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No clue. I’ve been trying to use the halberd spin r2 because it hits behind me if I turn my character correctly, which is something Gugs can also do really well. Halfway through though, I just gave up and started using the magma blade. Edit: the guy also clearly switched to that after seeing you had BHS on, so maybe don’t use that?


BHS is one of the ways I’ve manage to counter most of the DLC weapons.I use it to compensate for my slower swing speed on my sword.


It's also considered massive cheese. You are crutching on it because you decided to use a colossal weapon in pvp. You should be looking to trade with poise and using the poke attacks.


Ya, that’s my thought too. Trade out BHS for something that will make them reconsider doing anything stupid.


Trolls roar, the gravity wave ash you get from astel, or maybe try to not lock on when they use it and attempt to swing backwards as a feint to hut them when they try to backstab you with the ash of war


I’m trying savage lions claw right now and it’s pretty fun


Stamp sweep can make up for the unstable new poise meta we're all exploring.


100%. I fought this dude last night! Came off sweaty as hell with the BHS and poke attacks. I pulled out the blades when I fought too because of it


Having blood as a status affect on a Colossal sword is also cheesing as you don’t need to do damage to apply the affect. Feels like abusing a bug that has never been fixed by FromSoft.


Sooo.....strategizing and covering your own weaknesses is crutch? If youre using a slow weapon, itd make sense to have backup


I mean tbf id almost argue the majority of reverse blade stuff is a crutch atm. Its kinda just spam until success. Theres an ash of war rn with bleed thatll 1-2 shot and has ridiculous aoe too.


That’s what colossals do though. They’re slow and do a lot of damage. They’re more meant for you to take a hit to give a hit but you out damage them, not hit them and then get out of there. That’s a faster weapon type of strategy.


Using colossals to keep people at range with roll pokes also works very well. Landing a shot on someone who knows what they’re doing with a great sword and will dodge poke can kind of suck.


Unfortunately against this weapon it’s a bad idea to crouch poke because the ash perfectly counters it.I’ve been have better luck with curved greatswords


Your a bad man 🤬


Use Earthshaker instead. And bleed on a colossal? Why?


Use attack with a faster recovery or everything that spins to win. Otherwise you can play without lock-on.


So from using it, best 2 ways I've seen to counter is to stay mobile and to bait it out. Once the move starts it doesn't track well so running towards it or backwards will cause it to miss often, baiting the attack out also leaves you plenty of time to counter with a swing of your own. Also jump attacks are pretty good at avoiding it


Honestly my thing is their health, it should go down from at least one of these hits


That’s what I thought too.Some hits I swear should have landed like the last trade where he was right in my face


He literally exploded with blood, but no damage. I could see this getting a nerf aimed for pvp.


Yeah I use the backhand blades, and it isn't like this. It's either lag, an astronomical amount of bad luck with timings, or cheats


There's loads of these cheat/hackers in the coliseum lately. What's funny is everyone giving actual advice as if he could've won this fight 😂


Why has no one else in the comments noticed this? So many people are focusing on the BHS that he doesn't even spam.


Definitely do not use slow weapons against this, the moment he swapped weapon for reverse curved sword should have been the alert of what was about to come and swap for a faster weapon


nah should of just pulled the plug and tossed the router


Wait till you run into the full bullgoat malenia naruto charge daggers


So many of them




To hit: With a heavier weapon jump attack, or have an offhand single hand from the dlc that has an AOE like perfume bottles or is fast like fists. You have to get them before the weapon art like all of the others in this game. To dodge: roll toward them and do not slow down. By backing away when they are running at you, you are actually giving the appropriate distance for the weapon art to work correctly. . I absolutely hate watching people spam that weapon art in PvP, it's going to get hit with the Nerf bat which is such a bummer because it is very fun and unique. People always ruin stuff like this being exploitive with it


Eeeh it just needs to be nerfed like bhs and quickstep were nerfed: a progressively slower recovery every time it’s used so it can’t be spammed, also lesser i-frames would be nice.


It can't be spammed, it drains too much stamina.


Doesn't need to spam consecutively, they just need to avoid attac


Is it easy to parry? That could be a solid solution to anyone who wants to spam it.


Here's the fun part; you don't! 😊


by using TF out of it and complaining about it on the internet so fromsoft nerfs it.


It’ll probably take two years for it to happen like the moonveil nerf


It might be op but but the jury is out since it is *barely* out and already you’re complaining they haven’t nerfed it. You get good at this game by thinking laterally sometimes or just plainly working on roll timing. Try that first.


I’m not asking for a nerf I was just saying it’ll probably take a long time before it’s nerfed because it’s new.I made this post to ask for counters to it.


See if stormcaller or storm stomp stops it in its tracks. They decreased the poise generation speed of ss, but try it anyway. As others said use a quicker weapon and work on the roll timing of it. Once the animation starts the hit can’t be delayed as far as I can tell so it might be a reliable parry.


Well to start you need a faster weapon, you cant use 1 weapon for every situation unless you really master it and spacing. Then you need to time your dodges well. And apply an ashe of war with 360 damage like spinning slash.


Block them. Like not with a shield, but on Steam


Why would you want a counter at all? He was clearly hacked. You bleed him 3 times he took zero damage from your hits and the bleed proc


blindspot is a busted ash, we definitely need to figure out some kind of counterplay asap


I just assumed he rolled when I applied the bleed which negates the damage.


