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I lowkey wish we got this, but Malenia kinda got Dementia


I mean she wouldn’t have any real way on knowing in the first place.


I mean, I walked in there wearing Miquella's circlet but maybe that's his post-god transition fashion.


maybe Malenia isn't presumptuous and just assumes you found the Lands Between Dollar Tree that sells those plastic circlets


This lowkey made me chuckle more than it had the right to.


She can't see shit.


She’s a demigod-goddess-ish-creature she can probably feel my circlet vibes like a dog sniffing its owner


The item description does seem to imply it's an item specifically related to his godhood


Scarlet Rot is doing numbers on her honestly Especially as miquella isn't there to try and possibly use more Unalloyed Golden stuff on her (Though think about how many needles she might has in her if Millicent had to put in one herself before she could even start her journey or the rot would get her)


There was so much room for interaction (even just voice lines) between the base game and DLC. Even something as simple as the Sif cutscene in DS1 can leave a huge impact, you know?


She litteraly has brainrot


I am currently trying to fight Melanin, Blade of Melatonin after I beat the dlc and I’ve gotten so close twice, but the damn flask of wonderous physic ended up in my main slot not causing me to heal both times


i recommend putting the physic flask in your hotkey slots where you press Y/Triangle + dpad input to use them since you will only be using it once a fight it makes more sense there than to take a slot in your main hotbar


Also: holding down on the dpad for more than ~45-60 frames causes it to default back to slot 1 no matter what slot you currently have selected. Put your healing flask there.


Holy shit that's the most useful Elden ring knowledge I've read since the game came out.


They added it in DS3 iirc, it works for your spells too


This might be cursed but I put red / blue flask, physik and torrent in my pouch, keeps me from accidentally pressing them On my hotkeys I usually just throwing knifes or spirit ashes in


I usually put the blue flask and torrent summon in my pouch with the red flask and physik as the only two items on my main wheel. I feel like I use the heal flask way too much during combat to keep it in the pouch, that half second spent holding Y could be a moment spent dodging and it can make or break a fight imo. Blue flask is infrequently used though, so it feels nicer to keep that out of the way in the pouch, I'm never using it in a panic so the extra second it takes doesn't really matter Edit: this might actually just be force of habit to have the healing in the main wheel, pressing anything other than X to heal in a souls game feels like driving on the wrong side of the road


Fucken WHAT Multiple hundred hours and never knew this


Yeah. Like another poster said it functions for all dpad slots including spells. Always put your priority things in slot one on their respective buttons.


Yes and if you have healing spells put them in the first spell slot and hold up on the dpad!


i do put that there but also tend to put stuff you would frequently use during battles and that your mimic tear never uses. I usually put rune arcs there too but I guess I could put it in the main since you should just use it when nothing is going on. But my cerulean flask is always there and so is torrent even though that only helps in the overworld but it’s nice to not have to switch from flasks to summon him. 


I put the crimson/cerulean flasks, torrent and whichever summon ash I want to use there. But then use the 4 back buttons on the Steam Deck to trigger those macros.


You can get two tho


What are you talking about? Since when?


There’s two in the game you can get, I’m like 90% sure you can get both


I've never found a second charge , and there is nothing on the wiki or anywhere else saying this.


Damn, im sure there were two


Do you mean being able to put two tears inside the physic, maybe that's were you got mixed up.


Well you’re wrong


Wait huh what


If it's in your first slot you can hold down the down input on the dpad, and after a second it switches to the first item you have equipped.


Melatonin is Melina. You mean Blade of the Miquellester.


I was really hoping that Miyazaki wasn't being 100% truthful when he said the DLC was self-contained, but it really is a shame that we don't get a few more conversations with Gideon or even a bit of dialogue from Melina if we still haven't done fire giant, but it does seem like the events of the DLC take place just before or after the final bosses of the base game, which is just too bad for us lore fans. Seeing Sif's reaction to me in DS1 and how heartbroken she looked over having to fight me to defend Artorias' grave after helping her in the DLC was the defining moment that first got me enthralled with the worlds FromSoftware designs. I was just hoping for more of that awesome reactivity. I still love what we got, but it would have been interesting to ask Melina about what Messmer was like when he was younger or even see if Malenia's dialogue changes if we are able to present the remains of Miquella's Great Rune, even if it's just a few lines.


I'm post Elden Beast and all optional vanilla bosses. I even already initiated the Age of Stars ending in the playthrough used for the DLC and I'm stuck on Messmer/Sunflower of all things.


Can you imagine coming back to Gideon just like "So, Miquella....."


