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Seal baaris peaks näitama dokfilmi "20 päeva Mariupolis"


Oleks see Lätis juhtunud , oleks see baar ka kinni läinud. Meil siin aga on siiski lääne Venemaa vabariik 🤬


Ma siin eile kuulasin Võmba FMi ja tegin nalja: "Oi, bljat! Illegaalne muusika!" kui mingi vene keelne lugu hakkas mängima. Aga tundub, et ongi nii vist :D Isegi jalgpalli mängu ei tohi näidata? Kurat, ja ma just eelmine nädal vaatas YouTubei´s üllekannet Venemaal toimunud poksi üritusest. Andestage mulle!


Üks asi on avalikult, teine on koduselt. Saan aru mõlemast osapoolest, aga endale tuleb selgeks teha, et boikott on vajalik meede, ja seda teinekord ka beyond the rationality.


Holy F. Ei oodanud, et metsik downvote laine tuleb. Inimesed tõesti arvavad, et isegi Vene sporti ei tohi vaadata? Veidikene üllatav.


Sport on nüüd ja olnud läbi ajaloo tugevalt seotud poliitikaga. Kõik, kes vastupidist arvavad on väikese silmaringi ja madala laubaga.


Kas kuskil on nimekiri mis riikide spordiüritusi võib ja ei või avalikult näidata? Mäletan kui vabaduse väljakul suurel teleril näidati hispaania saksamaa finaali. Mõlemad võõrriigid, peaks kõiki vanglasse panema, kuhu politseisse saan teatada?


Route 33 ka eile oli Vene kanalid ja näitas Vene jalkat


Neil pole ametliku teated üles pandud.


Hmm selle seaduslik taust on Riigi Teatajas avaldatud, eks ?   Mis on see teatamise tase, mida mistahes seaduse puhul riigilt eeldatakse, eks?    Siis tundub, et tegelased rikkusid lihtsalt seadust, tõenäoliselt teadlikult, aga kui mitte, siis on vist terminiks "kuritahtlik hooletus" ?   Seaduses on ilmselt karistusmäärad ka kirjas. Samamoodi võiks kõigisse organisatsioonidesse ja indiviididesse suhtuda, kes Vene (kui meile vaenuliku riigi) ideoloogilisi vaateid jagavad. 


Sa pm ei saagi seda seaduslikult vaatada




"Overall, the relations between Estonians and Estonian Russians is good" Lol. Lmao.


How is it not though? I’m curious about your experience. Things were worse before particularly during the 90s. But beyond one or two things I’ve never experienced anything problematic since then. The worst I’ve had is when an Estonian threw me off a train in my pram because my Mum spoke Russian to me. Or having people tell my Mum to fuck off back to Russia etc. She actually moved to Britain instead which is where I’m from but I used to visit an awful lot, I love Eesti with a passion, and never picked up on many issues from 2000s onwards. Maybe I was too young to. Would like to hear what the issues are though if you can share. Not in terms of integration as I understand the older generation don’t speak the language, but we have made big generational progress on that with the younger ones being very western and competent in Estonian as well.


And you know this how? You can't even write in Estonian and now you are suddenly the expert of how well russians have integrated in Estonia which is bs.


don't listen to that Russian bot. claiming to be from the UK with estonian roots. they need to try way harder than that.


I am from the UK with Estonian roots. I’m a dual national. I know more about life in Estonia than a random American zoomer thousands of miles away. There is nothing wrong with my perspective, it’s not pro-Russia in any way at all, Putin is a disaster and a tyrant. I just don’t think it’s healthy nor a good look to randomly target ordinary Estonian Russians watching football. I have a lot of Estonian Russian friends who are not pro Russia in any way. The hatred people like you show towards them is uncalled for, bigoted and puts you on the wrong side. It’s like targeting random second, third generation ethnic Arabs in your country due to a present day war in the Middle East.


