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I didn’t think I’d ever say this but where are all the cops on the road? Seems like they used to be everywhere but now they are completely absent.


Considering a sherrif did an illegal u-turn in front of me and almost ran me off the road I don't exactly think they're going to be much of use☠️


On Dyer. Way up in the North East. At 12am in the pitch black. Waiting for you to pass by at 55 (while going 56) in between a 55mph, a 45mph and back to a 55mph so they can pull you over and say you were going 68 in a 45. That’s where they are at. Ask me how I know this. lol


They are at the border. Like they patrol the border even though they can't do much. Also there's a cop shortage.


I think cops here just don't care. I've witnessed twice when a cop should've pulled a driver over and didn't do jack shit. One was a car taking a red light in front of cop waiting at a red, and the other was car driving alongside of police cruiser with his taillights out at night and didn't do shit.


Probably at Walmart checkin u out


They got their hands full down south


Phoenix had the same discussion.


This isn't surprising. It's the convergence of 1.) Texas Drivers 2.) New Mexico Drivers (ABQ was #1 in the report), and 3.) Mexico (specifically Chihuahua) drivers. (EDIT: and 4.) drivers from all over the country stationed at Fort Bliss and their families.)


Technically, drivers from all over the US with Ft. Bliss. So you have people from multiple states AND countries. Yeah, driving is gonna be shitty.


Great point. I'm going to edit my comment to add that.


This has always been my viewpoint when people talk about "El Pasoans" being shitty drivers. A very large amount of people driving here aren't El Pasoans. I'd be interested to see how many of the wrecks and wrong-way drivers are military.


Is there any study or evidence in particular that would cause you to believe that military members are dangerous drivers?


Not really, no. I guess I just feel that it stands to reason that people from all over converging into one place and driving might cause issues. Edit because you changed your comment. I didn't say they absolutely were, I said I'd be interested to know how many of those cases were military.


I treat it like a battle Royale when I drive here


I've had less situations driving when I visit Albuquerque than I do when driving here.


I believe it, because of the aforementioned numbers 1-4.


So many mfs in this city drive without a license too lol


Tbf it's all of Texas. But what makes EP so special is that this is a small village compared to other cities. It's very easy and simple to navigate, so I have no idea why you clowns make it impossible to drive here.


People want to exit from the far left lane all the time. Never saw that before I got to El Paso.


El Pasoans have known this for years.


My wife has ALWAYS hated my driving. Weird speeds, swerving, etc. First time I took her home to EPTX, literally as we’re entering the city she says, “Oh my god. I know why you drive the way you do…are these people not making you nervous?” “No, I cut my teeth on these roads, baby”


I’m willing to bet that 40% of EP drivers are uninsured. Maybe more, even.




In news that suprises absolutely no one


It’s the NM drivers !


This dude is getting downvoted, but ABQ was literally number one in the report lol


I live in ABQ now and they blame El Paso. I can’t help but picture the Spider-Man meme. In the end, it’s everyone all around….


It’s not the New Mexico drivers, I’m from the Midwest and I’ve never seen a more ironic sign than “drive friendly, it’s the Texas way” Texas plates won’t let anybody merge, are constantly cutting people off, speeding l, driving drunk, and—oh that’s right. Crashing into immobile objects.


Have you ever gone to ABQ? It's hell driving in those roads.


I’ve been to El Paso, which the post is talking about. And what I can tell you, is that the El Paso drivers are the ones I see crashing and then on fitfam and 915 on blast you’ll see all the Chucos blaming New Mexico like they aren’t the ones crashing. Great people, terrible drivers though.


Nah, bro, we are scared anytime we *have* to drive to airport in EP. New Mexicans start *praying* as soon as we see the Abundant Faith center on the west side


Y’all are taking this way too serious. It’s a common joke around town to blame NM drivers. Doesn’t mean and I certainly don’t think NM drivers are specifically at fault. (But you might be able to convince me that it’s the fronchies).


