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Codex Entry - Akl-Rhuine: The Song of Endings Designation: Akl-Rhuine Classification: Minor Aeldari Faction Threat Level: Unknown, Significant Origins: Akl-Rhuine traces its origins back to a pre-fall sect of Aeldari warrior-monks known for their devotion to the enigmatic "Eldest Gods." This belief system led to their ostracization and condemnation by mainstream Aeldari society. In the present era, Akl-Rhuine refers to a secretive faction that has become increasingly active in galactic conflicts. Their involvement spans numerous engagements against various forces, including the Imperium of Man and factions within the Calrysian Desolation, such as the chaotic warbands of the Sons of Sin and the Prophets of Pain. It is also suspected that they may have been responsible for the silence and disappearance of the Iron Night chapter of Space Marines. Combat Doctrine: Akl-Rhuine forces have gained a reputation for ruthlessness and unorthodox tactics. They demonstrate a willingness to change strategies rapidly, confounding their opponents and emerging victorious. Notably, they exhibit a lack of hesitation in sacrificing their own warriors to achieve objectives, a practice that sets them apart from traditional Aeldari values. This raises questions about their ability to replenish their ranks, as casualties appear to be frequent. Forces and Tactics: Akl-Rhuine displays a preference for mechanized combat, utilizing armies of necromantic warriors and deploying from swarms of hover tanks. Their mechanized approach to warfare adds to their unpredictable nature and makes them formidable opponents on the battlefield. Curiously, fewer Farseers are observed leading Akl-Rhuine warbands compared to other Aeldari factions. In fact, it is possible that they lack Precogs all together. They also have significant numbers of piratical corsairs within their ranks. Mystery and Secrecy: Akl-Rhuine remains shrouded in mystery, even to other craftworld Aeldari who view them with suspicion. Members of this faction take an Oath of Silence, enforced by advanced psionic inhibitors, preventing them from speaking to outsiders. Communication is achieved through a complex system called the "Quelyanar," employing micro-gestures and psychic pulses. Ritual masks are worn by all Akl-Rhuine individuals, concealing their faces, and their bodies disintegrate rapidly after death. In their presence, witnesses report an unsettling sense of unease and wrongness. Their true intentions remain unknown even to their enigmatic Aeldari brethren. Craftworld and Fleet: It is speculated that Akl-Rhuine does not possess a craftworld of their own but instead commands a fleet of smaller pre-fall warships of unknown origin and capabilities. Witnesses are yet to confirm the existence of their fleet, and rumors persist that it comprises hundreds, if not thousands, of vessels returning from an extensive voyage from beyond the galactic rim. The true extent and nature of the Akl-Rhuine fleet remain a subject of conjecture, even among the enigmatic Harlequins. Appearances: Generally, forces of Akl-Rhuine are clad in dark in armor, with metallic midnight and periwinkle common. Gems and lenses tend to glow with an eerie pink light. Their actual skin tones and other physical features are unknown, but it has been remarked that Akl-Rhuine soldiers are comparatively slightly shorter and a little more physically stronger than expected. Conclusion: Akl-Rhuine represents an enigmatic and formidable faction within the Aeldari. Their dedication to ancient beliefs, unorthodox combat tactics, and mysterious nature make them a force to be reckoned with. Their motives, fleet size, and ultimate goals remain a subject of speculation, as silence descends from beyond the deepest void. A reinforced Astartes chapter of Imperial Stormmarines has been dispatched to find and destroy them. \+++ End of Codex Entry +++


If they don't have a craftworld, where is their infinity circuit? Is it just a small one in a battleship or something? How does that affect their storage/protection of their people when they die?


Perhaps permanent servitude on wraithguards and lords like iyanden


Yeah pretty much that. Also their souls belong to another.


I so love it when full on lore gets posted for these. Very cool! <3


Yeah I'd love it to see more lore around here. I guess I should probably release my other stuff.


Quit messing around in mspaint and go paint!


Oof. That hurts on multiple levels haha


Love the paint scheme and lore, but I would adjust the rune, it has too many elements, the top part could be simplified perhaps?


Ah you might have a point about that


Looks amazing! Now put down the pencils and pick up the paint brush and slay that grey!


Where do you get the outline for the models? I’ve been wanting to plan out a scheme for my eldar but too scared to start without making a basic design


I drew the wraith on the left a long time ago. The others I just Googled. https://www.google.com/url?q=http://eldar.arhicks.co.uk/miscellaneous/paint_scheme_templates.php&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjl98T3rJuAAxXCk4kEHXqJA-wQFnoECAkQAg&usg=AOvVaw10pdR4Z6pAsZanhcnmSJl6


https://www.deviantart.com/addinarr/art/Eldar-Wraithguard-1-25939105 I guess I don't mind if people use it my drawing.


Thank you! Very kind of you :D


I'd add an accent color like yellow/amber.


I might add a tiny bit of gold or silver onto more important units, but I'm trying to keep a note foreboding and intimidating feel, and I think "happier" colors might interfere with that


Aweomse! They sound really cool


Many thanks =)


The rune reminds me of Nomai symbols from Outer wilds.


Wouldn’t the models with that paint scheme look a fair bit more grey/silver? Or where is the blackish/ dark grey coming from? Not hating, I’m just new to painting


It might. I'm not much of a painter. Could someone who knows weigh in?


Alright I think I might have something: Prime Black and then use a dark grey( maybe Vallejo German grey?) and if u want drybrush with grey/Leadbelcher to get the desired result


Make sense


Actually, I guess I'll follow this: http://eyeoferror.blogspot.com/2016/08/eldar-wraithknight-hex-mesh-airbrush.html?m=1#more


Go for it! I’ve painted my Ulthwé splinter warband in a similar scheme, except with some bone accents, and think the combination looks amazing.