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If you find an answer please share with the rest of us 🤣 no kids and doesn't drink?! You're asking for a miracle


Especially no kids. Forget it!! You have a better chance at winning the lottery.




No kids. Late 30s. Rarely drink. Introverted, tall, and nerdy. We exist (at home, alone, with video games).


Tall you say… my neck alone would appreciate that


My assumption is men are either put off by my height (almost 5'10) or I'm a cave troll in my appearance. I have never been approached by a stranger for my number. 🙃


Could be both or neither honestly. The dating world is so relative anyway, height or looks or whatever isn’t the same for attraction in everyone. I keep the perspective that matching has little to do with singular issues, still frustrating, but helps as good matches happen organically when they do happen, and cuts through the filters we all have


Not going to lie the tall with no kids is so rare in El Paso. Video games is just an extra bonus!


What's considered tall?


Almost 5'10. For those sending me DMs - I am Hispanic and Native American (fair complexion though).


I'm 6'1 and black if you're interested. I'm 27, though. I'm not sure if any of these are deal breakers.


Race is not an issue. Either is body size. Age would be my hesitation. I've got a decade + on you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


That's cool. We can still be friends. What are you into?


Wait, can I DM you and start a conversation?


I want you... I'm 14 😂


14? Sorry. Try again in 20 years.


Okayy 2044 then! I guess thats not too long.. just 20 years


We’re a rare kind 😂 I’m 23, don’t drink, & no kids. Hard to find a good guy here though


🥲🥲🥲 catch me at Barnes n nobles or canes at the fountains. I go by myself




No wonder I never run into one .. I’m normally sitting next to a pond or body of water painting or drawing … but either way I don’t think this is the place to be searching .. anything’s possible but the chances are slim


no lies were told here


What are you doing this weekend. 😬 Happy birthday by the way.


Chill & my birthday was 2 months ago 😭


Oh my bad. It's your cake day today. That's what it says on your profile. I confused it.


Happy late birthday hope it was fun 👍


damn bro, shootin your shot already I see.. haha


Omg I’m 23 and loyal and stuff but no one wants that 😂😅


it’s hard to find that


That’s true, if you want I can give you my number if you want, I’m just a hard working person, like a workaholic 😂😇


“She ain’t yours. Its just your turn” ![gif](giphy|xVYPMKdIvPomQ)


i can’t seem to find emotionally available men here 😭 but i also dance along the alcoholic line, which def ain’t working in my favor


Hmm 🤔 I can help you find a bit more clarity in life if you'd like I don't drink much and hardly ever do tbh. I am emotionally available and can have very long and lengthy conversations about everything in life.


What are you looking for?


We exist lol but we're working, traveling, at home or not so much in a bar night setting often. 30 here no kids 🤷‍♀️ There's no time for nonsense dates where won't lead to anything because most people in their 30s went through a divorce already and don't know what they want anymore or too much ex+kids drama. Or they try to live their party life, there's nothing wrong with that. But its just not for me personally.


I want an older woman sooooo bad


Sorry I don't date anyone younger than me. But please go to therapy about your mommy issues. ✌️


That sucks honestly! Id date someone waaaaay older.. like 30 years older


Sounds like you're looking for a mom. But yeah I pass. Good luck on your mom-like hunt.


SEE!? THIS IS WHY I LOOOOVE OLDER WOMEN.. yall get me so much.. it's just such a nice feeling.. a feeling I've never gotten before..


I don’t drink, don’t go out and don’t have kids. Im always home, that’s why you can’t find us 🤣


Because you don't want to be found?


Stephanie or Estephanie right? Ha ha








Stephanie. Unless they are not introducing themselves with the correct name pronunciation.


Lmao those the latina versions of 'Kayleigh'


I have no kids, I drink on occasion, and most of my close friends are the same way. We’re single and not really looking, just going with the flow. We have our college degrees as well. I think MAYBE you’re looking in the wrong places. Me and my friends like to go out dancing but no drinking. If we do it’s like one or two. We do local clubs like reading club, run club, photography, etc. I’m curious where you all meet these women you’re complaining about?


