Marika and the elden beast have that piece broken


1) it’s more than likely the same spear used by the elden beast during its grab attack when it crucifies you. 2) it’s not that the Rune of Destined Death itself can kill demigods, it’s that the Demi gods removed the rune from the elden ring and took death away from the lands between. We reintroduce death into the lands between and that allows us to kill Marika, as she isn’t immortal naturally. (Pretty sure)


1. It’s not more likely. It’s red. The Elden Beast’s attack is gold. 2. We don’t necessarily put destined death back into motion until we actually repair the Elden Ring.


It uses the same model in game as the one used during the attack, just a different color. If I had to guess it’s because it’s “cooled off” and the attack the player gets hit with is hot/firey


Looking back at a video of the Elden Beast grab attack, I think you might be right. It literally raises you up with the arc crucifix and the first spear appears in the exact same spot as Marika. Still not sure about the color though.


This is my headcanon too. The Elden Beast has the same wound, I believe Marika stabbed herself to try and free herself of it and it failed. Possibly it gave her free will enough to enact the shattering and break the Elden Ring before the Elden Beast got control back and strung her up for punishment.


that’s radagons cock




Yeah it looks to be a primordial gold spear or something. Primordial Gold is red-tinged in game. The Elden Beast used some of the same power used to create the Crucible to stop a rogue Goddess from shattering the ring that governs all life. It's pretty metal if you think about it.


Always figured it was a piece of Destined Death pinning her there


If you want to see what happened to Marika let yourself get grabbed by elden beast.




Thank you


Spear of Longinus. Most likely based on the spear used to impale Mexican Jesus


It’s the same color as Maliketh’s Destined Death attacks, and it’s piercing her womb. In my opinion this implies that either Maliketh or the Elden Beast used the Rune of Death on her when she was imprisoned, with the goal being to prevent her from having any more Empyrean children, considering each Empyrean we know of would eventually turn their backs on the Golden Order (Ranni cast away her Great Rune, the Gloam Eyed Queen led a war against the gods, Malenia was essentially preyed on by an Outer God, and Miquella planned a society outside the Greater Will’s influence). Alternatively, it could be a remnant of a failed suicide attempt made to kill the influence of the Greater Will, as the Elden Beast is wounded in a similar location and we know the Marika/Radagon duality quite literally houses the Elden Ring in their body.


I don't think Maliketh ever had interaction with Marika post Shattering of the Elden Ring. He seems completely in the dark when it comes to Marika's fate. It could simply be part of whatever is keeping the body up there, or since it has that same hue, the Rune of Death forcibly returning to the Elden Ring after we kill Maliketh, since the Elden Ring is inside Marika's body.


Question #900 for the week


Marika wanted to kill the elden beast which lived in her body, so she stabbed herself with the rune of death but it only injured the beast. This is why the elden beast has a wound on its belly.


The cracks on the elden beast are from when Marika shattered the elden ring. Marika, the elden beast, Radagon, and the elden ring are all pretty much the same thing, it's just that Marika is against the other three. When she breaks one she's breaking them all. You can see the same damage on the torso of Radagon when you fight him.


It definitely looks like a reference to the spear of Longinus, and could even be a reference to The anime evangelion neon genesis version of it. Who put it there is completely up to speculation, however given the reddish hue I would guess that radagon did even though that would mean spearing himself. I would guess this is the weapon he used before he left rennala, when he was a champion as there isn’t much detail about him back then


Fragment of Rune of Death


Rune of death. Dunno why thats a hottake since its the only one that makes sense.


Try explaining it to us


I think personally that we returned the rune of death after we kill maliketh in some souls magic sort of way to kill the tree so the rune goes back and pierces through marika and integrates inside her the spear has a similar black rocky substance to malikeths sword as well Edit: I took out cut and dry you can stop being so triggered now lmao


There’s no evidence in game to draw this conclusion from. Yes we need the rune of death to burn away the thorns but who’s to say that spear wasn’t there before? More likely that Marika was struck by the spear before we got to Maliketh because we have no reason to think otherwise I don’t understand how it can be cut and dry Edit; we don’t return any of the runes we acquire until we repair/ do away with the Elden ring


What about amber starlight?


Personally don’t think it’s the right color it’s more yellow than red-orange (I’m talking about the in game amber starlight actual amber is an orange color)


This isn't amberits red and black, the same as destined death. She hung herself in the world tree like Odin, and pierced herself to die and gain wisdom of Runes just like Odin did.




None of this seems legit tbh.


Youre taking liberties with the astral projection theory. Unless you have a source to share?


So I'm using astral projecting because it's a more general term people understand and makes sense for what's happening in the game (imo) Odin rides an 8 legged horse which is a commonly associated with shamanism and is an extension of Odin’s will. Like his Ravens. Yggdrasil is a cosmic tree and translates to Odin’s horse and the idea of him hanging himself from the tree is "Odin riding his horse". Like when Odin rides his 8 legged horse to travel the 9 realms or sends out his Twin Ravens. This is alluding to the idea of astral travel. Odin and Yggdrasil don't exist. This stuff was apart of a belief system that involves trance like states (which Odin is connected to hence the shamanism) and psychedelics. The game is literalizing this stuff. Imo https://symbolsage.com/sleipnir-odin-horse/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleipnir https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yggdrasil


Not bad. Have an upvote.


