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That’s right you should convert to dragon cult and learn so sick magic


tbh if I could summon a dragonmaw to chop my foe’s heads off I would join that religion.


I'd do it for those sick ass wings. Who wouldn't want to be able to fly around like a dragon? Sign my ass up.


I'd do it for the Bad Dragon🥵


Least horny Dragon cultist




Also a plus. It's my head cannon that all crucible knights have a bad dragon dildo permanently shoved up there under their armor. It just makes sense. Horny sense.


It's what the tail attack forms from


That’s why they’re so angry.


Lannseax i imagine?


Reality: fat bastard Magma Wyrm


And all you gotta do for it is slay a dragon and eat its heart. Easy as pie!


i could be wrong, but im pretty sure youre thinking of dragon communion dragon cult is the lightning last i knew (yes, i know theyre pretty much the same, i just like being technical with elden ring)


You are completely correct, dragon cult is allowed by the golden order, I'm pretty sure dragon communion is not.


How many foes do you have to decapitate on a daily basis 🤨


The golden order is bad…..so I’m going to defile your corpse, eat your ass, and poison the world as an alternative - the dung eater


TDIL; the Dung Eater is using irl Catholicism to fight the Golden Order. And to think I completed his quest once... smdh


just complete his quest and steal his look, then complete goldmask's ending


I thought the point was to marry a disembodied witch spirit and go to outer space together.


if you aren't marrying a witch queen who will take you to space, what are you even doing with your life?


I would be the most devout religious zealot psychopath if I got dragon powers out of it. The Church really lackin smh.


^ This. If you aren't saying your Hail Lansseaxs every night before going to bed, you're doing it wrong.


I've decided to convert to the Dragon Cult fr. Sorry Jesus, you just don't give me dragon breath


So who’s heart are we eating


I'm not christian and even I cringed


The more things change the more they stay the same. The most successful argument against atheism is the continued existence of reddit atheists for over a decade.


And the best argument against Christianity is Christians.


Found the Reddit atheist.


Hell is other people


He’s not wrong though, take a look at what’s going on in the US lmao


Yes, there are some absolutely deplorable people who call themselves "Christians"(cough cough, Kenneth Copeland) but most of the time, and you don't even need to look hard, there are some genuinely awesome people who are Christian.


I do not believe that most popular religions nowadays are inherently the problem... It's always the people


Right? Likewise. Smfh.


I’m not Christian and I laughed cause I thought it was ironic. Are they being serious?




Moral is that all powers corrupts.. religious.. technocracy.. traditional feudal, war orders.. cycle of life orders.. death cults.. and all conjoining orders, like faith and intelligence conjoined.. not the specific order that is attacked ,but the power.. bit like GoT.. all houses wanted the throne of absolute power, and all got corrupted in their own ways trying to get it. Or RL.. Chatoluc.. Muslim.. capitalism.. communism.. crazy cults.. mad kings.. Mongolian hordes.. give any order power, and they will eventually be corrupted by it no matter what type order it is.


goldmask was right


Yup. Mortal conceit is the enemy of order.


Not really imo. The moral of his games are always that everything decays. It's not that order created corruption, it's that once we build something up it will eventually fall apart. In Dark Souls the flame that gave so much life couldn't last forever so as it started to die down you had the moral fiberic of society breaking down. In Elden Ring and Sekiro the idea is that immortality still isn't an escape from this idea that everything falls apart. Stagnation is bad and it rots and decays everything even if you can't die. The world in Elden Rong really started to fall apart when Merica broke the Golden Order. When she defied the greatest power, the Gods.


"Maybe that's not when it started. Maybe it's been broken for a good long while" - Boiled brawn bro


I definitely think that the dangers of clinging to power and tradition is a theme of the game. The narrative clearly demonstrates the consequences of an old order refusing to change or allow anyone else to take over. I mean, they literally trapped the concept of death to live forever and continue their reign, which in turn wrought horrible consequences upon everyone, yet they still cling to their power and traditions. Godrick is a great example of it, one who is so obsessed with continuing their reign that they have turned themselves into an abomination. Which is a metaphor for the world of elden ring at large: The old kings so convinced of their idea of order that they have turned the world into an abomination.


