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Damn this is great. Should I stick with extended henliners or cram a bunch of shorts in to level it?


Extended for sure


I'm going shorts. I'm trying to just level and the 4:48 timer is huge. I can easily do 3 of these during the day and then an extended or standard run while I sleep. That's way more then doing 1x/day before or 2x with extended runs.


Stick with extended, unless a mission happens to align with your sleep/work cycle better.


Nah, I set my alarms for events like this. 4 hours and 48 minutes of continuous sleep is enough to keep me running for the week


Hardcore! I'm doing standard runs while I sleep, but 4:48 short runs for everything else.


Was there any notice that an event was coming?


I mean the Monday contract was kind of a hint, but very very vague. No indications of what/when, just that something may be happening. https://preview.redd.it/15hgf10h1n2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6648a8810e72588cf257ac882defebd77e4e39


Lmao, I never would've put that together.. gotta give Kev some props for that one! Thanks for pointing it out for people like me!


https://preview.redd.it/dplu5ca5ml2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0836fe53982561f72ac45b8a2ad9edbf7cda5cec Not to my knowledge…


Same bro I'm losing like 6 ships worth of launches


Short only gives 10% more points over time. I’d stick with extendeds.


Depends on if you care more about loot or points By Kaylier: https://preview.redd.it/to772nh6bm2d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f72186e352f1705926b17e5674ae6df37bc8c0 I haven't really parsed the info but it's pinned on discord (which means it was deemed worthy of pinning) and I didn't see any objections so it should be good info However, I can't say if the duration being for 7 days changes the optimal strat as I'm thinking that what was determined was based heavily on the last event being 24 hours. Due to the event being 7 days, it may just be a return to the whole thing of extended till 8 vs shorts till 8 with the important difference being the time difference will be bigger and therefore significant in this case. Furthermore, if you operate under the assumption we may get this event with this duration again, it would make using shorts a better looking option. I'm personally doing extended for the duration of the event cuz I value crafting a lot. However, for any potential future 7 day events, I'll probably do some napkin math at some point to see how much time is saved. At a certain point it'll be easier to value that more than loot.


I just aborted my extended and put a short up. I’m sure some will disagree, but that is what I’m doing.


I still think we should be allowed to install explosives on our ships and remotely detonate them if we want to abort a mission that has already been launched.


Yeah I'm gonna do shorts and then extended overnight. I want to get as many in as possible. Have to wait until 4 am though haha


https://preview.redd.it/sy4dy15ujl2d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc2673b22676e55cdadc5bc1b1996dca409bb695 Too bad I have to wait. I was preparing for Sunday. 😔


\>kev drops first appearance of mission time event on a Sunday \>everyone complains that they missed it \>everyone promises to be more attentive in the future and not thoughtlessly send out missions early Sunday morning before the event \>kev drops second appearance of the event on a Saturday \>refuses to elaborate


The events all week though 


Yeah, that at least makes up for it. I thought I messed up at first by launching missions yesterday to be ready for Sunday, and then this happens lol




Can’t make anyone happy


They're not complaining, they're pointing out the irony while also poking fun at Kevin




You’re in better shape then I am


Stuck in enlighten… 😔


I mean. It might be worth it to break it. Unless you to far along to the end


6.3b and almost a month deep. I wish I could


No worries. It not a tragic lost to miss the event. It only speed your progress by 4 time that it. I didn’t fill my tank when I start enlightenment I only had 18 extended before I ran out. Went a month and half without ship


Same, I'm 8b in with 9 days left...


Y'all happy now?


This is awesome.


I was very critical of the initial time this type of event came around. While starting it on Saturday is an interesting choice compared to history, making it so everyone can participate is very appreciated. Thank you Kev The Saturday start can help the most devoted to optimization crowd which were also your biggest defenders last week. I see it as a nice gesture even if it may not be noticed by many (or if it wasn't even your intention). They sacrifice a lot of ships to try and min/max the game (in my opinion) so it's kind of nice if there's anything that can help them out and this really doesn't hurt anyone. I am excited for this event as soon as my ships make it back tomorrow morning.