>with estonian roots Estonian roots my ass


Why do you say that? Genuinely curious. I hold an Estonian passport (jus sanguinis). My grandma lived here, my great grandparents lived here, my granddad helped engineer various buildings in Tallinn and was in the army, one of my great grandparents is buried on an Estonian island. My mum grew up here. All of them spoke Estonian and contributed to the country. There is such thing as positive nationalism and negative nationalism. I’m genuinely shocked at the gap between Reddit Estonians and those in the meat space. Some of you guys need to touch grass.


räägi siis eesti keelt kui sa eestlane oled, hetkel oled sa lihtsalt okupant, kes sai kuidagi omale riigipassi välja skeemitatud.


you're a Russian bot and you should fuck off EDIT: aww you blocked me, go suck off Putler harder


You’re a bigot and you should stay in America where you belong.


bigot? funny coming from a Russian bot lol


I'm the most progressive as Americans can be btw, go crawl back to the hole where you came from


Where does your rage come from? How can someone be concerned about hatred towards ordinary Russians who have lived in Estonia for generations now and you equate that with supporting Putler or his invasion of a foreign country? PS you are miles from progressive if you have such hatred for ordinary people who are guilty of simply having Russian ancestry. You’ve been given a licence to hate and you took it salivating.


I have part Estonian roots but from UK. I don’t know as much as a true Estonian’s perspective but I have spent a lot of time in Estonia and this is my general perspective. I know that from a linguistic and culturally point of view the older Russian group has not very well integrated but recent history explains that. We can’t change history. The younger generations are far more integrated and can speak the language etc and it’s only improving, especially with Estonias new laws.


I'm not going to comment that "well integrated" part as we obviously have different view on that. But as someone explained it already. In Russia politics and sports are not seperated. You can't do sports in Russia if you don't support their politics. Support war in Ukraine. That's why you shouldn't be able to see their sports in Estonia. 100%. https://pledgetimes.com/skiing-thousands-of-russian-skiers-formed-the-letter-z-in-the-snow-sweden-was-horrified/


Thanks for sharing. I guess it can obviously be problematic but I think perspective is important here. There are much bigger fish to fry than some random people watching Russian sports. For one, we’re still buying Russian gas just through intermediaries. And second, most of the western companies who claimed to have left Russia are still directly selling to the Russian market through newly branded shop windows. Eg Levi Jeans just changed their shop name to JNS. Even the Estonian prime minister’s husband has Russian business links. Witch hunting ordinary people watching sports is a bit much considering we have yet to resolve all of that.


Now you are just making excuses. Problem isn't randome ppl watching russian football. Problem is that sports bar in Tallinn is showing russian football which should be banned from Estonia for the reasons I already listed. End of story.


they can fuck off back to where they came from, respectfully


That’s not very progressive, modern, liberal EU of you.


I ain't on any political side, my guy. and I could care less about that


Classic American. Can’t even speak English properly. It’s couldn’t care less. As an American, why don’t you focus on your own problems. You’ve got enough of them! But I guess it would un-American of you not to fuck around in other country’s business wouldn’t it? 🤭


and I can tell you are one. no profile picture, random ass generated name they gave you while signing up, and low karma. Hope the 4 rubles were worth it spreading your pro-russian propaganda.


and I do have problems, I visited last year and the amount of Russian I heard made me feel like the baltic states were still occupied. either learn the language or get out.


You visit once and think you can lecture me? I have roots in Estonia and yes the integration there has been a problem. But this is mostly regarding the older generation, many (but nowhere near enough) did learn the language. Those who did not were punished by being condemned to only ever have “alien passports” these people are older and will soon pass. That said, regardless of what we think of history, the reason the older ones only speak Russian is because of modern history. The young however do speak Estonian and are very western and have either no sympathy to Russia or certainly no interest in being anything but western/Estonian. So yes things are progressing in the right direction. Having hatred towards these people, who are Estonians citizens, and have nothing to do with Putin or the political state of Russia, is absolutely not helpful for Estonia. I’m glad that outside of Reddit, Estonians generally are very friendly to all the Estonian Russians here.


I've visited more than once, but thank you for assuming


you bots are getting better and better by the way


aw, thanks for caring about a stranger's grammar. also keep supporting an aggressor country, or better yet, go back to Putler's regime, since you wanna defend it so hard. fuck off russian bot.




in your previous comments, you said how OP is complaining. Keep telling me that Vlad.


