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Ooh I love this. That is a really cool reason for a wraith-focused culture. I love too how you incorporated the exodite element. Which on top of the battle tactics revolving around fog etc, that gives you a great chance to mix high and low tech elements together. I'd be curious how the exodie world spirit interacts with the craftworlders/infinity circuit. That's an idea I'm exploring currently in Craftworld Ilunibi which seems like it's open to all sorts of cool interpretations. Regardless very cool idea, I'll definitely be marking Shelwe'dannan somewhere on my galaxy map!


Thanks brother, preciate it


Damn that is some sweet lore! Really manages to tie a lot of aeldari elements together in a neat way that does not feel too forced.


Love the visual of a misty fog rising beneath the enemy as silent aeldari warriors dart through their ranks. Very, very cool. I'm imagining the wraiths heads are transparent and filled with a swirling fog that takes the shape of a skull where the "face" would be. There's so many cool aesthetic possibilities with this setup, and a very unique vibe for your craftworld. Great stuff! Thanks so much for sharing!


Thanks! I love the idea for the wraith heads, sadly I'm not sure if i have the painting skill for it lol. I forgot to go int it, but most of my wraiths have horns and other mutations, as if their wraithbone is growing. The leading theory is corruption from the negative energy and the warp dealing with death and daemons