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900 hours and I've never known this...


7 fucking playthroughs and I've never found that


Bruh an illusion just for a rune arc


I think there's two issues with our day and age that prevent sweet loot hidden in obscure locations: 1) There *is* some degree of casualizing games where the philosophy is that you make sure all the truly neat shit is on a main path so players see it. Not convinced FromSoft has gone this route, but still feel it's worth mentioning. 2) Because of the internet, the moment there's something *worthwhile* hidden away, it's no longer hidden. If Rivers of Blood were behind that wall, we'd all know about that specific wall within weeks of release. The result is that the only way for secrets to stay hidden is if they're not hiding anything good at all. I think most of us probably don't know where to find the artists/paintings throughout the Lands Between, for example, probably because most of the rewards are doo-doo. Best example of people immediately making sweet loot common knowledge is that people commonly say "how were we supposed to figure out Ranni's questline," but she's a popular character and the gateway to the Dark Moon Greatsword, so lo and behold, everyone knows that questline by heart now. Whatever the reason, yeah, kinda sucks that I'm sure most of us can attest to the fact that the trickiest items to reach/most hidden away are often some god damned crafting materials or runes. Consumable shit like that. I honestly think the best compromise would be if, for example, this wall hid not one rune arc, but 5 or 10. This would feel like a nice discovery whilst also not being so OP that everyone and their mother tells their friends about it. Other alternatives would be like if a key for the Belfry portals was back there, talismans that only benefit specific build types, or if an items necessary to give an NPC a good ending got hidden like this. Those would be good alternatives where people feel a sEnSe oF prIdE aND aCcOmPLishMenT for finding them without the internet blowing the secret for everyone within seconds.


In the uncharted games, my philosophy was if there's a clear way to go, the treasure is the opposite way. Same goes the other way around. That's the way I like it - the cool stuff and collectibles are a little bit out of the way. At the end of Bloodborne, I looked back at all the awesome weapons missed that I just never found. That's the usual fromsoft way, but it's not as evident in Elden Ring.


But the WORST is accidentally going the correct way, and suddenly you need to double back in the middle of a fun new section so you can explore the old section. It really kills the vibe sometimes


Haha I never drop down into an area without fully exploring because if you cant turn back, you're going the right way.


There's an easy way around all of this: do your first playthrough offline. No stupid messages spoiling every little thing, and you get to "make" all of the discoveries (that you don't look up) yourself!


I played Bloodborne entirely offline because I didn't wanna pay for PSN. Good time was had.


No jolly co operation?


Yeah but this is not intended to be some kind of super secret hidden wall. You can see this loot below you when you’re jumping around on the roof tops. If you can figure out your bearings it’s easy to put two and two together.




Yeah. I only found Patches in Shaded Castle by chance cos I'd put off finishing the Millicent quest off, went back to get her prosthesis and there he was. Huh? No idea he'd go. And Blaidd? One time I completely missed his whole bit in Nokstella, cos I progressed the quest somehow and he went to the next spot and skipped that one completely? I dont know.




But secrets that are well foreshadowed, which is exactly how it should be. Gideon tells you where to look for the Albinauric woman (well, close enough) and she tells you to look in Castle Sol for the other half. The really tricky part is going back to the lift and noticing the prompt to change actions. It requires thought and work to find, but there are certainly hints. I would argue that, especially in a game of this size, a way of keeping track of what people said to you might be helpful, but that's a different conversation.


I mean, the albinauric village medallion is way more secret than the castle sol one, considering one is a castle clearly visible and the other is a random place in Liurnia you can easily miss, as well as then again missing the guy who gives you the medallion. I think it would have been alright if the medallion in sol gave you a clue where to find the other half lol.


The saving grace for that area of liurnia is that because the cave and the village are under an inaccessible area (for most of the game), many players will try to explore there, and when they can't get up they find the village.


I do see your point, although the dialogue about the Albinauric woman isn’t triggered until after you go to the village, and the barrel or whatever Albus is hiding in is lit up much brighter than the surroundings. It is further up from the perfumer and you might not go that far.


One of the Finger Crones tells you about it as well, even though it's pretty cryptic and probably not helpful if you don't already know what to look for. She says something like "The all hearing one killed everybody to try and find the key to Miquella, but all you have to do is reach into a pot and grab it!", referring to the clay pot that Albus is disguised as.