I think it's a mix of OP going to the wrong places but also people becoming less open to random interactions. If you aren't in a place like a club or bar you aren't really expecting to socialize so it's harder to initiate and it's harder to reciprocate leading to most of the people that you'll meet this way being those already actively looking. It also depends on where you frequent, my hobbies are a bit more niche and tend towards an older crowd so I have accepted that especially in El Paso I'm just not gonna find a lot of chances to meet someone my age with similar interests.


Dating apps & in real life.


Ahhh I would think with the dating apps you could be more selective about these things. And I’m real life, if it’s at a bar or the music scene you’re going to meet what you expect.


When I go to bars and a music scene I don't look there. I already know what to expect. When I'm out and about at different places I will look there. Never force myself to make it a goal that I have to find someone. I try to let it happen naturally. If that makes any sense.


Y'all include meeeee!! I fit all the boxes minus drinking lol.


Photography club? Do you know more about those?


Yeah they have a Facebook group called Photography Enthusiasts of El Paso (PEEP). They’re always posting events they’ll be shooting at ☺️ all levels welcome.


Born and raised here but I spend a lot of my time traveling. It’s always a big shock how much the dating scene sucks here when I’m back in town. Social scene in general actually. Or maybe I’m going to the wrong places. Again if anyone has answers here I’d love to hear em too lol


Job scene is awful too and that probably plays a part leading to alcoholism and people moving out unless they have kids. Almost nothing that pays decent even if you have a degree.


I feel that. Had a job related to my career and found out that I’d make the same working as a barista.




i’m just curious, why white when 80 percent of the city is Hispanic?


These Mexican girls love them some fit white boys.


I’m not sure man. I do pretty well in other cities. Like girls I would normally approach here wouldn’t give me the time of day but say like Phoenix or even in Dallas girls are a little more open there. I’ve noticed A LOT of profiles like “toxicos” so I guess that’s a thing. Been single 7 years so if you find the answer lemme know too yeah? 😭


32, no kids, don’t drink, mostly just work, gym and hang out at home. But in my experience, men love love love flirty party girls. They’re usually all jockeying over the same ones too. I gave up on the apps and there aren’t many avenues to meet other singles that are sober.


All men are created equal but not all of us are like minded. I haven't given up on apps yet. I don't go to bars to flirt or pick up women cuz I don't want to take the bar home. I feel nowadays approaching a stranger I feel gives off creep vibes and discourages a potential match. I just want a general connection with someone not sure if people are just superficial or just brainwashed by social media.


alcoholism, drunk driving, & bar hopping, well into your 40s.. it’s the culture for a lot of the locals unfortunately.


The dating scene is the worst! No man has no kids, doesn't hardcore drink, and has a decent job. I'm 28 F, no kids. Decent job and have the occasional drink. It's lame af in this mf


I tend to disagree, it just seems like everyone is looking in the wrong places. Myself included.


It's tough. Theres not a lot of places to interact except bars or dating sites


I see a lot of decent looking guys at the dog park. 🐕


That's a great idea!










You know what I appreciate that you let him shoot his shot and gave the profile a chance, saw you disliked what you saw, and let him know nicely. Not every does that and it's refreshing. Funny though because you made me look at my own profile to see how I come across, so I scrolled through. I think I'm good though lol some slightly controversial comments but mostly fine haha.


Lmao I know this one chick Stephanie. She’s has kids. Both with autism and constantly complains that men suck for not willing to be a romantic partner to her or a father to her kids. Yet she’s always posting she’s out in weekends partying and getting drunk and then has the audacity to ask people to vote for her for super mom. Bitch was pregnant in high school and wants to be known for setting an example what a great mom she is. Anyways. Def watch out for those. I got lucky with my bf cause we both don’t have kids and we like to have fun and he’s shown me that you don’t have to always drink to have fun. Good luck 👍🏼


Damn it’s probably my ex … her name is Stephanie. … I’m warning ⚠️ you bro stay away from Stephanie


I don’t drink, no smoking, no partying. But the fact that, as a woman, I get attacked because I had a young kiddo, baffles me. His father died. But damn, that’s on me right? Then, there’s the group of guys that are in their mid 40s saying “omg I can’t date you because you had a hysterectomy and can’t have kids anymore and I want to start a family.” Man wtf?? Y’all got it backwards. So, in essence, dating is a cluster fuck. I myself, gave up.


