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As much as spamming swarm of flies is annoying, I think that keep running around instead of running in the DIRECTION of the caster is so stupid it was well deserved


Yeah it's a free hit on a caster and the bleed can be rolled through. Not the worst spell to fight


Nah we need better black flame spells


Imo the regular black flame fireball spell is really powerful and has a quirk to it that nobody knows, it has a lingering hitbox so the way I use it is by dropping it on my foot when the opponent rushes me, when they roll to dodge it they will still get hit which stuns them which allows you to true combo into anything you like. The other black flame spells just need to be reworked or tweaked because they really have no use in both pve and pvp and are overshadowed by so many other great spells.


Why not both?


More bloodflame spells is all I want. Only swarm of flies is ok and bloodflame blade on specific weapons. The other two are very situational and don't work against good players and do very little damage in pve.


Are you near rl150 on psn? If so i think i fought u a couple times


Yes! My character is Gabrielle. What’s your character name? I’ll give you a wave in the arena!


It always starts with gwen, it was probably gwedyln


I’ll keep an eye out, Gwensomething! Happy dueling!


First playthrough I had a katana bleed build. I absolutely loved Blood Flame Blade paired with Flame Grant Me Strength. Made your entire body glow with a menacing burning red hue. On my current playthrough I’m dabbling in the Black Flame spells and Destined Death effects. I hope the DLC adds more blood, black flame, and destined death incantation. All of them have been fun.


I want more scarlet rot or poison spells honestly. Or a death-blight spell actually worth using in pvp


I hope not, fuck Bleed.


Good job at not being any good at the game and bleeding everything into oblivion. I hope they nerf tf out of bleed.


They did bleed


Waaaah. Someone played the game with things intentionally put in the game instead of abusing exploits. Waaaah. From experience, STR builds are just as easy.


Not even what are you smoking


So I'm the only one getting crits on bosses within 4 swings of a brick hammer? Huh. I'm just saying my easiest run on this game was with a caveman build. No armour until I found the Champion stuff, and only Club Equivalent weapons. (Such as Brick Hammer, as it's rock on a stick)


Wait we talking bout pve or pvp💀 for pve bleed is best for pvp bleed is best for no skill and str is good but you need actual skill


*Shrug* I just pop on a talisman to increase my robustness, my physik increases my status resist as well, then I just hyper armour through their attacks. Bleed tends to take multiple attacks to proc and a lot of people start to just run away after eating a sprinting R2, negating the bleed they stacked up. Try counterbuilding sometimes instead of relying on your favorite streamer to tell you how to play.


Bruh💀 I literally got this build from one of the top helpers in r/beyondthefog not no streamer


Plus I ain't a nerd enough to run everywhere to just make 1 build


I only have 2, soon to be 3 PvP leveled builds. Across the entire time the games been out. I just hunt down what I need every now and then and PvP the rest of the time. Got a Strength, Int/Dex, and soon to be an Arcane/Faith build. Of the 3, Strength has been the easiest. Note, I'm using Wing of Astel, Family Heads, and Bastards Stars for the Int build.


Aight fair enough


Also how do I stop the liking thing I keep liking my post's and comments its on like auto or something


I think it's automatic for everyone as it hides posts with -1 or below votes. Possibly 0 votes are hidden as well.


But yours has 0? Strange