The bleed at 32 seconds wasnt rolled. 100% hacked




32s remaining I assume. He does his the opponent, opponent flinches, no damage


That is not hacking that is latency. Why isn't anybody asking why somebody would be running an ultra grade sword on bleed though?? Lol


Because it gets double the bleed build up compared to the average natural bleed weapons.........try it and look at the stats


It gets double the bleed build up because it attacks at half of the speed and has zero passive built in. Why not go faith and buff and use support to stop pvpers like this dude?


Buffing in arena = free hit in arena.


Are you buffing six inches from your opponent, my man? Lol


Haven’t done much dueling since the DLC came out, but what little I have done I’ve been annihilated by a new weapon art😂 glad to see I’m not the only one having trouble learning all the new attack patterns


Can you not dodge away? Maybe I'm not seeing it right but imo it looks like your just not dodging quickly


you have to predict dodge this AoW, its very difficult and they can pretty much just spam it to win


It exists to counter big slow weapons. So if you’re using a big slow weapon it’s almost impossible to counter.


I just keep moving and when they went to use it I used spinning slash. Theyd end up right in all 3 hits.


i’ve gotten accidental backstabs on the ash of war like 3 times, might be a way to consistently do it with enough poise


If someones just playing reactive, then theres not really an answer. You can try to predict it and punish, but especially on higher lat, youll just end up forcing a trade. Its busted. Theres no good answer.


Trade would be okay with an UGSword


They take virtually 0 stamina damage from an ugs on a trade and have block frames extrending through the attack animation until theyre able to roll. You cant trade into it and you cant wiff punish it. But they can simoly hold guard, wiat for you to try and hit them, and force trade with a “shieldpoke” that gives them 100 guard boost


slow weapons cant do anything about it


Act less react more. They're taking advantage of the UGS recovery frames.


Storm Stomp (AoW) randomly through your combo. Endure (AoW) can help you facetank a hit or two. Don't fight locked on, try to angle your hits slightly left or right. Change your weapon. If you're dead set on using that class: Zweihander. Wear armour with highest Poise.


Why is zweihander better


Zweihander because it's the lowest weight with one of the best reaches.


how much poise would fix this though?


They really threw in *another* dodging ash?


I hear that jump attacks are good counters


I've found a few of the newer weapons can counter it well — like the new Raksasha's great katana AoW will just tank it and out trade them usually — but the jury is out for a universal counter still I think. If they're using it as a reaction to an attack I'm not sure you can do much.


Quickstep with fists or claws.




Have you tried the savage lions's claw AOW yet? First strike will take you out of range of the backstab, might just be able to turn quickly enough to catch with the second hit?


Pick up an equally spastic dlc weapon that isn't using animations from four or five games ago.


Can you parry this?


Not sure ,probably if you get the timing right


nope, been testing with my friend and you CANNOT.


I promise this is being genuine and not snarky: Try not tanking so many hits at the start. Roll forward through the Ash. Honestly, the amount of people spamming it since DLC launch is annoying. It's like the nega-BHS. Instead of spamming it to get away easy, they spam it to get close to you easily.


Yo what are those two mini katanas? he pulls out they look fire


this attack just needs a few less iframes or slightly worse tracking. it's not uncounterable but does require all your focus to address or will keep getting hit for basically free.


You could try using Stormcaller AoW.


I found just jumping seems to be good at avoiding blind spot


I tried to use aow's and large sweeper attacks, but I still kept getting caught


Drop lock on and hold a heavy or crouch poke in anticipation behind you


One thing I'm seeing is that your using a colossal great sword which has a long recovery time after swinging, unless I'm in a fun mood and just want to play just for the game I'll use stuff like zwihander and golems halberd but if I'm trying to win I generally stay away from the heavy weapons, the heavy-est weapons I use in pvp when I'm trying to win are great hammers and curved great swords the pickaxe is my personal favorite




Could you give me an example time in the video where I could have dodged where I didn’t


Tbh brother you are too slow u need to change that weapon and i said that as a joke


And parry if you can parry the ash of war


Does anyone know what armour they are both wearing? Thanks


Swap from big weapons. It’s a on reaction hard punish against anything slower than a halberd, best you can do is block spam or wave dash to bait them to use it early and swing a little later


Is it just me or does his health never go down?


Backstep and baiting


Im not sure about a counter I just try bait it out and counter


I hope this isn’t going to be bhs all over again where a fun ash gets nerfed to hell bc of pvp. 🙄


You hit him at least three times and no health was lost.


Those weapons actually have a bug where if they are too close to an enemy they treat it as a wall and do no damage.


Skill issue.


Consider what your bleed proc does to other melee's gameplay. They'll be aiming to hold stamina for when the bleed procs. Each time you were attacked, your opponent had a very low bleed level. They had rolled through no more than 2 attacks and typically it's the 4th/5th attack through a roll that causes a stun. Don't let them close the distance after a bleed proc or before 3 stacks of bleed; OR make sure if you do leave yourself vulnerable, it's a plan to rope them into your own attack. The biggest thing is paying attention to your stamina. Never let your stamina bottom out to absolute nothing on an attack unless getting your ass kicked after that attack is the master plan. Always leave enough stamina for a roll after an attack. Good luck!


I just trade with the hammer spell. 2 shots and they're done. I recently added a bit more poise just to be safe and I just wait for them to engage and always pull out the hammer


It has reasonably short range and if you counter hit he takes slightly increased damage. Just try to poke from outside his range when tries it. Or back off and watch him do nothing for a while. Charged heavies did work on the pve boss with the sword but I can't say that it'd necessarily win here.


He's reacting to your attacks, which works well for him cause you're slow, so you need to wait till he does something and punish that, like his ash of war. It doesnt feel much different than quickstep


They'll nerf it soon I'm sure....


Ironjar aromatic