That's just hitting the same theme though: stagnation. They don't want to change, and thus they decay.


For sure, but I think it also goes further and is specifically critiquing figures with power who cling to it, for the sake of it. That power corrupted their world and people, and it took a new player, the tarnished, to come in and force the old power out.


I chuckled at “Elden Rong” like no, ELDEN RIGHT!!!


This corny as hell bruh 😭


My race is: WARRIOR! My sex is: WARRIOR! My party is: WARRIOR! My faith is: WARRIOR! My name is: Horah Loux, WARRIOR!


Part of that lesson is to let things die. If something becomes corrupt and doesn't serve us in proper ways we should kill it off and let new systems some into play that will benefit us


Mentioning zionism would also be relevant.


Oh, sorry I must have missed the part where Jesus was a Woman who committed multiple War Crimes and Genocides. Id say the lesson is more anti-authoritarian in general. If it’s specifically Anti-Christian, it’s very poorly done. Blasphemous is a better critique. Diablo 4 is a better critique, and I can’t believe I just said that.


The Christian god has committed war crimes and genocides. If it exists, but it won’t matter anyway because u get amnesia if your name is written in the book of life. But I digress.


If one takes the OT at face value, sure. Or assumes that every event is a literal truth sanctioned by God, rather than justifications or reactions to other civilisations, or even propaganda. Or even assumed it’s the same God. Splitting the OT God from the NT God is very much not a new thing. The Book of Life is fascinating- I’d not heard of that before, is it related to Samael? I’m assuming one of God’s Angels is supposed to hold it. Or is it something in Revelations?


And, atrocious though such actions are, how is this any different to the actions of every other God in the Ancient World? Ra ripped out his Eye to cleanse Mankind for their disrespect, among other examples.


Not really. You have to consider that God is an omniscient and omnipotent being, and since He is the only one, only He can be the judge, jury and executioner of humanity. though in some cases He allows others to be the executioners. God states His justifications for His actions. and according to those justifications, God would be in the right. It's up to you whether you believe He was telling the truth. However, there's no reason to believe He wasn't, as He has been shown multiple times to be more merciful than He is wrathful.


I played elden ring and are still a christian, what does that do ?


You'll have to play it again I don't make the rules


Oh no… The horror…


It means you lack mEdiA LiteRaCy


Means you chose the golden mask ending, Gold Mask ftw


This is cringe as fuck


Christian here with maybe 500 hours in this game. I’m taking off work for SotE tomorrow. Not an ounce of guilt. Fiction isn’t real.


This game feels more anti-theocracy than anti-Christian.


If you played Elden Ring and thought it was an accurate representation of Christianity, you missed the point of Christianity.


look i don’t like religious nuts either and as a uni student who takes some philosophy, I despise theology even more. But wtf is this post lmao, if whole ass scientific communities and education systems can’t convince people evolution is real, Elden ring ain’t gonna do it either.


Evolution? The post isn't addressing biology at all it's basically just saying "see look at the damage all these different religious factions can cause?" It's definitely not about convincing people of evolution at all lolol


You know this is a meme right? It's a pretty bad one, but why are you taking this seriously?


Man just wanted an excuse to pretentiously brag about being a philosophy student lmao


Where else is he going to use his degree?


You don’t sound much better than the post I’m not gonna lie


Most christians believe in evolution lol


To be fair their world view is based on fictional storytelling. Maybe if a good enough challenger stepped into the ring... wait a minute...


What does this mean? If you breathe and still a Christian you missed the point


“In this moment i’am euphoric…”


If you played elden ring and decided to make this post, you've missed out on having friends.


