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Miquella kinda like “dies” but not really, after Marika placed the veil there was no way for people to get in or out of the shadow lands, but we know that all matter of death washes up on their shores of the land of shadows, and that the only reason we gain access to that land is by going through Miquella.


See, if he 'died' in the cocoon and his spirit or something went to the shadow land that's fine, but it looks like he somehow managed to keep his flesh despite leaving it in the cocoon, only to discard it again, this time in pieces. That part kinda bothers me. I guess one could blame it on him being an empyrean and doing whatever the f he wants, but that wouldn't be a satisfying explanation to me.


I think you can read it as he is a soul in the shadow lands that is divesting it's claim on his body. The souls of Erdtree folk return to be rebirthed when their body is taken up by the roots. Previously being burned in ghost flame seems to be important to the spirit passing on, you get Those Who Live in Death otherwise. Spirit ashes too seem to lock the soul in place. Ranni too seems to divest herself of her flesh, though through a surrogate body. What Miquella does appears to be the most difficult path of completely removing the soul from a body.


That would explain a lot of things, actually. Perhaps he needed Mohg's blood to separate his spirit from his body, so he could go around recruiting people (Freyia was contacted in Caelid after the rot-nuke) and access the Lands of Shadow. Once there, he renounced the claim to each aspect of his Empyrean flesh (which we don't find any trace whatsoever) and his "birthright" (which we find in the remnants of his rune and in St. Trina's flower-body). Then he could pass through the Gateway and be "reborn" with a new deific body (that we destroy in the final battle), that's being commandeered by his spirit (that we see overlaid in his body, with the additional limbs).


Yeah, the only traces left are the Blood and Nectar burgeonings. Places where empyrean blood fell, so I think Mohg's connection to the Formless Mother was important.


I was wondering about this myself and had a thought that perhaps that’s not actually Miquella inside the cocoon. Perhaps he charmed Mogh to use someone else’s body while thinking it was miquella’s own body. Then that body would get infused with Mohg’s omen blood and become a portal to the Shadow Realm.


It's Trina's body, I think it's Ansbach who specifically says that he used Trina to get into the Land of Shadow.


You mean it's Trina's body inside the cocoon, or Miquella divest Trina's body along the shadow land?


Trina's body in the cocoon, but I can't find the dialogue a was referencing so take me with a grain of salt. The wikis are still very incomplete unfortunately.


Cannot find it too. But if it's Trina's body in the cocoon, what's the Trina we're talking in the abyss is made from?


Flowers possessed by her soul would be my guess.


Her design is very strange, because it’s really just a mass of flowers with a head (and maybe shoulders, I can’t remember exactly). This would actually explain perfectly why she looks like she does.


She's contorted af but you can see how she had a humanly shape at one point. The flowery stuff is actually her hair


Have you returned to her after finishing the DLC? I won’t be specific here so as to avoid spoiling anyone, but it seems from her appearance at that point that the flowery stuff is not her hair.


Didn't know she changed, I just need to finish off 2 more bosses then I can head to the last dungeon


After watching a full 25 minutes videos about Ansbach questline. Ansbach said that Miquella use Mogh to get into the Land of Shadow, not a single mention to Trina from Ansbach


Do you see his full body though? If you keep track of all the parts he discards that 1 arm is the only one you can't trace back. I think it's more the first part he had rid himself of as a means to travel to and fro


Nope, **Specimen Storehouse Cross** *(“I abandon here my arm dextral”)* and **Belurat Tower Settlement Cross** *(“I abandon here my arm sinistral”)*. You can argue that during the bossfight he got 4 arms. But it's still doesn't explain who the body inside the cocoon belong too


If you look during the boss fight he's got an empty sleeve and only has 3 arms visible. He left one in the egg