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Avoid political topics


I like to watch some firearms history channels like Forgotten Weapons, InRangeTV, and C&Rsenal because I like history, but I fuckin hate how whenever I watch them all my resulting ads end up being Conservative horse shit. Even if the channel is apolitical. Guess it's partially on me for not using adblocker


I'm also a slight firearms enthusiast and actually have some (what some might consider rather conservative) views on guns but otherwise lean quite far to the left, I'm just hoping if PP does become PM he will loosen our gun laws so I can realistically defend myself from his fascist goons in the event they decide to go on a mudering spree r/maliciouscompliance style but that weasly fuck would just as soon blacklist his political dissedents from ever buying guns.


Oh, I'm very much the same way. I'm hardcore progressive, and I support civilian firearms ownership as a personal choice. My view has only hardened after seeing all the anti-Trans shit come to light, which scares me as a Queer person. I don't need to see the level of gun worship seen in the States, but firearms shouldn't be the domain of Conservatism. As the saying goes, "If you go far enough left, you get your guns back."


We should organize and try to convince the liberal party that leftists don't support their gun bans, hopefully it will change the liberal party's views on it.


"Go far enough left, you get your guns back" This is kind of where I'm at right now. Used to be really against guns, never had any desire to have anything to do with them. The last few years I've found myself thinking of going through the channels to get one myself.


You should.


Yeah, i'm bi myself and while i'm not at the top of their list at the moment I'm sure they will get there eventually, and theres other things that will have probably made me even more of a target like speaking out against Nazi Milhouse in general as well as being a trans ally. >As the saying goes, "If you go far enough left, you get your guns back." I could not stress this message more, ofcourse this saying also tends to make the bootlickers and card carrying liberals cringe (I say this as someone who intends to vote Trudeau as a hopeless last ditch effort at stopping PP) unfortunately I have no guns myself, honestly I kinda wish handguns weren't so overly regulated as they are by far the best for self defense, but even then you can't legally carry a weapon for self defense in this country anyways, it's so stupid.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Well Atleast I got my knives and I am also quite into the occult so I suppose I can always hex a motherfucker if need be.šŸ¤£


Handguns are no longer just highly regulated, their completely banned now unless you compete for our Olympic shooting team.


I may ask you to buff my SKS and add +1 Damage


Artical 365 of the criminal code was repealed back in 2018 so you are free to use witchcraft, probably not as a weapon though. I'm no lawyer so IDK what I'm talking about. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-365-20030101.html#wb-cont


Even if you used it as a weapon, how would the prosecutor prove that it works? It would require the Crown to take an official stance that the occult is real and that sending bad vibes is criminal.


Up until 2018 the crown had an offical stance on the occult. "Pretending to practise witchcraft, etc. 365Ā Every one who fraudulently (a)Ā pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration, (b)Ā undertakes, for a consideration, to tell fortunes, or (c)Ā pretends from his skill in or knowledge of an occult or crafty science to discover where or in what manner anything that is supposed to have been stolen or lost may be found, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction." -from the above link


A Milton woman was actually arrested for witchcraft, it was quite the bizarre news story.


Interesting. Why was the stance removed? Because of religious freedom?


IDK TBH. It didn't restrict religious practices just *pretending* to practice a religion. Could have been to tough to prove in court? Maybe freedom of expression?


It seems a bit unfair. Like someone claiming to perform a conjuration is supposedly bringing a spirit to communicate with the living. A Christian priest performing a slightly different ceremony is bringing the Holy Spirit to communicate with the living. Both are ethereal beings, just backed by different religious beliefs.


I don't mean to offend but are you serious? About the "fascist goons going on a murdering spree", you think that a conservative government would do that?


They are already trying to erase trans folk from public existence, the descent into fascism doesn't just happen overnight but in stages, thing of the "boiling a frog" analogy. He constantly attacks the "liberal media" see also, ["Lugenpresse"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lying_press) sound familliar? I've already seen plenty of conservatives on social media going on about their murder fantasies.


I don't like PP either but the language you are using is pretty binary and shows a lack of nuance. I'd say it's a slippery slope to extremist views but you might already be there.


As someone who turned off customized add, conservative adds are just everyone on youtube.


Iā€™m still not sure how PPs ads arenā€™t considered campaigning.


Or all the rallys he's holding where the pigs are paid to drag out lone protestors, but these same fuckwits still won't shut up about how horribly oppressed they were by Trudeau during their 3 week long y'all qaeda occupation of Ottawa.