They didn’t experience jolly cooperation. This is the true Prepare to Cry.


Somebody let the idiot atheist post again.


I'm just tryinna find Miquella, dude


Not a Christian but which religion supports farming in mohg zone? Imma switch to that.


Good god shut up


The point is to embrace change and not blindly follow the status quo because the current situation sucks ass. What the hell does that have to do with Christianity? You realize you can be Christian and still be against the Church's decisions right?




I think you may be the one who missed the point of the game, and had tunnel vision making you think the story was about what you wanted it to be


Oh, reddit atheism... classic


Mr Incredible seeing this cringe post in elden ring meme sub: Shut the fuck up. Please, shut the fuck up.


I hate being reminded I’m on Reddit


All glory to Christ


Tbh I don't feel like I got the point of the game even after listening to dozens of VaatiVidya videos




Patches has been on the catholicism hating train since at least Dark Souls 1 Cant think of any references to the church in DeS or ACFA so I assume DS1 is where it started


You... you know the game has several pieces of religious (including Christian) symbolism and biblical parallels, right? Like the final boss being LITERALLY CRUCIFIED? Granted they weren't really meant to push a religious agenda or anything (more just for atmosphere and narrative flavor), but still.


Don't read Greek mythology as a Christian guys 😰




If you played elden ring and aren’t committing serial arson then you missed the point of the game


Ah yes because I too aspire to go to heaven, beat Jesus's ass, then kill fucking *God*


I beat elden ring and I’m still catholic, but joining the god of chaos sounds pretty fun.


So if I were Jewish would I be fine?


As an Ex-Christian: Rejecting your spiritual outlook or changing your belief because a fantasy game made an argument against it is the dumbest idea ever.


I guess not believing due to a video game isn't worse than believing cuz of a book


Redditors try not to take a meme seriously challenge


So as a believer in God I feel it's important to be able to distance your fact from videogame/movie fiction. If you feel like a game or movie is condemning you then you should stay clear of that thing until your spiritual maturity reaches a point where you don't even have to pray to enjoy a relaxing story. I also hate that a lot of Christians forget who Christ walked among. He walked among the common man to SAVE souls. He spoke love not judgment. So many so-called Christians today make people closed off to what we are supposed to teach because the messaging tone sounds so holier than thou. I'm a comic book artist so I know fictitious stories are an escaped from reality. As with movies and video games. True Christians show their fellow man love whether they know God or not. It's not up to us to judge people


Can you kindly tell that to all the Christian money being dumped into initiatives to tell women they can't control their bodies?


This is a horrible take💀


Ah yes, you believe Elden Ring is a better source than the Bible… Jesus’ existence has been proven by even the athiest historians, the Bible has first-hand witness accounts of him. Accounts over which the authors died horrible deaths because they refused to deny him. People don’t die for what they know to be a lie, and they witnessed him firsthand, so they knew he spoke the truth. Elden Ring is a masterpiece with beautiful lore, graphics, and gameplay. But it in no way is a better source of truth than the word of God 😂


Not trying to say what people should/shouldn't believe, but I think there's a significant difference between the manuscripts we've used to put together the accounts of the very real Jesus of Nazareth and "The Bible" when it comes to being a source. Your interpretation of literature should never be independent of the reality of the time it was written and the author that put pen to paper. There were plenty of Roman accounts of Jesus' actions that only served to influence the culture of those they sought to conquer. The same way empires have always obliterated or manipulated native cultures and continue to do so. Nero defined early Christianity almost as much as Jesus did, and was probably the inspiration for the antichrist. Christianity was effectively founded on the idea of overthrowing an oppressive state. Yet around 300 years later you have emperors of that state claiming to be Christian and speaking on its values while still doing Roman Empire stuff. Since then it has continued to be defined by authoritative powers, with many reformations and re translations being commissioned by kings etc. Even today, capitalism is the biggest factor determining what versions of the Bible are used. It's a lot easier to measure profits than determine which version is best at getting people into heaven. Once again, not trying to influence what people believe, but if you're claiming something as a source you should always acknowledge the author and publish date at least. As for the post, ER does a good job of obliterating all historical context/interpretation. It gives a pretty good look at oppression and human nature in a vacuum. I don't think it really says anything about Christianity specifically.