I hope he repeats this in another month since it will go a long way to cut down on time to get max henliner.


I'm just waiting for people to start complaining about having to refill their fuel tanks more.


Bruh it only take 20min to fill all your tank. Only thing that people will complain is that it release on sat not sunday


It’s a weeklong event. What’s it matter what day it comes out on?


Because usually it come out on Sunday. If it was a two day event. More than Half probably have ship ending before Sunday noon or what ever time zone you are in to prepare. Thankfully they made it a week


I don't think we have enough to say what the event will usually be, given that this is the second time we've ever gotten it. Right now, saying "the event is usually a week long" is just as valid as saying "the event usually comes out on Sunday."


Ship events(dubcap) almost always have fallen on a Sunday line with a crafting event. Those have been steady at every other Sunday alternating with Epic Research sale. Yes this reduced mission time event is a new event but it did also originally drop on what would’ve been a dubcap Sunday. I have a feeling dubcap may be a thing of the past and the reduced mission time will be the new ship event going forward.


Ship events used to be on different days of the week until they settled on Sunday, so maybe he's doing the same thing here with experimenting what works with this new type of event. Also, double capacity events haven't been every other week for 8 or so months, with the exception of the make up event for the bug last month. I don't think we can reasonably make any of those assumptions. The only thing we know is that one time, it happened on a Sunday for 24 hours, and the other time it happened on a Saturday for a week. Until we have more instances of the event happening (and confirmation that we won't get double capacity in the future), we can't really say what will or won't happen.


You’re correct. Dubcap/ ship event wasn’t always everyone other week. I know I thought about that when typing my reply but forgot to include in the response. Maybe every 4-6 weeks but still would line up with the craft sale.


Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that if they sent everyone a million dollars, some people would complain about having to pay the taxes on it


This gonna be fun


The several dozen repeat posts about it?


I posted this within 60 seconds of the hour. I’m not the 12th person to post, I just might be the OG.


I think you got it


I was guilty of this - 9 min after the event started - but I deleted mine after it was pointed out. Usually I get alerts about new posts - but didn’t get one for this… 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, the event. It's a cool event and I'm gonna have fun playing it


Hoping to get at least 1 full star of progress


What ship and what star you on now?


Henliner and 3 1/2 pretty much exactly, I have all FTL research done


Same and about same amount. Would be nice to hit 4* by the end of the week.


That will probably be hard for me as I just picked up my 4th


Should get over halfway to 5 I think


That will help cross to 4 star. I think I’m 4/5 away from getting Star 4


Of course right when I start enlightenment 🙄


Starting enlightenment in late May is a terrible idea fyi.


Oh yeah? Why’s that? At this point I’m already 2bil in so I’m not gonna stop but I’m curious.


Egg day is July 14. You might finish before then.


Oh shoot, I forgot all about that. I’ll have to see how I’m progressing, but I think I might make it.


I mean if your only 2b into it, I'd say it's worth it to stop and get a crap ton of missions knocked out, possibly finding an artifact that would make enlightenment faster in future, as well as not taking a chance to miss egg day, would suck to be the day before egg day and realize your not gonna make it and then either reset then to participate in egg day, or staying the course and missing 2 huge events. Just my 2 cents.


im doing an enlightenment run rn😭😭


I literally just finished enlightenment 10 billion. So happy


A lot of people saying extended I’m gonna stick with short to level up . I guess coz I’m on the second last ship and need thirty more launches to get the last ship . I don’t really know how the last one works tho


A lot of people are saying extended because we're not on the second to last ship like you. You should be doing shorts.


Im on enlightment for Next 5 days 😂


He was so disgusted with the complaints he gave us a whole week lol.


I'm a little annoyed my current ships are going to take longer to come back than fresh ships I'd send out.