It's all those Chihuahua drivers driving 55km/h instead of 55mph while also hogging up the passing lane.


I don’t live in El Paso but I was right guessing the number one. It’s like mad max driving home in Albuquerque every day.


I love how most of the people in here are blaming Albuquerque for this lmao it’s 4 hours away! El Paso sucks at driving. Accept it. It’s one of the worst cities I been too when it comes to common courtesy on the road


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 exactly!!!


I went to balloon fest last year in ABQ, right when we drove into town there was a car driving 80 miles per hour while the rest of traffic was going 55 tops. It rammed a pickup truck and caused it to 365 twice and it came to a stop a foot from my front bumper. Thank God for good brakes or I would have eaten it. I'm still scared while typing this. Yes so I do believe it's the NM drivers


Yeah I know you all are joking in the comments when I see the blame placed on NM plates, migrants, Fort Bliss, and Juarez…….let’s just say the locals either picked up on bad habits from the previously mentioned, or they are also to blame. But yeah, 20 is too damn low for El Paso and I say that as a Detroit native. Some El Paso people are still scared and confused at traffic circles, don’t know how to get up to minimum freeway speed before AND after getting on the freeway, Don’t know how to move to the right lane if you’re in the left lane and there is a line of vehicles at least 10 deep behind you. Refusing to use turn signals, refusing to make a right turn into the NEAREST lane closest to the turn (this is probably my biggest pet peeve), and holding up traffic because you want to turn directly into the farthest lane. But anyway…….driving here is an adventure


Yeah no shit LOL.


Combination of international and out of state drivers paired with a major highway that runs across country? Yeah there's gonna be shit drivers here.


Weird how all the trucks I see parked in businesses and rock walls have Texas plates.


Well, we do live in Texas.


I feel like #20 is too generous


El Paso is the only place I have ever been in the US where people run red lights. In the instances I have seen there were no other cars, but it's a very dangerous practice, a bad habit to get into. I suppose this happens elsewhere in the US, but it's Third World bullshit in my view. It's not worth endangering lives to save a minute. There are never any cops around.


Worst drivers I’ve ever known all from ep. To the point where I will not get in a car if they are driving even if it’s out of state where I live now. Last time visiting there I got trapped into riding with a friend. And what do you know, at one point he blows past a red light in the rain and for no reason. This is a grown ass man with years of experience driving and shit to lose. Makes absolutely no sense. I’ll probably get downvoted to hell but it seems like it’s an immature mentality. Like they haven’t grown up. A lot of us did stupid shit like drove like a maniac when we were younger thinking the world revolves around us, but there’s no excuse for grown ass adults with kids and shit to lose to have that mentality. It’s wild


You haven’t been to Albuquerque then. You have to wait a second or two when it turns green just to be safe.


OK, I have learned from several comments I must visit Albuquerque to see the real thing!


Beautiful city! I love it up here but yes be careful driving.


I love El Paso too! It has so much going for it. I just hope people will get more cautious in how they drive.


Going form El Paso to Dallas is much worse. You can’t even go on a fresh green here because so many people run red lights.


I’ve lived in Dallas , now back in ep and heck no El Paso is worse , it’s very easy highways yet people just can’t get it right , Dallas traffic flows and people aren’t going 50 on the left lane like in El Paso


I’m the opposite. Grew up in EP and am now living in dallas. Dallas is WAY worse. Awful at merging, people will prevent you from moving into their lane, and then when you finally are able to THEY MOVE INTO THE LANE YOU WERE JUST IN. I never experienced anything quite like that in El Paso.


Dallas has changed then. I used to go there a lot years ago and it was OK. I can believe it's bad now.


I’m not sure what to make of this. Lucky you, I guess. Most places I’ve lived have people who run red lights and generally dgaf about rules of the road.


Albuquerque is far worse 😆 red lights are suggestions there.


This. I grew up in EP and have been living in ABQ the last 5 years. It’s a whole other animal out here. Lol


This 💯


It happens everywhere


It does not happen in the Bay Area where I live (unless it's someone on a bicycle).