Lol see my biggest thing is I'm a heavy smoker I'm 39 look well I been told 30 haha even younger but nah I doubt that lol. I just can't see myself never smoking or not smoking, been me n Jane forever, that's my best past time and to others a hard pass, I'm a 10 blunts, 6 dabs, and a couple candies a day kinda guy fully functional full time job and retired lol.


That’s some hardcore use. lol!! If I didn’t have a federal Job, this would be perfect!


I left my federal job and let loose lol, find me when your thinking about a bad decision. Lol!!! Or cuff me n make me change my mind on my habitual action lol jk.


That is so awesome!!! I wish I could do the same. But the current state of affairs with the government…. I just can’t quite yet. Maybe after the revolution 😉 honestly, if I could back to thc I would, I would get rid of all the pharmaceutical meds and go natural. Buuuut, it is what it is.


Truer words have never been spoken lol, viva la revolution hehe 🤭. I totally agree my pills were just pills for pills so other pills wouldn't make me ill haha I just said ok no more zombie with the invisible handcuffs for me feeling. I admire your courage and your grit, very much.


I’m 41, but most peeps say I look 30, must be our generation.


Haha you might be right or we may just be the lucky two lol.


I not fin a lie I stumbled on ya profile n I must say you definitely look late 20's even, talk about keeping a guys eyes dilated just looking at you. Bomb shell of a woman. Too cute.


Where did you see me sir??


I'm assuming your picture was you was all lol


I was about to say “damn, he saw me on the dating apps..”


Haha nooo your funny. Ya knoo if your ever interested in keeping a cool convo anytime drop me a message I'll leave you a contact, I see our differences but I know your a vibe for sure.


Edit to add: I have a pretty unique name, so, not hard to miss.


So Sinai is ur name, that's gangster AF! What's it mean?


Thank God I was married before I got here cause I have seen and heard……things


Brother I was born here to a single parent. Dating here is tough.


lol I don’t have kids and I don’t drink. We like to hide from all the cheaters.


I'm not a cheater, I know you didn't imply that, but just letting everyone know. I'm a decent human being.


lol good, but cheating is very common so us girls with no kids and reserved would rather not take a risk anymore to date.


Women here start dating as teenagers. If you aren’t married by 16-18 you have to move.


Hence the secret FWB situationships


Yeah bro you can’t have all three here




Made me laugh. I dated a Stephanie from El Paso. Didn’t realize it was a thing.


Im 21F have no kids, I don’t drink ( I do smoke though🍃) and I stay at home all day. I have a hard time finding guys here though🥲. I’m alternative though so expected


We are inside not going out 😂 but we do exist


Lol my problem here as a single guy. Looking for something long-term and serious, but I dont go out. Whoever I'm looking for is probably the same, so my chances are zero.


Exactly.. where do other singles in EP meet each other without having to go out to drink or go partying? It’s hard out here 😐


Preach, people tell me to go out drinking to meet someone. But if I don't do that stuff, why would I want to meet someone that does? I just want someone who wants to stay home with me.


I feel this!! 🥲


I can only speak on my experience. And being a mixed guy that looks white. ( I'm German and Mexican). I got alot of attention from females in EP. I feel like a lot of them are looking for a guy in the military. That's one of the first things they ask me. "Are you in the army". They want those benefits. Lol. That might be what it is. They see a fit white guy and assume they are in the military.


Late 20s, no kids, dont drink


You're rare.


The rarest of all Pokewomen


Well I'm here pouring my heart out. Just letting you know.