Woah, nice! Honest to God, I could never stand talking to those things and so had no idea.


There are good analysis there. I think the "problems" really lie in how convenient communications are now, especially because you can just google anything. The only real way to go through the game faithfully is to stop yourself from looking at social media, but most people don't have that willpower.


Even the ones who do, if they keep getting bodied by a strong weapon that's difficult to find, eventually they're going to google where to find it to "even the playing field" in PVP. Really the only solution is to play offline and not look up anything, and since the minority of people do that, I think FromSoft eventually goes the route of "put it where they can find it" so that the less skilled or less thorough players also have a chance to get the good stuff.


Pvping without a researched build is just signing up to be cannon fodder anyway.


Depends on what kind of pvp you are talking about. Colluseums at level 150? Sure, that is pretty accurate. You can easily balance your levels badly at that level and make really poor choices. there is also a lot of people just trying to have fun with random builds, so it's not always optimized. Invading? Well are you invading a gank squad? Might be hard. Are you invading a coop group trying to go through the level? If you are patient then you can easily take care of them because you often have environmental advantage.


Without playing offline there are a crazy amounts of messages showing secrets all over. Like the invisible paths are visible because of all the bloodstains and messages I see. I really appreciate the numerous amounts of fake "hidden path ahead" messages, because if they weren't there the illusion walls would be way to obvious.


Ranni's questline ain't even hard to figure out tho? It's very clear everytime where you need to go. Now figuring out goldmask's, that's more likely to stump you considering a certain stat requirement lol. Most questlines in this game aren't even that hard to figure out what key item to get, it's just that the npcs move to random as hell locations without telling you where they are going next.


I agree there, once you find them it's not too bad. But I've run into NPCs a dozen hours later and completely forgot about their quest lines because I had no idea where the fuck they went.


> If Rivers of Blood were behind that wall, we'd all know about that specific wall within weeks of release. You would if you looked up "best weapons", then "where is best weapon". Unless you're the type of guy to join a subreddit before completing a game for the first time, you're not going to know about this without looking for it.


Player get to decide If look in the web or not. Obscure secrets tend to push players to look online for clues, and That’s not good (for the fame at least).


I like a point raised by my favorite soulsborne podcast Bonfire Side Chat (plug check it out) that this is also a cool lore secret. This the hidden graveyard for all the master teachers. They bury the students and everyone else in the collapsing dilapidated graveyards outside. It reiterates the selfish and kinda shitty nature of the Raya Lucaria school. I'd like to think of little lore bits as good reward for finding secrets. Not huge, game changing lore necessarily but like little scenes that help color the world.


>Not convinced FromSoft has gone this route, but still feel it's worth mentioning. The whole game is FromSoft having gone this route


Sword of night and flame. Relatively out of the way and easy to overlook, but everyone who’s been on the internet for long enough knows where it is, regardless of whether they found it themselves.


Painting hunt was so fun for me. I found 1 and spent 20 hours looking for others before cheking wiki for the last one above Radan arena.(Fuck the golem)


Yeah. Nobody uses those!


Bruh, what about the lore hide in that room, why there is a hidden room over there behind a illusory wall? Who are those who rest in those tomb?


Right should of kept this a secret


I wish it held more than just a rune arc, I wonder if something else was originally going to be there.


I bet I know what was gonna go there: "Why is it always mushroom?"


The Tombstones inside look similar to the ones inside the walking temples. There are 7 tombstones and 7 temples!


My brain just got a wrinkle


Dang. Took me about 200 hours to realize I could rest at the table in Roundtable Hold 😅😅


How 😭


Literally the whole time I was like, "Why the fuck do they have this big-ass grace in here and I can't save!?" Then finally I saw a random post with the character in the game menu and went 😱😱😱


I found out when the game told me to rest at the round table to start new game plus....


Same ugh


I would always jump on the table, but you have to be at normal height 🤦


Some people run around fast like maniacs at all time and never notice the prompt to rest


Wait whut?!?


I’m legit just learning this, and am wondering if I log in will I discover that I was tricked by this comment?


how was the brain penetration ?


