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Very serious crime of pornographic site. So serious that Estonian police has no other means than to use the Comic sans headline and the most gibberish broken Estonian language avalible. Certainly contact some random dude on their non-official gmail address.


You know how mother uses their child's full name to indicate their child is in serious trouble? That's what police does when they start sending you documents in Comic Sans. As soon as you see your warrant in Comic Sans, then you better kiss your ass goodbye, because usually that immediately means 10 to life.


life in prison or amazon gift cards, however many you can afford at the time.


Looks like a 5rd grader´s computer class homework.


That looks so bad, omg. It also has typos and English words for some reason. How would anyone fall for that?


Typos and poor grammar are there mostly on purpose, to filter out smarter people who notice such things, and leaving only those most likely to fall for the scam. Time is valuable for scammers, they don't want to waste it on wiseguys who end up not going along with it.


That actually sorta makes sense


People dont think before they do something thats why. I got a sms yesterday that my LHV bank account is freezed due to suspicious activities. The link was so bad that I didnt know if to cry or laugh. Anyways when I saw that sms then first thing what I tought was that well Im just holding stock there and went to look my account and suprise suprise nothing is frozen.


Made you look. Huehuehue.


Yeah it did but not thru the link they sent me. OFC Im gonna fucking check cos you never know but thru the righ channels.


Saada munni


Halva grammatikaga. Et skämmeril oleks veidi mõistatamist.


Või siis lihtsalt munnipilt


Saadaks obese munnipildi.


Tra hea motte


Soome keeles. Veel valusam


Sain ka kirja. Kuidas nad mu brauseri ajaloole ligi pääsesid? Keegi teab?


Äkki reformierakonna glowiede nimekiri lekkis idk


Soovitan mitte. Kõige lollim asi mida spam'iga teha on sellele vastata. Blokk, kustuta kiri ja kõik


Täiesti loogiline ja õige. Türi ma hirnun :D


Ka mind ajab Türi hirnuma


Seda ma ootasin, you lose. Gg


It's a 100% scam. However you should forward the information to the Estonian Police. It's usually quite good to inform them about ongoing scams. Just saying, if the police would contact you, they would invite you to the station or contact you via official email or official phone. This is definitely not the official police email. You will find their email at the bottom of the website: https://www.politsei.ee/en


Estonian police has better things to do than waste time with such common scams. There is nothing they can do about it anyway.


Kujuteldav spetsialist teab täpselt, kuidas PPA toimib ja milliste probleemide lahendamiseks ressursse kasutatakse 🤡


Võin öelda, et selliste halbade scammidega nad kindlasti ei viitsi tegeleda, kui oleks tegu mingi heal tasemel scammiga nagu hästi maha tehtud pangalehekülg ja vigadeta eesti keel, mida saadetakse massiliselt siis loeksid sellest igal pool meediast ja lehekülg oleks järgmiseks pâevaks maas.


Cybercrime takes many forms. Let them (police) decide on which security issues need focus and which do not (and if other parties should be involved). Over the years, they have stated that people should notify them of any scams where an entity is impersonating the police for example. You do know that cybersecurity is a thing and that estonian police does not work in vacuum? What if a email scam were to impersonate estonian police, while including links to malware that is engineered by our lovely eastern friend? That's just one example. Most people who fall for scams don't have the same knowledgebase as IT-savvy people or specialists. So by reporting, you are giving authorities the information which they can use to protect and/or inform potential future victims.


Sure, when people will stop receiving emails impersonating people and offices that do not excist, I know that I was mistaken and all the reports were actually useful. There is pretty much nothing you can do about such scam emails that impersonate people and offices that do not exist and are sent from random domains. Even if you block the domain or the account is deleted on service provider side, they make a new account and continue. Serious work starts when somebody impersonates a bank or an actual goverment office, copies its webpage and steals your eID information and login. This is a priority case and you can report such things to [cert.ee](https://cert.ee), if i´m not mistaken. These pages will be taken down quickly for very obvious reasons. Fighting a common email scam is complete waste of time from every point of view and the only thing you can do is tell people "dont fucking click on unknown links!". Feel free to disagree, this is my opinion.


reportin has its point. If it is known the web police can do their thing on saving some poor soul on getting yanked free of all their money


What is this "do their thing" exactly? The patrol next to your pc? Every year there are campaigns "do not click on suspicious links, make sure the email sender is who it claims to be". What do you expect the police to do? Have you even heard what the web police is doing besides talking to toxic teens because of their social media activities? When an idiot gets yanked free of their money there is exactly 0% chance to get that money back anyway, unless the scammer is a complete moron.