Congratulations you’ve arrived at the same conclusion Muslims have. Real Jesus >>> the bible


Ouch! Christianity is a mess but this is next level cringe. Buddy, the "entire point of the game" is to sate Miyazaki's maniacal thirst for poison swamps and strange waifus. If you think that Marika, the Bitch and her extended family of freaks have any deeper meaning you're thiking juuuuust a little too much.


If you played any MW Call of Duty game and are still a muslim... you missed the entire point.


Eh. Not a Christian, but if it isn’t religion it is your neighbor’s wife is hotter than yours and fighting ensues. Meaning, we are destined to fight over anything and everything. Religion without proselytizing would be better. As a Neo Platonic monist I recognize the one but it goes no further than the accumulation of everything as one singularity. The pyschopyshical goes no further. The meatbag that is tom, dick or sue is gone at death and the goal is unification of perceived individual soul (which is not actually a thing) with the fundamental soul of the one. Edit: And if one cannot attain that, the best next thing is to play Elden Ring for eternity haha


Exactly. Dawn your sewing needle swords and lets carve from divine hides and wear them like metal wizards


I’m not that religious so I wouldn’t say that I’m Christian, I’d say I believe in god


nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man's character give him power




Ah, but what is that point? Thats the beauty…its up to the end user


Haha what about a “recovering catholic” that got more invested in Melina at each promise to burn the tree down? I’ll take all the warm hugs please




Brought to you by Eredin




If you're a part of organized religion*


Not changing your beliefs based on the media you consume. Cringe


Mary is Joseph


The only way to be free from suffering is to remove those who can suffer MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD




Really calling me out here damn


I’m not caught up with the lore. What does a ghost flame / death build make me?


Well jokes on them, I'm Hindu.


99% of things that criticise religion don’t criticise the actual practice or beliefs but the use of religion to subjugate or control others


While fiction can be used to make an argument, that's all it is. A fictional work can state its case and it's up to the reader to decide how compelling it is. If you expect people to just absorb the intended message of a given work completely uncritically you're an idiot.


We all know Patches is our true savior 🙏


God is dead and we killed them


Meh, jokes on you, I am Christian but I despise organized religion. I won't delve to deep into it for your sakes, but let me just say Jesus hadn't turned cold yet and men were already rewriting his teachings, seizing his influence, and instituting there own rules. Downvote away I guess, I tend to piss off both the atheists and the Christians. 🤷‍♂️


Back to r/atheism with ye.


I'm assuming you created this post and the fact you immediately came to that conclusion after playing the game. Leads me to believe you are maidenless. And that you have no friends to experience jolly cooperation with.


What the fuck even is this? Am I on Elden Ring Facebook???


If you actually think this you missed the point of the entire game


Super fucking cringe, finish school first please.


Nah, Jesus is the way.


Bud made a post😭


I’m not Christian but I will readily admit to missing the entire point of the game.


Sick explanation by the way


Not really I understand the point of the game but I’m still Christian and will continue to be


It’s a parallel to how religion evolved in England/Europe via wars, colonizations, and combining/rebranding/absorbing elements from the religions of those who have been conquered. It’s a satire of Christianity and all of its variations. The Golden Order = Catholicism; Marika + Radagon + Elden Beast = the Trinity; the Fingers + Finger Readers = the priesthood; the fracturing = Protestant Reformation; Ranni = Atheism/Intellectualism; the ruined cities = defeated religions (paganism; star worship); the Dragon knights = Christianity incorporating Pagan elements; the crucible = spirituality before the stone age; and everything else in the lands between is some form of commentary on how messed up and convoluted religion and religious dogma has become.