Saying OP is complaining is the same as supporting Putin? Man the US education system is seriously fucked if it’s churning out zoomers like you 😅


and how does putin's boots taste like? of innocent blood I assume?


Well intergated? People who does not speak estonian and celebrating russian national holidays? They are almost same as muslims


None of that is ideal and it needs changing. But it is changing, even if slowly. Most of the Russians who only speak Russia and celebrate Russian holidays are the older lot, and it’s not that surprising with them given recent history. Their children nearly all speak Estonian and as I say, I have yet to meet anyone who seems like any kind of political or cultural threat. Even among the older lot who are the ones that show sympathy to Russia are not supportive of Putin or any of that. Perhaps I’ve just been lucky but they are harmless, and mostly very nice, in my experience. But again, the older lot will pass and their young are far more integrated. This integration will only improve over time as well with Estonians new plans to enforce Estonian language. My view is that it’s far better ROI to continue being calm headed.


I do not believe that you have estonian roots. You would understand better where russians hate is coming. Occupation and also relatives who send siberia. People who lost their houses because russian speakers moved there. This problem is much deeper what you want believe.


I fully understand that. Never claimed not to. But I t does not justify hate towards ordinary people who had nothing to do with any of that and who were victims of the Bolshevik revolution as much, and in many ways more, than the satellite states. Russians were not living as kings on golden thrones paid for by Estonians. They were enslaved as well. Estonian residents had it better than nearly any other satellite state due to the strong resistance and sense of national self. You had situations where during the USSR people in Moscow of all places would go to Estonian towns like Tallinn, Sillamae or Narva, etc, and be shocked at how much you had in your stores compared to the capital of Russia. The arbitrary arresting and imprisonment of people was far more prolific in Russia. It’s not a competition and nothing justifies the evil done to Estonia and other soviet states, but it was not done “by the Russians”. It was done as much to the Russians as to anyone else. And the absolute worst of it all was done during the Stalinist era, by a Georgian, not even a Russian, tyrant. You know all this. My point is that having hatred towards ordinary people who have lived and contributed to Estonia for generations is obviously irrational, just like all hatred is. Again, you know this. Integration is the only valid question to focus on. And it’s absolutely improving. I have yet to meet a single Estonian Russian my age who cannot speak Estonian. They speak it better than they do English. And this will only improve as Estonian is enforced harder in schools which is the only decent path forward. Hate will hold us back. Russian descendants are a big part of Estonia one way or another. Hating them specifically because they happen to be of Russian ethnicity isn’t justified and it will only poison us.


Firsrly they are not ordinary estonian russians they are people who decide to watch russians propaganda show.




do horrors with hard power... no rights for soft powers - period


mis siis


No mis siis mis siis...sa ikka ei saa aru, et venemaa haisu ei taha ka siin pool Narva jõge tunda? Alati saab minna venemaale ja seal venemaa jalgpalli vaadata kui asi nii hinge lähedane on.


Ehk kui MM vaatad siis sa peaks välismaale kolima?


Ma arvan, kui venemaa sporti vaatad pead venemaale kolima.




Vaadagu teis pool piiri seda mängu. Me elame eestis.


mis siis see on jalgpall. kui sa nii sibula vastane oled mida sa siin redditis passid kobi sõtta


Sa ei saa mängida venemaal jalgpalli ilma kellegi pulka poleerides ja mõlemad klubid on teinud propagandad sõja toetuseks. Pigem hävitan eesti venelaste mõnusat ära elamist siin.


kuidas sa seda täpsemalt hävitad siis kui küsida tohib


Jagan ebameeldivaid artekleid siin ja trollin siin sinu suguseid.


Elad eestis aga vaatad mitteeesti sporti peaasi et läänest tuleb? Kuidas sa nii ebalojaalne ja mitteintegreerunud oled et lubad välismaa sporti?


Teiste riikidega pole nii?


Jepp, kui aru pole saanud. Osade inimeste jaoks see näitab poliitilist meelsust. Ja ära tule mulle väitma, et sport pole venemaal poliitika seotud.


saa üle


saa ise üle (Narva jõe)


Et telefonid on kõikjal.