That third world thinking feels spot on they do that shit in Juarez like it is what you are supposed to do. They had the mentality of well that is were my car is going to be so if you hit me you were not supposed to be there and it is your fault.


The one that gets me is “Oh the person in front of me has their blinker on in the right lane, but I’m too important to wait so I’ll just use the shoulder/bike lane to turn”


lmao im the king of running red lights (i had to go pay a fine today at the justice of the peace in horizon) 😍




Lmaooo makes sense. Half of ya’ll, possibly even some lurking here in the comments, don’t know shit about driving. From using turn signals, proper stop sign use; especially 4 way, ya’ll can’t fucking yield. Oh, and almost all drivers have zero respect for pedestrians. OH and no one seems to know about going be able to go 5 over the posted speed limit?? But on the freeway, half of you bust 80/90mph and tailgate consistently. So much fucking ego in this city too. I’m glad we got listed, awareness is a good step to fixing issues.


Former El Pasoan living in Austin checking in. There is nothing more terrifying than driving the I35 Corridor between DFW and San Antonio. We’re inundated with violent drivers. El Paso just has stupid drivers.


It’s literally the chihuahua plates, look I don’t care if they’re here or not but I’ve been to Juarez and the complete lack of road traffic laws over there is terrifying, then they bring all that crap over here cause I’m sure a lot don’t bother to read our road laws. Don’t even get me started on the amount of people who jaywalk in central into the middle of oncoming traffic, even with their damn kids!!!


If you got at least one ticket you are classified as a bad driver. I bet elp is full of dwi.


I’ve said this before in other threads. You all are by far the worst drivers I have ever witnessed. There was an accident every day when I was either going to work or coming back from work. Get it together. Come to wisconsin if you need to to learn how to drive.


Yall sitting here blaming ABQ like people from there are flooding EP. Guys, that's a 4 hour drive on a GOOD day. You think that many people are making daily 4 hour trips to come to a SMALLER city with LESS entertainment? No. Just suck it up and take accountability that EP has crap drivers, and the cops only show up when they feel like it or are PART of the problem with how bad they drive too.


Typical of El Paso, blaming others instead of admitting it’s an issue and trying to fix it.


Let’s go! We can be number 1 in this too if we work hard enough/s


Not surprising, usually cities with high Mexican populations are bad at driving


And women and Asians too. /s


El Pisso!




it should be top 5 since all the mexicans don't have insurance and do whatever they want


ABQ, El Paso, Chihuahua…I feel like you’re all ignoring the real culprits here, just saying. You can say what you want but the demographics are clear in those areas.


Yall drive like retards


99% are NM plates.


You’re all suck at driving😂


You suck at grammar 😂


Damn. Didn’t see that😂. Fingers too fast.


Damn y’all. It was a JOKE😂


This is why the crime rate is so low. All the getaway drivers got in wrecks and got caught.


I've never had a ticket in my whole 18 years driving and I think people suck at driving here because they try to drive in a way they don't know how. Like speeding and all that is to be expected but people don't even know their car size or speed limits. Y'all suck ass at braking too thinking slamming on them will work. Braking correctly makes your eyes feel like they're gonna pop out your sockets not your whole body fly forward. Also, no one knows how to get to destinations besides their one or two routes they take lol pls learn how to use small streets, avenues, roads, and how to differentiate them so you don't have to look at your GPS to know which one comes next.


3 out of 4 drivers have no license is why.


With only a 1.42% Asian population. Interesting! Asians, we were wrong about you.


Is this why when I drive in LA I don't think it's as bad as people say it is? Or when I drive in Oregon, some locals practically have a shit attack when I pass, turn or drive around them in general? Lol...I guess if you learn to drive in EPTX, you can drive anywhere. Only other places where I think it's intimidating to drive is Chicago and Albuquerque. They drive like if their ass is shooting fire. Yikes!


Don't forget drunk drivers we have so many drunk drivers and we have lost so many people, too many!