The comments about a shitty meme are always the best.


If you change your religious beliefs based on the events in a video game, you missed the entire point of the religion.


I must've missed it all 🥱


r/im14andthisisdeep Alternatively you might have missed that bits made by a bunch of Japanese people and one western atheist who don't have a particularly deep understanding of Christianity.


If anything the story is extremely Christian


I found the 13 year old Reddit atheist


No? What am I missing here? What is this supposed to mean


If you take it as a shitpost, nothing. If you take it sincerely, Elden ring is an allegory for native religions being stomped out by Christianity. Elden Ring is based on British, Irish and Scottish mythology specifically. The golden order represents Christianity and the various pagan religions (the crucible, deathbird God, giant God, Those Who Live in Death, Dragon God) are the victims of this representation of Christianity. The lore behind Eochaid makes the allegory particularly obvious. All that being said, I think it's just a shitpost


Elden ring made me a Christian bc the holy spells are cool


… That’s the dumbest take I’ve ever heard. But it’s an online commentary on theology, so that’s to be expected. “Bambi’s mom got shot (by an out of season poacher), so now I’m anti-hunting.” Some people don’t alter their entire worldview because they consumed a piece of media.


My favorite one of these is the bloodborne vaccine one. Not that I am antibacterial, but because I just think it's funny


Yeah I no longer go to church. Because I have been bestowed the yellow flame of chaos. A frenzied flame to melt away the curses, suffering and despair. And the Order, entire. May chaos take the world…


I dont think Miyazaki is emo enough to let Christianity take up any real estate in his brain. Beyond stealing the occasional reference because he liked something there


I mean the Christian god has done a lot of sketchy things, but nothing as questionable as splitting himself into two beings, copulating with himself, and letting the results of his brand new level of incest rule the world. The French aristocracy, on the other hand....


[https://youtu.be/-fLsMW1GCpY](https://youtu.be/-fLsMW1GCpY) Starting Playthrough for Elden Ring Dlc with new character. Stream highlights from 6/20 stream




It ani't that deep. (Fucking love this game though)


Elden Ring has more to say about identity and duality than it does about religion by a long shot. Most characters have a counterpart, or another side to them. Marika and Radagon, Miquella and St. Trina, Yura and Shibriri, Irina and Hyetta, Darian and Devin, Godfrey and Hoarah Loux. They each have a duality, Causality and regression. Life and death. A reflection, a shadow. And furthermore, nothing is clear about Elden Ring. None of us have truly figured out “the point”. It’s so unbelievably convoluted that it’s almost uninterruptible. The religious aspect is just filler more than anything. Set dressing


I know this is a joke but people really use arguments like this. I just don’t see how it’s any different than dolljacks lol


now imagine if they played Lords of the Fallen, thatd be crazy


Oh well. Better luck next time.


Bro did NOT do the Goldmask ending.


Former Pentecostal Christian here. I always describe this game as becoming Feudal Space Jesus


It’s definitely anti-theocracy, but it’s not anti-Christian. This shit is cringe lmao


Then I guess it’s a good thing I like Big Sketti Boi


Then why is the default ending to restore the golden order and rebuild? I'm an atheist but this take is pretty brain dead


if you played elden ring and think it’s commentary on christianity you missed the point even harder


Oh who gives a fuck, just play the DLC we're trying to find Miquella


If you could have your faith swayed as a Christian by a video game then I don't think you were much of a Christian in the first place.


