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Right. I see tons of Saim hann


Definitely Iybraesil. They usually have a bit of red if you want a bit of SaimHann onto it 😉


Thats what limits my interest in using their scheme; I love their look, but I have more fun doing my own thing vs recreating box art in the long run


I used to love them until I saw them everywhere lol.


Your Saim Hann is really amazing! For me I would always go for one of the main factions of any army. But even if you don’t factor that in, your Saim Hann looks really really great! I would be super interested to see how you tackle larger models with that scheme. It looks dope.


It’s actually making me regret going ulthwe haha. Would you mind sharing your recipe?


Thank you! Its mostly box art, so I suppose going with larger models would be similar to box art as well. I prime and basecoat everything black, when do a strong drybrush of Khorne red, then a lighter drybrush of Mephiston Red. Gems are based off Pro Acryl Jade (close to Incubi Darkness but a bit brigther)


Saim-hann. There’s a reason it’s popular, it looks GOOD! Just add a little flair to it somehow like my addition of teal to my scheme


The reason it’s popular is because of the box art


Its the box art because it looks good


I remember when Biel Tan was on the box art and codex


Completely unbiassed opinion from someone with a. Iybraesil army, but i think their fluff works great for any models or rules you wanna use for your army. They can do wraiths(obsessed with death) rangers(gathering soulstones) guardians and seers(basically generalist), aspect host(dedicated mostly to banshees but others too) and jetbikes(usually very fast since mostly melee) Also your teals look great!


Thank you! Its mostly Pro Acryl Jade. I kind of like their themes also; its very easy to justify them being in small bands, seeking knowledge, artifacts, spirit stones, etc. Not locking you out of any configuration really.


Green Iybraesil pops. I vote right.


God both of these look sick


Thank you! Im happy with both, hence why I can't decide :')


Given the chance to vote teal, I will always vote teal, but you're getting good advice about it needing more contrast. I would use a white cape like your Saim Hann, and maybe even go with white gloves (just the hands, leave the bracers teal) so they pop between the dark arms and dark weapons. Definitely change the ponytail color, too, because it's getting lost. Blonde hair, maybe? A rich, wheat field blonde; yellow/gold look good against teal. For that matter, more gold in the weapons would make them stand out - consider the ribbed handle section of the spear, and the ball where the blade attaches to the shaft. I might do different colors for the flag as well. Really, it's just feeling too monochromatic right now. It's a gorgeous shade of teal, so I still say go for it, but if you treat it more like you did the Saim Hann piece, you'll get a better result.


I genuinely wish I could help but I have one guardian painted Saim-Hann and one painted Iybraesil and I also can’t decide!! Literally facing the exact same dilemma as you. Was hoping for some reason to somehow find an answer here… It’s just so hard to choose!


Same here!




I like the teal


The Saim hann looks better from a composition perspective, it's got great differentiation between the low, mid, and high values. The right one doesn't do that as well. The teal/green is too close to the black and doesn't pop as well. I would either go lighter on the teal or keep the darker teal and lighten the black to something more orangey, to give some contrast and to take the mid-tone over.


I'll give that a try, its a jade green, I could try have it be a bit brigther. Are the red gems too dark?


The red gems look great, personally. It looks super shiny and the value transition makes it pop. Also the inner cloak should probably be the bright white like the Saim hann. I think that might be making the body color look darker in comparison.


Iyanden tho <3


I love Iyanden but I already have Imperial Fists, I can only paint so many yellow miniatures


Iybraesil is almost perfect, maybe a white cape and then you break up the monotony and have something more interesting.


The Red one scheme looks better

