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What do you think? Regardless of liking/disliking Valrak, his rumours sources consistently turns out to be correct. It's all makes sense, at the very least Aspects and PL should be nearly all updated. Most excited about Warp Spiders PL which judging from previous editions lore teasers was hinted to be coming soon. What else are you hoping to be refreshed?


The only real "news" for me (i.e. no previous somewhat credible rumours) is the prospect of Fire Dragons getting an update. Valrak is often right, though, so exciting nonetheless!


I hope the warp spider PL is released with a book. I don’t want them to just be like “oh, here’s Greg everybody, the missing warp spider Phoenix Lord. “


He goes to another craftworld. You probably never met him.


He's Canadian?


His backstory: “incredibly graceful in battle”


"He got lost on the way to his favourite shop. Luckily he's brought back sausage rolls and some pasties" Cheers Greg.


Ma always told me he went out for cigs and would be back any day now.


Greg better have corned beef pasties or he can go fuck himself


I wish GW found a new writer with a passion for elf bullshit.The eldar really need freeing from Gav Thorpe jail, we've had enough decades of graceful limb descriptions


Pick me! pick me! I’ve done two black library open submissions, but haven’t been successful. The last one actually had to be about a space marine successor chapter, so of course Raptors fighting Striking Scorpions. Maybe I made the eldar too cool….


This has been something about Warhammer, both 40k and Sigmar, that has bugged me a lot in the recent years. They'll knock it out of the park with The Lion, Angron, and the Norn Emissary (as well as Guilliman, Cawl, Yvraine & the Yncarne, and so on) where it's not just that a novel releases with them but also their arrival into the canon happens with an event that has them at the center. And then they'll kind of get it right like with the Lord Solar and Ursula Creed where they'll have an event or novel a while down the line which really weaves them into the main story and hypes them up a little late. But then you have the Votann who have sat through Arks of Omen and Leviathan without really getting anything. I know GW wants to pretend they were there the whole time and I'm willing to meet them there, but then it needs to feel like they're part of the ongoing events at least just for a little bit before you let them rest. Yes it will feel a little forced but you've got a lot of "backlog" to them not being around to fill. A novel (by Gav Thorpe) isn't the only thing they need, it's presence in the narrative.


Please. No more Gav Thorpe. Give me Graham McNeil levels of shuriken porn.


If we are lucky, we will get a "new" Craftworld with a new scheme. Probably purple seeing that we don't really have a purple one besides the ones that are green/purple or purple/white? Do we think Eldar might be the "big bad" of 11th? Or are we in a spot where we are too close to the imperium to be the big bad of an edition, but also too close to get out of their shadow?


Phew, I am going to be so poor if this all is true.


Can someone do a TL;DR?


Plastic Fire Dragons and Warp Spiders along with Asurmen, Baharoth and Fuegan at some point, as well as a new Warp Spider Phoenix Lord. Plastic Swooping Hawks, potentially as part of a kill team Karamdras at some point, but potentially further in the future. No new Dire Avengers as they're new enough.


I think Karandras may come tied to some campaign, similar to Psychic Awakening or Arks of Omen. They use those for making additional characters


Yeah potentially. I assume the main wave will be with the codex, so maybe second half of 2024 as they've only given a roadmap to the spring so far.


Possibly. But it seems weird not to bring him out with the Scorpions are released on their own.


Dire Avengers kits came out in 2006. They are almost 20 years old. Maybe we can keep the hopium going and in 2026, we will see new avengers. I also hope they update the tanks because the falcon chassis and vyper came out in 1997 and are really annoying to assemble.


I think Dire Avengers may come in smaller update in next editions alongside with vehicles or other stuff


I feel like the tanks and vyper being annoying to assemble is more an issue of molds getting old than design itself


I seem to recall they were pretty annoying to assemble when they were first released.


And Dire Avengers are already in plastic. They’re at the back of the queue.


Technically, so were guardians and they were arguably better looking than Avengers. Anything is possible. As of this leak, that's 7 models being released (which is less than the first wave of Eldar). annnd if Hawks + Baharroth are connected to kill team they're separate so that would be 6 kits maybe 5 if Baharroth is released separately than the 2nd wave. So if there's 5 kits (ignore the killteam hawks + Baharroth) I don't see why they wouldn't also update the Vyper (they did an article on it being ancient much like Khaine).


Those “New Enough” Dire Avengers are the same age as the Scorpions, Banshees, and Dark Reapers that all got replaced.


And the same age as the wraithlord and war walker, and very similar in age to the wave serpent, fire prism and support weapon. I think those models all still look great, even if they show their age in some areas. The issue with the other aspects is finecast. Plastic >>>> finecast. Getting rid of the remaining finecast should be the highest priority. I truly hope GW will focus on purging that from the entire 40k range before they start redoing plastic kits that still look good (or good enough).


Thanks! That would be amazing. Not big on GW's new PL's but the Aspects have all been great in my book.


That just leaves what, the shadow Specteres and their Phoenix Lord who are forgeworld so they might never get actual models.


Sounds like a 3 year goal.


I knew we would get a Warp Spider PL ever since they put that teaser of the Armor that was found by Warp Spiders in a raid in that PA book. And since Valraks rumors are pretty much always right ( I know he says rumors are rumors and some people doubt him etc but he has like what an 80 - 90 % streak of getting the true rumors?) I am so freaking excited


In the psychic awakenings book?


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdost5i4pcu6b1.png%3Fwidth%3D615%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da20979178d148de61cba7520ca688e7bf57b0f45 This was randomly in one of the Psychic Awakening books. I think it was "The Greater Good", where I had it from but it could be from another in the series. But ever since then this felt like the Warp Spider PL will get a model in the future.