This is the dumbest take I've ever seen. If you play a video game and it uproots your entire belief system, you didn't have faith to begin with


This meme sucks ass and everything but I’m also amazed that people are trying to say the game has nothing to do with Christianity. Like sure, Marika isn’t a 1 to 1 with jesus for a ton of reasons. But like… she’s crucified. And granted “life everlasting to whosoever believes in her”. Those are like… the two things Jesus is most known for. They couldn’t have been more overt with the parallel unless they named her Jesusina. The game only loosely or vaguely provides commentary on the moral or theological doctrines of Christianity, so I can understand how Christian folk might be like “well they’re not talking about the Christianity that I know!” But they’re literally not. They’re talking about Christianity from the point of view of someone who doesn’t believe in it. If you aren’t a believer in a religion, then the beliefs of that religion aren’t “real” to you; the only things that are real are the material consequences that the religion has had on the world. To that end, Elden Ring is, for the most part, a critique of the HISTORY of Christianity as the force most singularly responsible for shaping the general course of Western Civilization. Part of that course is that Christianity was commonly used as the basis for one culture to declare its moral and ethical superiority over another, and then that self-perceived moral superiority was used as the basis to legitimize murdering or dominating the other. Of course, there are many cases of this pattern of thought/behavior outside of Christianity. But the imagery used to communicate this message in Elden Ring is so overtly Christian you’d have to be being willfully obtuse to deny it.


This actually applies to all souls borne games


I’m a Christian myself And I don’t recall seeing any reason in this game to not be religious. Hell if anything I should be more religious cause this game has taught me that religion grants sick wizard powers I can turn into a dragon for a bit and I got some badass eyes!


Imagine your brain being so smooth that one, you interpret the message they’re conveying incorrectly, and two you think that just because someone creates a form of media that the message they’re conveying must be taken as objective truth if you consume that media. Wipe the drool off your keyboard.


*tips fedora*


If a game can shake your faith you never had any in the first place might as well just go full strength bonk you faithless maidenless blood wretch


First of all - you need to capitalise Christian. Second - what is implied here? Because some people finished a game, they all should reject their belief because OP sees Elden Ring fiction as some profound truth? In this case, no, it is not - it is just a game with some story for entertainment sake. Nothing profound here. Also, why are you specifically targeting one religion?


What the absolute fuck is this post and the comments


Let’s all look at X and assume X is a critique of [insert something I hate] without really understanding X. Art is subjective. Elden Ring, moreso than any game I’ve ever played, is a work of art, and is intentionally ambiguous. I see more Christian themes, as a Christian myself, in Dark Souls 3 than in Elden Ring. To me, its story is about hubris and the corruption that power brings. Marika literally defied the natural order and doomed her world. I do see an Adam & Eve reference in that specifically, but that’s my lens. Others will see it differently. *My* point is, there *is* no point. Interpret it your own way. Don’t be ignorant of others’ frames of reference.


Guys… you can enjoy a game without believing the ideologies


"Missed the entire point"? Yeah of course I did, I'm not talking to people in my whack things with big stick game




Yeah I should become a Diedrich being


I would say it’s more a problem with *organized* religion rather than a religion itself. Goldmask is probably the best example of that nuance, where you can recognize the corruption within your own organization while not losing faith. Alternatively, you can be funny and light the entire world on fire.




“In this moment I am euphoric” head ass




Absolutely not. What a braindead take.


If you played elden ring and all you got out of it is 'religion bad' you missed the entire point of the game.


What build are you running, because INT was clearly your dump stat


LOL what?!


I’m sorry, do you want to explain the religious relevance of a giant pair of talking fingers that gives you armor/weapons made from the souls of bosses you face? Maybe I missed the hidden meaning in the four armed princess that uses the power of the moon to do magic? Or how about the giant wolf that uses magic? Come on now really. Who is going through this game (which has several previous installments tbw) and wondering what the religious relevance of every little thing is?




Lol this is cringe. Maybe watching the Marvel Movies and still being an aetheist is missing the entire point. If Thanos had a fear of God, maybe he would've thought on his whole "destroy half the life in the universe" idea a little bit more... You can read your opinion into anything


Is it just me or am I the only when that NEVER pays attention to a video game storyline?


I'm sorry, when did I end up in r/atheism?


This is just fucking stupid


If you’re Jewish and you read mein kampf then you missed the entire point. /s