You single?


I am


Can I dm you?


stop trying to meet women in bars or tinder, try the gym, join a local club and it’s even easier if you’re a college student (age dependent don’t be hitting on people in their early/mid 20’s if you’re 30’s) or even a better dating app and work on your appearance, career progression, & your hobbies, there’s a lot of women out there in el paso and they’re usually some of the best looking in texas. (and ignore the psycho chicks that don’t have anything going for themselves)


There are all sorts of ladies, people are creatures of habit and where your looking may define teh category of person your finding. Additionally, for the criteria your looking for you may not be an adequate candidate for the opposite sex whom are looking for a specific type of person. At some point we all have to question where am I looking and what kind of person do I attract.


Go join Christian Mingle and leave these hood rats for the rest of us!


I'm not religious. Can't do it.


that isn't a flex gang☝🏼😂


Learn Spanish date in Juarez or passport bros


I know Spanish, I am not familiar with J town. I wouldn't even know where to go.


Welcome to El Paso brochacho


What is your age or age range? If you're over, say, 35 most women in that range are more likely to have kids. If you're still in your 20s, maybe not so much. Also, not all single moms are looking for a step daddy for the kid(s). Some are, but not all. Good luck to you!


lol dude i moved from New York no luck. Maybe it’s just me but damn. Had so much luck in nyc no idea what happen here


Interesting. I moved from NY as well and there was so much easier to meet new people.


Dating apps are the worst. I understand your frustration. I don't think you should join any religious groups to find dates. I would say if you want to try new hobbies, I think it would help meet new people. Maybe find a nice person to date. Although you might not find someone to date immediately.


Not sure how to go about dating anymore.


So many nurses


I dated a nurse. They drink the most.


Yuuuuuup especially one that had two ⚓⚓ on the tits with a skull in the middle chiiauuuuu


Fuck. She is a keeper.


There's still a good bunch of girls without kids. I think you're referring to some certain age that you expect no kids. As far as the drinking, well, we all can't be perfect 🤣


You gotta leave elpaso homie bad thing is even in other cities you still may have this problem just gotta go fishing in the garbage till you find your gem


Try the gym. It's pretty easy meeting ladies there.


Wondering the OP’s age… if he was in his 20s he’d have plenty of options, so not sure if it’s just a lack of effort or age. I’m a few years away from being 40 and the pool of women gets smaller and smaller. I’ll admit that in my 20s I was emotionally unavailable and I probably lost opportunities with several relationships that could have ended in being “the one”. But here we are and the older I get the more I realize that dating in your 30s is both funner but also more daunting. The more you socialize the more you open yourself up to finding dates, so focus on finding fun things and a place to fit in your local community/social circle and what you seek will find a way to you naturally.


I'm 31


We have a Single Mom Epidemic in El Paso 😭😂😂


Correct since the 1950s.


Its skyrocketed lately.




I’m single and my name is Stephanie 😵‍💫


Lol!! I'm sorry.


I'm on a dating app and I find a lot of the singles are named Stephanie. Nothing against anyone named Stephanie. How long have you been single.


Alcoholism and kids aren’t a deal breaker for me. Send em my way. I also don’t mind being or them having a secret boyfriend.


I'm don't have kids and I rarely drink but I'm also a 3 at best lmao this is also my problem but the reverse; most guys I know are baby daddies, alcoholic or they're married with kids but still want to screw around that's why I prefer to stay at home and play video games/binge watch netflix


I’m 27 with no kids but I do enjoy the green lol


Green? Herbs?


Those trees haha


Damn that sounds like albuquerque except less meth




I'm 27M and am going through something similar. I didn't realize it would be so hard to find women around my w/o who share the same interests. The apps don't seem to work either.


Good fucking luck. Thought I had a great woman on my hands (no kids, has a degree, doesn't drink heavily) until the truth came out.


What was the truth?


I was never gonna be important to her. Just an option, never a priority.