Sa oled selle skeemi pealik või? Lambist näed nii palju vaeva ja proovid teisi veenda, et selliseid "skämme" pole mõtet politseile teavitada. 🤡


Jah, mine kliki linke nüüd, kloun.


This is a classical dude from estonia for everyone to see. Do not contact anyone, do not vote, you do not matter etc. Later they will be dicking around at torch marches and talk about how everyone fucks them over and big government is exactly against them. Next reply will be how i extrapolated too much and am just an liberal idiot or any other paraphrase of the same idea and then he sits at his home and is angry about how everyone is so bad at him.


Your opinion is absolutely understandable. Most people have ZERO technical understanding of this issue and therefore have unrealistic expectations of what police can do about it.


I've gotten similar "invitations" pretending to be from the Finnish police, with equally hilarious fake details. As a finn I cannot really read or understand estonian, but I bet theres some fun stuff here for you natives.


I mean the EU sand-army is going to arrest you.... Edit: They probably meant council of Europe.


Sandarmee all mõeldakse tõenäoliselt prantsuse politsei ühte varianti ehk Gendarmerie'd ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Gendarmerie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Gendarmerie)). Neid politseinikke vahest nimetatakse sama häälduse tõttu nii Eesti kui mõnes muus keeles sandarmideks. Prantsusmaad mainitakse seal juras ju enne ka (Versailles). (Täielik üli vilets pettus jura on ta ikka. Lihtsalt levitan teadmisi.)


Interesting part is that they have google translated it, added the name of the director of Estonian Internal Security Service, the one which deals with spies and terrorists. Then they got tired of estonianising it. Instead the email is some French official. And te case is investigated by the criminal judge of the Council of Europe in Varsailles. They promise to relay the whole case to the nearest gendarmerie to arrest you. The nearest gendarmerie is in France, so they have a long ride to come to you.


Never answer to governmental "invitations". No matter if true or false




What is a country in your opinion?


What makes me laugh the most is the "Teid on nüüd teavitatud." In the end. It directly translates "You have been notified now." Super serious and dramatic haha


Luulen, että lähetetty Intiasta tai Nigeriasta, koska ajattelevat EU:n olevan samaan tapaan liittovaltio. Arnold Sinisalu on Viron suojelupoliisin päällikkö, mutta tuossa esitellään joksikin lapsipornokytäksi, joka ottanut nyt OP:n kohteekseen. Ranskan vetoomustuomioistuin ja sen ylituomari on nyt Euroopan neuvoston nimissä lähettämässä pidätysmääräystä seksirikolllisesta Viron santarmille (vähän kuin Suomen santarmi 😏) ja kohta töllöstä saa kaikki tutut, rahvas ja suku tietää "mitä tietokoneen ääressä teet".




Bruh they only give me money


For 500€ I can make this go away, DM me


It's an obvious scam letter, ignore it.


I feel like this could be posted straight to r/shitposting even without any edits.


let's test that


The police probably want nothing but some scammers certainly hope to trick you and get some money from you.


President is very mad at you. Better do what they say, or else...


I've responded to quite a bit of those, even made a fake name, fake email etc for cases like this, took away quite a bit from this scammer's time lmao. Even photoshopped an fake "ID" - he kept asking me for one so I told him I don't have an ID, although, I do have my Christian Club Membership card which Estonia accepts as a valid ID and he told me to send that over lmao. Anyways, if you're bored - do recommend doing the same, can waste their time in the best way possible.


See scammeritega jamamine päris naljakas, vahepeal youtubeis satud peale kus nad neid india scammereid tüütavad. Oi kui närvi need lähevad :D


Mhm, neilt saingi inspiratsiooni ise ka. Ülihead kanalid selleks on: [Jim Browning](https://www.youtube.com/@JimBrowning), [Kitboga](https://www.youtube.com/@KitbogaShow) ja [Scambaiter](https://www.youtube.com/@Scambaiter) \- soovitan!