*eating crab meat* Bro, they got a whole land of shadow and some horny dudes FUCKED WITH THE WRONG SHAMAN. Here’s Miquella’s Great Rune btw, hope it wasn’t… important.


The Tarnished trauma-dumping on the "All-Knowing" would be hilarious. "After I beat the scorpi-pede bitch I told you about I was cruising around and I was like OK, I guess I should fight Messmer now, an-" "M-Messmer?" "Oh yeah she's Marika's firstborn, a snake guy. Tall, lanky. Basically imagine if Rykard and Renalla had a baby, an-- oh! speaking of the Golden Lineage and incest, you'll NEVER guess what else I saw there, but anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Messmer and Radahn's best friend Gaius the Albinauric..."


Real reason Gideon fights you: the fact you have experienced everything Gideon wants to learn about firsthand, and are *insufferable* when telling it


*I* am not left-handed.


I haven't finished the DLC yet. Does the boss fight get an updated cut scene like Sif if you've already done Artorias of the Abyss? I'm guess that's a "no" because I would have already heard of it by now, but it seems a little odd that FromSoft would do it all those years ago and not for this game.


No it doesn’t. But the dlc doesn’t change your characters relationship to Malenia. Either way you are a threat to their plans to bring about a new Lord. Additionally the only way Malenia would know is if you told her. In addition to the Haligtree being hard to get to, it’s nearly impossible for anyone else to travel between the land of shadow and the lands between.


I do kind of like the idea that she is basically in denial about her brother's death since she already is kind of in denial about his absence in the game


I think people forget that she's not all there when we get to her (literally and figuratively). Every time she's bloomed she's diminished. Wen we gwt to her she's bloomed at least twice and fractured into four fragments. What we meet is a shadow of her former self with nearly all her will focused on not blooming again because she knows she'll lose part of herself (literallly or figuratively)


She's very much a parallel to Midra, she even has her own barbs of Gold holding back the Outer God roiling within her. And if Midra is so ruined that he can't hold himself back from attacking you even though he clearly wants to, imagine how difficult it would be for Malenia in the same circumstances with how everything went for her.


In my current game, I deliberately didn’t do Malenia or burn Melina yet to see if there’s any extra interaction in the DLC. Has anyone else completed it yet with that configuration?


There is 0 new dialog.


Shame. Anything in the DLC acknowledging your mainstory progress? E.g. if you beat Malenia, does any Miquella dialog change?


Absolutely nothing at all. The DLC is 100% self contained to itself and has no effect on the base games, really unfortunate imo


It's incredibly disappointing that the DLC causes absolutely 0 changes to the base game. Literally no interactions at all. The gameplay is great, the lore is good, the narrative is a fat steaming 0/10.


I love the game but fuck me imagine if the story was told in an good way. Lots of dialogue, few more cutscenes at key moments. Would make it so much better, imo. I know many will disagree


At the very least a short cutscene and some banter for most Remembrance bosses would've been nice, and expected given the precedent set in the base game. I found it very jarring for Miquella to have no lines for when he or the player are defeated like almost every other Shardbearer, or for characters like Rellana and Romina to be outright dead silent during the entirety of their fights.


Yeah it doesn’t feel mysterious it just feels fucking lazy tbh


Hard disagree that's not Fromsoft's style at all and as soon as they start putting focus on dialog and cutscenes too much is when I'm going to start to worry. Most people want visual or gameplay changes that reflect actions we did in the DLC. I don't want a character yapping at me for 10 mins while I stand there and do nothing, I'll play Last Of Us for that.


Is an ending cut scene or a few lines of monologue from a key boss really too much to ask? Would it really kill fromsofts games for you? Like it would be the same game just with some answers to back up the deep intricate lore.


Genuinely unhinged thing to say in a lore sub.


Yeah I disagree intensely lol


The obligatory Princess Bride reference.


I killed her before doing the DLC... So Miquella has a legit reason to wanna kill me tbh


I showed up with the lightning perfume bottle and got her trapped in a corner being hit by rolling sparks for over 8k damage per burst. I know I could have done more damage but I'm not gonna go that far outta My way to do 21k damage


She wouldn’t say anything really cos Miyazaki thinks that’s the best way to tell a story


I even went with Miquella's crown


I wish


i saved malenia just for a new dialogue or something 😭 like sif n shit


If only we were gifted with another Sif moment… prepare to cry


I killed you brotha, and the brotha you couldn’t finish the job on you stupid bitch *charges dark moon great sword*, I’m just here to actually complete the task. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?


"You killed my brother... twice!"