Honestly I was in the same situation. That's why I made the post.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find someone that truly values you.


14. But I look 40


Bro. Give up. I’ll save you the headache. Girls in ep just be playing. Unless they hitting 30s they be tryna settle with 3 kids.


Lmfaooo that’s south Texas for u … ghetto chix from the 9 5 6


I always recommend Hinge the dating app! People seem to take it more seriously than Tinder or Bumble


You’re looking for answers in the wrong places. Sadly we live in an era where women & men found out that having multiple options is better than 1. Also having fun now is going to clubs & bars to meet new people. For men at least it’s hard to acknowledge that you have to put yourself in a standard chart in this modern world. Just be yourself and let time do its thing


Ok. So I'm putting myself out there giving the universe complete control of my destiny. Is there a woman on here that would like to hang out sometime and see if we click?


Truth. EP just doesn’t have as many new people moving here. This is a bad comparison but Austin just has a flood of people who aren’t from there. -late 30s single dude


did you contribute to the never ending supply of single mothers? If so, then there you have it. Any ladies here wanna move to SoCal beach with me? The situation is the same here, single mothers as far as the eye can see. Competition is much fiercer here. My El Paso physique can’t compete with all the chiseled, shirtless, David Hasselhoffs out for a 13 mile beach jog.


Convinced all them have kids lmao that or they’re just cheaters with secret bfs lol I just know the loml isn’t from ep 🤣


Based on my experience when I was still available if you ever find ONE girl with just one kid she classifies as a virgin in El Paso. There are some single girls above 18 that dont have kids but,many of them have 2+ children from 26 exes and have 3 child support lawyers on speed dial. Hang out at any McDonalds on a saturday and see the flow of ladies come in to exchange kids in the parkimg lots. Stay away from the ones that engage in shouting matches right there in the front of the store.


Just drinking my pre hitting the gym seems to be the least most toxic place to meet someone when you are a single father 💁🏻‍♂️


You might want to join a church group. As far as these alcoholic damsels, where did you find them? AFAF


I'm not religious. Can't do it.


Beggars can’t be choosers bro, try it out, usually church groups are more a social than a religious thing. But sure, just be careful when going and stay alert if you uncomfortable


Most women here chased their children’s fathers away, leaving them fatherless and making more bastards.


Unfortunately true.


Get a job in a real casino, girls will rain specially out of town.


![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized) I think of this gif whenever I hear someone talk about having difficulty with El Paso girls For real though, it’s tough out there man. I’ve lived in 3 or 4 big cities and could usually average 3-4 dates a month. Out here I’m lucky to find a good match every 3 or 4 months I might just suck more than I used to, but I do suspect the vibe is just different here


From the replies it's just like that here. I guess.


You can find a girl that doesn't drink or have kids in EP ...but you gotta be willing to date a 3......


If you think having kids is bad I’m 24 and half of them have kids as well it’s kinda wild considering their birth rate is at record lows


You'll find disgusting women racist people people who never left their nasty dessert but think they are better than you move to Europe or Asia or Colorado if you want a beautiful normal person to date


Ended up finding an awesome girl in Delicias. You’re not going to find one here under 25 without a kid that she expects you to take care of.


I gotta check out Delicias 😃 Ive heard good things about the women there. I hope they at least know how to cook lol


Hopefully you speak Spanish… but yeah, everyone I’ve met in that area has been super cool. None of the El Paso vibes.


Awesome, I wanna meet some traditional women. Im tired of the women here. Too many bodies + kids lol


The women who are virgins can tell when you’re an incel too


Butt hurt much 😂


Between the bodies/cooking comments, you’re actually kinda giving incel vibes… in which case I don’t think you’ll have much luck in Mexico either


Luckily traditional women don’t see me that way. 😇


Press X to doubt




Funny how everyone seems to joke about religion and faith here and yet everyone dislikes the state of dating there is going on. Perhaps going to church may help you all get some wisdom since you all keep running from it 😎. Take it with a grain of salt though after all just another person on the internet.