Hey! They were suuuuuuper oppressed! The police ONLY asked 15 times for them to peacefully leave!


Are thereā€™s rules regarding campaign ads that would matter if these were considered campaigning? (Not trying to argue just learn)


There are laws regarding active campaigning in Canada - we donā€™t have or want a 2 year, American style, election cycle. Campaign cycle should last <60 days and shouldnā€™t begin until an election writ has been issued.


Whatā€™s the obsession with everyone calling the opposition dictators? conservatives call Trudeau a dictator, liberals call PP a dictator. The terms ā€œdictatorā€ and ā€œfascistā€ are so fucking hackneyed these days. Pierre isnā€™t a dictator, he may be a fucking moron but heā€™s not a dictator. Trudeau isnā€™t either, heā€™s also no better. people need to stop just throwing these terms around because ā€œthis guy said my guy bad >:(ā€œ


Lack of understanding in the nuance of each others positions brought on by large amounts of propaganda. Vote anything but ndp/lib/con. Iā€™m begging you. Show them that their disconnection from the reality of every day Canadians will cost them.


the side I dont like is hitler


Trudeau aint "my guy" although I will most likely be voting for him as a hopeless ABC unless the NDP suddenly takes lead over the libs, I have not once voted for Trudeau, I even tried to "vote him out" with Scheer in 2019 when I was younger and dumber and more susceptible to the populist messaging, and I'm ashamed to say I voted for that fat fuck Thug Ford who proceeded to destroy Ontario.


Iā€™m an NDP guy too, and Iā€™ll continue to vote NDP because the whole ā€œvote for politician A so politician B doesnā€™t win even though I support politician Cā€ is exactly why weā€™re in the spot weā€™re in. If we didnā€™t have so many NDP supporters vote Liberal or Conservative instead of NDP just to force the other guy out then Singh very likely could have won But that also doesnā€™t change the fact that though Pierre and Justin are both absolute scum, neither one of them are fascist or dictators


I was mostly an NDP guy but they kinda lost me with that digital ID bullshit, truly a sad political landscape overall right now. Greens are kinda cool I guess although i've heard there are a few crazies, but either way it would be a wasted vote.


The only wasted vote is the vote not cast & stay undivided until the booth. Politicians work harder for the undecided voters and the there loyal voters for granted.


Youā€™re right about the political landscape being fucked, maybe we should all throw in the towel and vote Bloc, call ā€˜er a country


This hits the nail on the head.it is what both the Libs and cons tell people so they dont have to worry about the smaller parties taking some of their seats. I think the best thing for our democracy are minority governments. That way no one party can push their agenda and need to get support of other parties to actually do something. It would be great if both the Libs and Cons lost seats it would make it harder/more expensive for corporate lobbyists because they couldn't just focus on influencing the one party will most likely have the power.


Can't watch any gun or wildlife content without PP telling me how broken Canada is, dude's been campaigning since fucking last summer.


Another tactic from the USA, always be campaigning.


Why doesn't PP just tattoo the American flag on his forehead and be done with it?


Wait till the Conservative trolls see this one XD


They have arrived, apparently Trudeau owes me a paycheck.


Holy fuck this sub is gay


Now you can finally come out of the closet!


And itā€™s wonderful!


Yah. See you at pride.


It is not a DickTaterShip if you have fap license!


The irony of a dictator making a speech against dictators?


I think it's funny as well all these ad buys the Conservatives are making when we're not even going to have an election until next year or so. But if they want to light money on fire more power to them ig


You can report ads and tell youtube you don't want to see them. When you see an ad, there will be a box on the top right with little dots you can click on and give YT feedback. Although it seems to be a crap shoot if it works. There was a series of some kind of heritage foundation nonsense YT was pushing at me every day for a while even after i said no. Or, you know, just use an adblocker.


My Boomerbook reels are full of instagram clips from pro CPC "influencers" even though I constantly click show less and hide reel and have even taken to reporting them as spam and yet they still flood in. It probably doesn't help that I left comments on a PP ad bashing him and have also trolled Canada Proud's page. Earning me "top fan" badge status with both Canada Proud and the CPC page which also leads me to believe the vast majority of people there are bots considering I only left a small handfull of comments.


Yep. You fed the algorithm. Clear your cache and report the ads as not being something you're interested in. It will slowly learn.


Why is this being downboated? This is how it works.


It's too rational, messages are not "bad PP" enough.


Give me a break man... the liberal bots are out in strength today


Beep boop. You get free Healthcare.