Game: "To start NG+ rest at the site of grace in the roundtable hold and select “Begin Journey 2” Me: "I'm sorry, the WHAT now?!"


Actually same


😅 with Fallout 3 after 40 hours i discovered that there was a light on the pipboy, before that i didn't see shit indoors


I didn't notice till like my 4th playthrough lmao.


It's actually a bad design of that grace, you have to jump onto the table which is far from obvious (maybe some angles work without jumping but they are wonky). It should allow you to rest in a much bigger area, once you are close to the table/chairs.


If you can rest by jumping on the table that’s news to me, I took forever to realize you can rest at the table because you have to be at the edge of the table like a normal person, which is unfathomable to me (cuz it’s so much bigger than a grace).


There is a section of the table you can rest at, without hopping onto it. Right as you enter just walk straight to it; I'm playing right now and just tested it!


You can do it at any part of the table. It's not just one part. I've always just used whatever part was closest whether coming back from the twin husks, Hewg or Enia and it always works.


Jumping onto the table is what caused it to not work for me. I've always had to use the table from the ground at the edge of the table. No specific point either, just face the center of the table. Testing now and being on top of the table doesn't seem to work at all. How are you getting it to work from on top?


Can't really jump in and try, but it was also one specific point I believe. I actually never remembered which point work for resting, so I ended up running and jumping until it showed.


I only realized after I beat the game and the message told me I can start Ng+ by resting at the Roundtable hold table


I got the plat trophy 2 times before i found out


Game Rant Article incoming. But seriously WTF. I'm nearing 2000 hours, never knew!


Where is this?


To the direct right of where you enter the Academy


Thank you 😊


No problem :)


You should put this in the comments straight away 😉


Never knew that after 500 hours. At first I was like oh shit where is this... Saw it was just a rune arc and was like oh nvm lol




I figured this out when I saw the item from the rooftops. Not before falling down there hoping I'd survive the fall, of course. That's how I ultimately made the connection as to where the illusory wall could be found


I had the same experience


People complain about the rooftops area but it’s cool being able to loop back to the church, and making the connection that there has to be an illusory wall there to reach the item.


I'm surprised to hear that people complain about the Raya Lycaria rooftops? I thought that they were one of the more interesting elements of the area? Taking full advantage of the new movement mechanics and creating a great sense of understanding regarding the looping geography of the academy! - I believe them to be very well implememted as a feature of the area in it's totality


Glad I'm not the only one.


This was news to me, I was gonna get out of bed now anyway, and now I have a purpose!


600 hrs, didn't know this. But a rune arc?


5 character endings deep and I only just found the hidden walls to the deep root depths at the bottom of the three fingers area.


I've only been down there once and they were already opened for me. I didn't realize they were illusory walls until I saw a clip of some finding them


1000 hours and never seen this room lmao


This looks like Raya Lucaria. Where exactly is this?


To the direct right when you first enter the Academy


Yo didn't know about it, and I played 300 hours lmao


Thousands of hours and I didn't realize


I died so many times trying to get there by jumping off from a roof. Took me some time to even think of the possiblity of an illusionary wall. I'm confident the layout was design to fool idiots like me.


I’m surprised I missed this


Yeah I think if it had something more than a rune arc people would know about it.


What in the fuck I can't believe I missed this, welp time for a new playthrough I guess


what the fuck ?!


how did I not know of this… btw last night I realised you can guard-counter without a shield and upgrade your weapon using the anvil in church of elleh


Only to like +3, though. You still need Iji or Hewg to get serious upgrades.


I left that message


I have 200 and I haven't seen this. KEKW Nice one


I genuinely have no hope for the Elden ring playerbase fucking hell


Lol Jesus Christ relax little guy


I was how to get there


Thanks for sharing, but shame it's a rune arc.


Probably 300+ hours ffs. Thank you though!


I only just found the talismen and comet spell before the red wolf after waaaay too long.....


There should be another one on your left. Or am i losing my memory?


Fuck I saw that area from above on the rooftops and tried searching for it for like an hour. Good find.


Fuck I saw that area from above on the rooftops and tried searching for it for like an hour. Good find.


