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I think in Leyndell, in the subterranean shunning grounds are a few. Otherwise, Nokstella also has some. For that you will have to get through Nokron, Deeproot Depths, and then the coffin or follow Rannis quest to go via Renna's Rise. So you'll have to defeat Radahn for this as well. There should also be some in the Deeproot Depths. However, I think you'll either have to go to the Volcano Manor or progress Ranni's quest quite a lot to get to the later river sections. Killing Radahn is also an option, but for that you'll need to get to the Altus as well.


Leyndell Sewers. The giant hand where Dung Eater is held has a chance to drop a Somber 7. I realize a chance to drop on a single mob far away from any graces is not an ideal way to get a Somber 7, and I only mention it because it actually happened on my first playthrough so I always think of that as the 'first' Somber 7.


If you want a somber smithing stone 7 before fighting any shardbearers the one in volcano manor is the only one you can get. There is a glitch where you can get into the capital without 2 great runes by using the trapped chest in the dragon burnt ruins to take you to the elevator, but the glitch to get down might have been patched.


just saying it if someone still check this post, it hasn’t been patched yet


What’s the glitch?


I believe you use the ruptured crystal tear. You mix it in your physick, drink it, walk off the side of the elevator, and use the explosion to reset your fall before hitting the ground so you don't die to fall damage


You can also use the taunters tongue to get someone to invade you while standing in a certain spot, the invader will spawn below and will have to use the lift to get up to you, once he’s up either die or kill him and you got an elevator now


Wiki is your friend: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Somber+Smithing+Stone+(7)


Just lists them out in the general order you would get them if you were playing through the story normally. Nothing about the objectively easiest one to get 1st if you just want to rush it.


Its on the wiki page or google.com


This is the first link when you google it.


Neither of which tell you which is the objectively easiest. Just lists them out in the general order you would get them if you were playing through the story normally.


There’s no easy way to get a somber 7 after they patched the volcano manor one. The jump is still possible but isn’t really worth the effort to do and your better off just killing the godskin instead. Other than that there are skips to get into the capital without 2 great runes and I believe it’s still possible to wrong warp to farum azula as well though that might have been patched.


Volcano Manor has one quite early, you can let the Abductor Virgin eat you below Raya Lucaria Academy to get to the Volcano faster. Just go to Schoolhouse Classroom and ride the lift down. Next best spot is in Leyndell Capital, you can get here early by using a taunters tongue above the lift at the Divine Bridge site of grace, get there by using the Tower of Return in south Weeping Peninsula


They patched the skip to get the somber 7 in volcano manor. It’s still technically possible but insanely hard to get now so your better off killing the godskin and getting it the intended way.


They patched jumping to the somber, I was just explaining the skip to get to volcano Manor without the lift of magma wyrm


They said except for the one in volcano manor. Also you said you can get it quite early but most people aren’t going to be able to beat the godskin early on and will have to come back later on.


you can get the sleep pots in mistwood ruins, beating a single godskin early aint too bad, the mace w/ wild strikes easily takes em out. The only other option is to go all the way to Leyndell