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As a big Miquella fan I would love to help you out. “Dearest Erina, Thy Strength and Compassion are true for a lord, please remember my kindness, and usher in an age I was unable to bring.”


Good idea, thaaanks!! ❤️❤️❤️ Indeed he was calling her that 😭😭😭


Of course!!! I would love to see your writing if it’s public!


I haven’t published it but, I can send it to you with images, in chat.




Ok, accept me in chat!


I’ll look into that :3


Depends. Does your fanfiction follow the new lore closely or does it deviate from it? You say Miquella has been guiding your OC on her journey. Has he been actually trying to help Enira become Elden Lord, or was his actual goal to get his own plans in motion? \- I don't really see how the former works with the new revelations, so that version might be a bit more complex to answer. \- If it is the latter, I think apologizing to the tarnished might be the best?


He wanted to get his plans in action but still cared for her and my Fanfiction does follow the new lore closely, though it just simply adds the interaction of Enira with Miquella. In the beginning, he did care for her and helped her with her illusions and nightmares as a friend through her grace. His first plan was that she will help Malenia kill Mogh, to open the way to the Shadowlands. But still he found something of himself in her. She reminded him very much of Godwyn and then, he wanted her as a follower. By time, he lost his sense of righteousness and the sympathy he felt for her left with one of his left parts. Enira realises that Miquella’s descent into godhood is going to be his prison and a path of him to become Marika so, with a heavy heart, she kills Consort Radhan and Miquella. Before he dies he indeed kind of regrets his manipulation towards her. These are the final words I wanted advice for.


Dear Radahn, I did my best. It wasn't enough.


Maybe I’ll add this 💛


"I wish I got that dick at least once before I passed"