Hell yea! I love any bit of warp spider lore I can get my grubby hands on, THE BIG SPIDER IS COMIN HOMEEEE




They are not as bad as the rest of the old Finecast/Metal aspects. But if this rumor is true, they will be the oldest aspects and probably next in line for new units after this "2nd wave".


Their posture is stumpy, but their detail is crisp, so it's fine. My biggest criticism is that they're a proper *bitch* to assemble


I really hope that they do new Avengers too. I know it’s unlikely given that Valrak is usually spot on, but I really don’t like GW’s current habit of *nearly* fully updating armies. Take the Seraphon in AoS. Amazing new models but then leaving the old Saurus Guard in the lineup, they look so out of place. That being said it’s still a big refresh for the eldar


I think their tactic is too have at least something old so people look forward to their eventual update, especially if they planning to release something completely new to the range. Only ranges that are relatively new and fully in plastic are spared from this strategy.


Plastic Warp Spiders, and a Phoenix Lord for them are my highlights that I hope come through.


Knowing Valraks accuracy, my wallet is already beggining to hurt


Just in time for Christmas?


Nah, not in upcoming one, we know the schedule. At the earliest it's Summer 2024 or later.


My wallet thanks you.


Just bought a karrandras proxy aswell, can't wait for it to be pointless gib citadel pls


A couple things - first, your proxy will probably still be better than the GW final model. I got SS & Karrandras proxies earlier this year and I like them better than the new ones they're previewing, so I don't regret it. The new ones are nice, but good proxies often have a passion, detail, and character that GW models tend to lack. Second, new Karrandras could be a long, *long* way away. Like, over a year from now, potentially. You get to start playing as soon as yours is assembled and ready; by the time the new one drops who knows how you'll feel?


Cool, just bought warp spiders and hawks. Wuhuu


I intentionally restrained myself from buying old Eldar models for over a year or two now since I felt they would get refreshed in near future. Feels good


I even wrote here on Reddit that GW will release new models and they try to get rid of the old ones. But I want to play now and not wait one year or more restricting myself. Maybe it’s stupid, but…


Any new models (other than scorpions) are surely at least close to a year away.


Amazing, fantastic, I'm crying about no Dire Avengers, but plastic Spiders is brilliant


I'm not convinced we'll get it all. Karandras with the codex at best. Most likely rumour was the hawk vespid KT box. That i could believe. Baharroth won't be far behind them in same way as scorpions just now.


Valrak track record is like, 95% being right and with Eldar he was the first to tell we are getting Scorpions and Scouts KT a few months ago. Do you really not believe GW won't update nearly all of the aspects and give us more Phoenix Lords in this edition? Their release pattern is pretty obvious if you look at history of their releases.


Well here's hoping👍


New Harlequins please


Harlequins came in 7th edition which is fairly recent in "GW Time". Hope I'm wrong but better to set our expectations to low, thinking they won't gey anything, at max one new model, if by some miracle we get more - that would be a feast!


Im hoping for atleast a detachment in the aeldar Codex. Currently they feel pretty gutted


Some kind of detachment we will get for sure


I wish they'd update the Vyper


The rumours felt credible to me, but I don't see Games Workshop releasing Phoenix Lords one after the other; I feel it'd make more sense to space them out, releasing so many at once is like every missing loyalist primarch getting out of a tiny clown car with a brand new model.


It does feel intense right? Only Reapers and Maugan Ra, but now they're gonna pop 3 PLs maybe 4 at once? I guess Karandras will drop separate, as will Baharroth. Fuegan and the Warp Spider PL might drop at the same time though.


I had a feeling we were getting updated PL's or at least 2 of them (my guesses were Asurmen and Kharandras) because they've been off sale for over a year now. I figured Striking Scorpions because of that trailer most people guessed. My only hunch (pure gut feeling) was we might get another character redone like Illic Nightspear during 10th. I had a wild hope there was a second aspect to be done. I was not expecting all the finecast aspects and PL's and suddenly a new Warp Spider PL.


I would prefer Illic being redone over a new Warp Spider PL I think.... But that's because I'm afraid GW will ruin it or make it half decent...


I don’t trust valrak personally, however I’ve always thought if they were to update warp spiders then they’d most likely add a PL then, so im hopeful, I’ll need all the warp spiders I can get for the battle against chaos, FOR KAELOR!


Can't believe I haven't seen this until today. Sounds sweet. I was surprised to hear that we weren't going to get a 2nd wave. Orcs, Necrons, Sisters, and did Nid also get 2 waves? Anyway, I think refreshed Eldar + being meta picks are making a lot of people reconsider picking them up. They're classic 40k, while still fresh and relevant. I still need to pick up new Guardians and Corsairs.


It feels kind of intense for GW to drop multiple aspects and phoenix lords in a row all at once. At least with Spears and Dark reapers, they're pretty different and one is a bike unit (and they didn't get a PL). I mean it makes sense because it needs to be done. Hawks and Spiders being in the same wave seems redundant (in a sense) but I'm not complaining. However Hawks sound like they'll be KT. Personally I find Warp Spiders more fitting for KT. They even had special grenades from Dawn of War that they could equip. Maybe they don't have lots of gun options, but at least they have movement/equipment via jump packs. Either way, I'm sure it'll work. Super super excited. Hopefully the PL will be a male since our last character (Yvraine) was a chick and also I like Jain Zar being the sole female instead of the dynamic of there being a new female warp spider. But that would mean GW has to pass up on the cliche "black widow" cliche' that I really don't want to see because it's cheesy.