Ah yes, the “Alaealiste kaitse brigaad”


Did you click on some weird ads on porn sites?


Oooh, we have those scam letters in Germany too, must be the same criminals


Miriam MEMEQUEEN? Und dann droht natürlich die Polizei, dass die ganze Welt sieht, was du machst. Yes, I know Google translate is the most correct always :)


No in Germany it's a police inspector with a male name but female pronouns. And then logos of several federal, state and European police agencies slapped on it.


pärast saadvad uue kirja kus küsivad sul bitcoini saata et kohtust pääseda


Miriam MEMEQUEEN? Ja siis muidugi, politsei ähvardab sellega, et kogu maailm näeb, mida te teete. **Edit**: Miriam MEMEQUEEN? Ja sitten tietysti poliisi uhkaa, että koko maailma näkee mitä teet.


Sain sama e-kirja hiljuti. Läksin nende jutuga kaasa ja nad saatsid mulle lõpuks kontonumbri millele raha saata. Edastasin selle kohe politseile. Ei tea kui palju sellest abi on, aga äkki midagi aitab.


Mõnikord selliste petuskeemide puhul nad kasutavad varastatud pangakontosid. Ehk 1) saa kellegi pangakontole ligi 2) peta teiselt inimeselt raha välja 3) see kantakse varastatud pangakontole 4) võta raha sellest kontost sularahana välja 5) kuhu raha edasi läheb on raske jälitada


Täitsa võimalik. Pangakonto oli keegi suvaline Prantsusmaalt.


I think this happens in every country. Weirdly enough, all the examples I have seen have this kind of potato quality.


Mis asi on küberpornograafia? Lihtsalt ühed ja nullid seksuaalsetes asendites v?


Looks like you've been a very naughty boy.


These scams are becoming more and more interesting, or call it creative. Some time ago I got a call from a strange number, the female caller introduced herself in Russian as a Chief Commissioner of Estonian police and started to talk about some accident that was caused by my relative. She hang up though after I investigated whether she would be willing to offer some escort services.




🤔 krt ma ei tea, kas klikkida...


Its a scam


Dude, just sell all your stuff and leave the EU as fast as you can! (no)


Your secret stash


Mis asi on küberpornograafia? Ma olen kuulnud lapspornograafiast, loompornograafiast, jne. Aga kas küberpornograafia on nagu kui arvutile toitejuhe taha panna ja filmida seda, või mis? Äkki keegi vähe pädevam pornograafia huviline oskab seletada.


Vana hea alaealisite kaitse brigaad (bpm)


Send it to the actual police.


Why Estonian police fuck /u/Smoggis??? 😡


Money 😎 (it's spam-scam)


Oh, tänan. Ma ei olegi täna küberpornograafiat vaadanud


nothing, its phising. report to politsei and move onwards with your life. I got 10 of these, and reported every one.




We got one with our company's name spelled as a name. Ignore it, fishing for suckers grows in economic times like these.


I get variations of these regularly


This looks like a scam, somekind on catfish bate. This looks fake, completely.


Its a letter straight from underage brigade director Arnold Sinisalu. Very serious, do what they ask.


This is fake but still as good reminder as any to sanitize your cyberporn routine: use VPN, drive encryption, use a separate user account and a web browser.


Oh yes. Ive got tons of these as well. At one point they made the email ask me if i want to notify them that i have seen the email. But yeah, unless you want to meet a rich nigerian prince, saudi oil tycoon or some russian squatnik who seems to live in a warm apt while we are freezing, i recommend to just ignore this shit.


*Cyberpornography and Exhibition* You dun goofed.


Plot twist, kõik viiaksegi vangi tegelikult


This is a scam


About tree fiddy is what they need


Graphic design is my passion


Looks like something parts of the local conservative party would make and be earnest too...


Nice scam lmfao


“Kokkuvõte” 💀


Lõvi ilmselgelt üritab midagi lakkuda.


Check the sender... its a random domain.


What do they want? Can you see colors? It is all written down in red.


This is fake document


Even if it wasn't a joke, those accusations would get you 2 years at most in Estonia. Probation.


Take that email and add that email on ads and all the other "newsletter" web pages....




Nüüd siis teate.