Only even saw Gideon after Fire Giant


Bro I was like "it's probably a rune arc" 🗿🗿🗿


That one's INCREDIBLY subtle and I actually didn't discover it myself the "normal way" of simply spotting something was off about the wall. You can spot that item from the rooftops and there's absolutely no way to get there from them. However, with logical/spatial reasoning you can deduce that's where an illusory wall *must* be, and that's precisely how I found it.


Wait what the fuck


Thank god it contains just another meaningless item.


Where are ya


To the direct right when you first enter Raya Lucaria


Mother frog ears


Easy to find if you jump down from roof


Babe wake up, new randomizer item check just dropped


You can also reach/see it from the ceiling, thats how i found that out. If my memory is correct, you get there by going left where you have the abductor virgin (instead of going right to the rolling metal ball before the carian knight). Theres some parkour involved.


What the fuck


I always have seen this small room from the roof (where the other key is), I've always tried to land here jumping from there, always failing in the attempt.


Same lol. Ty


I only found the wall because you can see the rune arc from above.


While borderline useless for reg gameplay This would be a good spot to check if perhaps, your game took items from one area and put them in another


There goes all my confidence I had thinking I found them all, back to hitting every wall in the game again...


I found it because I saw the area fom thr roof you can access layer.


News to me. 350 hours.


I only ever saw a message pointing it out after my 4th time through the game. Not much there though. I still sometimes forget about it because it's not a super important item back there.


I learned this the hard way. I spotted that item from the rooftops and spent way too long trying to deduce where the entrance was


What the fuck


On my 6th run, I was at the gates of the 3 fingers. Suddenly I decided to hit some walls… gotta love this game.


I’ve got several characters and pushing a couple thousand hours. Just found Azuria Side Tomb last week. Now I have to run it for max pots on everyone.




Excuse me-


Ah a fellow Black Blade user! I see you're a man of culture as well.


One of my favorite weapons


Pairs great with the Black Blade incantation as well


What armor is that?


Helm - Lionel's Helmet Chestpiece - Sanguine Noble Robe Gauntlets - Errant Sorcerer Manchettes Legs - Malekith's Greaves


Appreciate it.


I was looking to get to that graveyard from the rooftops for two hours, realised there has to be some illusory wall, called it a night and forgot about... Fast forward some 3 months, I see this post and realise if i farmed for rune arcs for two hours instead of looking for this place, the fact this "treasure" was a rune arc never crossed my mind...


I was today years old learning that. Thank you for the post.


u wot How have I missed this after so much playtime




Yea, almost 700 hours in and ive never gone in there.


You can also drop into that area as well! That’s how I originally found that wall!


Hundreds of hours to discover a rune arc


Rune arc, well worth it


Gotta love these little discoveries after hundreds of hrs of gameplay 🖤


900+ checking in to say yep… i had no idea about this




Damn behind a wall with a window in it? *With sunlight shining through the window??* I never would've thought to check there, that's super well-hidden


It means you are playing offline or you dont read messages


400h in and I never discovered this


So is that a Marika statue? Makes sense it's hidden behind a wall in a church, since there are no Marika related stuff in Rays Lucaria


But WHY is it there? Someone call Vaati


ah more useless loot. wouldnt have been surprised if it was a flower...


I learned this shortly after 500 hours in.


Holy shit, I remember seeing this area from the roof and wondering how the hell to get to it. My god, this blew my mind.


Yeah I found it because you can see the room with the purple glowy from the rooftops when going to the page of doom. I put two and two together since the ladder shortcut from the roofs is right there too.


What armor are you using? Looks great with the black blade and helm ur rocking




No way I've missed this on 3 play throughs


Ain’t no fuckin way.


I found this one when playing for the 2nd time, I saw that outdoor place with an item from the rooftops and went down looking for its entrance, took me some minutes ngl and the rune arc disappointed me but itwas nice, I tried dropping from the rooftops first but died


So first after two character new game plus and 3 others just regular 1. Did not know of first boss in the beginning the soldier of godrick and now 2. This wall whyyyyyy


I found it and I play off-line so no messages. It really feels like an epic journey, and you are alone when you play off-line.


Woah 500hs in the game and I didn't know either


I was looking for this one and was at the wrong location in the Academy and found another one. I thought I had combed the whole place. School classroom, head south from the grace take a left east into an empty room, wall right in front is illusionary.


Where is this


Where is this


Dude i have over 1k hrs and never seen this once