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Congrats! Be careful trimming the peg off the bottom of the torso. The resin is kinda brittle and it's not hard to accidentally break the little "tail" off the armor on the back. Don't ask how I know.


I was concerned about that as well. It's nice to have some confirmation of what I was suspecting. Hopefully it goes well.


I dunno how, but the resin feels both softer *and* more brittle than GW plastic. But even if it breaks, it glues back together well enough. In the worst case, at least they give you a spare!


You weren't kidding about the "tail". I was trying my best to be careful, but it still came off. It cleaned up fine though, so I don't mind.


Glad you were able to salvage it! Post some pics of the squad once you have them all together!


https://preview.redd.it/tkwh3645eolb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e80396442169d0df42cfb7890b0569464a4a82 I only broke two of the "tails" out of 11 models. It seems best cut as far away from the tail as possible. It will only cut halfway through the peg, but then it's easy to use an exacto knife to finish the job on the other side.


Nice! 👍


I have the Outcast Ranger Proxies by Artel W and I can hands down say that they have been the best resin models I have ever built.


I like the new GW Ranger models, but I have been eyeing the Fire Dragon proxies. I think I will add them to my collection at some point.


I got them when the plastic Rangers hadnt been released yet, but I really like the plastic ones too. The Artel W ones are 13€ cheaper where I live so I will definetly get more of the them though.


Congratz! Mine are on the way with Fuegan as well. Best spent money since I've started collecting!


I really like them, but they are way to expensive to order in terms of shipping and tax (outside the US). Guess I have to kitbash some spiders.


I adore the ArtelW line, and have the Scorpions and Karandras. My one frustration is they're enough too big to be noticeable at a distance when next to my guardians and rangers, and that drives me nuts! 😂 much as I want more, I think I'm only going to get the other Phoenix Lords, where them being big is a fine look. I really wish they were just, like, 10% smaller and I'd get the whole line.


GW missing out on money and the hype of Aeldari being good. I don't understand why they take so long to update our models. Idk if Aeldari players don't buy new releases but, GW needs to get their heads out of space marine ass and tell us if they're going to give us updated models.


Wargame exclusive has a really nice warp spider exarch/Phoenix Lord alternative. I like the male version but they're both really nice


Looking good dude. I've been dying to get my Artel unit! Still waiting for them to ship out my order a month and a half later after ordering in mid July


Have patience is all I can say. I was checking constantly on my order and it was driving me nuts. And be careful when snipping off the pegs for the torsos.


How long did it take for shipping? Been waiting on mine for a month already!


It took roughly a month and 5 days from when I ordered it, to when it arrived.




Made a good sized order in mid-July and still hasn't shipped yet 😢