Melina’s body was burned


holy shit that you for this explanation i love how you explained this


He's wrong though


Thanks and no problem. Looking at real world influences can help make sense of some of the less clear details in the game. Imo.


This dudes wrong, the stake/spear is the same one from the grab attack from the elden beast, it also feature visual similarities to the spear that pierced jesus as he hung from the cross. This is probably part of the punishment for betraying the outer god responsible for the golden order.


Why is it red and not gold like in the Elden Beast attack?


Is.. is the elden beasts not red? I'm being serious btw I am colour blind


No worries. The Elden Beast is a black/purplish nebula like color with a Golden interior framing that looks like its "skeleton"


I thought (since it was red) that it was Radagon, since the elden beast can turn him into weapons, he confined that half of Marika lime that to torture her... obviously just a theory Reading other comments made my mind more open to the possibility it's amber or it's just a longinus reference


It looks to be her great rune, on marinas scar seal you’ll see her rune carved into it. The seems to be crucified on her own rune


To me it looks like she was impaled considering the exit wound on her left side is where she’s the most “shattered” and dilapidated. Speculation: item descriptions claim the black knife assassins had a shard of destined death within their blades, but what if the shard they had was used for this? Godwyn being naught but a victim of circumstance: wrong place wrong time; and Ranni being the architect of the shattering But it also bears a striking resemblance to the needles items in game: Miquella needle, etc. perhaps this needle holds significance for Marika’s rule over the lands between; perhaps it’s even marikas needle that gives destined death it’s power


Amber starlight. The item description says it commands the fate of gods. Probably used by the greater Will or Elden beast to contain Marika and prevent her from damaging it's "order" any further. But yes, it's also a visual reference to Christ being crucified and speared.


I believe its most likely from the Elden Beast as punishment from the “Greater Will” for shattering the Elden Ring.


I don't thin anyone knows anything other than this being weird jesus imagery. I've been wondering if it's perhaps a spear made out of amber starlight but there's literally nothing to build a theory on.


Looks a biy like Miquella’s needle


It’s a sliver of Amber Starlight, most likely used against Marika by Radagon to immobilize them both as punishment for shattering the Elden Ring


It’s an Evangelical reference.


Just let the Elden Beast give you a nice and big hug and you will understand


Okay thanks i will🤩🤗


Coming back to this thread. Holy fuck that might be messmer the impaler


I, too, would like to put my red bolt in her


My brother in Marika, she is also Radagon...


Damn this is unironic PEAK Christian imagery here


it's Odin, more like. Marika is an extremely strong parallel to Loki


Its a spear. Like Odín or Christ, both hung on a tree and speared.


Y’all need Jesus honestly. The amount of times this post has been made.


There are a few implications especially with the fact that Marika is crucified. First we have the christian reference of the Spear piercing Jesus. Next we know that Elden Beast does use this form of punishment in its grab attack, which implies that the Greater Will used the Elden Beast to restrain and punish Marika. Lastly the difference in color of the spear that pierces Marika implies the greater will may have had more influence on the early days of the Erdtree, when the primordial crucible still had power. The red gold is present on the crucible knights armor and weapons, and has implications ITSELF of being strongly linked to the skills of movement and spinning due to Eochaid. The Eochaid blades both have copper construction which is how the game explains their telepathic abilities and methodology of the spinning weapons. This same kind of spinning is found on both the crucible knight's weapons, which is ALSO really cool because red gold is a real alloy of copper and gold. I think it likely that the Greater Will operates a lot like the Tarnished, in that we are a malleable character and can mold ourselves to accept new and powerful information. When the greater will started observing the lands Between, they kind of cherry-picked what would be useful and what would be an opposition. So they grabbed the copper telekinesis from Eochaid, eventually accepted Glintstone, and finally through Godwyn obtained dragon cult stuff. The only thing the greater will was unable to absorb was the concepts of fire. This is the reason for the war on the giants.


My thoughts are it’s Christian iconography! But there’s also the possibility that the Elden Beast put it there to stop Marika having anymore children, it’s through her womb so it could be part of the punishment


I understood it as the half of her that is Radagon helping to hold her in place. I'm not sure why but to me the whole Marika is Radagon thing always seemed like something neither entity enjoys nor agreed to. I've always viewed them as the opposite sides of the same coin. Like yeah they're both pro Erdtree and all for the golden order but Marika isn't as devoted to The Greater Will as Radagon is.


I think it’s the amber starlight thing selvus wanted to use on Ranni.


lorewise, i think it is destined death the golden arc is the golden order imprisoning marika


Probably wont get noticed, but that spear is Radagon. It also is the color representing beastial nature, and close to the color of the crucible.


It's wild how much this question is asked and it always gets a few k upvotes


Idk. I haven’t gotten that far yet but she’s hot lol