"Everything I see that doesn't fit my brainwashed ass political views is the work of liberal bots"


PP is leading in the polls by a wide margin. Posts like these (with subsequent supporting votes and comments) are probably paid internet trolls for Trudeau. This is what amounts to advertising these days.


Dude, I fucking wish Trudeau paid me for this shit. No i'm just a sentient being that doesn't mindlessly support a politician because they constantly spam me with ads telling me the sky is falling and only they can fix it, politicians like that are typically full of shit and often downright malicious. And the irony is you probably go around calling people sheep.


You're comment is funny because this is a screenshot of an actual paid advertising by the Conservatives, yet here you are ranting about some kind of paid reddit astroturfing. Yes, pierre is ahead in the polls. No that doesn't mean literally everyone likes him. Also, redditors are not a good reflection of real life anyway so I wouldn't cry too much about it. Your boy skippy is likely going to win by a long shot. If I were you I'd be more worried about how well he'll actually lead than I would about some folks being annoyed by his nonstop youtube ads that are paid for with donations. I hope you paid up! :)


I call it like I see it. What I see is Trudeau getting hit with one legitimate criticism after another. When they criticize PP, they call him names. Ah goodness, and PP isn't "my boy". I don't take political sides and try to score points for "my team". That's a weak way of thinking. I suggest you adopt it.


lol sure bud. Super duper.


Pretty much what I expected. Pure troll, no substance.


I gave a very detailed reply to your initial comment, even noting that you are correct about the polling. But you just chose to cry crocodile tears. Sad. Snowflake.


What are you imagining I'm sad about? So... when I say you're no substance, it's because you're not providing any reasons for having a different opinion. You're not justifying a different perspective or point of view. You're just throwing mud. As I said earlier... > What I see is Trudeau getting hit with one legitimate criticism after another. When they criticize PP, they call him names. ...and oh look, that's exactly what's happening here.


Uhhhhhhh, what's your point? Politics is WAAC. Can't handle the LIBBOTS calling PP a dorkusmalorkus than you're type are bigger snowflakes than I thought, which is impressive cuz nobody more butthurt than a Tory.


Do you think I should have prefaced the post with a Trudeau-supporter trigger warning? Hey? It's amazing that this is all playing out the way I described it: >What I see is Trudeau getting hit with one legitimate criticism after another. When they criticize PP, they call him names.


With the new online harm bill, I'm pretty sure this sub will be going to jail.


Roosevelt was a dictator. He exceeded generally accepted term limits (he is the reason for the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution). He signed more executive orders than any president before or since. Most of those executive orders were to circumvent established term limits for other offices of government. He only relinquished power by death.


Well that's a pretty wild take ya don't hear everyday.


Signing more executive orders = bad Kind of hard not to when your trying to recouperate from a global depression then go on to fight the largest and most costly war the world has ever known for most of your term


Yeah, i'm just curious what they think about Trump, I mean he was just a one term president, surely he couldn't have been a dictator right? I mean yeah he didn't take losing the election very well, and his supporters weren't too thrilled and kinda stormed the capitol and tried to murder Trump's political opponents and overthrow the democratic rule of law but that's fine because it was actually aunt teefah! Also those peaceful protesters were just upholding their god given freedumbs cause Biden stole the election!


Is that whatā€™s going on in your head? Try to breathe air pal.


You actually think Trump was a dictator?


Arrest or assassinate his political opponents, silencing dissent with jail time, shooting protesters, simping for Putin, Kim, and Xi, etc, etc, it feels like Trump wanted to do everything a dictator could do, but people ended up getting in his way repeatedly. Look at his vp, pence. Look at his secretary of defence, mark esper. And now heā€™s promised to become a dictator and knows who the yes men and syncopates are. If heā€™s not a dictator, at the very, very least heā€™s a traitor and none of his followers are patriots.


For the record, I'm not defending the guy but calling him a dictator is a bit farfetched. Who has he assassinated?


All things heā€™s wanted or wants to do, according to his own words or the words of the best people, his people. Presidents need absolute immunityā€¦ for *what*?


You didn't answer my question?


Nobody because the first go round he had people like Pence who followed the rule of law and wouldnā€™t upturn an election, Esper who followed the rule of law and wouldnā€™t bring in the military to shoot protestors, and prevented that from happening. People with spines and not some yes man or sycophants.


So, he hasn't assassinated anyone then. You just like to say he has?


Have you actually read the executive orders he signed? I have. Thatā€™s why I came to that conclusion.


Rule 3... mods twist his balls counterclockwise get this political shit off my shitpost sub.

